K To 12 MELCS Health

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Grade Level: Grade 1

Subject: Health

Performance Most Essential Learning

Quarter Content Standards Duration K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… distinguishes healthful from less
Week 1 to Week 2 H1N-Ia-b-1
healthful foods
understands the practices healthful tells the consequences of eating
importance of good eating habits daily Week 3 to Week 4 H1N-Ic-d-2
less healthful foods
eating habits and
behavior *practices good decision making H1N-Ie-f-3
exhibited in eating habits that Week 5 to Week 6
can help one become healthy H1N-Ig-j-4
2nd Quarter demonstrates practices good health identifies proper behavior during
Week 1 to Week 2 H1PH-IIa-b-1
understanding of the habits and hygiene mealtime
proper ways of taking daily demonstrates proper hand
Week 3 to Week 4 H1PH-IIc-d-2
care of one’s health washing
realizes the importance of
Week 5 H1PH-IIe-3
washing hands
practices habits of keeping the
Week 6 to Week 7 H1PH-IIf-i-4
body clean & healthy
realizes the importance of
Week 8 H1PH-IIj-5
practicing good health habits
3rd Quarter understands the consistently
importance of keeping demonstrates describes the characteristics of a
Week 1
the home environment healthful practices for healthful home environment H1FH-IIIa-1
healthful. a
healthful home discusses the effect of clean H1FH-IIIb-2
Week 2
environment. water on one’s health
discusses how to keep water at H1FH-IIIc-3
Week 3
home clean
practices water conservation Week 4
explains the effect of indoor air H1FH-IIIfg-5
Week 5 to Week 6
on one’s health

identifies sources of indoor air

practices ways to keep indoor air
explains the effect of a home
environment to the health of the Week 7
people living in it
demonstrates how to keep the
Week 8 H1FH-IIIj-10
home environment healthful
4th Quarter demonstrates appropriately
identifies situations when it is
understanding of safe demonstrates safety
appropriate to ask for assistance Week 1
and responsible behavior behaviors in daily H1IS-IVa-1
from strangers
to lessen risk and activities to prevent
prevent injuries in day- injuries gives personal information, such
to-day living as name and address to Week 2 H1IS-IVb-2
appropriate persons
identifies appropriate persons to
ask for assistance
Week 3
demonstrates ways to ask for H1IS-IVc-4
follows rules at home and in
Week 4 H1IS-IVd-5

follows rules during fire and

Week 5 H1IS-IVe-6
other disaster drills

observes safety rules with stray

Week 6 H1IS-IVf-7
or strange animals

describes what may happen if

Week 7 H1IS-IVg-8
safety rules are not followed

describes ways people can be

intentionally helpful or harmful Week 8 H1IS-IVh-9
to one another
distinguishes between good and
Week 9 H1IS-IVi-10
bad touch
practices ways to protect oneself
against violent or unwanted Week 10 H1IS-IVj-11
behaviors of others
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 2

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… states that children have the
right to nutrition (Right of the H2N-Ia-5
Week 1
understands the 1. demonstrates good child to nutrition Article 24 of the
importance of eating a decision-making UN Rights of the Child)
balanced diet. skills in choosing *discusses the important H2N-Ib-6
food to eat to have a function of food and a balanced Week 2 to Week 3
balanced diet. meal H2N-Icd-7
considers Food Pyramid and
2. consistently practices Food Plate in making food Week 4 to Week 6 H2N-Ifh-9
good health habits choices
and hygiene for the displays good decision-making
sense organs H2N-Iij-10
skills in choosing the right kinds Week 7 to Week 8
of food to eat
2nd Quarter demonstrates consistently practices good
describes ways of caring for the
understanding of the health habits and hygiene Week 1 to Week 4
eyes, ears, nose, hair and skin in
proper ways of taking for the sense organs H2PH-IIa-e-6
order to avoid common childhood
care of the sense
health conditions
describes ways of caring for the
Week 5 to Week 6 H2PH-IIfh-7

displays self-management skills in H2PH-IIij-8

Week 7
caring for the sense organs
3rd Quarter 1. demonstrates 1. consistently adopts describes healthy habits of the
Week 1 to Week 2 2FH-IIIab-11
understanding of healthy family family
healthy family demonstrates good family health H2FH-IIIcd-12
Week 3 to Week 4
habits and practices habits and practices
2. demonstrates an 2. demonstrates
understanding of positive expression of explains the benefits of healthy H2FH-IIIef-13
Week 5
managing one’s feelings toward expressions of feelings
feelings and family members and
respecting ways of coping with expresses positive feelings in
differences negative feelings Week 6 H2FH-IIIgh-14
appropriate ways
demonstrates positive ways of
expressing negative feelings, H2FH-IIIij-15
such as anger, fear, or
Week 7 to Week 8
displays respect for the feelings H2FH-IIIj-16
of others
4tth demonstrates an demonstrates consistency
discusses one’s right and
understanding of rules in following safety rules at Week 1
responsibilities for safety
to ensure safety at home and in school. H2IS-IVa-12
home and in school identifies hazardous areas at
Week 2 H2IS-IVbc-13
identifies hazardous household
products that are harmful if
ingested, or inhaled, and if Week 3 H2IS-IVde-14
touched especially electrical
recognizes warning labels that
identify harmful things and Week 4 H2IS-IVf-15
explains rules for the safe use of
Week 5 H2IS-IVg-16
household chemicals
follows rules for home safety Week 6 H2IS-IVh-17

identifies safe and unsafe

practices and conditions in the Week 7 H2IS-IVi-18
practices safety rules during
Week 8 H2IS-IVj-19
school activities
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 3

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner… The learner…
describes a healthy person
demonstrates consistently H3N-Iab-11
Week 1 to Week 2
understanding of the demonstrates good
importance of nutritional decision-making skills in explains the concept of
guidelines and balanced making food choices malnutrition H3N-Iab-12
diet in good nutrition and identifies nutritional problems Week 3 H3N-Icd-13
health describes the characteristics,
signs and symptoms, effect of
the various forms of
Week 4 to Week 5
discusses ways of preventing the H3N-Ief-15
various forms of malnutrition
*discusses the different
nutritional guidelines H3N-Ii-17
Week 6 to Week 7
• nutritional guidelines for
describes ways of maintaining
healthy lifestyle Week 8
evaluates one’s lifestyle H3N-Ij-20

adopts habits for a healthier

2nd Quarter demonstrates an consistently practices identifies common childhood
understanding of the healthy habits to diseases
nature of and the prevent and control H3DD-IIbcd-2
*discusses the different risk
prevention of diseases diseases
factors for diseases and example
Week 1 to Week 3 H3DD-IIbcd-3
of health condition under each
risk factor
explains the effects of common
explains measures to prevent
Week 4 to Week H3DD-IIefg-6
common diseases
explains the importance of
proper hygiene and building up
Week 6
one's body resistance in the
prevention of diseases
demonstrates good self-
management and good-decision
Week 7 to Week 8 H3DD-IIij-8
making-skills to prevent
common diseases
3rd Quarter demonstrates demonstrates critical H3CH-IIIab-1
defines a consumer Week 1 to Week 2
understanding of factors thinking skills as a wise
that affect the choice of consumer explain the components of
health information and consumer health
products discusses the different factors
that influence choice of goods Week 3 Week 4 H3CH-IIIbc-4
and services
describes the skills of a wise
Week 5 to Week 6
demonstrates consumer skills
for given simple situations
identifies basic consumer rights Week 7 to Week 8 H3CH-IIIfg-7

practices basic consumer rights

when buying
discusses consumer
Week 9 H3CH-IIIi-10
identifies reliable sources of
Week 10 H3CH-IIIj-11
health information
4th Quarter demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of risks to consistency in following explains road safety practices as
Week 1 to Week 2
ensure road safety and in safety rules to road a pedestrian H3IS-IVab-19
the community. safety and in the
explains basic road safety H3IS-IVcd-21
practices as a passenger
Week 3 to
Week 4
demonstrates road safety
practices as a passenger

explains the meaning of traffic

Week 5 H3IS-IVe-23
signals and road signs
describes dangerous,
destructive, and disturbing road
Week 6 H3IS-IVf-24
situations that need to be
reported to authorities
displays self-management skills
Week 7 H3IS-IVg-25
for road safety.
identifies hazards in the
Week 8 H3IS-IVh-26
follows safety rules to avoid
Week 9 H3IS-IVi-27
accidents in the community
recommends preventive action
Week 10 H3IS-IVj-28
for a safe community
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 4

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner... The learner... explains the importance of
reading food labels in H4N-Ib-23
Week 1 to Week 2
1. understands the 1. Understands the selecting and purchasing
importance of reading significance of foods to eat
food labels in selecting reading and analyzes the nutritional value
healthier and safer food interpreting food of two or more food products
label in selecting by comparing the information
2. understands the healthier and safer in their food labels Week 3 to Week 4
importance of following food
describes ways to keep food
food safety principles in 2. practices daily H4N-Ifg-26
clean and safe
preventing common food- appropriate food
borne diseases safety habits to discusses the importance of
prevent food- keeping food clean and safe Week 5 to Week 6 H4N-Ihi-27
3. understands the nature borne disease to avoid disease
and prevention of food identifies common food-
borne diseases H4N-Ij-26
borne diseases
describes general signs and Week 7 to Week 8
symptoms of food-borne H4N-Ij-27
2nd Quarter understands the nature consistently practices describes communicable
and prevention of personal and diseases Week 1
common communicable environmental
diseases measures to prevent identifies the various disease
and control common agents of communicable Week 2 to Week 3 H4DD-IIb-9
communicable diseases diseases
enumerates the different
elements in the chain of Week 4 to Week 5 H4DD-IIcd-10

describes how communicable

diseases can be transmitted Week 6 to Week 7 H4DD-IIef-11
from one person to another.
demonstrates ways to stay
healthy and prevent and H4DD-IIij-13
control common
communicable diseases
identifies ways to break the
chain of infection at Week 8 to Week 9 H4DD-IIij-14
practices personal habits and
environmental sanitation to
prevent and control common
communicable diseases
3rd Quarter Demonstrates Practices the proper Describes uses of medicines Week 1 H4S-IIIa-1
understanding of the use of medicines Differentiates prescription
proper use of medicines to from non-prescription Week 2 H4S-IIIb-2
prevent misuse and harm medicines
to the body describes the potential
dangers associated with Week 3 to Week 4 H4S-IIIde-4
medicine misuse and abuse
describes the proper use of
Week 5 to Week 6 H4S-IIIfg-5
explains the importance of
reading drug information and
labels, and other ways to Week 7 to Week 8 H4S-IIIij-6
ensure proper use of
4th Quarter practices safety recognizes disasters or
Week 1 H4IS-IVa-28
demonstrates measures during emergency situations
understanding of safety disasters and demonstrates proper
guidelines during emergency situations. response before, during, and
Week 2 to Week 3 H4IS-IVb-d-29
disasters, emergency and after a disaster or an
other high-risk situations emergency situation

relates disaster preparedness

and proper response during
Week 4 H4IS-IVe-30
emergency situations in
preserving lives
describes appropriate safety
measures during special
Week 5 to Week 6 H4IS-IVfg-31
events or situations that may
put people at risk
describes the dangers of
engaging in risky behaviors
such as use of firecrackers,
guns, alcohol drinking
Week 7 to Week 8
advocates the use of
alternatives to firecrackers
and alcohol in celebrating
special events
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 5

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
1st Quarter The learner… The learner…
describes a mentally,
demonstrates understanding practices skills in emotionally and socially healthy Week 1 to Week 2 H5PH-Iab-10
of mental emotional, and managing mental, person
social health concerns emotional and social
health concerns suggests ways to develop and
maintain one’s mental and Week 3 H5PH-Ic-11
emotional health

recognizes signs of healthy and H5PH-Id-12

Week 4
unhealthy relationships

explains how healthy

relationships can positively Week 5
impact health
discusses ways of managing
Week 6
unhealthy relationships H5PH-If-14
discusses the effects of mental,
emotional and social health
Week 7 H5PH-Ih-16
concerns on one’s health and
demonstrates skills in
preventing or managing teasing, Week 8
bullying, harassment or abuse
identifies appropriate resources
and people who can help in H5PH-Ij-18
Week 9
dealing with mental, emotional
and social, health concerns
2nd Quarter *Recognizes the changes during
Puberty as a normal part of
growth and development
Week 1 and Week 2
- Physical Change
- Emotional Change
- Social Change
*assesses common
misconceptions related to
puberty in terms of scientific Week 3 to Week 4
basis and probable effects on
describes the common health
issues and concerns during
Week 5 to Week 6
accepts that most of these
concerns are normal H5GD-Ief-6
consequence of bodily changes

during puberty but one can

learn to manage them
discusses the negative health
impact and ways of preventing
Week 7 to Week 8 H5GD-Igh-8
major issues such as early and
unwanted pregnancy
demonstrates ways to manage
puberty-related health issues H5GD-Ii-9
and concerns
practices proper self-care
Week 9
discusses the importance of
seeking the advice of
professionals/ trusted and
reliable adults in managing
puberty-related health issues
and concerns
differentiates sex from gender H5GD-Ij-12
identifies factors that influence
gender identity and gender roles
discusses how family, media,
religion, school and society in Week 10
general reinforce gender roles
gives examples of how male and
female gender roles are H5GD-Ij-15
3rd Quarter understands the nature and demonstrates the
effects of the use and abuse ability to protect one’s
explains the concept of gateway
of caffeine, tobacco and health by refusing to Week 1 H5SU-IIIa-7
alcohol use or abuse gateway
identifies products with caffeine Week 2 H5SU-IIIb-8

describes the general effects of

the use and abuse of caffeine, Week 3 to Week 4 H5SU-IIIde-10
tobacco and alcohol
analyzes how the use and abuse
of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol
can negatively impact the health Week 5 to Week 6 H5SU-IIIfg-11
of the individual, the family and
the community
demonstrates life skills in
keeping healthy through the Week 7 H5SU-IIIh-12
non-use of gateway drugs
follows school policies and
national laws related to the sale Week 8 to Week 9 H5SU-IIIij-13
and use of tobacco and alcohol
4th Quarter demonstrates understanding practices appropriate
of basic first aid principles and first aid principles and explains the nature and
Week 1
procedures for common procedures for objectives of first aid H5IS-IVa-34
injuries common injuries
discusses basic first aid
Week 2 H5IS-IVb-35
demonstrates appropriate first
aid for common injuries or Week 3 to Week 8 H5IS-IV-c-j-36
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 6

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG

Standards Competencies Code
1st Quarter Demonstrates understanding practices self-
of personal health issues and management skills to describes personal health issues
Week 1 to Week 3
concerns and the importance prevent and control and concerns H6PH-Iab-18
of health appraisal procedures

and community resources in personal health issues demonstrates self-management H6PH-Iab-19

preventing or managing them and concerns skills
explains the importance of H6PH-Id-f-21
undergoing health appraisal
procedures Week 4 to Week 5
regularly undergoes health H6PH-Id-f-22
appraisal procedures
identifies community health
resources and facilities that may
be utilized to address a variety of Week 6 to Week 8
personal health issues and
2nd Quarter understands the importance demonstrates practices describes healthy school and
Week 1 H6CMH-IIa-1
of keeping the school and for building and community environments
community environments maintaining healthy
explains the effect of living in a
healthy. school and community Week 2 to Week 3 H6CMH-IIb-2
healthful school and community
demonstrates ways to build and
keep school and community Week 4 to Week 5
environments healthy
practices proper waste
management at home, in school, Week 6
and in the community
advocates environmental
protection through proper waste Week 7 to Week 8
3rd Quarter demonstrates understanding consistently practices explains how poor environmental
of the health implications of ways to maintain a sanitation can negatively impact Week 1 H6EH-IIIb-2
poor environmental sanitation healthy environment the health of an individual
discusses ways to keep water and
Week 2 H6EH-IIIc-3
air clean and safe
explains the effect of a noisy
Week 3
environment H6EH-IIId-4

suggests ways to control/manage

Week 4 to Week 5 H6EH-IIIe-5
noise pollution
practices ways to control/manage
Week 6 H6EH-IIIfg-6
noise pollution

explains the effect of pests and

rodents to one’s health

Week 7 to Week 8
practice ways to prevent and
control pests and rodents

4th Quarter understands the concepts and consistently

principles of selecting and demonstrates critical explains the importance of
Week 1
using consumer health thinking skills in the consumer health H6CH-IVa-13
products. selection of health
products. H6CH-IVbc-
*explains the different
Week 2
components of consumer health H6CH-IVcd-

differentiates over- the- counter H6CH-IVcd-

from prescription medicines 16
Week 3 to week 4
gives example of over the counter
and prescription medicines

explains the uses of some over the

counter and prescription Week 5 H6CH-IVf-18
identifies the common propaganda
Week 6
techniques used in advertising H6CH-IVg-19
analyzes packaging and labels of
Week 7 H6CH-IVh-21
health products
practices good decision making
skills in the selection of health Week 8 H6CH-IVh-22
discusses ways to protect oneself
Week 9 to Week 10 H6CH-IVij-23
from fraudulent health products
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… explains the dimensions of holistic
health (physical, mental/ intellectual, H7GD-Ib-13
demonstrates appropriately emotional, social, and moral-spiritual)
Week 1
understanding of holistic manages concerns analyzes the interplay among the
health and its and challenges health dimensions in developing H7GD-Ib-14
management of health during adolescence holistic health
concerns, the growth and to achieve holistic practices health habits to achieve
Week 2 H7GD-Ic-15
development of health. holistic health
adolescents and how to H7GD-Id-e-16
manage its challenges.
*Recognize changes in different H7GD-Id-e-17
aspects of growth that normally Week 3 to Week 4
happen during adolescence years. H7GD-Id-e-18

explains the proper health appraisal

demonstrates health appraisal
procedures during adolescence in H7GD-Ii-j-23
order to achieve holistic health
avails of health services in the school Week 5 to Week 8
and community in order to appraise H7GD-Ii-j-24
one’s health
applies coping skills in dealing with
health concerns during adolescence H7GD-Ii-j-25

2nd Quarter demonstrates makes informed identifies the right foods during
Week 1 H7N-IIa-20
understanding of nutrition decisions in the adolescence
for a healthy life during choice of food to follows the appropriate nutritional
adolescence eat during guidelines for adolescents for healthful
adolescence eating
• explains the need to select food
based on the nutritional needs H7N-IIb-c-21
Week 2 to Week 3
during adolescence
• follows the Food Pyramid guide
for adolescents and nutritional
guidelines for Filipinos in
choosing foods to eat
describes the characteristics, signs and
symptoms of malnutrition and H7N-IId-f-23
micronutrient deficiencies
discusses ways of preventing and
controlling malnutrition and H7N-IId-f-24
Week 4 to Week 6
micronutrient deficiencies
explains the characteristics, signs and
symptoms of eating disorders
discusses ways of preventing and
controlling eating disorders

applies decision-making and critical

thinking skills to prevent nutritional Week 7 to Week 8 H7N-IIg-h-27
problems of adolescents
3rd Quarter demonstrates consistently explains the factors that affect the H7PH-IIIa-b-28
understanding of mental demonstrates skills promotion of good mental health
health as a dimension of that promote explains that stress is normal and
holistic health for a healthy mental health inevitable Week 1 to Week 2
life differentiates eustress from distress H7PH-IIIa-b-30
identifies situations that cause feelings
of anxiety or stress
identifies physical responses of the
body to stress
Week 3
identifies people who can provide
support in stressful situations
differentiates healthful from
unhealthful strategies in coping with H7PH-IIId-e-35
demonstrates various stress
management techniques that one can Week 4 to Week 5 H7PH-IIId-e-36
use every day in dealing with stress
explains the importance of grieving H7PH-IIId-e-37
demonstrates coping skills in
managing loss and grief
recognizes triggers and warning signs
of common mental disorders
discusses the types, sign, symptoms,
Week 6 to Week 8
and prevention, treatment and
professional care in managing
common mental health disorders
4th Quarter demonstrates consistently explains non-communicable diseases
understanding of non- demonstrates based on cause and effect, signs and
Week 1 to Week 3 H7DD-IVb-d-25
communicable diseases for personal symptoms, risk factors and protective
a healthy life responsibility and factors and possible complications
healthful practices corrects myth and fallacies about non-
Week 4 H7DD-IVe-26
in the prevention communicable diseases

and control of non- practices ways to prevent and control

Week 5 H7DD-IVf-27
communicable non-communicable diseases
diseases demonstrates self-monitoring to
prevent non-communicable diseases
promotes programs and policies to
prevent and control non-
Week 6 to Week 8
communicable and lifestyle diseases
identifies agencies responsible for
non-communicable disease prevention H7DD-IVg-h-30
and control
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 8

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
1st Quarter The learner The learner *discusses basic terms in sexuality as H8FH-Ia-16
an important component of one’s
demonstrates appropriately personality Week 1 H8FH-Ia-17
understanding of human manages sexually- explains the dimensions of human
sexuality and managing related issues through sexuality
sexuality related issues responsible and analyzes the factors that affect one’s
for a healthy life informed decisions attitudes and practices related to Week 2 H8FH-Ib-19
sexuality and sexual behaviors
assesses personal health attitudes
that may influence sexual behavior
Week 3 to Week 4
relates the importance of sexuality to
family health
identifies the different
issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e.,
identity crisis) and the need for Week 5 to Week 7 H8FH-Ie-g-22
support and understanding of the

applies decision-making skills in

managing sexuality-related issues
Week 8 H8FH-Ih-23

2nd Quarter demonstrates an makes informed and *explains the definition and H8FH-IIa-24
understanding of values-based decisions importance of courtship and dating in
responsible parenthood in preparation for choosing a lifelong partner H8FH-IIa-25
Week 1
for a healthy family life responsible analyzes behaviors that promote
parenthood healthy relationship in marriage and H8FH-IIa-27
family life
describes the factors that contribute
Week 2 H8FH-IIb-28
to a successful marriage
discusses various maternal health
Week 3 to Week 4 H8FH-IIc-d-29
concerns (pre-during-post pregnancy)
explains the importance of maternal
nutrition during pregnancy

discusses the importance of newborn

screening, and the APGAR scoring
system for newborns
explains the importance of prenatal
care and post-natal care Week 5 to Week 6
*discusses the essential newborn
protocol (Unang Yakap) and
advantages of breastfeeding for both
mother and child
recognizes the importance of
immunization in protecting children’s H8FH-IIe-f-36
analyzes the importance of
responsible parenthood
*explains the effects of rapid Week 7 to Week 8 H8FH-IIg-h-38
population growth and family size on
health of the nation H8FH-IIg-h-40

examines the important roles and

responsibilities of parents in child H8FH-IIg-h-39
rearing and care
enumerates modern family planning
methods (natural and artificial)
3rd Quarter demonstrates consistently discusses the stages of infection H8DD-IIIa-15
understanding of demonstrates analyzes the leading causes of
Week 1
principles in the personal responsibility morbidity and mortality in the H8DD-IIIa-16
prevention and control of and healthful practices Philippines
communicable diseases in the prevention and *discusses the most common
for the attainment of control of communicable diseases
individual wellness communicable • signs and symptoms of
common communicable H8DD-IIIb-c-17
• effects of common H8DD-IIIb-c-18
communicable diseases Week 2 to Week 3
• misconceptions, myths, and H8DD-IIIb-c-19
beliefs about common
communicable diseases
• prevention and control of
common communicable
analyzes the nature of emerging and
Week 4 to Week 5 H8DD-IIId-e-20
re-emerging diseases
demonstrates self-monitoring skills to
prevent communicable diseases
promotes programs and policies to
prevent and control communicable H8DD-IIIf-h-22
Week 6 to Week 8
identifies agencies responsible for
communicable disease prevention H8DD-IIIf-h-23
and control
4th Quarter demonstrates demonstrates discusses gateway drugs Week 1 H8S-IVa-27
understanding of factors personal responsibility analyzes the negative health impact
that influence cigarette in the prevention of of cigarette smoking
Week 2 to Week 3 H8S-IVb-c-29
and alcohol use and cigarette and alcohol • describes the harmful short-
use through the and long-term effects of

strategies for prevention promotion of a cigarette smoking on the

and control healthy lifestyle different parts of the body
• discusses the dangers of
mainstream, second hand and
third hand smoke;
• explain the impact of
cigarette smoking on the
family, environment, and

analyzes the negative health impact

of drinking alcohol
• describes the harmful short-
and long-term effects of
drinking alcohol
• interprets blood alcohol
Week 4 to Week 5
concentration (BAC) in terms
of physiological changes in
the body
• *explains the impact of
drinking alcohol on the
family, and community
discusses strategies in the prevention
and control of cigarette smoking and
drinking alcoholic beverages
• apply resistance skills in
situations related to cigarette
and alcohol use
Week 6 to Week 8
• follows policies and laws in
the family, school and
community related to
cigarette and alcohol use
suggests healthy alternatives to
cigarettes and alcohol to promote

healthy lifestyle (self, family,

* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards

Grade Level: Grade 9

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… defines community and environmental
Week 1 H9CE-Ia-8
demonstrates consistently explains how a healthy environment
understanding of the demonstrates healthful positively impact the health of people
principles in protecting practices to protect the and communities (less disease, less
the environment for environment for health care cost, etc.)
Week 2 to Week 4
community wellness community wellness discusses the nature of environmental
analyzes the effects of environmental
issues on people’s health
suggests ways to prevent and manage
Week 5 to Week 6 H9CE-Ie-f-13
environmental health issues
participates in implementing an
environmental project such as building
and maintaining a school garden or Week 7 to Week 8 H9CE-Ig-h-14
conducting a war on waste campaign
(depends on feasibility)
2nd Quarter demonstrates shares responsibility describes the drug scenario in the
Week 1 H9S-IIa-14
understanding of the with community Philippines
dangers of substance use members through discusses risk and protective factors in
and abuse on the participation in substance use, and abuse
Week 2
individual, family and collective action to analyzes situations for the use and non-
community prevent and control use of psychoactive substances
substance use and identifies the types of drugs/substances
abuse Week 3 H9S-IIc-18
of abuse

corrects myths and misconceptions

about substance use and abuse
Week 4
recognizes warning signs of substance
use and abuse
*discusses the harmful short- and long-
term effects of substance use and
abuse on the individual, family, school,
and community
explains the health, socio-cultural, Week 5 to Week 6
psychological, legal, and economic H9S-IIe-f-22
dimensions of substance use and abuse
discusses strategies in the prevention
and control of substance use and abuse
applies decision-making and resistance
skills to prevent substance use and H9S-IIg-h-24
abuse Week 7 to Week 8
suggests healthy alternatives to
substance use and abuse
3rd Quarter demonstrates performs first aid demonstrates the conduct of primary
understanding of first aid procedures with and secondary survey of the victim
principles and procedures accuracy (CAB) Week 1
assesses emergency situation for
unintentional injuries
explains the principles of wound Week 2 to Week 3
demonstrates appropriate bandaging H9IS-IIIc.d-41
techniques for unintentional injuries
demonstrates proper techniques in
carrying and transporting the victim of Week 4 to Week 5
unintentional injuries
demonstrates proper first aid
procedures for common unintentional Week 6 to Week 8 H9IS-IIIg.h-43
4th Quarter demonstrates consistently differentiates intentional injuries from
Week 1 to Week 4 H9IS-IVa-d-31
understanding of the demonstrates unintentional injuries

concepts and principles resilience, vigilance describes the types of intentional

of safety education in the and proactive injuries
prevention of intentional behaviors to prevent analyzes the risk factors related to
injuries intentional injuries intentional injuries
identifies protective factors related to
Week 5 to Week 8 H9IS-IVe-h-34
intentional injuries
demonstrates ways to prevent and
control intentional injuries
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.

Grade Level: Grade 10

Subject: Health

Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration

K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter The learner… The learner… explains the guidelines and criteria in
the selection and evaluation of health
understands the demonstrates critical information, products and services Week 1 to Week 2
guidelines and criteria thinking and decision- discusses the various forms of health
in the selection and making skills in the service providers and healthcare plans
evaluation of health selection, evaluation and selects health professionals,
information, products, utilization of health specialists and health care services H10CH-Ic-22
and services. information, products and Week 3
services. reports fraudulent health services H10CH-Ic-24
explains the different kinds of
complementary and alternative H10CH-Id-25
health care modalities Week 4
explains the importance of consumer
laws to protect public health
identifies national and international
government agencies and private
Week 5 to Week 6 H10CH-Ie-f-27
organizations that implement
programs for consumer protection
participates in programs for consumer
Week 7 to Week 8 H10CH-Ig-h-28
welfare and protection

2nd Quarter demonstrates consistently demonstrates discusses the existing health related
Week 1 H10HC-IIa-1
understanding of critical thinking skills in laws
current health trends, exploring local, regional and explains the significance of the
issues and concerns in national health trends, existing health related laws in H10HC-IIb-2
the local, regional, and issues, and concerns safeguarding people’s health
Week 2 to Week 3
national, levels critically analyzes the impact of
current health trends, issues, and H10HC-IIc-d-4
recommends ways of managing
Week 4 to Week 5 H10HC-IIe-g-5
health issues, trends and concerns
3rd Quarter demonstrates demonstrates competence discusses the significance of global
Week 1 H10HC-IIIa-1
awareness of global in applying knowledge of health initiatives
health initiatives global health to local or describes how global health initiatives
national context global positively impact people’s health in H10HC-IIIb-c-2
initiatives various countries
Week 2 to Week 3
analyzes the issues in the
implementation of global health H10HC-IIIb-c-3
recommends ways of adopting global
health initiatives to local or national Week 4 to Week 5 H10HC-IIId-e-4
4th Quarter demonstrates prepares an appropriate discusses the components and steps
understanding of the plan of action in pursuing a in making a personal health career H10PC-Iva-b-1
concepts in planning a health career plan
Week 1 to Week 2
health career prepares a personal health career
following the prescribed components H10PC-Iva-b-2
and steps
explores the various health career
paths selects a particular health
career pathway based on personal H10PC-IVc-d-3
competence and interest; participates Week 3 to Week 4
in a health career orientation program
decides on an appropriate health
career path

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