Sci9Q1M1 - Rev-Bait-it 2

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Science 9 LESSON: Mechanism on How the Respiratory

and Circulatory Systems Work
Quarter 2
MELC: Explain how the structure of the carbon atom
MODULE 4 affects the type of bonds it forms. (S9MT-IIg-17)

I. Presentation
The Human Breathing System
Breathe in and out. Notice your chest and belly moving and feel the soft air passing
from the nose. Listen to the quiet sounds of breathing in and out. Imagine the air moving
from the nose into the throat, through the air tubes, and into the airsacs. The parts of the
respiratory system that are in charge of supplying oxygen are the nose, nasal passages,
windpipe, lungs and diaphragm. In the nose and nasal passages, the entering air is made
warm, damp and clean of unknown particles. Next, the air moves down through the trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. Trachea is the empty tube that serves as passageway of air
into the lungs. Bronchi are the two branching tubes that connect the trachea to the lungs.
Bronchioles are the hairlike tubes that connect to the alveoli. Alveoli are the airsacs that
allow gas exchange in the lungs.

Trachea- also called

windpipe: a hallow tube Nose- the organ through which
that serves as the air enters and is filtered
passageway of air into
the lungs
Nasal passages-serve
Bronchi- also called as channel for airflow
bronchial tubes; two through the nose in
branching tubes that which the air is
connect the trachea to warmed, cleaned and
the lungs moistened
Bronchioles-the finer
subdivisions of the bronchi; Alveoli- also called airsacs;
hairlike tubes that connect allow the gas exchange in
to the alveoli

Human Respiratory System

When you breathe in, or inhale, the diaphragm muscle contracts. Inhaling moves the diaphragm
down, inflate the lungs and expands the chest cavity. Simultaneously, the ribs move up and increase
the size of the chest cavity. There is now more space and less air pressure inside the lungs. Air
pushes in from the outside where there is a higher air pressure. It pushes into the lungs
where there is a lower air pressure.
When you breathe out or exhale, the diaphragm muscle relaxes. The diaphragm and ribs
return to their original place. The chest cavity returns to its original size. There is now less
space and greater air pressure inside the lungs. It pushes the air outside where there is lower
air pressure.

Circulatory System
The circulatory system is the life support structure that nourishes your
cells with food and oxygen. It also carries away the waste products. The circulatory
system can be compared to
a complex arrangement of highways, avenues and lanes connecting all the cells
together into a neighborhood. Sequentially, the community of cells sustains the body
to stay alive. Another name for the circulatory is the cardiovascular system.
Three major parts of the circulatory system:
1. Heart – pumps the blood throughout the body

2. Blood vessel – carries the blood throughout the body

• Arteries - carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues
and organs of the body
• Veins - carry deoxygenated blood to the heart
• Capillaries - the smallest blood vessels in the body, connecting the smallest
veins (the actual site where gases and nutrients are exchanged )
3. Blood – carries the materials throughout the body.
Three types of blood circulation:
1. Coronary: arteries and veins supply the heart with blood
2. Pulmonary: pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to the
lungs to release CO2 and pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood
back to the heart
3. Systemic: arteries bring oxygenated blood to body cells and veins
return deoxygenated blood back to heart


Oxygenated blood (O2)

Deoxygenated blood (CO2)
hearthasis atwo pumps.
hollow Each which
muscle, pump is has two
just as chambers,
big as thethe
It hasand lower
four chambers.
chambers with
The uppertasks
specific chamber
to do:istwo
the ventricles
atrium that andreceives blood
two atria. coming
The in from
atria are the veins.chambers
the receiving The lower of
chamber is the
the heart, ventricle
accepting that from
blood forcesthe
out into the arteries.
atrium) and from There is a valve
the lungs (left between
Theatrium and are
ventricles ventricle to prevent
the pumping the blood
chambers, from flowing
moving blood tobackwards. The valves
the lungs (right are like
ventricle) and
into the doors
one-way body (left
that ventricle).
keep the blood moving in only one direction. Valves control movement
of blood into the heart chambers and out to the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
Right Pulmonary artery
Left Pulmonary Artery

Left atrium

Right Atrium Aortic Valve

Pulmonary valve
Left ventricle

Tricuspid valve Mitral valve

Right ventricle
The Human Heart
Mechanism on How the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Work Together
Air first enters your lungs and then into the left part of your heart. It is then driven by your
heart into the bloodstream, all the way through your body. The heart pumps blood, which
transports essential nutrients, oxygen, and other chemicals to every cell in your body. Once
it reaches the cells, oxygen processes the nutrients to release energy. Carbon dioxide is given
off during this process. The blood delivers carbon dioxide into the right portion of your
heart, from which it is pumped to the lungs. Carbon dioxide leaves your body through the
lungs when you exhale.

II. Application
Consider the illustration below. Read the conditions
2 and write TRUE or FALSE in
each statement.

Right Left
____1. The right side of the heart pumps the side
deoxygenated Side
blood or oxygen poor blood to the lungs.
____2. The blood carrying oxygen from the lungs enters to
the left side of the heart.
____3. During inhalation the diaphragm moves up and
the chest cavity expands then the air enters to the alveoli.
____4. Oxygenated blood from the heart will be
distributed to
all parts of the body excluding the lungs.
____5. The blood from the right ventricle will flow back to
the lungs for blood cleaning process.

The Human Circulatory System

III. Assessment

Directions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.The nutrients obtained from the food during digestion are supplied by
circulatory system to the body. What does the circulatory system distribute to
the body as it works with the respiratory system?
A. blood B. oxygen C. carbon dioxide D. chemicals

2. Which two branching tubes connect the trachea to the lungs?

A. Alveoli B. Bronchi C. Bronchioles D. Trachea

3. In the process of inhalation, what happens to the air pressure in the chest cavity?
A. The pressure decreases and the size of the chest cavity increases.
B. The pressure increases and the size of the chest cavity increases.
C. The pressure decreases and the size of the chest cavity decreases.
D. The pressure increases and the size of the chest cavity remains the same.

4. Since the valves act as the doors of the heart, what might happen if these doors
do not close?
A. The person will die. C. The blood will overflow.
B. The blood will become stagnant. D. The blood will flow backwards.

5. If solid and liquid wastes are removed from the body through defecation and
urination, what is released by the body as waste during exhalation?
A. oxygen B. carbon dioxide C. water D. smoke

Development Team of the Module

Editor: Regie E. Bait-it

Reviewer: Ann J. Agda
Illustrator: Regie E. Bait-it
Layout Artist: Regie E. Bait-it
Management Team: SDS Felix Romy A. Triambulo, CESO VI
ASDS Oliver B. Talaoc, Ed. D.
Ella Grace M. Tagupa, Ed.D.
Ann J. Agda4
Jephone P. Yorong, Ed.D.

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