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March 2011

The Community Development

Level 1/8 Oswald St, Victoria Park WA 6100
P: (08) 9355 3155 F: (08) 9355 3133 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST:
Enabling Sustainable Communities ● School Passport System……..1

Who We Are, What We Do ● Our New Programs…………...2

“Thank-you so much for ● Congratulations……………….2

We are a not-for-profit charitable all your support, the
foundation and since our inception CDF has made a huge reaching mile- ● Looking Ahead 2011………….2
volvement of par-
in 1999, we have developed and stones , such as at-
difference to our school.
ents, carers and
implemented programs statewide tending a certain num-
community mem- Linda Sparks— Deputy
that focus on capacity building Principal, Wirrabirra PS ber of days in succes-
bers in activities
and improved decision making run in the school or
on the School Passport
sion. Regular atten- Our Supporters
within the community. Our mission dance coupled with in-
is to directly relieve poverty, sick- creased involvement of
ness, suffering, distress, misfor- These points are redeem- parents and community Allan Stiles (Grand Theatre Co)
Aussie Portables
tune, disability and helplessness in able on the school site and members in the school makes the school
Bell-Vista Fruit & Veg Co Pty Ltd
less fortunate communities state may be used to purchase items a community focus, highlighting to the Broome Beads
wide. child, their family, and the wider com- Burley Sekem
munity the importance of education. This Calibre Global
Due to the is a major part of supporting improved Catalano Seafoods
expansion of educational outcomes for the children. Christina’s Restaurant
our programs Daly & Shaw Building Co
state– and The Justice School Link Program Gary Baverstock
nationwide Glen Parker Cycles
our team has The School Passport System is currently Green Machine Boxing
operating in the majority of the correc- Healthway
also grown. Harvey Fresh
Directors tional facilities around the state. An
Hungry Jack’s
Barry Cable incarcerated parent is able to earn points Kargotich Industries
and Jenny for engaging in extra activities and Lotterywest
Day, and courses run at the Correctional Facility. Maria Mancuso
General These points are then redeemed at the Matera Electrical Services
school by their child to help provide uni- McCusker Charitable Foundation
Manager Murdoch School of Chiropractic
Nick Day have been joined by for their child such as uniforms, forms, food and other schooling necessi- and Sports Science
Program Managers Jen and excurs ions/in curs ions, ties. This helps maintain a strong parent- Officeworks East Victoria Park
Maryka, and Administration Coor- canteen food, sports child relationship for the duration of Scolaro Anthony & Co
dinator Sam Waghorn. lessons and sta- the separation. It also relieves Sports Fever
tionery. We had a parent who has
some of the financial and Shire of Katanning
The success of our programs has come out of prison last week emotional burden faced by Shire of Leonora
Activities may and through the Justice families with an incarcer- SinoSteel Midwest
been made possible through the Stefanelli Group of Companies
School Link that we have
support of Local, State and Fed- include assist- established we have been ated parent. The Cricket and Football Shop
eral Government; Private Sectors; ing teachers able to support him in his The Cuthbert Foundation
Communities and other Charitable in the class- reintegration. I am working The Dpt of Education and
room, adult
with the case worker I believe MO AS H ( Mo t h e r -o f - Training
Organisations. this will make a difference.
tutoring, in- a l l -S h e d s ) P r o j e c t The Dpt of Indigenous Affairs
We have two main programs: The volvement with Principal from a school South By placing buildings on The Dpt of Correctional Services
MOASH (Mother-of-all-Shed) East of Perth on the Justice The Fogarty Foundation
the P&C com- School Link Program Department of Education and
The Giving Circle
Program; and the School Pass- mit t ee , f oo d Training sites, this project The Good Guys—Joondalup
port System which encompasses preparation, cultural aims to actively increase the The Good Guys—O’Çonnor
other programs including the lessons, mentoring and involvement of parents and carers in Tip Top Bakeries
Attendance Program, the Sports counselling. their child’s life, and encourage commu- Titan Ford
Link Program and the Justice nity involvement as they are self- W.A.F.C
School Link Program. The Attendance Program West Coast Eagles Football Club
managed by school community groups. Zipform
The School Passport The Attendance Program is a There are currently 13 MOASH buildings
S y s te m component of the School Passport across Western Australia including Avon- One hour earns
The School Passport System is System which aims to increase the vale Primary School, Pinjarra Primary 10 points which
an incentive based program which regular attendance of students at School and Medina Primary School. equates to one
aims to increase the active in- school. Attendance is recorded,
School Dollar
and students are rewarded for
Page 2 The Community Development Foundation Volume 2, Issue 1
For further information on any of our

News from the start of 2011 programs please visit our website

The start of 2011 has been extremely busy for asking how we can further
the CDF team. It has involved the imple- involve the ESL students and in particular their parents in the school.
mentation of the School Passport
System into 12 new schools rang- The program will provide schools with a Passport Guide for ESL
ing from Mullewa and Halls parents, translated into their home language. This not only
Creek to Albany; visits to the allows the parents to have a better understanding of the
schools currently on the Pass- Passport System, but also allows schools and the wider
port System including all community to benefit from the parent’s skills and expertise.
metro and regional schools; We are also starting a Corporate Volunteering Program
planning the expansion of the with some of our corporate sponsors where employees can
School Passport System into assist in programs run at schools including mentoring,
both South Australia and cooking, building projects, helping design infrastructure at
Northern Territory based on the school, and working in the garden. The project aims to
respective Education Department diversify the group of people actively involved in community
requests; and also the support of a development, and benefit the students by expanding their horizons
number of businesses including Calibre and help realise their opportunities and potential.
Global, SinoSteel Midwest and
Bendigo Bank. Deputy Principal Mrs Linda Sparks rewarding students in the Our website ( is also expanding and
Attendance Program at Wirrabirra Primary School
we are planning a Support Forum which will allow and
New programs are also getting encourage the sharing of ideas, information and stories re-
underway including the Cooking with Kids Program run at Pinjarra garding the Passport System
Primary School with Caroline Nilson from Murdoch University. This amongst teachers and Princi-
program aims to teach primary school children the origins of food, basic pals from all schools in-
food groups, the importance of nutrition and how to use healthy food volved in the program.
and diet as part of a healthier way of life. The children participate in a 12
week program which has alternating weeks of tasting and cooking.
Students using the new Activity
The English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) Passport Guide is in the Centre at Coodanup Community
process of production. This was developed in response to many schools College where parents can supervise
and run activities to earn Passport
A number of our schools have recently received
some fantastic awards through Medina Primary School for receiving awards for the Second Most
their hard work using the Improved Attendance in a Primary School in WA; Second
School Passport System. Most Improved Aboriginal Attendance in WA; Most Im-
proved Attendance in the Fremantle/Peel District; and
Neerigen Brook Primary School for being a Most Improved Aboriginal Attendance in the Fremantle/
top 4 finalist in the Department of Educa- Peel District
tion’s Innovative School of the Year Award.
Tranby Primary School for being awarded the school with
East Narrogin Primary School who, led by the Most Improved Attendance in the Canning District
Principal Fiona Collopy, were named WA for 2010. The Passport System and prizes donated through
Literacy School of the Year in December last the CDF are used to promote attendance at the school. The
year. Fiona says that “This program has motivated award was passed on by the Director General of Education
more families to support their children’s home reading”. Sharyn O’Neill.
Students at East Narrogin Primary
Katanning Primary School for winning the 2010 School — 2010 Literacy Much of this success would not
PALS Reconciliation Award for School of the Year have been possible without the
“The Passport System
Community Development. support of local businesses has helped change the
and philanthropic donors in whole school relationship
West Northam Primary School for being recently recognised by the particular, and also, State and with the community.”
Department of Education for high achievement with attendance at or Federal Government.
Principal from a regional
above 90% for all students. school South-West of
Perth on the effect of the
Looking Ahead 2011 School Passport System in
their community
We look forward to focusing this year on the three priority areas of Education,
Health and Justice. It is through the continued support of businesses, philanthropic
donors; and Local, State and Federal Government that will allow us to continue
expanding our programs into communities that are requesting our help for sustain-
able change.

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