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Debre Berhan University

College of Natural and Computational Sciences

Physics Department

Physics Subject Area Methods II

(PyTM 432)

A Short Lecture Note

Prepared for Summer-In-Service Physics Students

Prepared By:
Gizaw Birhanu

February 23, 2021


1 Course Introduction 5

2 areee 7
2.1 Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Course Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Technology for Physics Teaching 9

3.1 Unit Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 What ICT Can Offer to Physics Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.1 The Concept of ICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.2 The Use of ICT in Physics Class and What Secondary School
Physics Teaching/Learning Gains from its Application . . . . . . 11
3.2.3 What are the Categories of Students Needs from ICT Infused
Physics Classroom? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Planning for the use of ICT in Physics Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Computer Simulations and Multimedia Approaches to Physics . . . . . 17
3.4.1 Types of Simulation in Science Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4.2 Why We Use Computer Simulations In Science Teaching? . . . . 20
3.4.3 Dangers of Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4.4 Safeguards in Using Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.5 The Internet and Web based Physics Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.6 Unit Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Illustrations and Demonstrations 31

4.1 Unit Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2 Summarized Content of the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

5 Topical Teaching I 35
5.1 Unit Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2 Summarized Content of the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

6 Topical Teaching II 39
6.1 Unit Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.2 Summarized Content of the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Chapter 1

Course Introduction

1.1 Background
This is the second course in Physics Subject Area Methods for Secondary School Teach-
ing. As you remember, the first course introduced you with the fundamental consid-
erations needed in teaching physics. This course is going to extend your capacity in
successfully teaching physics in secondary schools of Ethiopia by showing you how to
apply those foundational concepts in actual classroom. At this time you need to get
ready to test the excitement of developing and implementing physics lessons.

While the main focus of this module is on the practical aspect of Physics Subject Area
Methods, you will also learn some more basic concepts. These basic concepts include
the use of technology in teaching physics, visual presentation of physical phenomena
concept and principles without information technology, and students learning diffi-
culties and ways of overcoming them in your physics classrooms.

Obviously, beside being a very important course in your preparation for your future
career, this course will also boost your potential in being versatile in your multimedia
communication skill.

There are four units in this module. These units are comprising the Use of Technology
in Physics Teaching, Designing and use of Illustrations (Graphs, Pictures, etc.) and
Demonstrations in Secondary School Physics.

Your major activity in this course is the exploration of Physics Secondary School Cur-
riculum and the development and practicing of Topical Teaching-in the various parts
of Secondary School Physics. The Physics Subject Content from grade 9 to 12 has been
organized in two parts as Topical Teaching I and II. In the Topical Teaching I, you will
find those topics from Grade 9 to 12 which are traditionally considered as essential
parts of school physics. In the Topical Teaching II, you will also find those specific
topics which are normally considered as challenging for teaching as well as learning.
The excitement in this module comes from the practicing of application of what you
learned in Module I to actual lessons.


Thus, you are expected to work hard here to actually exercise the development, imple-
mentation, and evaluation of physics lessons in both the familiar as well as challenging
physics topics.

1.2 Course Outcomes

After reading through this module and practice all the given activities in this module
you will be able to:

1. Criticize the use of ICT learning designs for Secondary School Physics learning;

2. lUse illustrations with ICT as well as without ICT in their secondary school
physics classes;

3. Comment the effectiveness of the different visual as well as demonstration illus-

trations based on sound research evidences;

4. Plan and conduct effective lessons on all the physics topics in secondary school

5. Identify secondary school students learning difficulties in relation to each spe-

cific area of secondary school physics; and

6. Select and implement appropriate teaching strategies and learning materials for
effective physics lessons in secondary schools.
Chapter 2

Technology for Physics Teaching

2.1 Unit Introduction

In addition to supplementing for the low level of laboratory facility in developing
countries to secondary school students, ICT has a list of benefit to offer. Learning
physics with ICT makes inaccessible phenomena real and tangible to the student and
at the same time gives the student the chance of learning the 21st century skills to
mention some. To realize these, the physics teacher should be familiar with ICT, be
able to select appropriate ones, implement them in teaching physics and manage stu-
dent learning with them. This unit provides a detailed introduction of using ICT for
physics teaching. The unit contains six sub units in which you will learn about the
purposes of using ICT in secondary school physics, the identification of the various
easily available ICT facility, the way of planning and implementing computer assisted
physics instruction, your roles as a physics teacher in using ICT, and some research
findings and suggestions about ICT use in physics class. To be proficient in ICT use
in physics teaching and help your students become well versed with ICT you need to
understand and extend all issues discussed in this unit and check your learning by
working on the activities and assignments in this unit.

2.2 What ICT Can Offer to Physics Teaching

2.2.1 The Concept of ICT
Before discussing why you need to use ICT in your physics class and what secondary
school physics teaching/learning gains from the application of ICT, let us discuss some
dictionary definitions of the concepts Information-Communication-Technology (writ-
ten as ICT - in short). The following definitions are from the online Merriam-Webster
Dictionary (


1. the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence


2. (a) knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction

(b) intelligence, news
(c) facts, data.

3. the attribute inherent in and communicated by one of two or more alternative

sequences or arrangements of something (as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits
in a computer program) that produce specific effects

4. (a) a signal or character (as in a communication system or computer) represent-

ing data
(b) something (as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies
change in a construct (as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental
experience or another construct


1. an act or instance of transmitting

2. information transmitted or conveyed; a verbal or written message

3. a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a

common system of symbols, signs, or behavior


1. the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area eg. medical


2. a capability given by the practical application of knowledge eg. fuel-saving tech-


3. a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods,

or knowledge eg. new technologies for information storage.

4. the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor eg. educational technol-


When the sprites of these definitions are viewed with the technology in use today, you
will find more concepts being used together with ICT. The digital technology is the
one which comes in the first place in our mind when we are thinking of ICT. Thus, the
use of digital technology brings about the concept of Information Technology (IT).

In relation to the discussion of the use of ICT in physics education, Adeyemo S. A.,
(2010) describes information technology (IT) as a technology concerned with ”the
use of electronic computes and computer soft ware to convert, store, protect process,
transmit and retrieved information”. Thus, IT is defined as the study or use of elec-
tronic equipments, especially computers for storing, analyzing, and sending out in-

There is also another concept popping up in the discourse of ICT now-a-days. This
term is Communications Technology. Communications technology is the process of
sending, receiving and exchanging information.

Now, combining all these terms in the sprit of digital communication technology, we
find our major concern in this unit, Information Communications Technology, ICT.

ICT is, therefore, a generic term referring to technologies, which are being used for
collecting, storing editing and passing on information in various forms.

ICT, as defined in the Information & Communication Technology Sector Strategy Pa-
per of the World Bank Group (April 2002), consists of hardware, software, networks,
and media for collection, storage, processing, transmission, and presentation of infor-
mation (voice, data, text, images).

2.2.2 The Use of ICT in Physics Class and What Secondary School
Physics Teaching/Learning Gains from its Application
Information and communication technology in education can be understood as the
application of digital equipment to all aspects of teaching and learning. It is present
in almost all schools in advanced countries and it is of growing influence in develop-
ing countries.

For example, one aspect of technology use in our schools involves the satellite televi-
sion programs (which you usually call as the ”plasma program”). In addition, now-a-
days, it is a common practice that physics teachers (and also others) use computers to
write, edit and produce teaching notes, examinations, and other exercise materials in
both primary and secondary schools. Many students in the well to do private schools
and a sizable number of students in government schools are using their smart-phones
to exchange information regarding their school subjects including physics.

It is clear that you are actually using technology to learn physics even if it is at a very
basic level.

ICTs are providing an array of powerful tools that may help in transforming the
present isolated teacher-centered and text-bound classrooms into rich, student–focused,
interactive knowledge environment.

Researchers and educators agreed that the implementation of ICT infused classroom
instruction has several benefits.

In the following box you will find some of the agreed upon benefits of introducing
ICT in physics (or any science) class.

Physics in general and particularly school physics is regarded as a very practical sub-

ject which involves doing things, measurement and finding relationships between
measured quantities. What happens (at least supposed to happen) in physics class-
rooms is the activity of observing, measuring, communicating and discussing, trying
things out, investigating, handling things, watching and monitoring, recording re-
sults, etc.

As much as physics is a practical discipline, it also has theoretical aspects. In this as-
pect of physics, students in physics class are expected to engage in thinking, inferring,
having good ideas and hunches, hypothesizing, theorizing, simulating and modeling.

Physics education researchers, who critically investigated the learning of physics by

students indicated that these physics learning activities do frequently involve the
representation of nature in different modalities. Not only that, but their activities
in physics class require frequent transformation from one form of representation to
other. Angell, Guttersrud, Henriksen, & Isnes, (2004) from their study of views of
high school students and their teachers had concluded that this representation and
transformation of physics knowledge is the prime difficulty students face in learning
physics. They also reiterated Angell et. al’s claim saying ‘students find physics diffi-
cult because they have to contend with different representations such as experiments,
formulas and calculations, graphs, and conceptual explanations at the same time.

Physics learning is not restricted to cognitive learning of abstract and difficult con-
cepts, different scholars are also arguing that the aim of teaching physics should be
broadened. I hope you remember what you have learned about the aim of physics
(science) instruction in the first module. While the learning of concepts, laws, prin-
ciples and theories of physics is very important to a minority of students who will
choose career in or related to physics, more transferable skills are desirable for the
general population of students studying physics. Such skills are: taking informed
responsibility (personal and social), ability of planning, critical thinking, and creativ-
ity in solving problems, experimentation and systematic use of data, communication
skills via multimedia, and several manipulative skills (use of computers, measuring
devices, and sensors). The use of ICT in physics class strengthen these skills and help

students develop skills needed in the 21st century career and life.

ICT integration is the use of technological resources – computers, internet, e-mail,

digital cameras, cd-roms, software applications, electronic publications, data logging
devices, etc. in daily physics classroom practices to make students learn physics. As
discussed above ICT has a lot to do in physics class. However, at this point you should
be aware of that it is not just one or the other aspect of ICT that the integration refers
to, but it is the whole ever expanding ICT systems and gadgets that I am we need to
incorporate in our physics teaching. Jerry Wellington (2000) summarized some of the
potential uses of ICT in science (physics) classrooms. You find this in the Table 1.1

So far you have seen that the integration of ICT in our physics classroom has a lot to
offer for the teaching learning process.

But, mind you, ICT does not teach physics and therefore does not replace our role as
physics teachers. Rather it transforms and enhances our role from that of direct in-
structor role (information source) to the learning manager and facilitator.

When we are using ICT in our physics classrooms we no more teach physics, we man-
age students self-learning of physics by identifying resources and giving important
guidance about where to find, how to use, and how to construct physics knowledge.
In ICT integrated physic class students will develop new needs beside the learning of
facts, laws, principles, etc of physics. Once in such a class, they slowly get ride of their
transmission demand and be aware of the of freedom from the limitations of a single
source of information (the teacher). And therefore, they start to take responsibility for
their own learning and demand us, physics teachers, to satisfy their learning needs.

2.2.3 What are the Categories of Students Needs from ICT Infused
Physics Classroom?
Students need in ICT infused physics classroom can be categorized into four groups.

First, they need opportunities to find things out from variety of sources, select & syn-
thesize information to meet their needs and developing an ability to question its ac-
curacy, bias and plausibility. For example they seek information using the internet,
using CD-ROMs, e-books, using databases synthesizing their own reports using ap-
propriate software.

Secondly, they wish to develop their ideas using ICT tools to amend and refine their
work and enhance its quality and accuracy. They want to upgrade their work and cor-
rect errors using spell and grammar checkers and redraft reports, using data-loggers.

In the third place, they seek for opportunities to exchange and share information, both
directly and through electronic media (e.g. discuss information and write e-mails).

They may still wish to review, modify and evaluate their work, reflecting critically on
its quality, as it progresses. E.g. Discussion with others about redrafting and evaluat-
ing material.

2.3 Planning for the use of ICT in Physics Class

How best ICT can be utilized and managed in any school is not something the teacher
can decide only by himself/herself. Unfortunately, in schools as with any organiza-
tion containing human beings, there are a lot of vested interests, power struggles and
micro politics at work (Wellington, 2000). Because of such inconvenient classroom
organizations that may exist, it usually requires enormous effort to make the room
suitable for use. Nevertheless, you need to make careful planning for successful and
fruitful use of ICT in your class.

J.Wellington advises teachers to ask these questions for successful implementation of

ICT in their schools perspectives.

• Which factors in their school promote and enhance ICT use in science?

• Which factors act as a barrier or impediment?

– The logistics of the school,

– Resoures and their location
– The role and attitude of the school ICT coordinator
– School policies and attitudes to ICT
– Home background, e.g. home access to ICT

You as a physics teacher may not be in a position to decide where ICT resources should
be situated or which items should be bought. However, you can still plan to make best
use of the available ICT facilities you find in your school to the maximum capacity it
can be possible with the existing conditions and constraints in your school.

In the better chance of schools reality where some available resource is there, the issue
with physics teachers will be: Where is ICT best deployed, e.g. in the physics labora-
tory, computer room, the library, or the classroom. Again, Wellington illustrates the
merits and demerits of computers in classrooms versus computers in computer rooms.
The following table is an extract and adaptation from Wellington (2000).

When you plan to integrate ICT in your physics teaching you need to take into ac-
count what ICT resources you have and where you have them as discussed above. In
addition, you have to take serious consideration of the level of ICT integration that
will be possible to you as allowed by your school reality.

There are basically five stages of ICT integration in education in general, and physics
education in particular. These are Entry phase, Adoption phase, Adaption phase,
Appropriation phase and Invention phase.

There are generally three approaches to the planning of ICT use in physics education.

These are: Integrated approach, Enhancement approach and Complementary ap-


All the three approaches can help students learn physics and have better attainment.
However, the mechanisms by which they attain this are different.

Integrated approach planning the use of ICT within the subject to enhance particular
concepts and skills and improve students’ attainment. This involves a careful and con-
sidered review of the curriculum area, selecting the appropriate ICT resource which
will contribute to the aims and objectives of the curriculum and scheme of work, and
then integrating that use in relevant lessons. Here, students’ learning is enhanced
because they are confronted with challenges to their existing knowledge and given
deeper insights into the subject being studied.

Enhancement approach planning the use of an ICT resource which will enhance
the existing topic through some aspect of the lessons and tasks. For example, us-
ing an electronic whiteboard for presenting theory about a topic. In this approach,
the teacher plans to complement the lesson with an innovative presentation method
to promote class discussion and the visualization of problems. The enhancement ap-
proach could improve students’ learning through presenting knowledge in new ways,
promoting debates among students, and encouraging them to formulate their own ex-

Complementary approach using an ICT resource to empower the pupils’ learning,

for example by enabling them to improve their class work by taking notes on the
computer, or by sending homework by email to the teacher from home, or by word
processing their homework. This approach draws on the approach that suggests that
learning can be enhanced by reducing the mundane and repetitive aspects of tasks
such as writing essays and homework by hand, freeing the learner to focus on more
challenging and subject-focused tasks.

Dear student, now you have several choices to make as you decide to plan to use ICT
in your physics education. So far the different considerations you need to make are all

At last here are the practical planning issues you need to address once you made your
mind as to what and how you wanted to use ICT. These tips are those trusted by Mar-
garet Cox (in Monk and Osborne, 2000).

2.4 Computer Simulations and Multimedia Approaches

to Physics
Obviously there are a number of different ways for using ICT in your physics teaching.
Some of these are word processors, spreadsheets, databases, internet, simulations, and

In this part of the module we concentrate on the most interesting way for teaching
physics which is easily accessible to you. That is about Simulations.

Physics Simulations are the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or

system over time via a computer software.

These simulations are developed on the bases of models of real phenomena to mimic
the behavior (process).

Models represent the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected physical or ab-
stract system or process. The model represents the system itself, whereas the simula-
tion represents the operation of the system over time.

2.4.1 Types of Simulation in Science Education

It is useful to make some fairly crude distinctions between types of simulation which
should act as a rough guide:

1. direct copies of existing laboratory activities, (Example: Semiconductor band-

width measurement);

2. simulations of industrial processes (Example: Hydroelectric dam, bridge build-


3. simulations of processes either:

• too dangerous (Example: nuclear fusion);

• or too slow (Example: radioactive decay of carbon-14, revolution of the
• or too fast Example: collisions,
• or too small (Example: sub-atomic changes to be carried out in a school or
college environment

4. simulations involving non-existent entities (Example: ideal gases, frictionless

surfaces, perfectly elastic objects);

5. simulation of models or theories (Example: kinetic theory, the wave model of


According to Siorenta, A. and Jimoyiannis, A., (2008), Simulations in physics educa-

tion offer students the opportunity of access to nature, support understanding, Sup-
port conceptions, and multiple expression.

They further briefly discuss these saying:

• Access, visualize and investigate dynamic phenomena and situations which are,
otherwise, difficult to experience in a classroom or lab setting, because they are
extremely complex, difficult, dangerous, unethical, money- or time-consuming,
happen too fast or very slowly, and so forth;

• Support a qualitative understanding of complex systems of the real physical

world simplifying natural systems and enhancing with conceptual tools.

• Develop students’ conceptual understanding about phenomena and laws through

an active process of making hypotheses, testing ideas, isolating and manipu-
lating parameters, interpreting data and, finally, achieving meaningful under-

• Express their own representations and mental models about concepts and real
world phenomena through employing a variety of representations. By using sim-
ulations, for instance, students may vary a selection of input parameters, observe
the extent to which each individual parameter affects the system under study,
and interpret the output results through an active process of hypothesis making
and ideas testing. Alternatively, they can explore combinations of parameters
and observe their effect on the evolvement of the natural system under study.

The effectiveness of physics simulations are granted by their instructiveness, fewer

errors, personalizability, transparency, achievability, and searchableness.

The efficient nature is discerned from simulations being: Faster, Cheaper, Fewer Steps,
Less People, Less Paper work.

For example, without purchasing sophisticated laboratory equipments, you can have
as many simulations as you wish on every students’ desk.

Those students, manipulating the input variables, without taking time to setup the
apparatus, can start observing how the refraction angle changes with the change of
refractive index, for example.

Once again, innovative characteristics of simulations are realized from the new pro-
duction of them time after time, based on physics education research and new soft-

Besides, new techniques of doing things are inherent in ICT. For example, in the re-
fraction experiment mentioned below, you can get read of the limitation due to con-
finement to change of medium now and then, to continuously changing the refractive
index of a medium using the mouse and curser.

Figure 2.1: Physics simulation sample from PHET


2.4.2 Why We Use Computer Simulations In Science Teaching?

Now here are some particularly applicable benefits of using simulations in your physics
teaching. The main advantages of using simulations can be summarized as follows:
• Cost: money can be saved in directly copying some laboratory experiments, ei-
ther by reducing outlay on consumables, e.g. chemicals, test-tubes, batteries, or
by removing the need to buy increasingly costly equipment in the first place (for
example detectors).

• Time: using a computer simulation instead of a genuine practical activity may

save time, although some teachers are finding that a good computer simulation
in which students fully explore all the possibilities may take a great deal longer.

• Safety: some activities simply cannot be carried out in a school setting because
they are unsafe.

• Motivation: there is a feeling, though with little evidence to support it, that com-
puter simulations motivate students in physics education more than traditional
practical work.

• Control: the use of a simulation allows ease of control of variables, which tra-
ditional school practical work does not. This may lead to unguided discovery
learning by students who are encouraged to explore and hypothesize for them-

• Management: last, but certainly not least, computer simulations offer far fewer
management problems to physics teachers than do many traditional activities.
Problems of handing out equipment, collecting it back again, and guarding against
damage and theft are removed at a stroke. Problems of supervision, timing and
clearing up virtually disappear.

2.4.3 Dangers of Simulation

Of course everything has good side and bad side. What are the dangers in using com-
puter simulations in physics teaching? The main dangers of using simulations lie in
the hidden messages they convey, classified as follows:

• Variables: simulations give students the impression that variables in a physical

process can be easily, equally, and independently controlled. This message is
conveyed by simulations of industrial processes, ecological systems, and labo-
ratory experiments. In reality not all variables in a physical situation can be as
easily, equally, and as independently controlled as certain simulations suggest.

• Unquestioned models, facts and assumptions: every simulation is based on a

certain model of reality. Users are only able to manipulate factors and variables
within that model. They cannot tamper with that model itself. Moreover, they
are neither encouraged nor able to question its validity. The model is hidden
from the user. All simulations are based on certain assumptions. These are

often embedded in the model itself. What are these assumptions? Are they ever
revealed to the user? All simulations rely on certain facts, or data. Where do
these facts come from? What sources have been used?

• Caricatures of reality: any model is an idealization of reality, i.e. it ignores cer-

tain features in order to concentrate on others. Some idealizations are worse than
others. In some cases, a model may be used of a process not fully understood.
Other models may be deceptive, misleading or downright inaccurate; they pro-
vide caricatures of reality, rather than representations of it.

• Confusion with reality: students are almost certain to confound the program-
mer’s model of reality with reality itself - such is the current power and potency
of the computer, at least until its novelty as a learning aid wears off. Students
may then be fooled into thinking that because they can use and understand a
model of reality they can also understand the more complex real phenomena
it represents or idealizes. Perhaps more dangerously, the ’micro world’ of the
computer creates a reality of its own. The world of the micro, the keyboard
and the VDU can assume its own reality in the mind of the user – a reality far
more alluring and manageable than the complicated and messy world outside.
The ’scientific world’ presented in computer simulations may become as attrac-
tive and addictive as the micro worlds of arcade games as noted by Weizenbaum
(1984). and Turkle (1984).

• Double idealizations: all the dangers and hidden messages discussed so far be-
come increasingly important in a simulation which uses a computer model of a
scientific model or scientific theory which itself is an idealization of reality, i.e.
the idealization involved in modeling is doubly dangerous in simulations which
involve a model of a model. A simulation of kinetic theory, for example, is itself
based on a model of reality.

2.4.4 Safeguards in Using Simulations

Given that physics teachers will continue to use simulations, what safeguards can be
taken to reduce these dangers?

First, all teachers and, through them, students, must be fully conscious that the models
they use in a computer simulation are personal, simplified and perhaps value-laden
idealizations of reality. Models are made by man, or woman. Students must be taught
to examine and questions these models.

Second, the facts, data, assumptions and even the model itself which are used by the
programmer must be made clear and available to the user.

This can be done in a teacher’s guide, or the documentation with the program. All
sources of data should be stated and clearly referenced. Any student using a simula-
tion can then be taught to examine and question the facts, assumptions and models
underlying it.

2.5 The Internet and Web based Physics Instruction

The use of internet is rapidly increasing these days in the general public with the ad-
vent of mobile phones. Specially, it is popular with the youth.

The use of the internet among the youth is not limited to educational reasons, but it is
far more than that.

Actually, studies show that only about 1 in 10 internet user secondary school students
use it for educational purpose.

Majority of them preferred entertainment as the goal of internet.

Thus, dear student you have to be aware the fact that far more students than you might
expect are using the internet. So, what you are now going to do is to use this familiar
and most liked medium for teaching physics.

Internet in educational environments has two aspects: the internet and the intranet.

An Intranet is essentially an Internet contained within an organization such as a school,

college or a university.

Internet defines the technologies available for external communication, whereas the
Intranet is the application of these technologies within an organization.

It is situated in the educational organization to serve specific educational purposes of

that institution. However, being a subset of the internet, it also shares some universal
features of the internet.

Some of these characteristics of the Intranet are:

• Contained. An Intranet typically is a local area network (LAN) or a Wide Area

Network (WAN) within an organization.

• Shielded. An Intranet offers the ”common language” of the Internet without the
loss of privacy of the Internet.

• Gated. An Intranet can be connected via gateways to selected Internet content

or access.

• Functional. An Intranet is a fully operational network for organization-wide

communication, information, and interaction

Using these features of an intranet schools can use it for web-based instruction to facil-
itate student-teacher or student-to-student interaction via e-mails, distributing teach-
ing notes, assignments, and other information to students, collaborative tasks and
submission of assignments, communications of comments and results on students’

tasks etc.

However, the building up of such systems in schools requires some investment which,
apparently is beyond the capacity of our secondary schools.
The Internet is a vast resource bank and communication system.

Therefore, we use the internet for one of these two reasons: communication or infor-

Communication, in educational settings, via the internet may have one of the four

The first one to which you and your students are very much familiar with is the e-mail.
Communication between students and teachers as well students with other students
and also with any other recognized or unrecognized collaborator can be done by send-
ing e-mails.

For this the people communicating should have the address with whom they are com-

For example, a teacher may give his/her e-mail address to the class so that students
will submit their assignment work electronically at a specified time frame.

It is also possible that the teacher will respond via the same means the comments and
evaluation he/she has on students’ work. In addition to this, a physics teacher can
distribute files containing assignments, physics note, or any enrichment resource for
the classroom physics instruction via e-mail to each and every student in the class.
The second communication is by using common resource box to which every partici-
pant (students and teachers) have the permission (access code) to use.

For example the DROPBOX is one such free access mechanism in which you can ex-
change information with text, photo, or video contents by putting them in the virtual
box. In this case communication will be open to every member of the group who has
access to that DROPBOX address.

The teacher (it is also possible for the student) do not have to notify or send e-mail to
every student to inform that a new material is added to the box. The provider for the
virtual box will automatically notifies everybody with whom that address is shared.
With such a manner, textbooks, reference materials, assignment worksheets, experi-
mental data, etc can be shared with students and between students.

The third way of communication in physics education via the internet is through bul-
letin boards and websites.

The teacher may develop a website for the subject (course) he/she is teaching and put

every resource in it and having a dedicated place for communication information in

the website.

Then, the address of the website may be given to students at the beginning of the
semester and students will be encouraged to visit the site frequently.

Attaching to the website such facilities as chat-rooms and messengers, the physics
teacher may create on-time and off-time communication with students.

The last but not least method is direct communication via video conferencing facilities
and such communication systems like SKYPE.

The facility for video conferencing might be expensive to our secondary schools and
therefore, the use of it seems out of question to the physics teacher.

However, more or less the same service can be secured via Skype. Communication via
the Skype is just like communication via telephone except that here in addition there
is a video communication in it.

This additional feature makes Skype very voluble communication mechanism for a
physics teacher who has something to communicate to his students in their absence.

For instance, the teacher might secure permission to use the physics laboratory or a
facility in the physics laboratory in a nearby university.

However, the access permission he/she got may not include his students. In that case,
using Skype she can broadcast the experiment she is conducting in the laboratory that
may demonstrate a very interesting physics phenomenon to the students in her class.

Mind you, Skype is not a one way communication system, while observing the exper-
iment on progress and the teacher’s explanation, students can ask questions and give
suggestions to the teacher about the experiment. Thus, in this way something which
is not accessible to all or some of the students can be made available to them while
still involving them in time.

As noted above, the second use we have for internet is information search.

In this respect you can claim that the internet has almost infinite capacity to supply
information in almost everything.

Thus, you as a physics teacher can have a huge resource at your finger tips which can
miraculously change your physics teaching career.

The simplest thing you do with the internet as an information source is to ask for the
meaning of a term or phrase.

Automatically a huge number of dictionaries and encyclopedias will be available to

you with the meaning of the word or phrase you asked for. Some of the sources, such
as the Wikipedia even go beyond just the definition of the term and provide you with
reasonably detailed discussion of the concept.

But, as you have already experienced it, the internet is not limited to the discussion of
concepts, but far more diverse utilities are provided by it. When physics teachers are
asked they give long list of services they secure from the internet as an information
source which can be loosely put in to one or the other of the following.

2.6 Unit Summary

• Information and communication technology in education can be understood as
the application of digital equipment to all aspects of teaching and learning.

• Technology is revolutionizing the way we think, work and play.

• Technology enables teachers to provide multiple representations of content (im-

ages, graphs, diagrams, tables) and multiple options for expression (multimedia,
power point).

• Computer technology changes traditional classroom instructional techniques.

• Computers enable students to process the information via multiple intelligences.

• ICT integration helps to achieve 21st Century Skills in Students that will help
them in their future career and lifelong learning.

• ICT in Physics Learning helps to Achieve 21st Century Skills in Students.

• ICT integration is the use of technological resources – computers, internet, e-

mail, digital cameras, cd-roms, software applications, electronic publications,
data logging devices, etc. in daily physics classroom practices to make students
learn physics.

• Some potential uses and applications of ICT in science (Physics) Education are:
Word processing/desk-top publishing, Databases and spreadsheets, Communi-
cations, Interactive media (CD, Internet, Video-disc etc), Control (data logging),
Simulations and modeling, Data-logging, Graphics (Spreadsheet, Power point).

• ICT for physics teaching can be in either of the two approaches: computer to the
classroom or class to the computer room.

• In planning ICT for physics teaching the physics teacher should keep the follow-
ing pedagogical benefits: Active learning, collaborative learning, creative learn-
ing, integrative learning, evaluative learning.

• The levels of integration of ICT in physics teaching can be at Entry phase, Adop-
tion phase, Adaption phase, Appropriation phase, and Invention phase.

• The three approaches to the planning of ICT use in physics education are inte-
grated approach, Enhancement approach, and Complementary approach.

• Ten Golden Rules of planning ICT in physics education can be summarized in

terms of the key terms: Identify, Select, ensure, plan, plan, decide, introduce,
intersperse, allow, and allocate.

• Physics Simulations are the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or

system over time via a computer software.

• Use of simulations is appropriate when the experiment is: unsafe, too long, very
variable, too expensive, and impossible for a school laboratory.

• Physics simulations could be direct copies of existing laboratory activities, sim-

ulations of industrial processes, simulations of too dangerous, too slow, too fast,
too small processes, simulations of non-existent entities, or models of theories.

• Physics simulations when used in physics teaching should give access to the stu-
dent, develop students’ conceptual understanding, and help students express
their mental models.

• Main advantages of using simulations can be cost, time, safety, motivation, con-
trol, and management.

• The main dangers of using simulations lie in the hidden messages they convey,
classified as: variables, unquestioned models, facts and assumptions, caricatures
of reality, confusion with reality, and double idealizations.

• In educational environment, ICT for communication can be via internet and in-
tranet. Intranet is used and managed within a school or educational organiza-
tion where as internet is used for more global communication and information

• Internet use for physics education can be for e-mail communication, shared re-
source boxes, bulletin boards and websites, and direct communication via video
conferencing and Skype.

• The internet provides: Discussion and description of physics terms and con-
cepts; important articles and reviews related to physical phenomena; Physics
curricular materials such as different syllabi, lesson plans; reference books and
materials, worksheets, exams, etc.; Pedagogical suggestions and illustrations;
Lessons on different physics topics mostly with multimedia; Courses in peda-
gogy, assessment, or physics education research; Teaching/learning aids such as
physics simulations; Data and data base regarding some physics phenomena;
Long list of physics related websites for collaborative work of any kind; and etc.

• In ICT based physics teaching, given the learner centered nature of the construc-
tivist model, the physics teacher plays the role of task designer and knowledge

• As a task designer, the physics teacher sets learning goals, selects evaluating ICT
applications, sets up conducive learning environments and learning contexts,
promotes and guides students in collaborative learning, gives more options for

• Research in ICT use in physics teaching focuses on the impact of ICT in stu-
dents learning of physics, exploration of the various tools and methods ICT for
presenting physics, teachers views in the use of ICT, and special uses of ICT to
facilitate lesson deliveries.

Reading Materials for the Unit

• Adeyemo S. A., (2010). The Impact of Information and Communication Tech-
nology (ICT) On Teaching and Learning of Physics. International Journal of Ed-
ucational Research and Technology, Vol 1 (2), 48 – 59.

• Aina, J. K., (2009). Integration of ICT into Physics Learning to Improve Students’
Academic Achievement: Problems and Solutions. Open Journal of Education,
1(4): 117-121, DOI: 10.12966/oje.07.01.2013.

• Angell, C., Guttersrud, Ø., Henriksen, E. K. & Isnes, A. (2004). Physics: Fright-
ful, but fun, Pupils’ and teachers’ views of physics and physics teaching. Science
Education, 88, 683 – 706.

• Cox, Margare. (2000) Information and Communications Technologies: their role

and value for science education, in Monk, Martin and J. Osborne (eds.) Good

Practice in Science Teaching: What research has to say. Open University Press,
Philadelphia (pp. 190-207).

• Demirci, N. (2010). The Effect of Web-Based Homework on University Students’

Physics Achievements. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology,
9(4), 156-161.

• Finkelstein, N., Adams, W., Keller, C., Perkins, K., Wieman, C and the Education
Technology Project Team. (2006). HighTech Tools for Teaching Physics: the
Physics Education Technology Project. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and
Teaching, 2 (3), 110-120.

• Finkelstein, Noah (2006) HighTech Tools for Teaching Physics: the Physics Ed-
ucation Technology Project. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
2(3), 110-121.

• Kong, S.C., et al., (eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the 17th International Confer-
ence on Computers in Education [CDROM]. Hong Kong: Asia-Pacific Society for
Computers in Education.

• Lunetta, V. and Avi Hofstein, (1991) Simulation and Laboratory Practical Activ-
ity, in B. Woolnogh (Ed) Practical Science. Open University Press, Buckingham.

• Meisner, Gerald, Harol Hoffman, and Mike Turner, (2008). Learning Physics in
a Virtual Environment: Is There Any?. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 2(2), 87-102.

• Ornek, F., W. R. Robinson, and M.P. Haugan (2008). What makes physics diffi-
cult? International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 3(1), 30-34.

• Park, HyeRan , Khan, Samia and Petrina, Stephen (2009). ICT in Science Educa-
tion: A quasiexperimental study of achievement, attitudes toward science, and
career aspirations of Korean middle school students. International Journal of
Science Education, 31: 8, 993 — 1012.

• Siorenta, A. and Jimoyiannis, A., (2008). Physics instruction in secondary schools:

An investigation of teachers’ beliefs towards physics laboratory and ICT. Re-
search in Science & Technological Education, 26: 2, 185 — 202

• Soong, B.& Mercer, N. (2009). Using ICT to Improve Students’ Revision of

Physics Concepts through Co-construction and Prescriptive Tutoring: Results
of a Pilot Study. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.),Proceedings of World Con-
ference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009
(pp. 1880-1889).

• Storey, M. A., Phillips, B., Maczewski, M., and Wang, M., Evaluating the Usabil-
ity of Web-based Learning Tools.

• Tasouris, C. (2009) Investigating Physics teachers’ beliefs about the use of ICT in
Cyprus. Educate Special Issue, 48-61.

• UNESCO, (2004). ICT and pedagogy: A review of the research literature. UN-
ESCO office.

• Wellington Jerry, (2000) Teaching and Learning Secondary Science: Contempo-

rary issues and practical approaches. Routledge, London and New York.

• World Bank. (2002). Information and Communication Technology Sector Strat-

egy Paper, April 2002.
Chapter 3

Illustrations and Demonstrations

3.1 Unit Introduction

Physics is mostly considered as a mathematical subject.

However, the concepts, laws and principles of physics require intensive use of visual

While most of the visual representations a physics teacher draw are those which are
commonly used by practicing physicists, some of the diagrams are those which are
mainly for pedagogical reasons. Physics education researchers also introduced new
forms of visualization instruments such as concept maps and concept cartoons.
Visualizations do not only come by way of diagrams and pictures, however demonstra-
tions with real laboratory equipments and with simulations are also very important
visualizations of physics concepts and principles.

All these visualization tools and methods require the physics teacher to understand
the techniques of developing and using them.

Dear student, in this unit you will learn about the visual communication of physics
to secondary school students. These include from use of chalkboard to the computer

It is tried to present the various physics visualizations in five sections focusing on

those which are critical to physics teaching in secondary schools.

Practical exercises for collaborative and individual learning are also included to facil-
itate your study of the material in this unit.

3.2 Summarized Content of the Unit

• Since different kinds of writing boards are found in schools nowadays, the term
chalkboard is in use instead of blackboard.


• A physics teacher needs to demonstrate the making of good physics note and
problem solving skills using the chalkboard.

• Always using the chalkboard to give notes to students in physics class is not
recommended as other better ways exist.

• In physics class, the chalkboard may contain title, list of objectives, key terms,
summery of discussion, non-textual visual elements.

• A physics teacher is expected to use variety of diagrams in physics teaching and

encourage students to use these diagrams in their physics problem solving.

• The diagrams a physics teacher is expected to draw and use in physics teaching
include vectors, motion diagrams, graphs, schematic diagrams, force diagrams,
free body diagrams, energy diagrams, momentum pictures, ray diagrams, circuit
diagrams, field diagrams, wave plots, phase diagrams, energy level diagrams,

• The most important rule of drawing diagrams in physics class on chalkboard or

on paper is that it must be visible, correct, and attractive.

• A concept map is a special kind of thinking (metacognitive) tool. Its purpose is

to relate concepts to one another as a hierarchy which, at the same time, should
display their relationships in a scientifically valid form.

• Concept maps help in showing relationships between physics concepts and demon-
strate to students in making mental pictures about the various physics concepts.

• Most commonly, physics teachers use them as aids for planning, instructing,
reviewing, and assessing a unit in physics class.

• Physics teachers and scientists alike, use graphs to visually represent data, to
summarize huge data, to study trends, to revile underlying principles, and also
as standards.

• There are basically two kinds of graphs in secondary school physics: theoreti-
cal graphs and empirical graphs. The formers represent relationships between
variables where as the later represent data from experiment.

• For hand drawn graphs (graphs on chalkboard) using drawing aids like a chalk-
board ruler and a protractor is essential where as using software to plot as well
as generate graphs are very helpful.

• In addition to diagrams and graphs physics concepts and principles can be illus-
trated to students with demonstration experiments with real or virtual tools.

• Demonstrations can be used for motivational purpose, set the agenda of the les-
son, illustrate concepts and relationships between concepts, reconstruct physical
relationships, synthesis of ideas, and help for revision of a topic taught.

• To plan an efficient and effective demonstration re-quires extensive organization

and consideration of certain key points.
Chapter 4

Topical Teaching I

4.1 Unit Introduction

This unit deals with specific recommendations for the teaching of secondary school
physics topics.

The topics included hear are those topics which are commonplace in any physics
teaching. Therefore, the focus here is in identifying the curriculum demands students
learning needs, some strategic teaching approaches, and lesson designs specific to the
topics of grade 9 and 10 physics. These topics addressed here include the teaching of
measurement and vectors, kinematics, force and Newton’s laws, impulse, momentum,
energy, rotational motion and dynamics, electrostatics and electric circuits.

Dear student, under each subtopic focusing on certain topic from either grade 9 or
grade 10, you have different individual and group activities.

The activities are aiming at helping you to get familiar with the secondary school
physics content, learning outcomes, students’ difficulties and the resources needed to
teach the topics. For successfully learning in this unit, you need to have curricular
documents that either your instructor will present to you or that you can easily down-
load from the website

You need both elementary and secondary school physics syllabi. The outcomes of
the activities, while being evaluated and recorded for your final grading they are also
important products for your reference in your future carrier. Thus, it is mandatory
that you actively get involved in all the activities and I strongly advise you to keep a
copy of any written report for yourself.

4.2 Summarized Content of the Unit

• Most of the secondary physics is familiar to students because it refers to common
phenomena and that which is introduced in elementary curricula.


• Measurement, vectors, motion, force, energy, electricity, magnetism, are com-

mon topics covered in secondary school physics.

• Students have some degree of familiarity with these topics and also have devel-
oped conceptions which are not usually in agreement with the scientific inter-
pretation of phenomena.

• Students learning difficulties in these common topics arise from the curriculum,
the textbook, from the teacher, the teaching method, and from their experience.

• Use of symbols is one of the problem students have in learning about physical

• Vectors and scalars are confusing to students because of the definitions we use
to introduce them to students.

• Students think that vectors do not translate and if a vector is drawn at another
place, it is a different vector for them.

• Students do not differentiate between position, velocity, and acceleration.

• Acceleration is usually assumed by students as being associated with only speed-

ing up and down.

• Some of the terms used in kinematics cause students problems to interpret them.

• Students’ conceptions about motion and force are usually similar to the Aris-
totelian conception of motion.

• Many students believe that force causes motion instead of change in motion.

• Many students believe that only animate objects can exert forces. They don’t
believe that a table exerts an upward force on an object; the table simply “gets in
the way” of the object wanting to fall.

• Multiple representations of physics knowledge and providing opportunity to get

familiar with phenomena (real as well as virtual) are recommended to make
learning simpler when dealing with the common topics.

• Kinematic concepts can be presented experimentally, verbally, diagrammatically,

pictorially, graphically, and mathematically.

• Creating opportunities to students to confront their misconceptions when learn-

ing about common physics topics is necessary as usually the misconceptions are
kept in students conceptions and dominate their interpolations of phenomena
unless directly addressed.

• Almost always, conventional physics teaching resulted on perfect memorization

of the statements of conservation laws, students still go to universities and grad-
uate without actually having basic understanding of the concepts of momentum
and energy.

• The two concepts, energy and momentum, are not self evidence concepts from
students everyday experience.

• The way these concepts are introduced and defined in lower classes always cause
problems in students understanding of the concepts momentum and energy.

• Making careful inventory of the curriculum and curricular materials and mak-
ing necessary rearrangement of content are recommended to deal with some of
the learning difficulties associated with concepts of momentum, impulse, and

• Momentum diagrams and energy models are very helpful tools of teaching about
momentum and energy.

• Analogy teaching is recommended to teach about rotational dynamics.

• Most physics curricula gives the larger portion of curricular time to the topics of
electrostatics and electric circuits.

• However, students understanding of basic concepts of electrostatics and electric-

ity have problems.

• For example, students think that only conductors can be charged. Neutral is
considered as the third type of charge. Large majority of students think that
batteries are a source of constant current, delivering the same current to any
circuit. Etc.

• Familiarity with the phenomena and inquiry approach are usually rewarding in
learning about such common but abstract concepts as electrostatics and electric-
Chapter 5

Topical Teaching II

5.1 Unit Introduction

This unit focuses on those secondary school physics topics that are mostly considered
as challenging to teach by most physics teachers.

Two of the reasons for the view and mostly leading to either the neglect of these topics
or nominal treatment are the non-intuitive nature of the contents and the gap teachers
have in their preparation at university level.

Students and teachers do not have much experience with the phenomena covered in
these topics. Even if appliances and devises at home and at work place operating with
the applications of most of these issues, people do not pay much attention to them as
these phenomena are not amenable to direct observations.
Thus, little insight and experience clouded students and teachers experience and fa-
miliarity with them.
Our university curriculum is designed mainly to produce scientists while in reality
most of the physics graduates end up by becoming a physics teacher.
Therefore, the physics curriculum pays no or little attention to secondary school physics.

Hence, such topics as: Simple mechanics and Equilibrium, Hydrostatics, Oscillations
and Waves (Mechanical), Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics, Magnetism and AC-
Circuits, and Thermal Physics are not covered in universities.

Our curriculum developers simply think that these issues are to elementary for a uni-
versity physics and students must come with enough knowledge from school physics.
In the very rare cases where they are included the attention is more on the formal,
abstract and mathematical treatment.

This lack of preparation on the topics lead physics teachers in secondary school to shy
away from these topics.
In this unit, it is tried to give you some basic review of the topics in secondary school
curriculum and possible ways of approaching them in your teaching of Simple me-


chanics and Equilibrium, Hydrostatics, Oscillations and Waves (Mechanical), Geomet-

rical Optics and Physical Optics, Magnetism and AC-Circuits, and Thermal Physics.

5.2 Summarized Content of the Unit

• Some of the secondary school physics topics are considered as challenging to
teach by physics teachers either due to their lack of background knowledge or
the abstract nature of the content when presented to students.

• These topics which are challenging for teaching but not necessarily difficult for
learning are: Simple mechanics and Equilibrium, Hydrostatics, Oscillations and
Waves (Mechanical), Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics, Magnetism and
AC-Circuits, and Thermal Physics.

• In teaching about equilibrium the recommended teaching sequence is: to start

with familiar objects, represent them with schematic diagrams, then force dia-
grams, and finally free-body diagrams and mathematical analysis.

• The idea of equilibrium finds its good application in simple machines and physics
teachers are advised to start with household tools when teaching about simple

• The basic simple machines that are studied in secondary school physics are
levers, inclined plane, pulleys, wheel and axle, wedge, and screw.

• The teaching of pressure in fluids should be based on demonstrations so that

students will really develop and refine their conception of pressure as a distinct
physics concept.

• There are common misconceptions and alternative conceptions in relation to

these challenging physics topics as there were with the common place physics.

• For instance, most of the students, and many physics teachers think that solids
cannot float in fluids. Many students think that when a body is floating in liquid
in a container, it will lose its weight to the liquid and therefore its weight no
more be detectable. Aristotelian view of motion still guides students view: air
and fire move up and water and earth move down. Students do not believe that
air pushes down.

• Other sample alternative conceptions held by students are:

– Many students do not recognize that light is a physical entity, with an exis-
tence apart from its sources and effects. They do not make a clear distinc-
tion between light and vision.
– Light does not have color (it is white light) of its own. As it passes through
colored transparent objects, the objects “paint” the light with color.

– If one half of a lens is covered with an opaque material (say with cardboard)
only one half of the image on the screen will be seen.
– Many students think that the image of an object propagates through space
and gets reversed after interring a lens.
– Many students do not differentiate between temperature and heat. Heat is
”he staff measured by a thermometer.”
– Some students associate temperature with cold body and heat with very hot
– For many students, heat is a substance that will flow into or out of a body
such that a body will have more or less of it.
– Quite large number of secondary school completes think that the minimum
temperature that can be measured by a thermometer is 0 deg Celsius.
– A body with larger heat capacity is a body that “has” or “can hold” more
heat than a body of lower heat capacity.

• Real demonstrations are recommended to start with these hard to teach concepts
and give enough time to students to get familiar with the phenomena rather than
running into the formal treatment of these topics is key for successful teaching
and learning.

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