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Page 324, B.

1. A trading empire meant that the colonial power would establish trading posts along strategic
routes to support trading interests in particular areas of the globe. It meant that the colonial
power worked with local rulers in terms of treaties that both parties entered into this kind of an
arrangement allowed the colonial power to pursue its economic interests without the burden of
occupation or conquest of the territory. While the settlement empire entailed the setting up of
overseas colonies with a colonial government manned by European governors who exercised
both civil and military powers and top bureaucrats and supported by military presence through
garrisons established throughout the territory.

2. This push resulted in decimation of entire cultures specifically that of the Native Americans. The
safety of the settlements become a priority hence, it became a policy to impose peace through
force rather than negotiations and treaties. There were attempts at making treaties with the
Native Americans. However, they were of often violated by one party or another that resulted in
their failure and rejection. These attempts were also often attempted by distrust and prejudice
that tend to undermine from the very beginning their prospects of success. Hence, by the 19 th
century, almost all of the Native American tribes had been wiped out or at best integrated or
absorbed into the European culture.

3. The motives to look beyond their shores were spawned by developments in Europe itself. It was
not the perception or the notion that Asia was weak that attracted the Europeans to the East.
On the contrary, it was the wealth and grandeur of Asian Empires and cultures that captured the
imagination of the Europeans and fed their desire to gain access to them first by trade and later
by conquest or annexation.

Juliann Miguel M. Regondola

Grade 8 Gentleness

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