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ECV 5418

Sediment Transport
Dr Mohd Shahrizal Bin Ab Razak
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Monday | 6 pm to 9 pm

1 8 O C TO B E R 2 0 2 1
Meet and Greet
+Online attendance link:
+Online zoom link:
+Learning Management System:

+Tell us who you are.

+Why you choose this course?
+What is your expectation from this course?
+Experiences related to sedimentation and river engineering
18 OCTOBER 2021


River mouth area

Our territory mainly encompasses : Downstream
✓ Upstream to downstream (within)
River stabilization
✓ Freshwater only
✓ Basic mechanism of sediment movement
✓ Non-cohesive soils
✓ River flow discharge only
✓ River sediment discharge only
18 OCTOBER 2021
Course synopsis
This course covers sediment characteristics and transport in channels. It also
covers behavior and protection of river banks as well as sedimentation in

18 OCTOBER 2021
Course and Programme Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Students are able to: PO1
1. design riverbank protection considering the river morphological process. (Advanced
(C6) knowledge)
2. PO2
estimate the sediment load in channels and sediment transport rate in reservoirs.
(Analysis and
3. PO6
describe various mechanisms of sediment transport in rivers.(A3)

PO1(C)- Demonstrate advanced and continuous knowledge as well as having the abilities to further
develop and use such knowledge in new situations or in the context of multi-disciplines.
PO2(C)- Critically analysed and evaluate problems in the discipline in situations where the information
is limited and provide solutions through the application of appropriate tools and techniques.
PO6(A) - Recognize the needs for continuous professional development.
18 OCTOBER 2021
Course contents
Topic Subtopics Week
1. Introduction to sediment transport, course contents, assessments 1
2. Physical Properties of Sediment • Size of sediment particles 2
• Shape factor
• Density of specific weight
• Angle of repose for sediments
• Approaches for determining the fall velocity of the particles
3. Initiation Motion of Sediment • Shear stress approach 3
• Velocity approach
• Discharge approach
4. Bed Load Transport • Mechanism of sediment transport 4
• Threshold of particles movement
• Formulae for bed load transport estimation (duBoys, Shields,
Einsten-Brown etc)
5. Suspended Load Transport • Rouse equation 5
• Formulae for suspended sediment transport ( Formula Lane and
Kalinske, Brook, Einstein, Chang, Simon and Richardson )
6. Total load • Total sediment transport( Formula Einstein, Bagnold, Ackers and 6
18 OCTOBER 2021 White, Yang, Engelund and Hanson)
Course contents
Topic Subtopics Week
7. Sediment sampling • Bed load samplers 7
• Suspenled load samplers
• Field measurement technique
8. Alluvial Bed Forms • Types of bed foams in alluvial channels (ripples, dunes, plane 8
bed with sediment movement, anti-dunes)
• Prediction of bed forms using :
• Graphical approach
• Analytical approach
9. Flow Resistance of Sediments • Resistance of bed forms 9
• Bed form sediment
• Stage discharge predictors for alluvial channels (Einstein and
Barbarossa’s method, Engelund’s method)
10. River Morphology • River behaviour and evolution: Bend, river braiding, effect of a 10
long contraction, effect of overbank flow
• Aggradation and degradation
• Qualitative response of river system

18 OCTOBER 2021
Course contents
Topic Subtopics Week
11. Protection of Riverbanks • Analysis of bank stability 11-12
• Methods of bank protection
• Riprap design
12. Sedimentation in Reservoirs • Effect of sedimentation 13
• Monitoring of sedimentation rate
• Reduction of sedimentation
• Sediment flushing
13. Sediment Controls in Rivers • Sediment control at headworks 14
• Sediment excluder
• Design criteria of sediment excluder
• Factors affecting efficiency of sediment excluder

18 OCTOBER 2021
Coursework (60 %) Final Examination (40 %)
Test 1 - 15% Section A - 20%
Test 2 - 15% (compulsory)
Assignments - 30%
(including quiz, written Section B - 20%
report, online participation,
group work)

18 OCTOBER 2021
1. Chien, N., Wan, C. & McNown, J. (1999). Mechanics of Sediment Transport. New York: ASCE Publications.
2. Gyr, A. & Kinzelbach, W. (2007). Sedimentation and Sediment Transport. Doetinchem: Springer.
3. IAEA. (2007). Fluvial Sediment Transport: Analytical Techniques For Measuring Sediment Load:1461. New York: IAEA
4. Simon, D. & Senturk, F. (1992). Sediment Transport Technology. Fort Collins: Water Resources Publications.
5. Vanoni, V. (2006). Sedimentation Engineering. New York: ASCE Publications.
6. Depeweg, H., Paudel, K.P. & Mendez, N.Z (2015). Sediment Transport in Irrigation Canals: A New Approach. Leiden:
CRC Press.
7. Dey, S. (2014). Fluvial Hydrodynamic: Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Phenomena. Heidelberg: Springer.
8. Knighton, D. (2014) Fluvial Forms and Processes. A New Perspective. New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).
9. Robert, A. (2014) River Processes. An Introduction to Fluvial Dynamics. New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis
10. Schleiss, A.J., De Cesare, G., Franca, M.J. & Pfister, M. (2014). Reservoir Sedimentation. Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema

18 OCTOBER 2021
Given the paper titled “Testing the accuracy of sediment transport
equations”, summarize the paper based on the following remarks:

1. What is the objective of the study?

2. How many equations involved and what are they?
3. What are variables used for estimating sediment transport?
4. What are methods used to check the accuracy of the equations?
5. What conclusion can be derived from the study?
18 OCTOBER 2021
Future reading for next class
+ Sediment properties
+ Sediment classifications
+ Fall velocity

18 OCTOBER 2021

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