Basic Essay Outline

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Basic Essay Outline

Introduction to Essay Writing (ENGL 210)

Concordia University

Name: __________________________________

I. Introduction

A. Tentative thesis statement: When it comes to university learning, I believe that print books are
largely more superior than digital books when it comes to all aspects of education. This also applies to
note taking, as I believe that writing down your notes with pen and paper is superior compared to taking
notes on your computer._________________________________________________________

B. Anticipated divisions: The fact that taking notes online and reading digitally can save your paper,
time, and it is much more convenient than carrying around heavy books and a lot of notes around you
all the time. It is also easier to find helpful educational resources online than flipping in a large book for
a while._____________________________________________________________________

C. Background/contextualization: Reading a paper book and writing down notes with pen and paper is
more beneficial for students. I just want to describe the benefits that a student can get while doing
things the old-fashioned way, even though digital applications have become widely available and can
save us a lot of time.__________________________________________________________________

To consider (notes to self or questions for reviewers): There will be things I will be saying based off my
own experiences and scientific facts that I just know myself. I should compare digital and paper to really
highlight that positive aspects of paper learning.________________________________________

II. Body

Focus for paragraph A: Paper books compared to digital books. Connection to central idea: This is the
main argument that paper is better than digital.
A. Topic sentence: As more and more people transition to complicated digital platforms, some people
have realized that in the end, simple is best. This applies just as well to university learning: the more
widely available digital learning, or the old-fashioned paper-based education.

1. explanation/elaboration: Concentration is a lot easier when you are reading a paper book compared
to digital book, as just the aspect of not reading off a laminated screen makes it easier on your eyes,
which then proceeds to make concentration a lot easier. Reading an e-book can easily strain your

2. Support & explanation: It is also a lot easier to write down your own personal notes in your textbook
if you write it down by hand. On a computer, you are going to need a tablet or do it by your mouse,
which isn’t that comfortable. Taking important notes that’s aligned with the subject of a specific
paragraph can be insanely useful, and you can do it everywhere on a paper book.___

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