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Filipino inventors and their inventions

Pedro Flores was widely considered the first "yoyo" maker in the United States, where this toy created an international craze. Yoyo means "come back" in Tagalog (maybe from the repeating word "come-come"), an interesting translation which does not seem to have an Ilokano equivalent (Flores is an Ilokano from Vintar, Ilocos Norte). More....
Karaoke - Roberto del Rosario Although a Japanese also claims to have invented this musical instrument, it is Roberto del Rosario who invented the original instrument "sing-along" or without accompaniment. Karaoke, however, has a Japanese connotation. More... Boondocks - From the Tagalog word Bundok Linguists quarrel a lot about the origin of
certain words, but this one will definitely stay in the rich repertoire of Filipino vocabularies. Bundok means "mountain", with all its derivatives like kabundukan (mountainous), bulubundukin (hilly), bundok-bundok (mountain-like), etc. More... Text by Please click to return to UH Manoa Center for Philippine Studies Homepage Thomas
Edison has always been a person I have admired. So much genius stuck inside an ordinary human life. What else could he have invented if he could have lived over two life-spans? I was watching a reality show on the BBC, a competition for inventors to market their products, and I got to thinking: What everyday things were invented in the Philippines
or by Filipinos? Despite all the publicity about labor and jobs and so on, there MUST have been some Filipinos who, through their own ingenuity, invented products to fill a need. Well, the answer is that there have been MANY Filipino inventions, most of which have proven significant, either to history or quality of life. I have limited this list to
the eleven I feel most important… You may disagree, or, please share if you think that I’ve left something off. I left off the “Water Car” and Fluorescent bulb because they are disputed. These are the guys that every Filipino or foreigner living here should remember whenever they hear those tired old clichés. 1. Karaoke: Invented in 1975 by Roberto
del Rosario. I really thought this was a Japanese invention, despite its’ popularity here, and I was completely wrong. A brilliant guy, he invented many other musical devices, but Karaoke will always be remembered as his greatest triumph (or bane to humankind, depending on your point of view.) 2. Medical Incubator: Invented in 1941 by Fe del
Mundo. She was the first Asian student in Harvard’s School of medicine. Countless young lives were saved by her invention and genius. 3. Moon Buggy: Invented in 1968 by Eduardo San Juan. He was the project leader for NASA in the buggy development: An underfunded and underappreciated engineering success. This one has special significance to
me, due to my Grandfather working at the Cape in the early space program. The moon buggy allowed greater exploration of the Moon, yet Eduardo San Juan’s contribution has been relegated largely to status as a footnote. 4. Erythromycin: Invented (Discovered) by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar in 1949. He sent a sample to Eli Lilly, who promptly stole the
idea and patented it, and later marketed it successfully. Remember kids, this is why the great inventors always go to attorneys first… He never received a single peso from his product, that saved millions of lives (Thank him if you are allergic to penicillin!). 5. Yoyo: Invented as a hunting weapon by the ancient Filipinos, probably in the Visayas.
“Discovered” when Magellan landed. 6. Video Phone: Invented by Gregorio Zara, in 1955 no less! When James Bond was using one in Dr. No, it had already been in existence a number of years. This is the predecessor of the camera in your mobile! 7. Computer Microchips: Many types were invented by Diosdado Banatao, beginning with the world’s
first 16-bit chip in 1972, which he invented while working at Commodore. This led to the development of GUI (The thing that makes the graphics on this page…). Why should you care? Without GUI, you would now be looking at a page filled with nothing but a bunch of ones and zeroes. 8. Isolated Rice Breeds: In 1966, Dr. Rodolfo Aquino isolated nine
specific breeds of rice for the International Rice Research Institute. His discoveries helped prevent famine in much of Asia, and were nearly solely responsible for Thailand and Vietnam becoming the world’s leading rice producers (A spot once solely occupied by the Philippines.). 9. Drug Detection: Dr. Enrique Ostrea developed the method for
detecting drug use by pregnant females by detecting traces in the baby’s stools. His method is used by doctors worldwide in diagnosing drug dependency in infants. 10. Jeepney: Immediate post-war, and the most common form of transportation in the country today. A Filipino invention, though born from necessity, ingenuity, and thrift. 11. Patis: Love
it or hate it, I was surprised that it has only been around for the last 60 years! Additionally, the Filipino Patis was the basis for the Vietnamese and Thai fish sauce industries, and not the other way around. (If you think Filipinos use a lot, after a week in Thailand or Vietnam???) It was invented by Tantay Food and Sauces after they discovered that their
dried fish were turning into liquid when stored with salt in earthen jars. MANILA – The Filipino Inventors Society (FIS) on Thursday appealed to the government for financial support to assist many outstanding Filipino inventions to propel the country towards economic development and prosperity.The FIS through its president, Manuel Dono made the
clarion call during a press conference at the newly-built Seda Hotel in Quezon City.Dono said that despite the fact that there is a law passed by Congress in 1992 called Republic Act 7459 that provides incentives to Filipino investors, expanding the functions of technology application and promotion, and appropriating fund amounting to PHP10 million
annually, Filipino inventors are still left behind because of lack of government support.Through the years, enterprising Filipino inventors have come up with outstanding inventions, but due to lack of financial support these inventions found their way in foreign countries that massively produced them.George de Guzman, the inventor of the famous
power-up, the anti-pollution gadget, said it is about time the government extends full support to poor and struggling Filipino inventors now not later to help the Philippines towards economic development.“In fact, there are plenty of Filipino inventors asking for government assistance to mass produce their inventions such as the fuel-less power plant
run by water and air, human drone, unsinkable boats, the three-burst fire of the M-16 assault rifle, the wireless anti-carnapping device, to name a few,” de Guzman said.He said he invented and manufactured his power-up gadget without help from the government or the private sector.De Guzman recalled that the fluorescent lamp was invented by a
Filipino many decades ago, but it was patented and mass produced in America since there was no Filipino company that took the risk of manufacturing it in the Philippines.Another outstanding invention was the moon-wrecker vehicle that was used by American astronauts during their moon landing.The appeal of Dono and de Guzman for immediate
government support was echoed by two other famous inventors – Dr. Antonio F. Mateo and Dr. Jess Alburo.Meanwhile, Richard Burgos, director of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), who was present during the press conference, assured the FIS of government support to Filipino inventors.Burgos was sent by DOST Secretary
Fortunato de la Peňa to represent him at the press briefing because he (Peňa) had other official function to fulfill. (PNA) VICURE MACHINE. An anti-virus machine capable of killing bacteria and airborne virus. Jun de Jesus, an enterprising Filipino inventor, says his invention Vicure Machine, can also kill the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).
(Contributed photo) MANILA – As the world is racing against time to find the best drug to treat the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), a Filipino inventor, has asserted to have developed a machine that can kill airborne virus and even novel coronavirus which is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets and contact routes.Jun de Jesus, the
enterprising Filipino inventor, calls his invention Vicure Machine.“It is designed to fight airborne virus and other bacteria, particularly Covid-19,” he said in an exclusive interview.De Jesus said he started developing the machine in February this year as his “humble contribution” to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.“The Vicure invention is a combination of
new technology and old traditional Filipino medicine using soluble steam which has been proven to be effective as a way to prevent the virus from entering our respiratory system,” he said.“The local and traditional way of ridding the body of virus is called ‘Suob’ (covering the whole body, including the head with a blanket), get a pail of hot water
mixed with one kilo of salt as this will increase our immune system. Through this process the virus and other bacteria are neutralized,” he said.The machine, he said, can be used to disinfect hospitals, offices, homes, restaurants, and other areas.“During the disinfection, these areas must be cleared of people and wait for one hour before they occupy
again,” he said. “Those who undergo disinfectant procedure must wear clothes or masks and set the machine on automatic switch and presto, the virus are neutralized within a few minutes.”De Jesus thanked the Filipino Inventors’ Society and the Valenzuela Inventors Procedure Society, Inc. for their all-out support to his invention.De Jesus said he
already sent a letter to formally inform Valenzuela City Mayor Rex Gatchalian about his newly-developed Vicure Machine. (PNA) TechnologyAug 31, 2019 10:39 AM PHT Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on
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