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GD topics: FMS Summers 2020

Fake news is ruining the social fabric of india.

Is democracy in danger
Modern day media
Is discount on E-commerce sustainable ?
Aatmanirbhar bharat
Precision marketing vs mass marketing in digital era
do deadlines kill creativity
Data Vs Creativity. Which determines success of a organization ?
Corporate executive a slave?
Design Customer experience keeping Social distancing in mind
WFH - Pros & Cons
How can an organization (like samsung fight climate change)
Traditional Vs New Age Media
case on bajaj ins vikrant ad analysis
is anti-china really possible?



GD topics: IIM K Summers 2020

Future of Electric Vehicles in India

Should there be a limit to media freedom
Covid19: a much-needed slate for the Indian industry
Is MBA overrated?
Pink is the new blue
National Education Policy
India improves in ease of doing business ranking. Progress or illusion
Novozyme - sustainable development goals
Digitizing the sales process.
Tata sky- beyond brand engagement on social media
Asian paints - being fair is more important than being just

GD topics: IIM Indore Summers 2020

1.Fairness creams fairytales are over

2.Are stock markets rational
3. Indian media- is it really the fourth pillar of Indian democracy
4. Is technology the next big investment
5. Impact
6. You are of beauty at
a partner industry
a firm. pre andyou
Should post covid
hire in ecommerce
a manager andatbrick
who works and mortar stores
a competing
firm and asking for more compensation than what you currently earn
7. Impact of COVID on environment
8. Evolution of technology in 2030
9. Indian startups a goldmine or an over crowded clutter
10. Impact of covid on the environment, give points with potential remedies as well.
11. Future of OTT platforms in India
12. Nation wide lockdown to flatten the COVID'19 curve was a dent on economy or not?
13. How would 2020 change 2021
14. Is MBA degree necessary for a successful profession
15. Herd immunity a solution or mass murder

16. You never know what you have until you clean your room.
17. Raising your voice vs having your arguments strong
and mortar stores
much compensation, the rationale behind it.
Can talk has
3rd link about negotiation
a repository ofetc
various other
links as well
4th link for quick facts and figures
Can lookhas
3rd link at industry wiseof various other
a repository
links as well
3rd link for stats and numbers
onomy or not?
Kind of an abstract topic, draw parallels
around it. Example, being organised can
lead to more opportunities etc






GD Topics - IIM Lucknow Summers-2020

• Is India ready to be a cashless economy?

• Marketing innovations - Post Covid era
• Atmanirbhar Review
• Covid-19 package - Illusion?
• Work from Home - Pros and Cons
• Pick any one industry and give one strong insight about consumer behaviour
• Farming Bill
• Women at work
• Consistency is the virtue of fools
• Nice guys finish second
• Company values, does it affect the company's success
• Fintech - Pros and cons
• Trust deficit is hampering the economy
• Ban on Chinese apps
• Is India ready for electric vehicles
• Lab grown meat
• Market for electronic in 2021
• Digitizing sales process
• What in your opinion would be the most important technological advent of th
• Can India be a global manufacturing hub like china?
• Supply chain problem that a company can face while entering new countries?

Plastic ban: economy vs environment








Date Topic 1 Topic 2
Handling millennials in an COVID 19 and Its Impact On Indian
5 Oct Success metrics to measure FMCG Ban on chinese apps in India -
organization Economy
6 Oct performance Discuss
E-learning –1+13+1
Pros & Challenges How to revive Indian economy?
7 Oct
Is work life balance a myth? 1+13+1
Pink is the new black
8 Oct Plastic ban1+13+1
- Environment vs 1+13+1
Curbing fake news
9 Oct Economy
Lessons for the world from COVID-19 Business of a 1+13+1business is Business
10 Oct 1+13+1
pandemic 1+13+1
Universal Basic Income: Is this a
1+13+1 | Its Effect On Market, Advertising And
11 Oct good idea for India? HUL wants to launch
1+13+1 Societya dry Shampoo.
19 Oct Case-Based GD Suggest a GTM strategy.
Premium watch company based out
of Switzerland wants to enter Indian
20 Oct Case-Based GD
market. Suggest a GTM strategy.
A confectionary company wants to
enter into dark chocolate
21 Oct segment(new segment for the Case-Based GD
company). Suggest a GTM strategy.

Veet wants to enter into razor(for

22 Oct Case-Based GD men) category. Suggest a GTM
strategy. (1+13+1)
Drive Link for

Duration of GD - 10 mins
Interview - (expected) 15 mins


Should prostitution be legalised in India or not?

1 min to think
7 mins for GD
2 mins to conclude

GD AND FGD topics from previous year
1. Scaling for Uber Moto - how to increase the existing customer base, launching into new cities - semi urban and ti
2. Reduction in driver incentives - Impact, response and mitigation
3. Uber Go launch in tier 2 city - how would you go about it?
4. What Uber can do for driver welfare other than monetary rewards?
5. What opportunities can you think you for Uber? How would you implement it? What would be the challenges? Ho
6. Ola, Uber, Jio - are price wars constructive or destructive?
7. Discussion on surge pricing?
8. Uber is launching in a new city. How to go about it?
9. Out of Rs. 100, 80% is for drivers. How would we make the model profitable?
10. What is surge pricing?
11. Uber in Lucknow. What is good, what is bad?
12. Rider business vs Eats business - how would you bring synergy?
13. Case - a driver is drunk and customer had reported sexual harassment. How would you go about it?
14. CEO has been associated with political party and your apps are being uninstalled - how would the communicati
15. Traffic in city - best way to manage it?
16. Should women be given flexibility at workplace?
17. Driver partner training for customer experience (emphasis on implementation).
18. Maps: build or buy?
19. Healthy culture vs hyper growth
20. Should drivers be sensitized towards women?
21. Demonetization: has it made India cashless?
22. How to train drivers in India?
23. Curbing fake news
24. 30 cities vs 120 cities: which is better?
25. Autonomous vehicles in India - GTM strategy
26. Bullet train vs railway bridges
27. Shared economy - is it sustainable in the long run?

GD: Small Video of apple (1-2mins) -
You are the supply chain manager and how you can improve it.

#Uber #Interview #Round2

Home town, Interests, passions!

Asked a question based on a point I mentioned in GD about Uber moving in B2B rather than B2C (GD topic was W

#Uber #GD Topic

Is Gig Economy good or bad!

#BCCL #brand
GD: 3 min video of Macintosh
5 mins to think
10mins discussion on: (1 min conclusion)
- Messaging, brand personality, target group amd how to increase it

#BCCL #brand
GD: video of an ad
5 mins to think, 9 mins GD, 1 min conclude
-brand personality
-target group
Tip: please spend time equally on 3 topics and when asked to conclude - conclude

GD topic repeated.
Interview panel will may interrupt in between to give points to dicuss on. Focus more on those points

#Adani #GD
1min thinking time; 10mins GD
Startups - Risks & Opportunities

GD: shown a marketing advt (apple/Flipkart)
Assume you are the supply chain manager, discuss the process improvement vs process innovation.
Previous yr GD topics
175 yr old brand. Catering to personal care. Trying to enter detergent segment. Discuss the launch strategy.

Malt drink - market leader in the kids drink targeted at moms. Target is to double the market share. Focus on promo

ABC white is facing a decline in brand equity, no. Of customers and distribution channel. Analyse relevant paramete

#rpsg # gd
1st panel asked to choose a topic.
1. Can industrial progress and environment go hand in hand?
2. US - China trade war

Expected style of GD
#rpg - General - similar to mess first floor GD topics

Expected style of GD (based on previous year experiences)

#nestle - General - similar to mess first floor GD topics

Expected style of GD (based on previous year experiences)

#diageo - General - did not visit last year summers. However in summers 2017 gave general topics similar to mess

Previous yr GD topics
#capgemini (happens in 2 stages - group and individual) - 4mins to think and 8 mins to discuss for GDs

1. Your firm hires engineering graduates without any work experience from tier 3 colleges. take multiple interviews.

If you are owner of an online portal that provides very relevant and good IT skill training which ensures candidates b

2. You are an offline retailer.What all technological solutions can you use to compete against e-commerce retailers

Individual Guesstimate
Estimate monetary benefits of implementing following solutions in your offline retail store
- using in-house navigation app to find location of products
- using self checkout app to complete the billing process on ur own
- app to scan product and find the customer reviews of that product

3. Using digital solutions in retail to compete with e-commerce firms

Individual task
There is an app that allows you to search for the product you want to buy in an offline shop,find its exact location an

4. Fintechs are taking up the market share for traditional banks. Your client is a bank, what are the tech solutions yo

Bank is introducing chatbots. Cost saving for a year.

5. Bank in Italy.
Not doing so well.
They are going digital.
5 factors you will consider to help them transform digitally.

Individual activity
Estimate the cost savings for a banking client. Had given two processes which the client was undertaking.

Expected style of GD (based on Summers 2017 experience)

#marico - Marketing case based

Previous yr GD topics
1. There has being a corporate governance issue at the firm. You have the following five options rank them accordi

1. Media release
2. CBI investigations
3. Industry leader
4. Change structure of board
5. Accept CEO resignation of CEO


1. Education
2. Govt infra
3. Cables
4. Auto

3. Case on Change in Agriculture Landscape and Farmers Lives

5 points given, you have to first rate the points individually and then discuss, a lot of data given, use data to discuss

Prioritise these points:

1) Govt intervention
2) Role of corporate
3) Role of NGO
4) Technology
5) Changing public empathy

Expected style of GD (based on previous year experiences)

#hinduja - General - similar to mess first floor GD topics

Expected style of GD (based on previous year experiences)

#airtel - caselet given - time given to read and then discuss on the same.
(Important - go through the product/services of Airtel - caselets are generally based on their products/services)

Previous yr GD topics
1. Ecommerce penetration in tier 3 cities.
2. Flipkart is not as successful as Alibaba.
(Tip: Define what is success here)
3. 2 companies.
Small company- manufactures a product but market share is low.
Big company- manufactures the same product using state of the art technology.
As a consultant, what would you advise the small company to do?
4. As a consultant, how can you improve Customer experience on ecommerce?
5. What will ecommerce do in the next 3-5 years?

Expected style of GD (based on previous year experiences)

#mars - role playing case based GDs

Expected style of GD (based on previous year experiences)

#asianpaints - Abstract

Previous yr GD topics
1. There is a 6G spectrum. How would you market it? Position it? Launch it?
2. Refrigeration company started in 60s. Had a brand value in the past. Now is outdated in terms of technology, cus
3. Case on petrol retail outlet. We have limited budget. How do we do the customer acquisition with limited budget?
4. The quality of the final manufactured product comes to be lower than the prototype which was initially designed.

Previous yr GD topics
Detailed analytics case given. Data given about bath cleaner product. Increase in growth by 15% of the product and
(TIP: look at the distribution network. Read about difference in distribution in urban vs. rural market )

2. Harpic akshay Kumar ad - They will play the ad

Drive the penetration in the market. What changes will you make in the ad?

3. Dettol shero k panje ad - They will play the ad

Competitive market. Dettol has the perception of germ killer - becoming a commodity. What will you change in the a


Case based GD: American toy manufacturer and details given. As board members, discuss and come to consensu

6 mins to read the case
13-14 mins to discuss
1 min given to each candidate and asked 3 solutions that he/she will take as the CEO.

#ABInBev #GD
Everyone was individually asked Why ABInBev?

GD: Is alcohol ban good or bad?

10 mins GD

#Mars #GD
Tips for panel 1 - Case based GD (specific roles given to each candidate)
2-3mins - case reading
5-7 mins - group discussion
5-7 mins - prepare for case presentation
~10 mins - presentation on whiteboard

Important: don't act as if you know the this structure from before. Above pointers are for reference

#ABInBev #round2

Round 2 happens immediately for candidates selected in GD after round 1

Group Interview:
Tell me something that is not there in your CV (30sec)
Guesstimate the no of bars in Lucknow
What are the products of ABInBev?
If you 1 Billion Dollars, what will you do with it

#AbInBev #round1

GD: What should be the right age bar for alcohol consumption?
10 mins

#Mars #GD
Case based GD - two products, pedigree(dog food) and whiskas(cat food), decide which group should get the fundi
10 mins - case read + discussion
10 mins - group presentation by each group
10-15mins - group discussion to decide which group should get the funding

#ABInBev #round1

15sec - Individually tell 3 values that define you.

GD: Is GD a good form of elimination?

CV based Q's
Q's to test candidate on stress
Q's on what you spoke in GD round
Do you have any Qs for me

#tatasky #GD
gd topic - paid content or free content which is more sustainable?

#ABInBev #round1

15sec: What will you aspire for once in AbInBev

GD: Brands or Products which are more important?

#Colpal #gd
Case based GD (15-20 min)
Case: A brand ABC's sales and market share has been declining as it is considered to have an age old image of pla

Dataset indicating the decline was provided.

The group was supposed to suggest ideas to improve the situation.

P.S. Please do not turn the GD into a fish market. It might lead to the scrapping of entire group, good for none.

#ABInBev #round1

GD: Should alcohol be legalised in universities

Bajaj Finserv last year experience

25mins gd
Each person given clues. Collectively the group has to arrive at a solution

Puzzle - how many days would it take to build the pyramid.

Clues were on first day of the week, non working day, etc

#bajaj finserv last year experience

25 mins GD
Puzzle: a parallel universe

a building had to be constructed with 50000 blocks, each worker would work for 2 hours and lift 150 blocks at one p

# Marico ops
Very technical
Case based Gd
5 minutes to read and 15 minutes to discuss

# Marico ops
Very technical
Case based Gd
5 minutes to read and 15 minutes to discuss

They have launched 30 new products and sales have been going good for the past 3 months
It is necessary to maintain 75% freshness for goods otherwise they are written off
Fill rate of stock 85%

Short term goals

Maintain the sales
Reduce write off
Long term
Maintain pipeline inventory for 25 days
How to formulate distribution of 85 skus across 25 areas

Previous yr GD topics
1. There is a 6G spectrum. How would you market it? Position it? Launch it?
2. Refrigeration company started in 60s. Had a brand value in the past. Now is outdated in terms of technology, cus
3. Case on petrol retail outlet. We have limited budget. How do we do the customer acquisition with limited budget?
4. The quality of the final manufactured product comes to be lower than the prototype which was initially designed.

#StarIndia #GD
1min to think 15-20mins of discussion
Topic - Should content be free
(Repeated from previous year)
Moderated GD. After some time, panel is asking specific people to speak.
New ideas of penetration are being appreciated

#bajaj Finserv # gd
25 min GD
Problem statement given
6 people have to cross the bridge wherein some are girls and some are guys. No girl can be alone on one side of th
Focus on Team work and solution

#StarIndia #GD
Same format

Topic - What would Indian sports scenario be like without cricket?

Moderator is asking questions in between to move the GD to a new direction.

Basically they are looking for fresh ideas.


Case based GD: You are a consultant to a bank which is facing competiton from non banking and digital payments
Individual activity at end of di

#Udaan #GD #Ops

We are going to introduce a new product line B2B. How should we go about it. 15 minutes GD.
#Hinduja Group #GD
15-20 mins GD
Topics: Automotive sector is going through a slump

Format: 1 min for noting down points. 15-20 mins GD and post that 1 person will be asked to summarise the discus
Special focus on conducting the discussion like a corporate meeting.

Flipkart Past GD topics

#Flipkart #GD
What will ecommerce do in the next 3-5 years. 10 min GD.
Panel expecting practical innovative ideas

#Flipkart #GD
As a consultant, how can you improve Customer experience on ecommerce?
Note: please define the structure in the beginning.

#Flipkart #Gd
Flipkart is not as successful as Alibaba.
Tip: Define what is success here. Panelist appreciating a healthy discussion.

#Airtel Finance GD

Duration 35 minutes
15 minutes to read case
15 minutes to discuss case
5 minutes to summarise

#Hinduja Group #GD

15-20 mins GD
Topics: 1.Automotive sector is going through a slump
2. IOT is a boon or bane
Format: 2-3 mins for noting down points. 15-20 mins GD and post that 1 person will be asked to summarise the disc
Special focus on conducting the discussion like a corporate meeting.

#Hinduja Group #GD

15-20 mins GD
Topics: 1.Automotive sector is going through a slump
2. IOT is a boon or bane
3. Financial sector is going through a stress. How to improve the situation?
Format: 2-3 mins for noting down points. 15 mins GD and post that 1 person will be asked to summarise the discus
Special focus on conducting the discussion like a corporate meeting.

#Fliplart #GD

GD: Private labels are a key to profitability & scalability

5mins Thinking time

15mins GD

#Flipkart #GD

GD: How can the Grocery market in India grow?

Pointers: How to improve conversion, will loyalty programmes help, will private labels help, growth strategy?

#AsianPaints #GD
1. Is India undergoing recession. Your thoughts?
2. Mob lunching and hyper nationalism lead to India’s secular fabric getting disturbed.

Topic announced and ppl were asked to either start immediately or think and then start, up to the groups choice.
GD lasting for ~10-12 mins

#Flipkart #GD

GD: Sharing on Social Media - Is it an authorised invasion to privacy

#AsianPaints #GD
1. Is India undergoing recession. Your thoughts?
2. Mob lunching and hyper nationalism lead to India’s secular fabric getting disturbed.
3. Digital media’s impact on business is real or over hyped?

Topic announced and ppl were asked to either start immediately or think and then start, up to the groups choice.
GD lasting for ~10-12 mins

#AsianPaints #GD
1. Is India undergoing recession. Your thoughts?
2. Mob lunching and hyper nationalism lead to India’s secular fabric getting disturbed.
3. Digital media’s impact on business is real or over hyped?
4. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes

Topic announced and ppl were asked to either start immediately or think and then start, up to the groups choice.
GD lasting for ~10-12 mins

#Flipkart #GD

GD: Flipkart has 100 million downloads but only 40million regular users - How can we increase the conversion?

#Flipkart #GD

GD: Electric Vehicles - Is it a possibility in the next 5 years

#AsianPaints #GD
1. Is India undergoing recession. Your thoughts?
2. Mob lunching and hyper nationalism lead to India’s secular fabric getting disturbed.
3. Digital media’s impact on business is real or over hyped?
4. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes
5. Is running a business profitably not in fashion anymore?

Topic announced and ppl were asked to either start immediately or think and then start, up to the groups choice.
GD lasting for ~10-12 mins.

#Flipkart #GD

GD: How can online sales channel disrupt the market for Flipkart.

How can online channels help increase sales in the Grocery market. How can it be profitable and scaled up?

#Flipkart #GD

GD: Is AI the future of mankind?

#Udaan #GD #Ops

How to launch Udaan in Pharma industry? What are the challenges in Pharma?
What would you prefer, hospitals or medical stores to tie up with Udaan?

Highly interactive session with tons of Q&A during the GD.

#act #gd
Case based on market entry in a regulated space.. how to win over market share from incumbents.

5 min think
10 min gd

GD topic:
Drug Price control is justified or not
15 minutes
2 minutes to think

Do women make better bosses?

Work life balance
new cities - semi urban and tier 2, pricing strategy and challenges

t would be the challenges? How would you overcome those challenges?

ld you go about it?

- how would the communication team go about it?
er than B2C (GD topic was Whether food delivery is sustainable in India). Point was to target MNCs and Educational institutes

on those points

cess innovation.
ss the launch strategy.

market share. Focus on promotions.

nel. Analyse relevant parameters and given data to provide solutions in the short and long term

general topics similar to mess first floor GDs

to discuss for GDs

eges. take multiple interviews. hire them and then train them for 2-3 months. however the firm is facing the issue that many of th

ng which ensures candidates become adept what revenue can I expect in my first year

against e-commerce retailers

shop,find its exact location and do the billing also on your own.You will just need to show the purchase details on the app to th

what are the tech solutions you would recommend to increase it's market share

ent was undertaking.

ive options rank them accordingly


ata given, use data to discuss

n their products/services)

ed in terms of technology, customer outreach. How would you increase the sales without affecting the bottom line?
cquisition with limited budget?
which was initially designed. As a management team what will be your decision? Go ahead with the release/not?

wth by 15% of the product and explain the rationale behind that no.
. rural market )

What will you change in the ad. What different would you do for the perception to change?

iscuss and come to consensus on what can be the solutions. (Use frameworks as applicable to better structure and solve the c

or reference
ich group should get the funding

o have an age old image of plain white toothpaste. The distribution channel is also weakening.
tire group, good for none.

urs and lift 150 blocks at one point. Had to figure out how many days it would take to make the building with additional constrain
ed in terms of technology, customer outreach. How would you increase the sales without affecting the bottom line?
cquisition with limited budget?
which was initially designed. As a management team what will be your decision? Go ahead with the release/not?

can be alone on one side of the bridge. Try to minimize traveling effort.

banking and digital payments companies. What will you do?

sked to summarise the discussion.

e asked to summarise the discussion. 2 mins notice given to conclude.

sked to summarise the discussion. 2 mins notice given to conclude.

help, growth strategy?

rt, up to the groups choice.

rt, up to the groups choice.

rt, up to the groups choice.

e increase the conversion?

rt, up to the groups choice.

ofitable and scaled up?

m incumbents.
s and Educational institutes to look into newer markets. They asked about potential challenge, reasons for focusing on B2B and
ng the issue that many of these hires are sitting on bench. also existing staff not acquainted with latest technologies like blockc
hase details on the app to the security guard while exiting. Estimate cost reduction achieved due to this app
he bottom line?

e release/not?
er structure and solve the case)
ing with additional constraints.
he bottom line?

e release/not?
ons for focusing on B2B and interview revolved around it.
test technologies like blockchain not contributing much. as VP of HR devise a strategy to be presented to CXO
ted to CXO
1. Use of Analytics in public policy making
2. Bank merger impact on economy
3. Does Social Media really connect people?
4. Use of data analytics in dealing with climate change
1. Which one is better and why? Corporate life vs Start ups
2. Will you open an online based business in Kashmir?
3. Opportunities for India amidst US China trade war. What should we pursue? (Program Management)
4. Roots vs Wings (prod man)
1. Whatsapp for college students / education
2. Whatsapp for enterprise
Samsung RnD
1. How startups help in achieving $5 trillion economy
2. How is AI disrupting business models?
Oyo Rooms
1. Case study on how to reduce no show in Oyo rooms
2. Should the rich be taxed more?
1. Is food delivery business sustainable?
2. Gig Economy - Boon or Bane?
3. Uber in Bangalore. What went well and what not.
1. Build a bridge
2. Build a tower
1. Digital marketing is focused on share of mind rather than share of wallet
2. For mature segment in FMCG, ads won't work but consumer promotion can
1. Recovery of India from the economic slowdown
2. Should IITs and IIMs be increased?
1. Brick and mortar vs online retail
2. Space exploration vs Water and sanitation. What should India focus on?
3. Should companies use personal data from social networking sites to influence recruitment decisions
1. Everything wrong with the me too movement
#rpsg #gd
5. Artificial Intelligence - reducing or increasing jobs
6. Does creativity need to have commercial viability?
#diageo #GD
1. Ban on alcohol advertising
2. Rising seats in colleges, how does it affect economy
#puma #gd
Who could be the new asset for Puma?
#diageo #GD
Gender Diversity and Inclusion
#rpsg #gd
7. Hyperlocal delivery, boon or name
8. Does language shape the way we think?
#puma #gd
What could be the new venture in which puma can enter?
Case based GD: American toy manufacturer and details given. As board members, discuss and come to consensu
6 mins to read the case
13-14 mins to discuss
1 min given to each candidate and asked 3 solutions that he/she will take as the CEO.
#puma #gd
How to stay relevant and grow? How will you innovate in product, sales and strategy?
#Samsung #GD
Duration - 20 mins
Borderless organisation is an illusion
#Samsung #GD
Managing millennials in an organisation
Indian economy in 2020
#ABInBev #GD
Everyone was individually asked Why ABInBev?
GD: Is alcohol ban good or bad?
10 mins GD
#Mars #GD
Tips for panel 1 - Case based GD (specific roles given to each candidate)
2-3mins - case reading
5-7 mins - group discussion
5-7 mins - prepare for case presentation
~10 mins - presentation on whiteboard
Important: don't act as if you know the this structure from before. Above pointers are for reference
#Samsung #GD
Corporate governance and CSR norms
#hccb #gd #sales
5 mega trends that are shaping the world
#hccb #gd #supply chain
Which metro city would you live in and why?
Is GST a 1 nation 1 tax system?
Duration - 15 mins
#HUL #Finance
Want to launch dry shampoo
Potential of the product
Additional info required
If reject, alternatives?
Risks and opportunities
How do you justify this financially?
Duration - 15 mins
Case based GD - cost optimisation for distribution of small outlets. What are the technology interventions you can think of
5 mins+20 mins
Driver or Driverless cars : Which is better for society
Food Delivery : is it a sustainable option
Should Uber expand into more number of cities (like Ola) or follow current system that they have
Should Indian govt. Focus more on bullet train on current rail infrastructure
Short Interaction post the GD - continuation of GD itself
Are app based services safe for consumers?
Plane crash in a forest. You have to rank 15 items as per usage.
Death of a person. 8 people responsible. Rank them for most responsible
#HUL #Finance #GD
Case based
Mobile launch in India - factors to considered
Plane crash. 6 survivors. Choose Leader.
Plastic ban environment vs economy
GD: Small Video of apple (1-2mins) -
You are the supply chain manager and how you can improve it.
#Uber #GD Topic
Is Gig Economy good or bad!
#BCCL #brand
GD: video of an ad
5 mins to think, 9 mins GD, 1 min conclude
Tip: please spend time equally on 3 topics and when asked to conclude - conclude
GD topic repeated.
Interview panel will may interrupt in between to give points to dicuss on. Focus more on those points
#Adani #GD
1min thinking time; 10mins GD
Startups - Risks & Opportunities
#Adani #GD
Artificial Intelligence - Is it increasing or decreasing jobs?
#Adani #GD
Efficiency vs Creativity
(Company feedback : Don't make it a fish market)
#AbInBev #round1
GD: What should be the right age bar for alcohol consumption?

#Samsung #GD
Donald trump good for the US and world?
A brand ABC sells condoms and sexual play products in Tier 2 cities. Brand equity is high but sales low due to disc
#nestle #GD
Select an ad campaign and analyse that.
General tips:
Choose an ad about which everyone is aware of.
Don't choose ad from competitors brand
#grofers #GD
#Mars #GD
Case based GD - two products, pedigree(dog food) and whiskas(cat food), decide which group should get the funding
10 mins - case read + discussion
10 mins - group presentation by each group
10-15mins - group discussion to decide which group should get the funding
#hccb #gd #sales
Do women make better leaders?
#Samsung #GD
as a group - decide your topic 😋
#nestle #GD
Same topic is being repeated.
Follow marketing frameworks.
Use marketing jargons.
#grofers #GD
Emotions are over-rated
Topic getting switched in the middle
Having emotions is not practical in a startup
#puma #gd
What should be PUMA's strategy for Gen Z?
#hccb #gd #sales
Compare leadership styles of Narendra Modi & Trump
#hccb #gd #supply chain
Trump vs. Xi Jinping
#rpsg #gd #supply chain
Indian Millennials are aping (imitating) the West. Agree or Disgaree. Half the group asked to agree, rest had to disagree
#GD #Grofers
Truth is only true when it is spoken rationally.
#GD #Grofers
Lots of abstract coming in. Don't stress. Think n speak. Quality over quantity.
#ABInBev #round1
15sec - Individually tell 3 values that define you.
GD: Is GD a good form of elimination?
#Mars #GD
Case repeated (pedigree vs Whiskas , which one should get the funding)
Panel divided in 2 groups, each group gets 1 product
10mins - case read and individual group discussion on 2 questions
Why their product should get the funding and where they would allocate the additional funding
5min (each group) - pitch to interviewers
10mins - cross group pitching
#rpsg #gd #sales
Role of ecommerce in the next 5 years assuming you are in 2020
Previous year topic
#Mahindra #GD
2 mins to think
1 min to write
15 mins to discuss
30 seconds to summarise
- Design a future car and mention 3 features of the future car
3 implementable solutions to cu corruption
Should women be made bolder or men more sensitive
#rpsg #sales #gd
Higher education is necessary for success in life
Half the group had to agree and half disagree
gd topic - paid content or free content which is more sustainable?
#mondelez #gd #s&m
There's a snacking product priced at ~Rs. 10 and is targeted towards the 5-13 age group. Sales is declining in uan and rural are
How will you revive the growth?
How will you target >13 yr old?
How will you plan sales and distribution?
#Pidilite #GD
You’re going for a project in Nigeria in one week. How do you prepare for it?
Rural distribution vs Uan distribution.
#Dabur #GD#last year topics repeated
Germs found in your product - As the CEO what will be your plan of action given that the consumer is a social activist
#Dabur #GD
Rural Distribution is more challenging than Uan Distribution
#Dabur #GD
#last year topics
Disruptive Business Models like Jio is the new norm
#Pidilite #GD
Is the new traffic law amendment justifiable?
#Dabur #GD
Success metrics to measure FMCG performance
# Marico ops
Very technical
Case based Gd
5 minutes to read and 15 minutes to discuss
# Marico ops
Very technical
Case based Gd
5 minutes to read and 15 minutes to discuss
They have launched 30 new products and sales have been going good for the past 3 months
It is necessary to maintain 75% freshness for goods otherwise they are written off
Fill rate of stock 85%
Short term goals
Maintain the sales
Reduce write off
Long term
Maintain pipeline inventory for 25 days
How to formulate distribution of 85 skus across 25 areas
#Dabur #GD
Guys. Please go through the last year topics posted above.
Could be same.
#Pidilite #GD
Current Government: For or Against?
#Dabur #GD
Marketing is more of a science than art.
#marico marketing #
There is a non sticky hair oil and you have to market it in West Bengal
There are 4 media channels in consideration
Tv, outdoor, print media and on ground
Cost and duration data for all channel is given in the case
Budget allocated for marketing is 3 crores
How would you allocate your resources across all these marketing channels
#StarIndia #GD
Same format
Topic - What would Indian sports scenario be like without cricket?
Moderator is asking questions in between to move the GD to a new direction.
Basically they are looking for fresh ideas.
#Dabur #GD
Is E-commerce a way forward for consumer goods.
Case based GD: You are a consultant to a bank which is facing competiton from non banking and digital payments companies
Individual activity at end of discussion - If you are a bank and want to enter the insurance industry, what factors will you cons
#Udaan #GD #BD
How can you increase customer loyalty through credits?
(Read about the company to understand who their customers would be). Lasted for about 10-15 minutes. Elimination round f
#Udaan #GD #Ops
We are going to introduce a new product line B2B. How should we go about it. 15 minutes GD.
#Dabur #GD
Is sales more important than marketing
#Hinduja Group #GD
15-20 mins GD
Topics: Automotive sector is going through a slump
Format: 1 min for noting down points. 15-20 mins GD and post that 1 person will be asked to summarise the discussion.
Special focus on conducting the discussion like a corporate meeting.
Flipkart Past GD topics
#Flipkart #GD
What will ecommerce do in the next 3-5 years. 10 min GD.
Panel expecting practical innovative ideas
#Flipkart #GD
As a consultant, how can you improve Customer experience on ecommerce?
Note: please define the structure in the beginning.
#Flipkart #Gd
Flipkart is not as successful as Alibaba.
Tip: Define what is success here. Panelist appreciating a healthy discussion.
#Airtel Finance GD
Duration 35 minutes
15 minutes to read case
15 minutes to discuss case
5 minutes to summarise
#ril #gd
Type: Case based
5 min to read the case & think
15 min to discuss
Topic: Pertol refinery wants to expand in retail space (already into it, but very low market share). Aim: growth. Current situati
Interviewer asked the candidates to focus on customer and competitor.
#Hinduja Group #GD
15-20 mins GD
Topics: 1.Automotive sector is going through a slump
2. IOT is a boon or bane
Format: 2-3 mins for noting down points. 15-20 mins GD and post that 1 person will be asked to summarise the discussion. 2
Special focus on conducting the discussion like a corporate meeting.
#ril #gd
Topic: The company has launched a new product and taken orders from customers (low cost product). But due to sudden inc
#udaan #gd #BD #Round1
How to manage expiry dates for pharma products in our business model?
#Udaan #GD #Ops
How are companies like Flipkart/Amazon managing BigBillion days/GIS. Then, individual questions around inputs given by the
#udaan #gd #BD #Round2
Build up of round 1 with remaining candidates (non eliminated) :How to manage expiry dates for pharma products in our bus
Cross questioning the individual contributor.
1. Brick and Mortar vs E-commerce
2. Should company use social media data to evaluate the candidate
s GST a 1 nation 1 tax system?
Duration - 15 mins
Food Delivery : is it a sustainable option
Should Indian govt. Focus more on bullet train on current rail infrastructure
Plane crash in a forest. You have to rank 15 items as per usage.
#Uber #GD Topic
Was abolition of Article 370 correct!
#Adani #GD
1min thinking time; 10mins GD
Startups - Risks & Opportunities
#Adani #GD
Supply chain challenges in Farming in India
#Adani #GD
Artificial Intelligence - Is it increasing or decreasing jobs?
#Adani #GD
Efficiency vs Creativity
#Adani #GD
Indian Youth - Are they informed or confused
#adani #gd
Good thinking leads to good things
GD AND FGD topics from previous year
1. Scaling for Uber Moto - how to increase the existing customer base, launching into new cities - semi uan and tier 2, pri
2. Reduction in driver incentives - Impact, response and mitigation
3. Uber Go launch in tier 2 city - how would you go about it?
4. What Uber can do for driver welfare other than monetary rewards?
5. What opportunities can you think you for Uber? How would you implement it? What would be the challenges? Ho
6. Ola, Uber, Jio - are price wars constructive or destructive?
7. Discussion on surge pricing?
8. Uber is launching in a new city. How to go about it?
9. Out of Rs. 100, 80% is for drivers. How would we make the model profitable?
10. What is surge pricing?
11. Uber in Lucknow. What is good, what is bad?
12. Rider business vs Eats business - how would you bring synergy?
13. Case - a driver is drunk and customer had reported sexual harassment. How would you go about it?
14. CEO has been associated with political party and your apps are being uninstalled - how would the communicati
15. Traffic in city - best way to manage it?
16. Should women be given flexibility at workplace?
17. Driver partner training for customer experience (emphasis on implementation).
18. Maps: build or buy?
19. Healthy culture vs hyper growth
20. Should drivers be sensitized towards women?
21. Demonetization: has it made India cashless?
22. How to train drivers in India?
23. Cuing fake news
24. 30 cities vs 120 cities: which is better?
25. Autonomous vehicles in India - GTM strategy
26. Bullet train vs railway bridges
27. Shared economy - is it sustainable in the long run?
#HUL #Finance
Want to launch dry shampoo
Potential of the product
Additional info required
If reject, alternatives?
Risks and opportunities
How do you justify this financially?
Duration - 15 mins
1. Lenovo - Compare Thinkpad to HP and Dell laptops
Read about their products
2. Puma -
a) Who should be the next brand ambassador?
b)Because of rising trend of deep discounting by E-commerce giants, retail stores are feeling the heat. What should
c) Innovation in product, sales and marketing that would keep Puma relevant for Gen-Z
3) Flipkart : Should flipkart venture into online B2B market.
4) Tata sky - selling bundled products at a price. Pros and cons
5) Ola- how do you deal with rising traffic congestion
Startups go for exit strategy or profitability
6) Intuit - entrepreneurship vs job
7) Saint Gobain - A walk to remember!/ Role of marketeers in the era of aggregators
B) 5 trillion: how to make a dream come true
8) Tata sky - Netflix vs YouTube. Who is more sustainable?
9) ITC - Plane crashed and decide who should be the leader? (Case study)
Other topics which were asked
Auto mobile sector
AI and its impact on service sector
MBA degree vs experience
Entrepreneurship vs jobs
Organic vs inorganic innovation
How should retail stores.cope up amidst competition with ecommerce
Streaming services in india
New product offering and market for ola cabs
Net neutrality

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