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© 2014
Published by G12 Editors

All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of this book in any form – printed, electronic, audiovisual
or otherwise – is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher.
Unless otherwise indicated, All Scripture quotations in the English version taken from NIVUK. Holy
Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®.

G12 Media
Editing_Manuela Castellanos_Richard Harding_Sally Harding

EPUB_ Digital version

G12 Editores - Sur América Calle 22 C # 31-01 Bogotá, Colombia (571) 269 34 20
G12 Editors - USA. 15595 NW 15TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33169

January 2015

Chapter 1 Why set up a

DT training school?.....................7

Chapter 2 How to Begin............................13

Chapter 3 The Role of the Pastor...............25

Chapter 4 How to select the right people to
deliver the teaching...................31

Chapter 5 How to train and the teachers

for the start of DT......................45
Chapter 6 Obtaining and using
materials for DT ........................53

Chapter 7 Recruiting the Students.............57

Chapter 8 Organising and running

a DT training school...................63

Chapter 9 How to start a DT School - a

basic Checklist .........................67

Chapter 10 What next? What happens at the

end of the DT training School .....73
Why Set
up a DT
Matt 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”
Chapter 1

he Great Commission is so familiar to us all and it’s good to remind

ourselves that we are all called by the Lord Jesus to make disciples.
Disciples don’t just happen; the people we win will become disciples if
we make and fashion them into disciples. This has to be a deliberate
process because, if we leave them on their own, new believers almost
certainly will not get there! According to the rest of the Great Commission,
it’s a process that requires active teaching, commitment and practical
instruction – like how to obey the Lord in everything!

The purpose of the Destiny Training School is to help do this; to enable

Pastors and Leaders in the G12 Vision to begin to raise-up disciples
who can learn to see Christ formed in themselves and begin to form
Him in others.

In the G12 Vision, you will know that there are the four stages in the
‘Ladder of Success’; that is, Win, Consolidate, Disciple and Send. It is
helpful to remind ourselves here why these 4 stages came into being
and what they are for, especially the third stage “Disciple,” as that is
where DT training fits in.

chapter 1 why set up a dt training school?

There are two important Vision principles at work in the ‘Ladder of

Success’. The first is to keep the fruit of winning so that people are
not lost again out of the ‘back door of the church.’ The second is to
be able to produce a leadership that can quickly grow, develop and
reproduce itself, so that the church can multiply.

In the past, and in many different situations across the world, the
church has grown through addition. However, if we are ever to reach
with the Gospel, the many people alive today, the church needs to
grow faster than just by addition. It needs to multiply with, “a growth
which comes from God,” (Cols 3:19). The only way such a growth
can be achieved and sustained is by training up many new leaders to
share in the work. Destiny Training will help you to do this.

The first is to keep the fruit

of winning so that people are
not lost again out of the ‘back
door of the church

chapter 1 why set up a dt training school?

Imagine for a moment that an angel of God visited you tonight and
said that God was going to give you the anointing of a great evangelist.
Every day that you preached the Gospel, you would be guaranteed to
win a thousand people. Do you know long would it take you on your
own to win the world for Christ with such an anointing? It would take
you 15,000 years to win the current world population of about 7 billion!
(But by that time many more would have been born and you would be
incredibly old. After all, it’s only been 2,000 years since Christ died and
rose again!) This kind of growth is growth by addition.

However, imagine that this year you won just one person and spent all
your time consolidating and training that one disciple. Then next year
both of you won someone each and spent the rest of the year training
and discipling them. Then the next year all four of you did the same
and so on. How many years would it take you to reach the current
world population? The amazing answer is less than 33 years! That’s
right, in 33 years you would reach over 7 billion people. That’s the
power of multiplication, and that’s what training people as disciples in
Destiny Training is all about!

chapter 1 why set up a dt training school?

Having a DT School of training enables the Pastor/Church Leader

to have a stronger ‘right arm’; more trained and equipped
disciples to share the work, helping the church to grow and, in
time, to multiply.

The first question any Pastor or Senior Leader needs to ask

themselves about a DT school is, “Am I committed to having such
a Training School?”

Assuming, of course, that the answer is a clear and heart felt,

“Yes”, the rest of this booklet should help you quickly organise all
the various things you will need to get a DT school established in
your church.

The first key to the success of a DT School in any church is that

the Pastor or Senior Leader carries the School in their heart at all
times and that it has his or her full commitment and support.

The only way such a growth can be

achieved and sustained is by training up
many new leaders to share in the work
and this is where Destiny Training fits in.
Checklist (You can tick or check each item.)
Do I, as the Pastor/Senior Leader, have a conviction in
my spirit about?
Growing by multiplication?
Making disciples?
Training others to carry out the work of ministry?
Working all the steps in the ‘Ladder of Success’ with

to Begin
Daniel 11:22b “The people who know God,
will display strength and take action…”
Chapter 2

ollowing on from Chapter 1, here are the next 2 questions a Pastor

or Senior Leader needs to ask him or herself and answer at this

1. What do we want to see at the end of a DT School?

Most people would say that the best place to begin is at the start
but for the Pastor or Leader seeking to set up a DT school, the best
place to begin is at the end. In other words, when this course and
process of DT has finished what results do we want to see?

It is really important to know what it is we are trying to achieve in

our students through this kind of discipleship and leadership training
school. This will help us to keep our focus in all we do, so that the
course will truly give us what we are looking for as the result of all our
hard work and investment.

chapter 2 Where to Begin

So, what is it we are looking for at the end of a year of

Destiny Training training? In short, by the end of the DT
training, we are looking for a disciple who opens a cell to
win the lost.

This is different to producing a better-educated believer, or

helping someone get victory in some areas of their life. We
expect these things will happen to students on the course
as well, but this is not the only outcome we are looking for.

IIt is really important

to know what it is we
are trying to achieve
in our students
through this kind
of discipleship and
leadership training

chapter 2 Where to Begin

We want to see a true disciple emerge, one who:

Knows God in Spirit through prayer and the Word,

Has a strong, moral character and purpose,

Will take action in starting a cell and begin to win the lost.

It is important to have this concept clearly in our hearts and minds

from the start so that we can concentrate our ideas and activities on
producing such a person. It is good for the students know this as well,
so that they are clear where the course is taking them and why.

One good idea is to make up a well-designed sheet of paper with a logo

and the purpose of DT stated on it. Also, the form can include some key
points about how to serve the G12 Vision and the church leaders as a cell
leader. Each student can sign and date it when they begin the course. They
can look at this at different times during the course to remind themselves
why they are training on DT. It will also help shape their heart and
attitude for the time when they become cell leaders.

chapter 2 Where to Begin

Here is a sample form:

I understand that this is a high privilege and calling in the
The aim of Lord.

thiscourse I understand that I am always and only a servant in doing all

is for of this – serving the Lord and the leaders of the church.

me to I understand that the cell is not mine and that the people I
becomea win will always belong to the Lord and to the church.

disciple I understand that as a disciple, I need to be open hearted,

teachable, obedient to God and under the spiritual authority
who will of the leaders of the church at all times.
open a new I understand that this course is a great start but is only the
cell to win beginning of my training and that I will need further teaching,
the LOST! training and help to be an effective and growing cell leader.

I understand, and commit myself to, the aims and spirit of

this course.

signature date

chapter 2 Where to Begin

Chapter 2

2 .What do we want to see at the start of a DT School?

In short, 4 main things:

A full understanding of what DT is and is all about

A full understanding of how and where it fits in with the G12 Vision

Proper resources and funding

Full and detailed preparation of everything before the course starts.

Probably, the biggest single thing church can do to make sure DT

doesn’t work well for them is to rush at putting it on, to under-resource
and under-prepare it before the launch date. Our motto should be a
well-known one in management and military circles: “Prior Preparation
Prevents Poor Performance” or the “5 P’s” as it is called in the English

chapter 2 Where to Begin

So, here are some comments to help on these four points:

Organization of DT:

As we said in chapter 1, Destiny Training takes place in the 3rd step

of the G12 ‘Ladder of Success,’ which is Disciple. It completely
replaces the old ‘School of Leaders,’ and that system and set
of materials is now no longer current or in use any more in MCI
Bogota. DT does not have levels like the old School of Leaders.
Instead, it has 6 modules with a student workbook for each one.
The material from the books is taught like this: Acts 3:6


Term 1st Hour 2nd Hour

1 Book 1 Book 2
2 Book 3 Book 4
3 Book 5 Book 6

chapter 2 Where to Begin

Teachers do not have teacher’s books any more. Instead, they have a
book on how to teach in the new style of DT, and a USB drive to plug into
their computer with all the materials, ideas, and plans for the lessons.

Style and Delivery of DT:

This is also completely different than the old ‘School of Leaders.’ Please
don’t think you can simply give some new lesson material to the same
teachers to do in the same way. This will not lead to the kind of success
we want you to see. DT is not only new material – but also a new approach
and style to teaching as well.

Here are some key words to go with this new style: interactive, creative,
involving, student-centred.

Before, the emphasis was on a teacher delivering a message or lecture in

each hour-long session.

Now, the emphasis is on involving the students in creative, personal

discovery and conviction. This requires a completely different style and
approach to the teaching and is why we have written a teacher’s manual
and included creative lesson plans for every one of the 60 DT lessons!

chapter 2 Where to Begin

To do DT teaching successfully our teachers may need lots of help

and retraining. It is important that the DT school leader is confident
with the method of teaching and the material, so that they can lead
the other DT teachers in this new approach.

Even the place we teach in may need to be changed! For example,

rows of desks or tables may need to be cleared back to give space
for movement and activities. So, fixed desks or seating in a church
building may not be so suitable for a DT School.

We should mention here that having all the right materials is

essential for the students and the teachers. For example, if the
students can read up the material in their books ahead of time and
do homework afterwards from the book, the lesson time can be
‘freed-up’ to focus on more creative activities and impartation of the
Vision. Each teacher needs their own teacher pack to prepare from
and access materials. This should help their time in preparation be
much more efficient and keep a consistently higher standard and
quality in all the classes in the DT School.

chapter 2 Where to Begin

3. Who should lead the new DT School?

The next key decision a Pastor or Senior Leader should take

after committing in his or her heart to do put on a DT School is:

“Who should be in overall charge and who should run it on

a week-by-week basis? Should it be the Senior Leader/
Pastor or should it be someone else?”

Since this is such an important area of ministry we believe it is

essential for the Pastor or Senior Leader to give the setting-
up and on-going running of the school his or her personal
and constant attention. Depending on the size of the church
they may either do this directly themselves or get one of their
very best and closest leaders to run it. In either case the
Pastor/Senior Leader needs to be constantly and actively
involved in the training and raising-up of new leaders in the
Who should be in G12 Vision.
overall charge and
After this there are 7 key areas to get established so that a
who should run it on a
DT school can run well in your church. These are:
week-by-week basis?
1. Atmosphere setting – creating and maintaining the
right Holy Spirit, G12 Vision, and faith atmosphere

chapter 1 why set up a dt training school?

2. Content – using properly the right materials and lesson


3. Teachers – selecting and training the right people as


4. Students – recruiting the students with the cell leaders’


5. Organization – a good structure that makes sure all

the right things get done and nothing and no one is

6. Resources – what is needed to put on a DT school

including rooms and materials

7. Monitoring – checking the progress of students and

teachers and acting quickly on what is observed to
improve things for everyone
Monitoring – checking
A more detailed checklist in all these areas can be found
the progress of in chapter 9 for the DT Course Leader to use and check
students and teachers off when all these things are ready and in place.
and acting quickly on
what is observed to
improve things for

chapter 2
Checklist (You can tick or check each item.)

As the Pastor or Senior Leader I have a clear idea of:

Who is going to lead the DT School?

Are we clear about the aim and purpose of the

DT school?

Are we clear about what we want to see in

the students’ lives when they complete the

Are we clear about how the DT School fits into

the G12 Vision?

Have we allocated sufficient time to set the DT

school up well?

Have we allocated sufficient resources to fund

it well?

Will we have a suitable place to teach DT?

Will the students have the books from day 1?

Will the students have the right attitude and

commitment towards serving the G12 Vision
and the leaders of the church?

The Role
of the

Romans 12:8 “Or he who leads with diligence…”

Chapter 3

ince the raising-up of disciples is so important to the Pastor or

Senior Leader, it follows that he or she should give their best time,
effort and attention to getting the DT school set up and continuing to
run. The Pastor or Senior Leader’s heart, spirit and vision should
be evident in every part of the School.

Much will depend on the size of the church. In a smaller sized

congregation the Senior Leader / Pastor will probably be the one to
set up and oversee the running of the DT school. In a larger church
the leadership will probably be delegated to one of the Primary 12
leadership team or to a specially gifted and called individual near to
the senior leadership of the church.

Whatever the case, the Pastor/Senior Leader should always

seek to have a full and active involvement in the DT School,
as it is the training ground for raising-up disciples and new cell
leaders. These people need the leader’s input and impartation
if they are to carry the heart and spirit of the G12 Vision and be
loyal and true to the local church as well


Key times that the Pastor/

Senior Leader could be
involved include:

Announcing and promoting the start of the School, including

the spirit it will carry, the kind of person it is for and what it
will result in.

Helping in selecting the right and best people to be

the teachers depending on the size of the church. The
Pastor/Senior Leader’s knowledge of people, discernment,
experience and ability to hear the voice of the Spirit will be
invaluable in this process.

Ahead of time, and in front of the church, praying over and

commissioning the teachers

Being present on the first day to pray over the new School,
the students and their future success. They could bring along
some prophetic members of their team of 12 to speak over
the students and prophecy etc.

Teaching at certain key times on the DT training, e.g. any

sessions on the heart and spirit of a leader. Who better to
receive an impartation from than the Pastor/Senior Leader?


Key times that the Pastor/

Senior Leader can be
involved include:

Reading and marking a key piece of homework. This will

give the Pastor/Senior Leader an opportunity to see how the
students are developing and to notice any particularly gifted

Attend end of terms/semesters to encourage and pray for

the students, thanking God in prayer for their progress etc.
Also, they can thank and praise the teachers in front of the
students for their hard work in teaching.

The Pastor/Senior Leader can take a special interest in the

course at the stage where the students are being encouraged
to start their own cells. His or her impartation and involvement
at this time can really help underscore how important and
how possible it is for the students to begin their own cells!

Attend staff meetings from time to time to see how the DT

school is going and let the staff see that DT really matters to
the senior pastor.

The giving out of rewards and awards at key times –

especially at the end of the course.


Since the DT School will require the allocation of resources

including finances and time, the pastor/senior leader of the very
best people, the Pastor/Senior Leader needs to make sure
this continues and that people and resources aren’t suddenly
diverted elsewhere later in the year.

Another area the Senior Leader can help in is to constantly

remind the whole church that DT exists, that students are on
it, that teachers are doing well and that great progress is being
made. This personal endorsement in front of the whole church
will create a sense of wanting to attend the next course in the
new believers and will reinforce to all the cell leaders the need
to actively recruit people for the next time DT runs. At the same
time the Pastor/Senior Leader’s thanks and appreciation to the
teachers will help them feel appreciated and motivated.

So, there is much a Pastor/Senior Leader can do either to run

the DT School directly or to delegate but oversee it effectively.
His or her personal involvement will ensure that the whole
church values and prizes highly the DT School. This, in turn,
will help it to attract the very best people both as its students
and as its teachers – with great results!

Checklist (You can tick or check each item.)

As the Pastor or Senior Leader I understand that I

will need to:

Take a full and active role in the setting up and

progress of DT

Promote DT to the whole church

Support and affirm the teachers throughout the


Support and affirm the students throughout the


How to
the Right
People to
Teach on DT
Acts 13:2 “Set apart for me Saul and
Chapter 4
Having the right people teaching on DT is the 2nd key to its success.

n the training day for DT teachers we teach them the “Mumps and
Measles Principle”. This comes from the idea of a doctor giving a
lecture to a group of people about the disease called Mumps. As
the doctor is speaking and unknown to him or the people listening
he himself is sick and highly infectious with a different illness –
Measles! So as the doctor is teaching he or she is breathing all
over the people who are listening. Even though he repeatedly says,
“Mumps,” what do the people listening actually catch? Of course,
the people catch what he or she is actually carrying or infected with,
in this case Measles.

The same is true spiritually. When we listen to a Bible teacher we

come under their atmosphere spiritually speaking, and we ‘catch’
what they are carrying in spirit. For example, the lame man in Acts
chapter 3 caught what Peter and John were carrying; “Silver and
Gold, I don’t have, but what I do have, I give to you; in the name of
Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” What they did have, inside
them and in Spirit, they were able to pass onto the man. In this
case the miracle-working power of God.

So it is important that we choose teachers for the DT School who

are ‘infected’ with the right things, as this will be what the students
will ‘catch’ during the course.
chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

Each Pastor, Senior Leader or DT School leader could quickly and

easily write their own list of the things they would want to see in
the spirits and hearts of their DT teachers. Here are some things
that are key to the G12 Vision:

Love for God

Love for God’s Word – as a reality in their own lives

Love for, and success with, winning souls and growing



Filled with and led by the Holy Spirit

Great attitude – to the church, to the leadership, to the

G12 Vision, to the DT School

Teachable and open to correction

A ‘tested’ life – living an on-going Godly lifestyle and

not in any major sin (including sexual/moral failures and
relationship issues like bitterness, unforgiveness, carrying
offenses, etc.)

chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

On the DT teacher-training days we ask the trainee teachers to work

in groups and tell us what they think are key features of a good DT

The top answer they give us is, “Carries the heart and spirit of the G12
Vision and transmits it faithfully.”

Further Things to Look For

Here is a simple 3-point scheme that can also be helpful in how to look
for the right people to teach on DT. (In English the points all start with
the same letter!)

Is the person:




It’s important to have people who have a sense of calling in the Lord,
like Saul and Barnabas in the verse above.

Where there is the calling, there is also the provision. A person who
knows they are called will soon find the provision of God that always

chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

accompanies the calling of God. They will generate their own

faith and motivation. They will accomplish the release of God-
given ideas and resources. They will accept correction in their
teaching and practices so much better. They will be a source
of life and encouragement for the students and even the other
teachers in the DT School.

When a person has a sense of calling their motives for doing

the work will be so much better. They will be seeking to serve
God and serve the vision of the church and its leaders. They
won’t ‘own’ their ministry but will be stewards of it. You can
always tell that heart, since they will release the job or ministry
back to you at any time if they are asked to, without being
possessive of it or grabbing onto it.

Their sense of calling will give them an ability to keep going

with good grace and optimism when there is a difficulty to
push through, like a heavy workload, feeling under pressure,
an attack of the enemy and so on. They won’t blame others
or circumstances, they won’t demand from the leaders or the
other teachers, they will first of all look to the Lord in faith for all
they need to carry out his calling in their lives.

One special role a Pastor or Senior Leader can help with here
is to recognise a person’s calling in the Spirit and encourage
them in it. This is one of the many talents that Pastors need to
have - the ability to see the right person in the right role – and

chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

it is a great help and blessing to them and the whole church. It

may be that there are really suitable people in your church who
have never quite understood their calling to teach in this way
and as the Pastor/Senior Leader you can help release that in
them by faith.


What is the single biggest factor that means success or

failure as a classroom teacher in, for example, a normal
school setting? The single most important factor in that
setting that I have observed is this, “Willingness to engage
with the students.” To teach successfully requires that the
teacher really wants to be there, in that class, with those
students, teaching that material – and loving every minute of
it no matter how well or badly it is going. In short it requires
total willingness and commitment. Anything less and it soon
becomes a drain on them and their students!

In terms of school teaching, we used to say that we could

teach a trainee teacher everything else, but they had to
supply the commitment and the willingness. We invariably
found this principle to be true, the willing and committed
trainee teacher always succeeded, even if they needed lots
of help. The un-willing and the un-committed never once
went on to teach and often left training early. We even saw
some of the most intelligent and gifted teaching students
fail to make it because they had no commitment to really

chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

wanting to be there.

When it comes to selecting teachers for DT School, make

sure they are willing and committed, not being made to do
something they are inwardly resisting or have no heart for.

DT teachers need to be capable of doing the job of teaching.
That means they need basic skills and abilities that you can
train and work with to develop and improve. They need to be
capable as teachers of the G12 Vision. That means they need
to know their Bible well in general terms. They need to be good
students of the G12 Vision and know really well the material
they are going to teach.

They need to be capable in terms of some basic teaching skills

too. The ability to speak clearly and well and at the ‘right level’
is very important. Also they need to be creative, interesting and
relevant in the way they present the material each lesson. They
need to be sensitive to the needs of the students and able to
‘read’ them at all times during the lesson. For example, have
the students understood, are they bored, confused, is the work
too easy or too hard?

Something Pastors and Senior Leaders will have learned over

the years is that desire is not the same thing as ability. In other
words, wanting to do a ministry and being able to do it, are

chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

not always the same thing! Also when they ask for volunteers,
Pastors and Leaders don’t always get the people they either
wanted or expected. So it’s a good idea for the Pastor or
DT School leader to have their spiritual ‘radar’ going and, by
the Spirit, be looking out for the right people who should be

As part of this, it is worth being aware of some different kinds

of motivation that isn’t always helpful, including those who just
want a platform to share all their knowledge or promote their
special interests, those who want a position because they need
affirmation, and those kind-hearted people who volunteer for

How does a Pastor/Senior Leader discern and find such a

person? There are a number of practical helps that we can
use to find the best people to become teachers in the DT


If your church gets the chance to run the DT Training Day or

if a group of people come on a training day that may be held
during a G12 conference this is a great opportunity to select

The DT Training Day offers a great chance to see would-

be teachers in action and the Pastor DT School leader can
observe how their people get on in all the various activities.

chapter 4 How to Choose the Right People to Teach on DT

You can also watch for attitude, teamwork, creative talents

and so on.


We have used a simple multiple-choice exam to test

knowledge and understanding of the G12 Vision – (example
below). It needs more thought than it might at first appear
and has revealed some interesting things in some applicants
for DT Teaching. It’s not just the overall score that you are
looking for but also what incorrect answers are given to
certain questions.


It’s a good idea to individually interview people and talk

to them. E.g. talk about what God has said to them, why
they want to teach on DT and how much they want to be
there, helping the students. It’s a good thing to get their cell
leader’s input too.


No matter how good or bad people seem to be in interview,

or in a simple test, none of this really tells you what they are
like in front of a group of students. There is no substitute
and no equal to seeing someone actually teach. A
30-minute session they have put together on a G12 Vision
topic that you have given them will be a great test of how
well they will do. If you can’t arrange this, try and visit a cell
where they are teaching. This should tell you a lot about
their teaching ability and style.

Checklist (You can tick or check each item.)

In order to select the right people to teach on DT do we:

Have a clear idea and a list of what we are

looking for in a DT teacher?

Have a suitable process in place for selecting


Have some people already on our hearts by

the Holy Spirit?

Have enough time set aside to do all of this

and be able to train and prepare the teachers
ready for the start of DT?

Destiny Training-
Selection Test
1.) A ‘Vision’ is:

a) A word from the Spirit of God given by the gifts of the Spirit to edify you

b) Something you read in the Scriptures that becomes a ‘rhema’ word for
you for that day or week

c) A prophetic dream you have in the night that needs help in interpreting
to understand it

d). The idea of God revealed to the mind of man so he can carry it out

2.) The G12 Vision has 5 priorities, which are, (in order):

a) God, self, family, ministry, job/work

b) God, Bible, ministry, job/work, self

c) God, family, ministry, job/work, self

d) Bible, Prayer, fasting, ministry, self

3.) The Ladder of Success is:

a) Win, Disciple, Teach, Send

b) Pray, Win, Consolidate, Disciple

c) Win, Consolidate, Disciple, Send

d) Pray, Win, Teach, Send

4.) The G12 Vision calls each believer to:

a) Become a disciple who multiplies by winning souls and growing cells

b) Serve in the church in a practical way as their first, and most important,

c) Take a few years to train your life in church and then go to a Bible College

d) Grow your own, independent church by starting some cells in a few

different homes

5.) The Consolidation process is:

a) Initial Contact, Encounter, Post-Encounter, Re-Encounter, Cell Allocation

b) Pre-Encounter, Post-Encounter, Allocation to a Cell, Discipleship, Re-


c) Initial Contact, Home Visit, Cell Allocation, Pre-Encounter, Encounter,
Post Encounter,

d) Home visit, Pre-Encounter, Encounter, Cell-Allocation, Destiny Training

6.) An ‘Open Cell’ is:

a) A weekly small group meeting made up mainly of believers in the

church, but maybe who go to other churches on Sundays and who
don’t yet have their own cells

b) A small to medium sized group of believers who meet every week or

two for a time of Bible study, fellowship, prayer and worship

c) A weekly small group meeting of mainly new and not yet ‘born-again’
people to bring them to faith in Christ

d) A meeting for helping born-again cell members to grow their own cell

7.) According to the New Testament, the foundation of the

Gospel Message is:

a) Belief in Jesus’ teaching, prayer, good works, faith

b) Jesus died, was buried, rose again on the 3rd day, faith and repentance

c) God’s love, Jesus’ forgiveness, friendship with God, good works

9.) A true Christian is someone who:

a) Believes in God, the Bible and Jesus, was baptised or ‘Christened’

as a baby, tries their best to follow Jesus, regularly attends church on

b) ‘Put their hand up’ to a Gospel call, prayed to Jesus, comes to a cell,
gives offerings, will be baptised when it ‘feels the right time.’

c) Turned from their sin and old way of life, received Christ, been born
again by the Spirit of God, lives a new life of holiness by faith in Christ,
is baptised in water

d) Come to the church through a cell, been on pre-encounter, encounter

and post-encounter, gives a tithe, not yet baptised

10.) The first responsibility of a DT teacher is to:

a) Plan the sessions well, cover the whole content in the time given and
set and mark the homework

b) Make sure the student’s knowledge of the whole Bible is increased in

every way possible

c) Make sure they counsel and pray for the students when issues or
problems arise during the classes

d) Fully and faithfully impart the spirit and content of the G12 Vision by
personal conviction, example and experience

How to
train and
prepare the
for the
start of DT
Acts 13:2 “… for the work for which I have
prepared them.”
Chapter 5

reparation is a great thing to do; it gets us ready for what is to

come in God, as it did here in Acts 13. The Holy Spirit had done
things in the lives of Saul and Barnabas to get them ready to receive
his call to go. In the same way it is important for the success of the
DT School that the teachers are made ready at the start of a new year,
each module or term and each week.

This can involve the following things:

Using the teacher pack:

Purchasing, distributing and working from the material in the Teachers
Pack. (Each DT teacher will need his or her own pack to work from.) There
is material to read, lesson plans to use and other helps to guide them.

Training of Teachers:
Any group training of DT Teachers that the DT School leader can
prepare ahead of time will be highly useful and will help set an even
standard across all the different teachers and lessons. This training
can include trying out some lessons in advance where teachers can
practice their lessons, material and ideas on each other. The rest of

chapter 5 How to train and prepare the teachers for the start of DT

the group can give feedback – there is a suitable form below to help you with
this – (it can be freely photocopied).

Organization of the DT School:

Well before the start-date, the organization and running of the school needs
to be established and the teachers trained in how it all works. This includes
keeping attendance and homework records, marking and handing back
homework and the grades you assign so everyone marks in the same way
and to the same standard.

You may find it helpful to appoint someone as a pastoral tutor. This person
would liaise between the teachers, the students and their cell group leaders
on any pastoral issues. Make sure you have the students

Practical organization matters too, where is the teaching going to be done,

are the promised resources really there or have they been mysteriously
‘borrowed’ at the last minute by someone else? Is the room really available
or is there another booking that we forgot about?

Communication at all Levels:

Leading on from organization is the constant need for excellent and up-
to-date communication. This can save so much time and effort and make
the teaching a lot more effective if it is done well. It covers everything from

chapter 5 How to train and prepare the teachers for the start of DT

timetables, dates and times, to rooms where the teaching will be, to plenty
of notice to the teachers so they can prepare, to making sure the students
know what is expected of them and where they should be. Also do they
know who to see if they have a problem with the lesson material, or an
issue in their lives that affects their progress?

What if changes need to be made during the course, e.g. a class needs to
be moved because there is a problem with the normal room? The better
our communication, the more honoured our students and teachers will feel
and the smoother and more effective our lessons will be.

Presentation of Teachers:
It is a great idea to present the new teachers to the whole church and get
everyone to pray over them at the start. This is what they did for Saul and
Barnabas in the very next verse and it creates a sense of commissioning
this new work in the Holy Spirit.

Support with Administration:

If the school is bigger than one class (of say 20 people) it is a really helpful idea
to have an administrator who helps check all the attendance, homework
hand-ins, finances etc. They can do this for the whole DT School and
follow up students and teachers where necessary. It’s a good idea and
makes sure no one and nothing is missed. In this way, the teachers can
focus on producing high quality teaching sessions.

In order to select the right people to teach on DT do:

The teachers each have their DT Teaching


The DT Leader has planned proper training in

the spirit and content of DT

The DT Leader has planned a proper

organizational structure and a good way of
sharing this and training the teachers in it

The DT leader has set up a Pastoral follow-up

process and has planned a way of sharing this
with the teachers

The times, days, dates and places for

everything in DT have been worked out at least
a term (and more helpfully a year) in advance
and the teachers will be given this information
in good time and well before the start.

A committed and suitable DT School assistant

or administrator has been appointed, (if

Teacher observation form to be inserted here:

Destiny Training Lesson Assessment date:
Name of Teacher being assessed:
Name of person assessing:

Summary Overall, was this a proper Destiny Training session? Yes / No

Item Description Mark: 1 = low 5=
The Session or Lesson
Spirit: How well did it keep to the spirit and atmosphere of the G12 Vision? 1 2 3 4 5
How faithful was it to the content and material of the Destiny
Content: Training? 1 2 3 4 5

Creativity: How creative was it in content and ideas? 1 2 3 4 5

Interactivity: How much did the lesson actively engage the students? 1 2 3 4 5

Fun: How much fun was it for the students? 1 2 3 4 5

The Teacher
Personal: How well prepared was the teacher in their own spiritual life? 1 2 3 4 5

Preparation: How well prepared was the teacher’s lesson and resources? 1 2 3 4 5

Organization: How well organized was the teacher and the lesson? 1 2 3 4 5

Lesson and Teaching

How well was the lesson structured, including a clear introduction
Structure: and conclusion? 1 2 3 4 5

How well did the lesson follow the Connect, Conceive, Create
Plan: pattern, including the right time allocations? 1 2 3 4 5

How well did the teacher select and match the DT materials to the
Relevance: class, their situation and needs? 1 2 3 4 5
How well was the Bible used, including reading and good
Bible: interpretation? 1 2 3 4 5
How much prayer was there at the start, for ministry, reading the
Prayer: Bible etc? 1 2 3 4 5

How well were essential DT resources in evidence and used – slides,

Resources: lesson plans, student books? 1 2 3 4 5

Homework set? Reading from books set? Last week’s homework

Follow up: collected, marked work handed back etc.? 1 2 3 4 5

(continue over)
and using
for DT
chapter 6 Obtaining and using materials for DT

Chapter 6

DT has a whole set of new materials to use including:

A Teacher Pack with a book for

teachers on how to be a Teacher on
DT, lesson plans and other guidance

Student workbooks – 6
in total or 2 per “term”
or 10 week session.

All these materials are available

now – just send in a contact
email through the website:

chapter 6 Obtaining and using materials for DT

Or go straight to the G12 resources page, which you can find at:

… where you can order online, or by the phone number at the

bottom of the page.

Using the DT Materials:

We should emphasize here that it is essential for the students to have the
workbooks in order to do the course properly and well. We don’t expect all
the material in the books to be covered in each lesson, so the students need
their own books in order to cover the remaining material in their own study time.
There are chapters to read each week, exercises to complete and homework
to do. Plus, the books are written by Ps Cesar to carry the heart and spirit of
the G12 Vision. They are essential tools for every student and for every church
wanting to establish a successful Destiny Training school.

Acts 16:1-3 … “And a disciple was there
named Timothy… he was well spoken of
by the brothers … Paul wanted this man
to go with him.”
Recruiting the Students

Chapter 7

hese are the kind of people we want to recruit for DT School. People
who are already showing some promise and have made a certain
amount of progress in the Christian Life. Like Timothy they may be
young in years and new in faith but Timothy had been noticed by Paul.

To recruit people to a DT School needs the Primary 12 and all the cell
leaders to be like Paul, seeing who are new, emerging disciples who
show the right attitude and fruit at this stage.

We would normally expect them to have gone through the whole of

Consolidation, including Encounter, Pre- and Post-Encounter, and have
made good progress in all these things. They would, by this stage,
have been baptised in water, and in the Holy Spirit and beginning to
move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They would be regular and faithful
members of the cell, helping the leader grow the cell by bringing new
people along. They would also be supportive of the prayer life of the
cell and the church and be willing to give their time, service and show
faith in making offerings and giving their finances.

Getting suitable people to sign up can be done in a number of ways

and different churches may have their own preferred way of doing this.

chapter 7 Recruiting the Students

One helpful way to recruit and sign-up people is to invite them

to a special evening presentation to explain all about DT School
first. You can make this a really nice and special evening. The
cell leaders can hand in names of potential candidates to the
Pastor/ Senior Leader or DT School Leader. A special invitation,
direct from the Pastor / DT School Leader, can then be given
out, in good time, to each of these people via the cell leader or
even by post, (it seems more special in some cultures). This
can be well-presented to look really appealing and inviting, like
a birthday or special occasion. (We once made it look like ‘call-
up’ or draft papers to join the army – in this case the Lord’s
army!) On the form will be the information about what the
potential student is being invited to and why, where and times
etc. There should be a reply section of the form to tear off and
hand back to the cell leader to sign and commit to coming.

(Of course, if your church is really ‘electronic’ you may prefer

this way of communicating via a special web page or similar.)

On the evening itself, the DT School and its Leader should be

introduced by the Pastor / Senior Leader. Then the DT Leader
should present the vision for the DT School in an interesting
and fun way. Rather than just talking to the students, the
evening should model how the school will be run, engaging the
students in activities and fun, creative things to do, in order to
discover what it is all about.

chapter 7 Recruiting the Students

One important topic to cover is the quality and standards that

will be acceptable on the course. What will be your policy
with lateness, missed sessions, missing homework and so
on? The DT School leader and Teachers should work this
out ahead of time and present it to the potential students in
the most fun and friendly way they can, (but still be clear and
definite about these standards).

The DT School Leader should present and affirm the staff

to the potential students and if there are classroom facilities
that are available and well done, they can take the potential
students on a tour of them.

It will be good for all the primary 12’s to be there and every
cell leader to make sure their cell members are there and
engaging with the evening including the sign up later on. The
Pastor then addresses the group and gives the invitation to
everyone there to sign up for the DT School and prays for
each person to hear God’s call and respond to the Holy Spirit
in this next and vital step. After this, the sign-up forms can

chapter 7 Recruiting the Students

be ready for as many as possible to sign up with whatever

finance they may need. (They can be told in advance through
the invitation what will be happening and to bring the finances.)

Once the students have applied it is really important to respond

very quickly to them – the same week – and tell them what to
do next. This includes thanking them for their application,
confirming they have been accepted on the DT School and
sending them a list of dates and times. Also the students will
need to have the workbooks and instructions about purchasing
these ready for the first sessions. (Usually the church buys in
a stock and sells them on to the students.)

When the DT School starts and in the very first session we

recommend that the Pastor / Senior Leader comes to pray
over it and start it all off. We also recommend that each
student is given an Aims and Purpose Form and a Discipline
and Conduct Form to sign and hand in and a copy to keep.
The School Copies should be filed away in an organised

When recruiting students to the Destiny Training School.

The cell-leaders are briefed ahead of time, have a list of things to

look for and are asked to provide names for potential students.

The potential students have the DT School presented to them in

the best way possible

A policy on standards of discipline and conduct on the course

is presented so everyone knows what will be expected of them
during the year.

The students are given forms to sign up and are invited to apply
with a deadline date.

Applications are received and processed by the DT School

leader, the Teachers (and the DT Administrator) – with feedback
to the cell leaders about who was invited and who actually

The students are sent a confirmation and congratulations form

along with a calendar of dates, times, venues etc. and how to get
the work books in time.

The students are given a “Discipline and Conduct Policy” to sign

– 2 copies, 1 for them and 1 for the DT School.

The students are given an “Aims and Purpose Form” (see

chapter 2) to sign - 2 copies, 1 for them and 1 for the DT School.

and running
a DT School
Mark 6:39 ff “He commanded them
all to sit down by groups on the
green grass, groups of hundreds and
of fifties…”
Organising and running a DT School

Chapter 8

he Lord Jesus was not only filled with faith and miracle power but
he was a great organiser too! Here in Mark’s Gospel he knows
how to organise the crowd so that they are all looked after and all fed.
Organising the distribution of food by groups of 100 and 50 is a great
strategy. Each one of the Apostles will have to look after just over 400
people. This means some combination of groups of 50 or 100 so maybe
about 6 groups each to look after. They all have their people that they
are responsible for and no one will get missed. Notice the detail here
too – they sat on the green grass. Not typical for a dry, hot country like
Israel but really suitable for the people to sit down and rest on while they
eat. Simple but brilliant!

Likewise, great organization in the DT School will help our students all
be “well fed” spiritually, with no one missed out or uncared for.

Once the DT School has begun it needs to be well organised in order to

keep it running smoothly, efficiently and well for the rest of the teaching
year. Having a good organization can really help with this. The heart of
good organization is found here in the story. It should be simple, easy to
operate, easily understood by everybody and it should do the job well,
(with the minimum of cost, intrusion or fuss)!

chapter 8 Organising and running a DT School

We suggest an organization for DT School that includes:

A DT School Leader

Regular Teacher(s)

Guest or special teacher(s)

An Administrator(s) - depending in the size of the school

A ‘Pastoral’ person(s) or team – to help the students when issues


A clear timetable – with places, dates and times

Clear expectations and guidelines in advance – for teachers and

for students

Clear information in advance about any costs and materials to be


Clear handling of any budgets and money, with accountability and

procedures about how the money is handled and by whom – this
should normally come under the main church financial system

Clearly worked out lines of communication

Regular, and sufficient timetabled meetings of staff each term

especially early on to make any adjustments needed quickly

Means of feedback from the students to see how they are finding
the course and the means to respond quickly where necessary

chapter 8 Organising and running a DT School

The DT School organiZation

should look something like this:


cd school leader primary 12

teachers pastoral carer

students or team administrator(s) cell leaders

How to
start a
DT School
– basic
checklist 1
“Atmosphere” – things that set the right atmosphere and spirit
of a DT school including:
Is the Senior Leader/Pastor properly involved so it carries the
right heart and loyalty to the G12 Vision and to the local church?

Do we have the right and the best person in overall charge of DT

to make sure it runs consistently well in all areas?

Does the DT school carry the heart and spirit of the G12 Vision in
all that it will do?

Is there a spirit of excellence in all that is done?

Is there a spirit of creativity and fun in all that we are planning to

do with the students on DT?

Is there a faith-building atmosphere in the classes that is

imparted by the teachers?

checklist 2
Content – (obtaining and using properly the right material):
Do we have all the correct materials and helps including the
Teachers Packs (one per teacher) and do the students each have
their own workbooks?

Are the teachers properly familiar with the heart and spirit of the
DT material?

Have the Teachers had any training, either from someone really
gifted in the church or on one of the special, practical G12 DT
teacher-training day?

Are the students coming ready and prepared with all the correct
materials including student workbooks, paper and pens etc?

checklist 3

Have we selected the best people, and in good time, to be
teachers to deliver the DT course?

Have we tested and interviewed them to be sure they are

suitable in every area?

Are the teachers reliable, accountable and teachable?

Have the teachers been properly trained and prepared ready for
the start of DT?

Checklist 4
Is the Senior Leader/Pastor properly involved so it carries the
right heart and loyalty to the G12 Vision and to the local church?

Have we recruited the students properly and well and in good

time? (Includes an application form they fill in and commit to if at
all possible?)

Have the cell leaders been properly involved to help select and
put names of suitable cell members forward?

Have the church leaders / DT leader checked how willing and

committed the potential students are?

What is the church going to charge for the course materials etc.
and how is this going to be reliably collected ahead of time?

Checklist 5
Have we set up a good pastoral care structure so that students
can get help with discipleship issues in their lives that might arise
on the course? (This will be needed if it is a big group or in a big
church setting.)

Have we set up good lines of communication between the

teachers, the pastoral care team and all the cell leaders, so that
we can inform everyone about each student’s progress and any
issues that may arise?

Have we set in place an administrative organization to register

students, make up class lists, take monies and monitor

checklist 6
Practical things
Do we have a suitable place for the DT school to be set up and
delivered? (See chapter for further information on this)

Do we have a regular time each week and term or semester

dates when the DT school is on?

Do the students and teachers all know this information?

Do we have the best resources we can give to invest in the DT

school including funds from the church, materials, furniture and
equipment in the teaching room and so on?

Checklist 7
Monitoring progress (Principle – you get what you inspect not
what you expect!)
Have we set up regular meetings for the teachers on DT to talk
about their progress on DT, share ideas, successes and struggles
on DT and give feedback to the head of DT?

Is attendance and homework going to be followed up on a

weekly basis and what action are we going to take if a student’s
progress falls below standard?

Have we set up a system of rewards and recognition for the

students when they do well and how is this going to be reliably
collected ahead of time?

What happens
at the end of
the DT Training
Luke 9:1 “He called the twelve together and gave them
authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. And
he sent them out…”
Chapter 10

he 4th and last stage in the ‘Ladder of Success’ is Send. This is what
Jesus did with his 12 after he had trained and equipped them. We
want to encourage this process in the students that are being raised
up in DT.

In chapter 1 we began by looking to the end of the course and we

asked, ‘What is the end result we want out of Destiny Training?’ We
said it was disciples who would (each) open a cell to win the lost.

How will we encourage and enable them to do that, and how will we
assess this to see if we have been successful in our aim?

Of course, it will be a little late, suddenly to start asking this question

on the last day, so the DT Course Leader needs to be thinking about
this, along with the DT Teachers and the cell leaders from the start of
the third “term.”

chapter 10 What happens at the end of the DT Training School?

The questions we will need to be asking are:

How near are our students to opening a cell? (What they think
and what the DT Teachers think.)

When do we expect each one to begin their cell?

What extra help and support might they need in order to get
started? (The cell leaders are key here.)

By the end of the course we will want to have helped as many as

possible either to have started or be about to start.

To enable this to happen, here are some suggestions for things we

can do with the students:
At the start of the third term:

Ask them to fill in a simple response form about how the DT

course is going and how near they think they are to starting their
own cell.

Ask their cell leader to fill in a similar form too.

Read through their forms and arrange a personal interview

chapter 10 What happens at the end of the DT Training School?

between a DT Teacher or Course Leader, the student and their

cell leader to talk about their responses on the form how they are
going to start a cell. This is to be a helpful time to pray for them
and encourage them.

Get some of the Primary 12 or even the Pastor /Senior Leader

to visit the DT School at the start of Term 3 to emphasise the
importance of opening a cell and pray for them all.

Get some good testimonies from former students to say how

they opened their cell. Invite them to come to DT School and give
them during the term – one a week would be brilliant!

Spend even a few minutes each week in DT School praying for

everyone for fruitfulness and the ability to open a cell.

Also, the DT Course Leader and the Teachers should all keep their
eyes open for students who do really well and who can come back and
help in DT School in the future!

At the end of the course it will be good to finish in a great way and
here are some ideas that can be used in any combination:
Ask the students for their views on how the course has gone for
them and any suggestions and helps for future years – a simple
form can help with this.

chapter 10 What happens at the end of the DT Training School?

Ask the teachers to prepare a short written assessment on each

student that is encouraging them for the future, maybe with a
‘rhema’ verse or prophetic word for each of them.

End with a celebration meal for students and teachers

Get one of the best students to speak on behalf of the students

at the meal or to the church

Present graduation awards to the students (Pastor / DT Course

Leader or even a special guest)

Present the students to the church and commend their hard work
and success. Get some of the best to testify to the church about
how much DT has done for them. This will help create interest and
faith in others to join the next course.

Pray over the students and give them ‘rhema’/prophetic words of


Pastor, present your Course Leader and Teachers to the church,

commend their hard work and pray for them with the whole
church. Get the students to pray for them too.

And finally, after a short and well-earned break, get ready for next year,
to begin the process all over again!


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