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2021 Teacher Ikaw Na!

A Tribute to the Education Champion


Name of Teacher:

Indicators Weight
I.       Instructional Competence 50
Performance Rating (SY 2020-2021)
4.91- 5. 00 = 20 points
4.81 - 4.90= 16 points
4.71 - 4.80 = 12 points
4.61 - 4. 70 = 8 points

4.50 - 4.60 = 4 points

Instructional and Supplementary Materials Produced and Utilized in the: 10
Demonstration Teaching (The applicant willNational Levelbased
be observed = 10onpoints
the modality he/she opted
during the Classroom Observation or depending on the decision of the District Committee)
Level = 8 points
CRITERIA: Division Level = 6 points
District Level = 4 points Area of Focus #1: Apply knowledge of content
School and
within Level = 2 points
accross curriculum teaching areas = 35%
1.1 Have an updated content knowledge about the subject area
1.2 Demonstrated
interrelation of content/concepts within the subject area taught
1.3 Integrated content of subject area with otehr disciplines
1.4 Explained the learning goalss,
concepts and processes clearly and accurately to learners
Area of Focus #2: Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking as well as higher order thinking skills considering learner's diverse background 20
knowledge and experience = 35% 2.1 used a
variety of teaching strategies and/or techniques appropriate to the learners and subject matter
2.2 Utilized varied activities for varied types of learners
2.3 Demonstrated knowledge on the
art of questioning and different techniques of asking higher order questions
2.4 Demonstrated proficiency in the use of ICT tools and/or resources to support
teaching and learning Area of Focus #3: Plan, manage and
implement developmentally sequenced teaching and learning strategies to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts = 20%
3.1 Displayed knowledge about the elements and
process of developing an instructional plan
3.2 Arranged sequentially the learning units with reasonable time allotment
3.3 Identified appropriate learning objectives,
strategies and accompanying materials in the plan 3.4
Identified varied and appropriate assessment procedures
Overall Impression = 10%
TOTAL: 100%
98.6 - 100% = 20 points
83.6 - 85 = 10 points
97.1 - 98.5 = 19 points
82.1 - 83.5 = 9 points
95.6 - 97 = 18 points
80.6 - 82 = 8 points
94.1 - 95.5 = 17 points
79.1 - 80.5 = 7 points
92.6 - 94 = 16 points
77.6 - 79 = 6 points
91.1 - 92.5 = 15 points
76.1 - 77.5 = 5 points
89.6 - 91 = 14 points
II.    74.6
Professional Competence
- 76 = 4 points 35
Educational Attainment 88.1 - 89.5 = 13 points
73.1 - 74.5 = 3 points Doctoral Degree (Full-Fledged) = 10 points
86.6 - 88 = 12 points Doctoral Degree (CAR)
= 2 points
Doctoral Degree (30 85.
Units) = 8 points
1 - 86.5 = 11 points 70 - 10
71.5 = 1 point Master’s Degree (Full-fledged) = 7 points
Master’s Degree
(CAR) = 6 points
Master’s Degree (18 Units) = 5 points
Bachelor’s Degree = 4 points
Research (2020)/Innovation (2019-2021) implemented in the:
District Level = 5 points
School Level = 4 points
Grade Level = 3 points
Class/Section only = 2 points
Trainings/Workshops/LAC Sessions Organized & Conductedfor SY 2020-2021
District Level = 5 points
School Level = 4 points
Grade Level = 3 points
Class/Section = 2 points
Trainings/Workshops/LAC Sessions Attended for SY 2020-2021
International Level = 10 points
National Level = 8 points
Regional Level = 6 points
Division Level = 4 points
School Level = 2 points
Awards/Distinctions Received (Awards received for the last 3 years) 5
III. Level = Leadership
Meritorious 5 points & Service 10
Regional Level = 4 points
Formal consultation with
Division Level = 3 points colleagues on matters related to the design of research,
development of research
District Level = 2 points proposals, analyses of data for reports and publications, review of
draft manuscripts preparedSchool
for publication, etc.
Level = 1 point
Means of Verifications may include
but are not limited to: 1.
Minutes of Consultation 2. Reviewed manuscript/s 3. Research proposal/s 4. 2
Reports/publications 5. Attendance 6. Pictures

Presence of 3 or more MOVs = 2 points

Presence of 1-2 MOVs = 1 point
Active participation in committees or task force that relate to school/community health and
safety programs Means of Verifications may
include but are not limited to:
1. Certificates of Participation 2. Attendance 3. Pictures 2
Presence of 3 MOVs
= 2 points
Presence of 1-2 MOVs
Chairing a Department/Serving as = 1 pointor Grade Level Teacher Leader/School Program
Coordinator/District Program Coordinator
Mean of Verification for
Department Chairpersons/Subject or Grade Level /Teacher Leader:
Offical designation duly signed by the School Head
Mean of Verification for School Program
Coordinator/District Program Coordinator: Offical
designation duly signed by the Schools Division Superintendent
Chairing a task force or aIndicator:
in schooloforthe
inrequired MOV = 2 points
the community
Mean of Verification for Task Force or Committee
Chairmanship: Official designation 2
duly signed by the School Head (for school) and by the Brgy. Captain or Mayor (for
community) Indicator:
Presence of the inrequired
of department/grade
= 2 points level/ school or campus events targeting
diversity and inclusion
Means of Verifications
may include but are not limited to:
1. Minutes of Meetings 2. 2
Attendance 3. Pictures
Presence of 3 MOVs = 2 points
IV. Interview Presence of 1-2 MOVs 5
= 1 point
1. Thinks logically and acts accordingly = 1
2. Considers alternatives and recommends solutions when faced with problem situations = 1
point 3. Gives convincing recommendations and 5
suggestions = 1 point
4. Acts quickly and makes the best decision possible = 1 point
5. exercises flexibility = 1 point
10 points
TOTAL 100%

District Screening Committee:

Public Schools District Supervisor


Elementary School Head Secondary School Head PTA Representative

Member Member Member

Human Resource Development District Coordinator


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