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Frued & Jung

Personality and intelligence

Freud’s theory:

 Every human behaviours is ultimately a direct or indirect expression of primary

biological drives.
 Many human behaviours are “symbolic substitutes”
 Standard Freudian view vs. over determination
 Strengths and weaknesses/criticism of Freud’s theory.
 Personality dynamics
1. Narcissism
2. Identification
 Oedipus complex, to identify with parents who are rich and play the violin to gain the
sexual pleasure of the opposite sex parent.
 Masochism
1. Sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliation, playing the violin can be an
escape from that environment and soaking yourself in self-loath can be a source of
pleasure for the violinist.
 Transference
2. Redirects the love he gets from his mother into playing the violin and thinking of her
while playing the violin.

Violin loving: ID

Everything we do has an either a direct or indirect gratification of the primary biological drives.

The ID sexual drive/love rhythmic approach, romance love and sex, rhythm of music and rhythm
of sexual.

Expression of feelings for music. Sexual drive is an expression of feelings.

Music is related to sexual moves. (hand movement related to masturbation)

Playing music to impress the opposite sex.

Gets pleasure from playing the violin can relate to sexual drive? Hunger?
He “loves” it who else do you say you love to romantic partners and family friends etc.

Sex appeal from rock star, groupies

Most music nowadays are about sex drugs etc.

Dancing and sexuality

Music videos suggested with sexuality with half naked women

Express of the libido sexual drive

ID: I feel like playing the violin which is the sexual drive unconscious personality dynamics
would be satisfied if hunger isn’t there and sleep isn’t there then you can pleasure yourself with
the sexual drive. A developed habit.

Ego: would inform the ID by saying is there a violin to play, and environmental factors would
provide that

Super ego: Look good in front of everyone, maybe there isn’t a role that much, mostly derives
from the ID. Socially acceptable to play a violin, that’s why he continues to do it.

Violin is a form of identity being like your parents the Oedipus complex, seeing your parents
play violin, to become like them connects to the ID libido to gain the attention of the opposite
sex parent.

Libido: Can be pleasurable to play the violin to be at peace. defence mechanisms: Way of
escaping from a horrible environment and take you to something else more safe. More
pleasurable to play the violin to be out of your external environment. Play to get less stressed etc

Jung’s theory: Expression of the unconscious with violin play and play the violin after dealing
with kids for example

for a long time and focus your conscious into practicing or playing the violin.

Teleological: is a future event as why you’re doing something. Developing the personality by
playing the violin and individuating the personality to become the most of yourself. True person
of yourself. Learning the violin isn’t pleasurable but going through that pain is teleological to be
playing the violin because you love it and brings you pleasure. Frued says learning phase is
unpleasurable, but Jung said this more clearly. Purpose and meaning for playing the violin, and
that is an important feature for Jung and will reflect your future self.

Jung has different drives related to violin playing: Creativity framework, activity, reflection for a
quiet time. Introversion can be something you do alone. Extroversion can be something to
perform the violin.
Affects and invasions: Effects of the environments can be a way of escaping the environment to
play the violin that connects to the defence mechanisms.

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