The Six Elements of Digital Capability

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In this blog I would like to discuss my opinions regarding the six elements of digital capability.

First and foremost I would like to discuss the utmost importance of being self-aware of the
advantages and disadvantages of using digital platforms as stated in one of the elements (digital
identity and wellbeing) on digital capability. As I was finishing up reading this article I actually
failed to realize once again, being an individual using multiple social media platforms that I
myself is actually making my personal information vulnerable on the internet. Using social
media on the internet have its ups and downs such as being able to communicate and see how
you’re friends and love ones are doing (if they happen to post on social media) whichever part of
the world you may be but also at the expense of making your personal information vulnerable on
the internet (if you also happen to post on social media). 

Another element that I would want to discuss is information, data and media literacies, one of the
things that I want to point out in this in element is the importance of knowing copyright and
referencing digital works for it is a very important aspect and element, not only on digital
capability framework but on the internet as a whole. Just like the word plagiarism, copyright, in
my opinion is the manifestation of plagiarism in digital form. As we all know being caught in
acts of plagiarism can be a very lethal threat in our academic career namely losing credibility as
academic student/researcher or worse be punished by your school by the acts committed.
Copyright in a sense is the same with plagiarism but can be much worse for not only will you be
punished for breaking the copyright law, you may also be held accounted for a lawsuit if the said
rightful owner of the copyright wills it so. Hence knowing how copyright works in the digital
world can be of big help in making digital content on the internet.

The last element I would like to discuss is the element regarding digital learning and
development, especially the one about teaching. Teaching in a digital world can reach a much
wider audience and teach in a much wider range but as result can be much more difficult feat to
do. As we all know teaching in a face to face setting be it like a teacher and student form,
requires a lot of interaction for the learning to be learned. Therefore teaching in a digital platform
can be much more difficult rather than a face to face setting and you also have to take into
account the platform, way of communication, and much more that you are using on the digital
world. Thus in my opinion being able to make and teach in ways be it in a face to face or self-
taught manner can be a much harder but can also be a much more amazing feat.


JISC. (n.d.). Building digital capabilities: The six elements

defined [PDF]. file:///C:/Users/goodboy/Downloads/Digital%20Capability%20Framework.PDF

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