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Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Department of Bioengineering






ABSTRACT.This report examines the distillation ,distillation types, process and applications. This will
enable the reader to understand the necessary things about the distillation. Distillation is a widely used
method for separating mixtures based on differences in the conditions required to change the phase of
components of the mixture. There are many types of distillation, such as simple, fractional, steam, vacuum
and zone. Also, distillation method which has a wide range of uses, plays an important role in science,
technology and industrial studies.

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Role of Raoult’s Law and Dalton’s Law........................................................................................................................................................2
3. Why is it Impossible to Completely Purify a Mixture by Distillation?...........................................................................................................2
4. Types of Distillation....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Idealized distillation model...................................................................................................................................................................3
4.2 Laboratory scale distillation..................................................................................................................................................................3
4.2.1 Simple Distillation......................................................................................................................................................................3
4.2.2 Fractional Distillation..................................................................................................................................................................3
4.2.3 Steam Distillation........................................................................................................................................................................4
4.2.4 Vacuum distillation.....................................................................................................................................................................4
4.2.5 Air-Sensitive Vacuum Distillation..............................................................................................................................................5
4.2.6 Short Path Distillation................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.2.7 Zone Distillation..........................................................................................................................................................................5
4.2.8 Other Types................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.3. Azeotropic distillation........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4. Industrial distillation............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5. Applications................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Scientific Uses...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Water Purification............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Alcoholic Beverages........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Petroleum Products............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.5 Perfume............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.6 Food Flavorings.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
6. Summary...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Conflict of interests................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
References.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

meet the requirement of high-grade energy. The

energy consumption of the
1. Introduction
VRHP process can be significantly reduced
Distillation, a chemical process for separating the
because of the higher thermodynamic efficiency
components of a liquid mixture by boiling and
and less input of external heat (14). Separations
collecting condensed vapors. Chemists use
operations account for roughly 50–70% of the
distillation to purify compounds in solution or to
energy used in large-scale chemicals
separate mixtures of solutes. For example,
manufacturing (15).
different compounds have different boiling points.
This property means that a more volatile
compound will evaporate at a lower temperature 2. Role of Raoult’s Law and Dalton’s Law

than a less volatile compound. Distillation must be Raoult's law and Henry's law are expressions

well known in the chemical industry for that relate the vapor fugacity of a component in a

separation of liquid mixtures; it accounts for about solution to composition. When the solution is non-

95% of all liquid separations (9). Here, there is a ideal, Raoult's Law cannot be applied. For non-

large driving force for mass and heat transfer ideal solution, we must use Henry's Law (41).

between the top and bottom of the column Raoult's law assumes that a component

contributing to a large loss of energy. Under this contributes to the total vapor pressure of the

scenario, any contribution to reduce energy mixture in proportion to its percentage of the

consumption with the help of energy-efficient mixture and its vapor pressure when pure, or

technologies will not only improve the economics succinctly: partial pressure equals mole fraction

but also socio-environmental welfare (10; 11; 12; multiplied by vapor pressure when pure. If one

13)It is important to note that distillation is not a component changes another component's vapor

chemical reaction but it can be considered as a pressure, or if the volatility of a component is

physical separation process. In the conventional dependent on its percentage in the mixture, the

distillation process, a lot of energy is inputted in law will fail (42).

the reboiler and most of the energy is discarded in Henry's Law predicts a linear equilibrium
the condenser. VRHP can raise the energy level to relationship. Still, most equilibrium relationships
are actually non-linear. Henry's Law is only 4. Types of Distillation
applicable over a modest liquid concentration
4.1 Idealized distillation model
range, especially when the solution is dilute.
It is a common misconception that in a liquid
Distillation is the oldest and simplest procedure
mixture at a given pressure, each component boils
for solvent purification, and it is also inexpensive.
at the boiling point corresponding to the given
It is based on Raoult's law, which states that the
pressure and the vapors of each component will
partial vapour pressure of a solvent is proportional
collect separately and purely. This, however, does
to its mole fraction (43). The principles involved
not occur even in an idealized system. Idealized
in fractional distillation of liquid mixtures are
models of distillation are essentially governed by
complex but can be seen by considering a system
Raoult's law and Dalton's law, and assume that
which approximately obeys Raoult's law. In most
vapor-liquid equilibria are attained. When the total
cases, systems deviate to a greater or lesser extent
vapor pressure reaches the pressure surrounding
from Raoult's law, and vapour pressures may be
the liquid, boiling occurs and liquid turns to gas
greater or less than the values calculated (44).
throughout the bulk of the liquid. The idealized
model is accurate in the case of chemically similar
3. Why is it Impossible to Completely
liquids, such as benzene and toluene. In other
Purify a Mixture by Distillation?
cases, severe deviations from Raoult's law and
All the volatile components boil at the boiling
Dalton's law are observed, most famously in the
point of the mixture. The amount of a component
mixture of ethanol and water (42).
in the resulting vapor is based on its participation
to the total vapor pressure of the mixture. So, the 4.2 Laboratory scale distillation

compounds with higher partial pressures can be 4.2.1 Simple Distillation

concentrated in the vapors whereas the Simple distillation is one of the simplest
compounds having low partial pressures can be distillation processes, in which the major
concentrated in the liquid (3). It is impossible to substance to be purified is evaporated together
have totally pure component from the mixture via with impurities at an elevated temperature, and the
distillation because of the component in the resulting vapor is transferred to a container, where
mixture cannot have zero partial pressure. At this it condenses at a reduced temperature (45). The
situation, chemical separation must be applied if purification effect is due to the difference in
the aim is ultra-pure products (1). There is no composition between the liquid mixture to be
possibility of purify a mixture of compounds via separated and the vapor in equilibrium with it. The
distillation completely but the samples of high separation effect is usually assessed theoretically
purity can be obtained when one of the using the Rayleigh equation (46; 49). The
components in the mixture has a partial pressure applicability of this equation is limited by the
which is close to zero. condition of complete mixing of the liquid. If
mixing is incomplete or there is no mixing, the the glass beads in the fractionating column
substance purification efficiency is significantly provide 'theoretical plates' on which the vapors
influenced by impurity diffusion in the liquid (50). can condense, reevaporate, and then recondense,
In contrast to the Rayleigh equation, the diffusion essentially distilling the mixture over and over.
model proposed in a previous study (50) allows One theoretical plate is equivalent to one
one to calculate the degree of purification of vaporization-condensation cycle, which is
substances. equivalent to one simple distillation. The more
volatile liquids will gradually move towards the
The distillation process involves the following
top of the fractionating column, while lower
steps: vaporization, condensation, and transfer of
boiling liquids will stay towards the bottom,
the vaporized substance from the evaporation zone
giving a better separation between the liquids. The
to the condensation zone. All three steps occur
vapor eventually reaches the condenser, where it
simultaneously and depend on each other in a
is cooled and then drips into the collection vessel.
closed vaporization–condensation system. The
There are several ways of classifying the useful
evaporation rate in such a system is determined by
fractions that are distilled from crude oil. One
the vaporization and condensation temperatures
general way is by dividing into three categories:
and the hydraulic resistances of the vaporization
light, middle, and heavy fractions. Heavier
and condensation compartments and connecting
components condense at higher temperatures and
tube (51).
are removed at the bottom of the column. The
lighter fractions are able to rise higher in the
column before they are cooled to their condensing
temperature, allowing them to be removed at
slightly higher levels (16).

(Figure 1: A Simple Distillation Model.)

4.2.2 Fractional Distillation

In fractional distillation, a mixture of liquids is
boiled and the resulting vapors travel up a glass
tube called a "fractionating column" and separate.
The fractionating column is placed between the (Figure 2: Fractional distillation.)
flask containing the mixture and the "Y" adaptor,
4.2.3 Steam Distillation
and is usually filled with glass or plastic beads,
Steam distillation is a process that aims to purify,
which improves the separation between the liquids
separate, or isolate temperature-sensitive
being distilled. Fractional distillation leads to a
compounds like natural aromatic compounds.
better separation than simple distillation because
Steam or water should be added to the distillation
apparatus and with using the properties of 4.2.4 Vacuum distillation
immiscible, unmixable liquids, the process might Vacuum distillation is the technique used to
be performed at lower temperatures (below the separate higher boiling fractions of crude oil. The
components decomposition point). This method underlying theory and the process are analogous
performed by bubbling hot steam through the to those used to separate the lighter fractions in
mixture which is a little heated to vaporize some the atmospheric distillation process. The
of it. The vapor is condensed when the organic difference between the two physical separation
compounds are distilled because they have to be methods is that atmospheric distillation occurs
immiscible with each other. After boil the under atmospheric pressure, whereas vacuum
immiscible liquid using steam to heat, the steam distillation occurs at a significantly reduced
ensures that the temperature of the compounds pressure, thus reducing the boiling point of a
does not exceed their boiling point (2), as a result substance. Hence, high boiling components can be
the vapor that condensed can collected. The boiled at lower temperatures, without the risk of
resulting fluid consists of two phases: organic cracking. Vacuum towers are much shorter than
compound and water that being distilled. These atmospheric towers in order to minimize the
compounds are separate due to the properties of pressure differential from top to bottom.
non-mixing liquids and can be physically Generally, the pressure used in vacuum distillation
separated by draining or using a separation funnel. is in the range of 50 to 100 mmHg, although some
The method generally used for to isolate essential lubricating oil stocks may require even lower
oils from natural products (eucalyptus oil from pressure operating conditions. Fractions recovered
eucalyptus, citrus oil from lemon or orange peel, from the vacuum distillation process usually are
etc.), and steam stripping in petroleum refineries divided into gas oil, lubricating oil, and asphalt.
to separate organic compounds (6). The products The combination of the atmospheric and vacuum
that are made with using steam distillation largely distillation processes is an important first step in
used in perfume and cologne production likewise converting crude oil into useful and economically
some cooking materials. valuable products (52).

(Figure 3: Sample photography for steam distillation.)

(Figure 4: Vacuum Distillation Model.)
4.2.5 Air-Sensitive Vacuum Distillation tenths of that in a falling film (56), which
This technique is also very useful for compounds effectively reduces the component decomposition
which boil beyond their decomposition (57).
temperature at atmospheric pressure and which
4.2.7 Zone Distillation
would therefore be decomposed by any attempt to
Zone distillation is a distillation process in long
boil them under atmospheric pressure. Some
container with partial melting of refined matter in
compounds have very high boiling points. To boil
moving liquid zone and condensation of vapor in
such compounds, it is often better to lower the
the solid phase at condensate pulling in cold area.
pressure at which such compounds are boiled
The process is worked in theory. When zone
instead of increasing the temperature. Once the
heater is moving from the top to the bottom of the
pressure is lowered to the vapor pressure of the
container then solid condensate with irregular
compound (at the given temperature), boiling and
impurity distribution is forming. Then most pure
the rest of the distillation process can commence.
part of the condensate may be extracted as
This technique is referred to as vacuum distillation
product. The process may be iterated many times
and is commonly found in the laboratory in the
by moving (without turnover) the received
form of the rotary evaporator. Air gap membrane
condensate to the bottom part of the container on
distillation (AGMD) is one of the most important
the place of refined matter. The irregular impurity
membrane distillation processes for extracting
distribution in the condensate (that is efficiency of
pure water from saline water. In the AGMD
purification) increases with number of repetitions
configuration, as presented in Fig.3. a sluggish air
of the process. Zone distillation is a distillation
gap is introduced between the membrane and the
analog of zone recrystallization. Impurity
condensing surface which acts as a thermal
distribution in the condensate is described by
insulation layer (17; 18)to minimize the heat
known equations of zone recrystallization with
losses by conduction across the membrane.
various numbers of iteration of process – with
4.2.6 Short Path Distillation replacement distribution efficient k of
Short-path distillation is usually treated as an crystallization on separation factor α of distillation
appropriate method to separate low-volatile and (77).
heat-sensitive substances such as vitamins,
4.2.8 Other Types
pharmaceutical intermediaries, and high-vacuum
oils (53) (55). Distillation has two main styles: the Catalytic Distillation
falling-film and the centrifugal style. For many Catalytic distillation (CD) is a “green”
thermally unstable organic substances, the technology that aims to catalyze the reactants
centrifugal style still shows special advantages as while being distilled continuously. CD is
the liquid film in a spinning cone is more uniform improving field that combine kinetics, catalysis,
and the residence time is just on the order of a few and mass transfer to provide more selective and
energy efficient process easily. This reactor oligomerization of olefins. Most of the CD
technology allows us to separate reactants and processes are related to the petroleum and
products via single distillation reactor or column. petrochemical industries (8)
The main function is, enlarged the yield of Reactive Distillation
heterogeneous catalytic reactions (refining
Reactive distillation (RD) is a process
gasoline, etc.). In the process, liquid reactants are
intensification technique that allows simultaneous
catalyzed while being heated inside the catalytic
separation to take place when chemical reaction
distillation column, and then the products directly
occurs. RD gives benefits to equilibrium-limited
begin to vaporize and are separated from the
reactions by pulling the chemical equilibrium
initial solution. The newly formed products boiled
towards complete conversion and allowing high
out of the system quickly by catalyzing and
selectivity (e.g. avoiding potential consecutive
heating the reactants at the same immediate
reactions) due to the continuous removal of
.According to the Le Chatelier’s principle, new
products from the RD column (58). Among
products formed from the reactants to replace the
others, RD offers great advantages in costs
removed products continuously. In this situation,
reduction by simplifying complex processes and
the system cannot reach the equilibrium because
integrating the reaction and separation functions
of the system lose products continuously.
into a single unit with reduced requirements (59).
The use of exothermic heat of reaction to drive the
liquid vaporization reduces the energy
requirement (60). There are also health, safety and
environmental improvements mainly because of
less emissions from plants, lower levels of
reactive hold-up and decreased risks of runaway
reactions (61) (62).
(Figure 5: Sample photography of Catalytic Distillation.)

The implementation of RD is very appealing to

The reactants are often more volatile than the
other reactions involving reversible quaternary
products because of an internal recycling system
systems (A + B ⇌ C + D) and ternary systems (A 
(Reflux). The reflux transfers the concentrated
+ B ⇌ C and A ⇌ B + C). Some examples include
vapor back to the catalyst area, and also returns a
the hydration of cyclohexene to obtain
part of the condensed liquids to the column to
cyclohexanol (63), dehydration of glycerol to
guarantee only the products with the lowest
acetol (64), isoamyl acetate production via
boiling points are captured (7). The applications
esterification of isoamyl alcohol and acetic acid
are hydration of olefins, alkylations,
(65) and diethyl carbonate synthesis via
esterifications, hydrolysis, aldol condensation,
transesterification of propylene carbonate and
hydrogenation, desulfurization, and
ethanol (66).
(Figure 6: Reactive Distillation Diagram Process (Figure 7: Mechanism of the extractive distillation.)
Intensification.) Pervaporation Extractive Distillation
Pervaporation is an membrane separation
Extractive distillation is one of the leading
technology whose performance and selectivity
distillation processes for the separation of
used for several applications. The applications
minimum- or maximum-boiling azeotropes and
concerning end of pipe processes that incudes
low-relative-volatility mixtures. Unlike azeotropic
solvent recovery (dehydration of ethanol-water
distillation, the entrainer is fed at a different
solution, etc.). This method is important for
location than the main mixture to be separated,
solvent dehydration because the selectivity of
inducing an extractive section within the column.
water is high with state of art membranes. Also it
For many years, only heavy entrainers were
is ideal to measure a relatively small amount of
supposed to be feasible, but intermediate, light,
concentration range of water that has to move
and heterogeneous entrainers are suitable as well.
from the solution. That is why it is preferred in the
Entrainer selection relies on knowledge of the
industry (34; 35; 36).
residue curve map topology and the calculation of
univolatility curves to analyze the volatility order Flash Evaporation
of the mixture. In most cases, the achievable Liquid will be overheated and thereby evaporated
product is a saddle point of the residue curve map. when it enters into the environment with lower
A general criterion shows that the most or the saturation pressure than that corresponding to its
least volatile component is recovered from a direct initial temperature. This phenomenon is called the
or an indirect split-column configuration in the flash evaporation (67). Due to strong evaporation
distillate or in the bottom stream, respectively. behavior, flash evaporation is accompanied with
Batch or continuous operation is governed by the phase changes during absorption of heats. It has
same entrainer selection rules, but the operating been used in more and more fields, including
parameter value range for the entrainer-feed flow seawater desalination (68), national defense (69),
rate ratio and the reflux ratio is different. The health care (70) (71), aerospace (72), and
batch process also enables one to stir the still path electronic industry (73). Vacuum and high-altitude
by changing the reflux policy during the environments are a natural low-pressure
operation. We can see the mechanism of environment. With this advantage, flash
extractive distillation in figure 1 below (78). evaporation has been extensively used in the
aerospace field. Recently, aerospace technology
develops quickly. Aircrafts and spacecrafts have to form the cold side. The vapor passing through
extensive applications and important significances the membrane condenses on the cold side to
in civil purpose, military purpose, and scientific produce the distillate. A typical membrane
exploration. They have become the research distillation unit is shown in Figure (80).
hotspot in the world. The former one includes
planes, helicopters, and supersonic bomber. The
latter one covers space shuttle, man-made earth
satellite, manned spacecraft, space probe, and so
on. Air vehicles often serve in high altitude or
outer space. These spaces are tough environments
with low temperature and low pressure. In these
(Figure 8: Membrane distillation.)
environments, air vehicles will experience high
temperature and high-speed frictions at running Many different membrane distillation techniques
through the atmospheric layers. These hostile exist. The basic four techniques mainly differ by
environments influence the safe and stable the arrangement of their distillate channel or the
running of air vehicles significantly (74). manner in which this channel is operated.These
are Direct Contact MD (DCMD),Direct Contact Codistillation
MD (DCMD),Vacuum MD (VMD) and Sweeping
Codistillation is distillation which is performed on
mixtures in which the two compounds are not
miscible. In the laboratory, the Dean-Stark Evaporation
apparatus is used for this purpose to remove water Freeze distillation: Freezing distillation, or ,
from synthesis products. The Bleidner is another ‘freezing concentration’ is a process in which a
example with two refluxing solvents (79). drink is frozen and then allowed to melt, removing
excess water from it. ‘Distillation’ is a bit of a Membrane Distillation
misnomer, because nothing is heated—one might
Membrane distillation (MD) is a separation
say it’s rather the opposite.During this process
process in which only vapors are allowed to pass
both the concentration of the drink and the alcohol
through a porous hydrophobic membrane. The
content are increased. Contrary to regular
separation is achieved because of the vapor
distillation, freezing distillation is considered legal
pressure differences between the membrane
all over the world. The easiest method is to pour
surfaces. The membrane consists of so many pores
the drink into a container, such as a plastic jug,
in which the pores cannot be wetted by the feed
and freeze it, either in the freezer or outdoors if
solution. In generation, one side of the membrane
you live somewhere cold. This may take up to a
directly contacts with hot saline water to form the
few days (still faster than aging) but you can
hot side. Another side of the membrane directly or
speed it up by freeze distilling in a number of
indirectly comes in contact with cold, fresh water
smaller bottles. Once it’s frozen, let it slowly constructed the second generation biofuels which
unfreeze and drip into another vessel. Remove do not compete with the food industry, although
once most of what’s left in the jug is ice. Carefully raw feedstocks are grown on arable land. Third
stir and have a sip or two. It’s hard to estimate the generation biofuels refer to those derived from
gravity of the final product--it depends on how algae biomass and arable land is not essential in
much water was removed, which in turn depends their production (21).Thermochemical methods to
on the temperature of the freezer, etc. If, however, convert biomass to liquid fuels are receiving
half of the volume of the drink is lost, a bit less increasing interest due to several reasons. These
than double of the original alcohol percentage will methods are capable of converting biomass to a
be retained. Do note that there’s only so much you wide range of products including gas, different
can do with freeze distillation—the end gravity range of liquid biofuels and even biochar (the
depends not on the count of times freezing solid residue), which has several applications such
distillation is done, but rather on the end as bioremediation and soil productivity
temperature (81). improvement (22; 23).

Rotary evaporation: Flow pattern inside and Dry distillation means the strong heating method
outside a rotating cylinder with a certain known to the solid material while shutting the air off. By
volume of liquid is a topic which is extensively applying this technique, organic matter
reported in the literature [11]. Rotary evaporation decomposes to gas or liquid and ultimately
is the process of reducing the volume of a solvent volatilizes and part of such gas or liquid remains
by distributing it as a thin film across the interior as a solid matter. In addition, thermochemical
of a vessel at elevated temperature and reduced methods are relatively feedstock-agnostic, easily
pressure. Most rotary evaporators have four major adaptable to process a range of moisture contents,
components: heat bath, rotor, condenser, and and easy to operate (24; 25; 26).
solvent trap. Its speed and ability to handle large
4.3. Azeotropic distillation
volumes of solvent make rotary evaporation a
Azeotropes are defined as the mixtures of
preferred method of solvent removal in many
liquids which boil at constant temperature like a
laboratories, especially in instances involving low
pure liquid and possess same composition of
boiling point solvents. Rotating cylindrical heat
components in liquid as well as in vapour phase.
pipes are used to cool electrical motors and cutting
Azeotropes are also called constant boiling
tools such as drill bits etc. However the heat pipes
mixtures because whole of the azeotropes changes
are generally closed off at its end with a fixed
into vapour state at constant temperature and their
volume of fluid inside them for operation (20).
components can not be separated by fractional
Dry distillation or destructive distillation: distillation. With the deterioration of the global
Lignocellulosic resources such as wood, environment, environmentally friendly ionic
agricultural residues and energy crops have liquids have received much attention as solvents
for separating azeotropes (27; 28; 29; 30). A (those with the highest boiling point) exit from the
common historical example of azeotropic bottom of the column and are often called the
distillation is its use in dehydrating ethanol and bottoms.
water mixtures. Azeotropes are of two types as
minimum and maximum boiling azeotrope;

Minimum boiling azeotrope: For the solutions

with positive deviation there is an intermediate
composition for which the vapour pressure of the
solution is maximum and hence, boiling point is
minimum. At this composition the solution distills
at constant temperature without change in
(Figure 9: Diagram of a Typical Industrial Distillation
composition. This type of solutions are called
minimum boiling azeotrope. Maximum boiling
azeotrope: For the solutions with negative
5. Applications
deviations there is an intermediate composition for
which the vapour pressure of the solution is 5.1 Scientific Uses
minimum and hence, boiling point is maximum. Concentration of Alcohol:Fermented grains can
At this composition the solution distill`s at produce a maximum alcohol content of about
constant temperature without the change in 16%, the upper limit of most beers and wines, as
composition. This type of solutions are called the yeast organism used in fermentation cannot
maximum boiling azeotrope. survive in more concentrated alcoholic solutions.
However, spirits such as gin, vodka, and rum
4.4. Industrial distillation
usually have an alcohol content of roughly 40%by
Industrial distillation (75) (76) is typically
volume. Distillation is the method used to
performed in large, vertical cylindrical columns
concentrate fermented solutions and produce hard
known as distillation towers or distillation
liquors. A distillation of fermented grape juice is
columns with diameters ranging from about 65
commonly done in academic laboratories (82).
centimeters to 16 meters and heights ranging from
about 6 meters to 90 meters or more. When the Distilled Water: Access to clean, fresh water is a
process feed has a diverse composition, as in major problem facing the world today. In
distilling crude oil, liquid outlets at intervals up countries neighboring the ocean, seawater
the column allow for the withdrawal of different desalination is sometimes used to provide the
fractions or products having different boiling country with drinkable water. Distillation is one of
points or boiling ranges. The "lightest" products the main methods sed to purify ocean water and
(those with the lowest boiling point) exit from the works well since salt, microorganisms, and other
top of the columns and the "heaviest" products components of seawater are non-volatile. The
main disadvantage of distilling water is that the 5.3 Alcoholic Beverages
process requires a lot of energy, and unless Incorrectly distilled or diluted spirits may contain
engineered creatively, the economics can be a fermentation by-products, such as methanol, and
major deterrent to using the method. Heat released may cause very serious or even life threatening
from a power plant is often used to provide the health problems when consumed excessively. The
energy for the distillation of seawater, and Saudi use of natural ingredients, i.e. herbs, water and
Arabia and Israel mainly use coupled power plants ethyl alcohol in the beverage, should not suggest
and distilleries to obtain roughly half the fresh the formation of a hazardous waste during the
water needed for their countries (82). production process. It was found, though, that the
waste contains heavy metals (31). The waste
5.2 Water Purification
which contained a significant concentration of
Water purification is an process that aims to
metals, such as Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cd and Cr is
clean the dirty water that includes solved and
considered hazardous, requiring treatment before
dissolved materials and distillation helps us to do
disposal (32).
the process. Scientists discovered an ideal water
purification system that removes both types of the Part of the metal content is attributed to the
unvanted substances from the water. In this production process and another part to the
process an membrane used with using physical flavoring herbs and combined use of metallic pot
barrier, a chemical process, optical process, or a still.Because alcohol has a lower boiling point
biological process. The water that cleaned can be than water, distillers can evaporate the alcohol
used for the applications of supplying drinking (mostly) by itself, collect the vapors into a tube
water, food processing, constructions, industrial and use cold temperatures to force the alcohol to
processes, swimming pool and other water based condense back into liquid.These standard methods
utilities (37). are simple and use a low-cost apparatus, but they
are time-consuming and require constant attention,
Types of water filters include media filters,
leading to low throughput (33).
screen filters, disk filters, granular ambient filters,
slow sand filter beds, rapid sand filters, cloth 5.4 Petroleum Products
filters, and biological filters such as algae Distillation is the most widely used separation
scrubbers. Depending on the driving force for technique in the petroleum industry.
water filtration, granular ambient filters are
Petrol: Petrol is a fuel which is a liquid state in
classified as gravity and pressure filters. The main
the fuel tank and in the fuel injectors (or
differences between the two types of filters are the
carburettor on older engines) and which is
head needed to pass water through the ambient
nebulized with air before being injected into the
bed, the filtration rate, and the type of vessel used
combustion chamber. Petroleum is a mixture of
to contain the filter medium (38).
organic compounds containing only two elements
[carbon and hydrogen].Oil naturally leaks to the 5.5 Perfume
earth through fault lines and cracks in the rocks, One of the earliest uses of distilling was to make
accumulating to form tar, asphalt and pitch ponds. perfume, which began around 3500 B.C. The
aroma from various plants and herbs is contained
The distillation test measures the percentage of
in what are known as essential oils, which can be
vaporized fuel as the temperature increases. The
extracted through distillation. However, many
test result is a curve obtained under standardized
aromatic plants tend to decompose at high
conditions of temperature versus percentage of
temperatures so separation by normal distillation
evaporated fuel (Figure) wherein the different
isn’t practical. In those instances, steam is passed
sections of the curve allow us to interpret the
through the plant material to draw out the essential
different behaviours of the product (83; 84)
oils without burning the mixture. The steam is
then captured and condensed just as in normal
distillation (85).

5.6 Food Flavorings

Flavorings are substances that change or
improve the taste of food and can made with
(Figure 9: Distillation curve of petrol.)
distillation. They consist of a variety of natural
Diesel:Diesel is any fuel that can be used in a and human-made compounds and can consist of a
diesel engine. Diesel is produced by fractional single chemical, but more often they are complex
distillation between 392° Fahrenheit and 662° mixtures of compounds. The types of that are
Fahrenheit. Diesel has a higher density than natural flavoring substances(obtained from plant
gasoline and is simpler to refine from crude oil. It or animal raw materials.), nature-identical
is most commonly used in transportation (84). flavoring substances(obtained by synthesis or
isolated through chemical processes.), artificial
Asphalt:Asphalt is commonly used to make
flavoring substances(not identified in a natural
roads. It is a colloid of asphaltenes and maltenes
product intended for human consumption, not the
that is separated from the other components of
product is processed.) (39; 40).
crude oil by fractional distillation. Once asphalt is
collected, it is processed in a de-asphalting unit,
6. Summary
and then goes through a process called “blowing”
All in all, distillation is a mature separation technology
where it is reacted with oxygen to make it harden.
and will remain dominant in the near future. Despite
Asphalt is usually stored and transported at around
the high energy requirements, distillation is a cost-
300° Fahrenheit (84).
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