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Meeting 13

- Simple Past -
Bahasa Inggris
DIII Road Transportation Management

Muhamad Nova, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Simple Past

 Every verb used in the previous story is Verb II (Past Verb)

and the sentences apply Simple Past Tense rule.
 Simple Past Tense is used for telling certain activity that
happened before now. Imagine someone asks what you did
yesterday and surely, you will answer it with Simple Past.
For example:
Yesterday, I visited my grandma. Then, I went to the beach.
“visited” and “went” are Verb II from “visit” and “go”.
Simple Past

 Then, if you did not do certain activity, you just need to add
“did not” and put Verb I in your sentence.
For example:
Yesterday, I did not sleep well because the AC did not work.
 The same with negative statement, in asking question, you
also just need to put “did” and put Verb I in your question.
For example:
Did you study yesterday? Did Dany tell you about the test?
Simple Past

 You can also use the simple past to talk about a past state
of being, such as the way someone felt about something.
This is often expressed with the simple past tense of the
to be (was or were) and followed by a noun, an adjective,
or a preposition phrase.
For example:
Last year, I was the captain of the football team and
my classmates were the members.
Simple Past
 Then, if you was not in a past state of beings, you just need to
put the simple past tense of the to be (was or were) with not
and followed by a noun, an adjective, or a preposition phrase.
For example:
I was not happy on last Sunday. My parents were not home.
 Then, if you want to ask someone whether he/she was in a past
state of beings, you just need to put the simple past tense of
the to be (was or were) as your question word.
For example:
Were you in the park last night? Was she there too?
Assignment 1

Please mention one verb in Present form and Past form.

Then, make a sentence with one of those verbs.

e.g. Pay: Paid

I paid my phone with my money.

Submit your answer by writing it

on the comment section of Activity 2

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