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Adrea Shannley A.


1. A Public Health Nursing Research Agenda
- Many interventions are used by public health nurses (PHNs) to prevent sickness and
increase population health. Unfortunately, the major national funding organizations do not
specifically identify creating evidence about PHN practice as a research priority topic.
Neither has the PHN profession as a whole had a strong enough research agenda to
encourage population-level practice improvement and financing for such research. A
national meeting to determine the research agenda was convened in October 2010 with
grant support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to further enhance the
science needed to drive PHN practice.The meeting was part of a multi-method,
participatory, multistage process that resulted in the final research priority themes and
research questions. Four high-priority PHN research issues emerged from the process: PHN
intervention mod- els, quality of population-focused PHN practice, PHN metrics, and
comparative effectiveness and PHN outcomes. A more concentrated program of research
will create evidence that can guide population-focused PHN practice when the agenda is
adopted by funding agencies, researchers, and practice-based partners.

L. Michele Issel, Ph.D., R.N., Betty Bekemeier, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.N.,Shawn Kneipp, Ph.D.,
A.R.N.P. (2011). Public Health Nursing. Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 330–342. Retrived from

2. Failing COVID-19 Response: A failure of a weak and privatized healthcare system
- The global catastrophe is first and foremost a public health concern, Philippine President
Rodrigo Duterte has taken a militaristic approach to the coronavirus outbreak. Since the
lockdown began, he has promoted the narrative that "undisciplined" citizens are to blame for
the problems that have arisen. He has frequently raised unfounded guerrilla group activity as
risks to government aid initiatives without admitting any management errors. Duterte has
threatened the public with martial law on two occasions, in addition to deploying hundreds
of police and military across the archipelago to implement the ECQ (enhanced community
quarantine).There have been moments of abject incompetence from those in power around
the world, but using the pandemic as a reason for increasingly flexing authoritarian muscles
spells danger for the Philippines post-lockdown.

Council for Health and Development.

3. Optimizing health facility location for universal health care: A case study from the Philippines
- In order to ensure universal access to basic healthcare services, the location of health
facilities is crucial. Site selection is typically based on political and pragmatic considerations
in many low and middle-income countries (LMICs), such as the Philippines. Furthermore,
there is a scarcity of research demonstrating the use of facility placement models in the
Philippine healthcare system, and their application in actual facility planning is much more
limited. We suggested a modification of cooperative coverage maximal models to find the
best placement for primary care facilities in this study. Using open source data on an
Android device, we proved the possibility of constructing such a model on an actual city in
the Philippines.

Florence, L.J.Y., Tonato, R.R., Dela Paz, G.A., Ulep, V.G. (2021). Plos One.

4. Family Case Study: In partial fulfillment of the Requirements in Community Health Nursing
- A community is a group of individuals who share geographical boundaries as well as a
common interest or goal. Individuals, families, children, the elderly, and a population group
can all be found there. We can find a lot of families in a neighborhood, as well as a lot of
difficulties. Problems such as diseases, which are classified as communicable and
noncommunicable, necessitate a nurse's intervention to avert the problems they may face.
Being aware that not everyone in a community is financially capable and educated. A large
percentage of the population has a low level of education.

Adversalo, G. (2010). A Family Case Study. Retrieved from

5. A Study on Primary Health Care
- Health-care spending in the Philippines accounted for less than 2% of the country's gross
domestic product. This was less than the 3-5 percent invested by other Asian countries and
the World Health Organization's recommendation of 5% for middle-income countries (i).
There may be a reason for increasing health-care spending on a local level, but the World
Development Report of 1993 demonstrates that this does not ensure a directly proportional
rise in health status, as measured by greater life expectancy (2). Efficiency is a must,
regardless of the amount of money spent on health care. 'Are limited resources being
utilised to their full potential. Is there a good return on investment in their use.

Tan-Torres, T. Philippine Institute for Development Studies. Retrieved from

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