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Alhabshi SF, Nambiar P. The contribution of forensic odontology in the

Highland Towers Condominium disaster. Annals Dent Univ Malaya 1995; Vol
2; No 1: 25-28.

Article · January 1995


0 76

1 author:

Phrabhakaran Nambiar
Mahsa University College


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The Contribution of Forensic Odontology in the Highland
Condominium Disaster-
Allubshi sF, Nambiar p rhc contribution of Fotercic odontorogy in tte Hightand
Toutas Condontinium Disster. Antuls Dent.llnio. Malaya lggs/".2s_2g.

complex *--Uq*d-^ )ShaifahE Alhabshi
inside. rhe dentar disaster lftaysia killing 4S people kapped taPhtabhakarunNambiar
victim iamun ation team comprising of officers
F-.ft"_Iyd" Lumpur General Hospital, armea Fortes and the Dental
lacrilty, university of Maraya played a very active role in
Senior Dental Consultant
the identification arul IIad of Dental Department
process. Most of the bodies were badly iecomposed taala Lunpur Gawal Hospital
and some slosslv
disfi€uled. prroble^s were encountereci aue to inaaequa[ ri"rruL-*i IQahl;umptir
equipmmts at the mortuary. Difficulties were also encoirnterea *kcluro,Dan's affce
procurement and- deciphering of information from
dental ,""ola*
Faculty olDntistry
Duggestsons have been madg to improve facilities, Uniwrsity of Malaya
expdise and also
o1*e alTreryrs amongst dentists to ensur€ proper-recording of to IQalaLumpur
patients' dental status.

Key Worils: Fomsie Oilontology, tlirrlster, identification,

age iletamirution.


In rccent years there were numerous disasters due to agency to complement the,mortuary space.
natural causes such as eatthqujkes, cyclones, floods, lHp.pi"g
Bodies were recovered at different stiges of
fires and o,thers due to vehicular accideng and decomposition - some badly mutilated and fragirented
a1limelent parts of the world. Many of these disasters while others werc actually skeletonised.
claimed numerous lives and have ca'used great damage The disaster victim identification @VI) eam ttrat
p-pro1:Iy and the enviroment On Diember l1fr, was quiqkly assembled was headed by a senior
1993 a difierentkind of disaster occumed at UIu Kelang, pathologist of the hospital. It comprised k forensic
Selang:t A 12 storey apartsnent complo< bufri
lvtalaysia. ygtholgeisB dentists and also a geneticist to help in the
-, " ry slope - Bloc\ A.9f Higlitana Towens collapsed identification process. A foreisic pathologiit was
gntombingeveryone inside. Although the buildinjwas specifically assigned to record ani catatJgue the
believed to have been constmcted on; Btable fo;d;fio;; identifying information of each victim. Tne aen=tat pVt
auirc.{ties hlve ditrficulty in aeterminint ttrJ
-treat lam gmprised of ten officens. They were from.the
actual cause for the ctash. Othert concede that iiwas
P"Fl Departnent of-$ala Lumpur General Hospital,
due to land slides occulilg in the ,r",g the- tvlalaysian Anned Forces
causing water to seep and weaken ttre foinaauon. "r." tt Dental faiutty,
U-dversity of lvlalaya. The aim "rriof "this article is to
Within the first
lour of the collapse a Japanese
housewife, an Indonesian lllueFate the importance of dental identificatibn done
maid and her iighteen month for the first time in a mass disaster in lvlalavsia. It also
old toddler were nescued. Ho-nwer, the reinforces the need for the inclusion of aelitat
ftpanese lady
d_ied.subsequently at the Kuala f,.mp',,. General for. confirming or supporting any identification "*p""t,
noeprtar fiom massive internal iniuircs. The Malaysian unknown deceased persbns inttre future.
emgrgjlcy workers comprising of firemen, policemen
and deJence personnel were
i-oinea by r#ue teams IMPORTANCE OF VICTIM IDENNFrcAilON
from Singapore, Japan and France. Ttrey arrived with
very sophisticated equipmmts and were assisted
hained sniffer - tracker dogs. They were cautious
not to Ih" 9ot of a Malaysian
the issue of a
citizen is officially certified by
death certificate. A death'certificate is
!. ,"-ry lggress.ive
fear of
white Jarryini out tfreir operations
necessary to solve many legal matters such as inheritance
fgr-the an"y suniving victims. and zuccession to property, the collection of insurance
Unforfunately, no rescue.was made after onl week of
policies and pensions, settlement of business mattens
searching w$ch prompted the disaster managerrent
team to tear down the slabs of the buitding witlihe"ry 3a {? tty remarriage of the remainingspouse. positive
identification of victims following ai unprecedented
maddnery. Emertency workers started rerrioving bodies
accident is imperative to bring to an end thl distress
on 18th December and this work stretctred for tlie next on
days. Bodies were then brcught to the Kuala Lumpur
5 f"-ily members, relatives aid friends. Furthermore,
additional relief may be afforded to a family who learns
Hospital mortuary fol postsnortem. t\,r,o lirge
refrigerated fteight containers were borrowed from-a Tr T g$nown body is not the remains of a missing
relative (1).
26 Annals oJ Wntistry,llnioasity of Malaya Vol. 2 laa. 7995

Visual recognition represF{rts the most frequent Table I The nationality and ethnicity ol the victims of the
method of idenfification. Generally the body must be condominiumdisaster. ... -,'
well preserved with intact facial features- Many victims
of this disaster could not be identified visually due to
Natlonallty No Ethnlclty

the extensive trauma and advanced decomposition. In Malaysians 38 (Chinese - 22, Malays - 10, lndians - 6)
these conditions, it was deemed advisable not to invite lndonesians 3
relatives and friends to provide any visual identification.
Koreans 2
Their iudgement in recognizing anybody would be
questionable because of the emotional stress that they Britisher 1

were experiencing. lndians 2

Personal effects such as clothing, identity cards,
Filipino 1
iewellery, prescription spiectacles and keys provided
some favourable leads in the identification process. Japanese 1 (died at the hospital)
However, this is not scientilically reliable as they canbe
switched with criminal intent or could have been
borrowed. The use of fingerprints was limited because
of the decomposed nature of the bodies. The pathologists The above list sufficiently shows the diversity of
on their part worked to assess age, determine race, sex, ethnic, racial, cultural, national and religious affiliation
stafure, disease status as well as the cause and time of of those who perished (3). This posed a special problem
death of the deceased. Comparison with the known asallbodies had tobe identified positivelyand retumed
medical history or prior surgical procedures of a to their respective relatives for burial or cremation rites
suspected victim may serve to corrobortte or exclude in accordance to their own customary traditions.
an individual. Selected bone tissues were collected by
the pathologists and despatched to the geneticist for DENTAL INVESTIGATION AND

DENTAL IDENTIFICATTON A total of forty six bodies were examined by the dental
identification team. This did not include the victim who
The procedures of dental identlfication are credible was hospitalized before dyrng. Another did not have
because ihe human dentition has very good postmortem any skull bones for examination. Forty bodies had
preservation - although it undergoes destruction during relatively intact maxilla and mandibular bones while
a penson's life. Dental restorations and prootheses are six others had fragmented pieces for examination. Dental
extremely resistant to physical and chemical status of all these bodies were charted on postnortem
deterioration and also to ttre changes to the enyironment. odontograms. Gaining access for dental examination
The unique morphological characteristics of human was relatively easy because moet of the bodies were
teeth and dental restorations have great individrrality. decomposed or skeletonized. Radiological recording of
The availability of .routine dental records, especially developing teeth of pre+chool, school going drildren
radiographs provide exacting evidence for comparison. and juveniles wer€ taken for estimation of age. As we
Sometimes the recovery of only a single tooth or jaw had access only to intra-oral dental radi,ographs, both
fragment maybe unique enough to make a posifive upper and lower jaws of either side were radiographed
identificatiory provided the antemortem recording has for age assessment. In cases when all the teeth had
been made. lvlarking of dentures with names or numbers completely erupted, radiographs of the third molar was
arc rccent introduction in the fabrication of dentures. tdken to see if the root formation was complete. This
This is followed stringently in 7 states of United States was to ensure that the bodies did not belong to any one
of America (2). Furthermore, it is also important to have in the iate teens. Age assessment of adults lias based on
a dentist at the site of disaster during body removal and the attritional wear of the teeth. In addition, the level of
eviilence retrieval. This is importait as-many trained periodontal attachment and the amount of alveolar
investigators at accident sitstend to overlook dental resorption were other cumulative factors selected f6r
evidence, which may be crucial for the positive the sdme assessment. Difficulties weri: atso faced due to
identification of .an indiviual. improper lighting and inadequaE facilities at the hospital
mortuary for serious odontological work.
Numerous problems were also encountered when
attempts were made to obtain dental records. A few
VICTIMS OF THE DISASTER dental surgeorrs were reluctant to release the records
but provided written statement of the treatment
Unlike in an airline crashwhere a passenger manifest is rendered. Several others had tobe coaxed and reassured
quickty made available, the Highland Towers disaster that they would not be implicated for not having
management teamwas unsure of the number of people adequate recording of their patients. In most cases dental
inside thebuilding. Beinga Saturdaya afternoory many trcatment provided by the attending dentist were the
had notretumed home thus escaping the fatal accident. only information written on the records. There were
The police recorded that 48 individuals lost their lives also problem3 in deciphering information due to
in this mishap. unfamiliar terminologies and illegible writing. Dental
Tlu contibution of Forensic odontology in the Hightand rotoers condominium Dbaster

records of a few were not trapjable because the whole

family perished in the disastei. A limited number of
them were treated by unqualified dentists who never
The collapse of the aparhnent building reinforced the
mantain any form of records. Some foreigners had
important role of forensic odontology in mass disaster
treatnent done in their home countries, while a few
victim identification in lvlalaysia. For the first time there
I-Valaysians had their treahnent ovelseas. Iastly, a few
were requests on television and the newspapers for the
families had problems providing information regarding
dental records of the victims. There wasiGo a greater
dental treatment received by their dead relatives because
recognition of the role of dental experts by the
they never had aregular dentist.
pathologists, police officers and other government
Positve identification was possible for sixteen
(34.8ol.) bodies because the.e was idequate antemortem fgencies. Suggestions have been made to improve
facilities such as proper lighting, availability of
dental records of the missing victim. Radiographs
radiological dental machines and provision of adequate
provided excellent confirmatory evidence. Identification
dental equipments at the hospital mortuary. Ttreie is
of eight other bodies (tZ.+V"'1 were only dentally also a need to have more dental surgeons trained in
supported because there were insufficient dental history
forensic odontological work by attending post-graduate
or only jaw fiagmenb were retrieved from the site of
courses. This is imperative as those trained will become
discovery. These included five edentulous ladies.
more confident when interpreting dental records and
However none of them had their dentures marked.
deducing evidence from oral and dental structures.
Accurate age estimation was possible for nine children
The dental identification team had a reasonably
(19.60l"), some of whomhad mixed dentition. The dental
favourable cooperation from the dental community,
investigators employed the chart prepared by Schour
and ldassler (4) which demonstrated Stages of tooth llthough some were hesitant to part with their patien/s
dental records. In light of this acciden! it is hoped that
developmentand sequence of eruption atyearly interval.
there is a greater awareness amongst practising dentists
In thirteen adult cases (28.5y") age estimation from for the need to mantain adequate dental recording of
attrition of teeth, periodontal recession and alveolar
their patients. They should also become aware ttrat
rcsolption was made for possible association or exclusion
whatever treatnent perfonned can become a potential
with other to help in the identification. This legal issue later.
particular method is not considered very reliable, but it
The authors also wish to record sincere thanks to
is sometimes the only method possible under the given
conditionS. lt3jor Qr.) TanPeng Hui (Singapore) and Dr. Carl Ieung
(Hong Kong ) for expressing their readiness to provide
Various other information were also gathered from
their expert assistance. This form of international
the teeth. Theseinclude racial traits, oral hygeinestatus,
collaboration is very healthy, especially in the
smokinghabits, socio-economic status and iso aetalea
rrumagement of mass disasters involving a larger nunrber
morphology of the anterior dentition. In selected cases,
of victims from several countries. As the number of the
pJ{oeran\ of supected missing persons expressing deceased were only 48 in this disaster, these numbers
his/her teeth were compared with those of the victims.
were manageable by the dental disaster victim
The alignment, shape, size and any malfOrma$on or
identification team of Malaysia.
ryacing in the anterior.teeth were useful for positive
identification. Even a video tape recording showing the
smiling face of a suspected victim ias uged for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
identification. In another case, cornparison of a sibling
teeth morpholog5rwas made. The deceased had a featuri
called "double'shovel" shaped incisor teeth which Y" y_b].tg put to record that the following were part of
correeponded with her sister,s dentition. Both the $" OVlt Dental ) team during the collapse; Dr. Noraini
Nun Nahar, Dr. Criistopher Vincent, Dr.-Strarifafr Sfrium
mesial and distal margins of the palatal and labial Alhabshi Dr. Norinah Mustapha, Dr. Anita Rohini
surfaces of her upper anterior tieth were raised Nesadurai, Dr. Azida Abdul Aziz,lvt$t (Dr.) Didar
suggesting a familial trait. In extremely difficult Singh, Mejar (Dr.) Heng Swee Heong.
situationg when antemortem dental records wet€ not We also exprless our sincere thanlcs to Dr. Zaini A
available, relatives and family members were sometimes Rahman ( Senior Pathologist, Kuala Lurnpur General
questioned to determine if their deceased relatives had
any restorations on their teeth or prosthesis inserted to flgpital),_fne Forensic Pathology Team, The Royal
Malaysia Police Force and the moi-tuary attendenbior
replace them artificially. Selected tieth were sometimes harirg been very helpful in providing the necessary
removed for closer scnrtiny and detailed examination assistance to the dental team.
under magnifying glass to detect any tooth coloured
restorations. Even the dye of an indelible pencil was
used to disclose them.
28 Amuls ofDaibtry,Unioersity of ltuWoVol. 2Jan. 7995

". -.L1,
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Pnblishers, 1982,73.{i7.
2- McGivney|.lvlarkingof rernorral dmtures. tnAverill D I ed. Manual of forensic odontology.2nd edrullmeriqrSocbty<if Forenric
3. Renrerrbering the imocentvictims of the condo collapse. The Star (daily)3/6/1994:5.
4. Ciapparelli L. Ttre ctrrcnology of dental develop,.ment and age assessment In Clark D H, ed. Pradical Forcnric-Odortalogy. lst edrr
Buttenrrorth - Heinmann Ltd,, 19/4, 29fi

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