Web Application Summary

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Title of Web Application

Summary completed by student and student

Describe the purpose of the web application. What does it do for the teacher? Student? Parent?
Seesaw is a web application used for Teachers and Students to share what goes on in the classroom. It
allows students to create their own online journals and document everything such as photos, videos,
drawings, and notes with their teacher.
Link to an Overview VideoSS
Title of Video – One or two sentence description – Update hyperlink for the title
Meaningful Student Enagement with Seesaw- This video gives a recap of Seesaw and is very informational for parents or
guardians who want to know about Seesaw.

1. Choose three most important tasks or features. Describe the classroom application for each task or feature. Why is this
feature or function important?

Support AvailableFS
What types or formats of support are available? What is the quality of the resources? Is there a cost associated with any of the
support options? Does the company offer a certification in the use of the product?

Key Resources with DescriptionSS

1. Title of Resource – One or two sentence description – Update hyperlink for the title
2. Student Sign-in with Code This video is a tutorial for students to demonstrate how to sign in with a code that is only given by
3. Collaborating with Other Teachers This is a video on how to add teachers to your classroom. Different Seesaw models allow a
different number of teachers.
4. Organizing with Folders- As teachers, we will need to be highly organized. Setting up folders to keep your work together is
very essential, that is what this video is helping you with.
5. Seesaw Skills and Progress Skills View- This tutorial will help you add skills, tag different skills to post, give skill rankings to
your students, and track learning with the available tab “Progress Skills View”
6. Engaging families on Seesaw- This video helps with adding the families of students to their child's account to monitor their
work, activity time, and announcements.
7. Getting Started with Seesaw (Pre-K through 2nd Grade) - This is a PDF file explaining the simplest way to set up your
classroom with students’ Pre-K through 2nd Grade. It gives you a checklist you can follow to make it easier for you.
8. Getting started with Seesaw (3rd grade through 5th)- This is a PDF file explaining the simplest way to set up your classroom
with students’ 3rd through 5th Grade. It gives you a checklist you can follow to make it easier for you.
9. Getting Started with Seesaw (Grades 6th and Higher)- This is a PDF file explaining the simplest way to set up your classroom
with students’ 6th grade and Higher. It gives you a checklist you can follow to make it easier for you.

Pricing ModelSS
Describe the free and/or paid model used by the company. Include cost, major features, and any restrictions associated with each

Title of Web Application
Summary completed by student and student
Creative Tools YES YES
Family messaging YES YES
Premium activity features NO YES
Premium assessment features NO YES
More classes and Co- NO YES

Possible ImprovementsFS
1. Describe the possible improvement. Explain why this is a needed improvement.

Frequently Asked QuestionsFS

Question Answer
1. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
 Include the link to the answer.
 Provide a summary of the answer.
2. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
 Include the link to the answer.
 Provide a summary of the answer.
3. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
 Include the link to the answer.
 Provide a summary of the answer.
4. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
 Include the link to the answer.
 Provide a summary of the answer.

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