W3 C2 Student Worksheet

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Welcome to English for

Programming 3

Week 3 - Class 2

Synchronous Class
Student Worksheet
Activity 1
Vocabulary – Verb Phrases

Part 1. Do people in your country go to fortune tellers, or use fortune telling sites on the
internet? Why do you think they do this? Do you believe in fortune telling?

Part 2. What pictures can you see on the fortune teller's cards? Match the cards and verb

Become famous
Get a new job
Get married
Meet somebody new
Fall in love
Get a lot of money
Have a surprise
Be lucky
Move house

Activity 2
Pronunciation – Word Stress

Word stress in two-syllable words

Approximately 80% of two-syllable words are stressed on the first
syllable, e.g. argue.
Part 1. Look at the words from a story. Which four are stressed on the second

argue believe boyfriend famous fortune

future idea lucky married money problem
question surprise today trouble

Part 2. Practice saying the words with your teacher.

Activity 3
Reading and Listening
Part 1. Look at the photos and the title of the story. What do you think it's going to be

Part 2. Read and listen to Part 1 of the story. Answer the questions.
1. Who does Jane want to see?
2. Who is going to tell her about her future? Why?
3. Why couldn't she see very well?

Part 3. Listen to Part 2. Complete the information.

1. Jane has a problem with her __________.
2. She chooses _____________ cards.
3. Her first card means she's going to be ___________.
4. Jane asks the fortune teller if she's going to _____________ with her boyfriend.

Part 4. Read and listen to Part 3. Answer the questions.

1. What's the second card? What does it mean?
2. Why is this a problem for Jane?
3. What's her third card? What does it mean?
4. Who's Jim? Where did Jane meet him?
5. What do you think the fourth card is going to be?

Part 5. Listen to Part 4. Complete the information.

1. Her fourth card means she is going to________ her boyfriend and go to
_________with Jim.
2. Very soon they are going to _____________.
3. She pays the fortune teller _____________.

Part 1
'Come in,' said a voice. Jane Ross opened the door and went
into a small room. There was a man sitting behind a table.
'Good afternoon,' said Jane. 'I want to see Madame Yolanda,
the fortune teller.' 'Madame Yolanda is not here today,' said
the man. 'But don't worry. I'm going to tell you about your
future. What questions do you want to ask?'
Jane looked at the fortune teller. She couldn't see him very
well because the room was very dark.

Part 3
He turned over the second card.
'Mm, a house. A new house. You're going to move,
very soon, to another country.'
'But my boyfriend works here. He can't move to
another country.' 'Let's look at the next card,' said the
fortune teller. He turned over the third card.
'A heart. You're going to fall in love.' 'Who with?'
asked Jane.
'Let me concentrate. I can see a tall dark man. He's
very attractive.' 'Oh, that's Jim,' said Jane.
'Who's Jim? Your boyfriend?'
'No. Jim is a man I met at a party last month. He's an
actor, from New York. He says he's in love with me. It was his idea for me to come to
Madame Yolanda.'
'Well, the card says that you're going to fall in love with him.' 'Are you sure?' asked
Jane. 'But what about my boyfriend?' 'Let's look at the fourth card,' said the fortune
Activity 4
Grammar and Writing
Part 1. Write predictions for the pictures.

Be get have make send cook

He is going to play tennis.

1. _______________________________ dinner.
2. _________________________________ a nice day.
3. _________________________________ the bus.
4. _________________________________ an omelette.
5. _________________________________ an email.

Part 2. Complete the predictions with be going to and a verb.

a. It’s very cold. Do you think ________________ snow?

b. You are driving very fast! We _____________________ an accident!
c. She isn’t a very good student. She ____________________ the exam.
d. Look at the time! We _____________________ late.
e. Venice is a wonderful city. You ___________________ a great time there.

Activity 5
Grammar - be going to (predictions)

Part 1. Write a prediction with going to for each picture. Use a verb from the list.

Not buy not eat get married learn listen make paint play not snow take visit win

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