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.'A mystery on the beach.

'T'lie Tamam Sliud case i s an unsoived' mystery of a man 1vlio 1vas

[ound' dead on a beacn at 6:30 a.m. 6y some tocals. 'T'lie man ,vas
found' (yín9 back, so that's 1vliy many peopte tliínk tliat he died'
white lie was steeping. 5\lso, a pack of Britisñ ciqarettes and' some
stuff were [ound ín his _pockets. However, any identification
wasn't found. This ied' to a (ot of specuiation about 1vlio tfie man
couid' be. Many wítnesses said to saw fiím the previous níefit in tñe
same spot wliere lie was founá 6ut t/iat lie was in a erent
posítíon. .'A.not/ier
.J?.eYSon saíá tha: he saw a group of we{(- resseá men carrytng the
fJo<iy_ to tlie 6ea.cfi. '11is mystery_ IJ!'ew when peop{e founá a
,u{Stml,S c/DtMI 6vt
at tM raíEwa.y statíon. It wa.s 6elleveti tliat tM sv.ítcase 6,finweti'
� tÑlt � to tú """'� ' y,an
--n�, 1afff•twce tñú fuflJ,•twlaú,IUlfy, 1IO tme inow tfte man's

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