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STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS A Matrix Approach Second Edition GS Pandit Former Senior Professor, Dept. of Stractural Engineering ‘Malaviva National Institute of Technology, Joipur SP Gupta Former Professor and Head, Dept of Structural Engineering ‘Malavtya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur 4 Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited NEW DELHI ‘WeGraw-Hil Offices New Delhi Now York StLouis San Francisco Auckland Bogoté Caraca Kuala Lamnput Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal ‘San Juan Santiago Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto CONTENTS Foreword xi i Preface 10 the Second Edition sit Preface ” List of Symbols ai 1. Basic Concepts 1 | 1.1 Inoduction 1 | 1.2 Classification of Structures 1 1.3 Bquations of Static Equilibrium 3 14 Tnternal Forces 4 15 Free-body Diagrams 5 1.6 Degree of Static Indeterminacy. 9 | 1.7 Degree of Kinematic Indeterminacy 19 18 Subility 25 1.9 Settlement of Supports 27 Problems 30 2. Basic Methods of Structural Analysis 35 a 2.1 Structural Response 35 2.2 Fundamental Assumptions 36 23° Sign Convention 39 24 Generalized System of Coordinates 40 25 Swain Energy Expressions 45 2.6 Principle of Conservation of Energy 50 | 2.7 Maxwell's Reciprocal Theorem 50 28 Generalized Reciprocal Theorem 54 29 Principle of Virtual Work 58 2.10 Castighiano’s Theorem 60 2.11 Minimum Energy Theorem 65 2.12 Unitoad Method 65 2.13 Conjugate-beam Method 78 2.14 Stifivess of a Prismatic Member 84 2.15 Slope-deflection Equations 91 (SEA Contents 2.16 Some Standard Results 94 7. Pin-jointed Plane Frames 38 Problems 97 | 711 Introduction 318 | 7.2. Displacement of a Pin-jointed Plane Frame 318 3. Determinants and Matrices 104 73 Force Method 323 3. Deferminants 104 TA Stiffness of a Pin Joint 337 3.2. Matrices 105 75. Member Forces 342 3.3 Matrix Addition and Subtraction 109 7.6 Displacement Method 345 3.4 Matrix Multiplication 170 7.1 Comparison of Methods 362 3.5. Matrix Inversion 115 Problems 362 3.6 Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations 124 3.7 Condiioning of Matrices 120 | 8. Rigid-jointed Space Frames 370 Problems 130 8.1 Introduction 370 82. Force Method 377 4. Flexibility and Stiftess Matrices 133 83. Stifness of Rectangular Frames 378 4.1 Flexibility and Stiffness 733 84° Siiffiness of Grid Structures 390 4.2. Flexibility Matrix 138 | 85 Displacement Method 407 43° Stiffness Matrix 142 86 Comparison of Methods 411 4.4 Relationship between Flexibility Matrix and | Problems 412 Stiffness Matrix 133 " as 4S Force and Displacement Methods 170 jointed Space Frames | Introduction 475 ‘Tension coefficient Method 415 Problems 181 5. Continuous Beams 18s i Displacement of Pin joined Space Prames_423 S.A Introduction 1185 j Force Method 431 | $2. Force Method 185 | Stifness ofa Pinjoim 434 5.3 Displacement Method 199 i Member Forces 439 544 Comparison of Methods 222 i Displacement Method 440 Problems 222 CCompasison of Methods 442 Rigid-jointed Plane Frames 227 Problems 40 6.1 Introduction 227 | 10, Comparison of Force and Displacement Methods “0 62 Force Method 227 10.1 Introduction 447 6:3 Shear Equations for Rigit-joined Frames 245 102. Stepwise Comparison 448 64 Stifness ofa Rigid Joine 247 103 Choice of Released Stracture 450 6.5. Siiffuess Matrix for Rectangular Frames 252 Jo Restrained Stuctoe 456 66 Displacement Method 250 105 Nombering of Coontinates 460 67 Displacement Method for Non-tectangular Frames 300 106 Matrix Size 468 68 Comparison of Methods 310 10.7 Conctsions 472 Problems 311 Problems 474 ee x Comtenss 41. ‘Transformation Matrices—Blement Approach HA tntoduetion 475 1.2 Fore Method 475 11.3. Static Analysis by Method of Joints 402 114 Displacement Method 499 11.5 Effect of Axial Deformations of Members 5/2 Problems 52) 12, Special Problems and Tech 12.1 Introduction 523 12.2 Choice of Coordinates in Force Method 523 12.3. Mixed Release System 530 124° Choice of Coordinates in Displacement Method 540 12.5 Elastic Suppons 548 12.6 Concluding Remarks 560 Problems 561 Appendices A Comprehensive List of Standard Results 566 B Answers to Problems 575 Select Bibliography Index 566 887 589 FOREWORD Its the prime responsibility of the structural engineer to ensure that his structures transmit the service loads safely and efficiently, Inerder to discharge this responsiblity effectively, aclear understanding of the stractural response is essential. The response of a structure under the action of a given system of forces is characterized by the force-displacement relationship. For @ system with a single degree of freedom, the force-displacemem relationship ts ‘expressed by a number known as the stiffness or its reciprocal, the flexibility. For structures which usually have multiple degrees of freedom, the relationship between the forces and the resulting displacements is expressed by the stiffness ‘matrix or its reciprocal, the flexibility matrix. The elements of these matrices Connect systematically the force components with the resulting displacement ‘components. The matrix approach therefore, is ightly describedas the systematic analysis of structures, The matrix approach provides aclear and systematic picture ‘of the forces on the one hand and the displacements on the other. In recognition of the vital role played by the matrix approach towards lear understanding of the structural action, the subject of matrix analysis of structures has now been introduced by most of the universities in India and abroad. At the junior undergraduate Ievel, a first introduction to the matrix ‘methods as applied to elementary skeletal structures is usually given. The discussion of complex and large skeletal structures as well as non-skeletal structures is usually included the senior undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Apart fiom the importance of the matrix approach towards a clear understanding ofthe structural action, the matrix methods have assumed vital significance with the advent of the digital computer. The use of digital ‘computers for structural analysis and design is increasing day-by-day. We have already reached a stage where the analysis and design of large and important structures are invariably handled with the help of digital computers. As the ‘matrix methods are indispensable for an automatic computer analysis of a structure, the significance of matrix methods is self-evident. ‘The existing books on the matrix methods of structural analysis have generally been written with the assumption that the reader possesses a reasonably high understanding of structural mechanics. An uninitiated student, with only an elementary knowledge of structural mechanies, therefore, finds these books beyond his comprehension. At present there is a clear need to bring out a book which presents the matrix approach in its most simple form 50 that even an ordinary undergraduate student can read it without much difficulty. 1 is my firm conviction that the present book would meet this The fundamental concepts and basic theorems of Structural Mechanies and their applications which form the prerequisite for the development of the matrix approach are discussed in the first two chapters. In the third chapter, the necessary background material on determinants and matrices is provided. The development of the flexibility and the stiffness matrices and the first introduction to the two main methods of mattix analysis are presented in Chapter 4. A thorough treatment ofthe three types of structures, viz, the beams, rigid-jointed frames and pin-jointed frames by both the methods of matrix analysis are presented in chapters 5, 6 and 7. Only planar structures have been considered in these chapters. The material included in chapters 1 to 7 gives & thorough coverage of the syllabus on matrix methods’ generally prescribed at the undergraduate level. Chapters 8 to 12 cover the syllabus generally prescribed for an advanced ‘course on matrix methods of structural analysis. Chapters 8 and 9 deal with ‘space frames—while the rigid-jointed space frames are discussed in Chapter 8, Chapter 9 deals with the pin-jointed space frames. A. critical reappraisal and comparative study of the two main methods of matrix analysis are presented in Chapter 10. The element approach, which is particularly suitable for the ‘automatic analysis of structure by a digital computer, is discussed in Chapter 11 Several possible variations of the two main methods and special techniques aimed at simplicity, greater precision and lesser computational effort form the subject matter of the: last chapter The authors are grateful to several colleagues and friends who have helped directly or indirectly in the preparation of this book. They are particularly indebted to Prof. O P Jain, Director, IIT Delhi, for writing the Foreword. The authors would feel obliged if any errors inthis book are brought to their notice. Constructive suggestions from the readers for further improvement are also most welcome. GS Payor SP Gurra, 5 2 s LIST OF SYMBOLS Degree of static indeterminacy Degree of kinematic indeterminacy ‘Young's modus Shear modulus Moment of inertia ‘Typical coordinates Number of joints ‘Torsion constant Typical element of the stiffness matrix. [k) Force at coordinate i due to unit displacement at coordinate j Bending moment Number of members Bending moment duc 1 a unit force at coordinate j Force at coordinate j ‘Typical element of the force mauix [P) Force at coordinate j in the restrained stracture dug to the loads other than those acting at the coordinates “Typical clement of the matrix [P' Shear force Number of extemal reaction components Axial force ‘Axial force in the members of a pin-jointed frame due to a unit free at coordinate j ‘Twisting moment Strain energy Complementary energy Principal axcs Cartesian coordinate axes Displacement a coordinate j “Typical element of the displacement max [A] De aR aC VEE aE vii Lis of Svmbots My Displacement at coordinate j in the released struciune due to the applied loads Typical element of the matrix [4,] Displacement at coordinate due to a unit force at coordinate j Typical element of the flexibility matrix [5] Member rotation Joint rotation End slope of a member Sigma System coordinates Element coordinates BASIC CONCEPTS 1.4 INTRODUCTION ‘The primary function ofa structures to receive loads (usually knowa as service Joads) at certain points and transmit them safely to some other points. For instance, a building frame receives occupancy loads ofthe building besides the self. weight of the structural components ofthe building and transfers them safely to the foundations. Similarly, a highway bridge has to support the live load due to the traffic and the dead load of the bridge itself besides several ‘other loads. The structural system of the bridge has to be designed so as to transmit these loads safely through the supporting piers and abutments to the foundations. In performing this primary function of receiving service loads at certain points and transferring them safely to some other point, the structure develops internal forces 1m its component members known &s structural elements. 1 is the responsiblity of the structural engineer to design all the Structural elements ofa structural sytem in such a way that they perform theit functions adequately. The inadequacy of one or more structural elements may lead to the malfunctioning or even collapse of the entie structure. The object ‘of structural analysis isto determine the intemal forces and the corresponding displacements of all the structural elements as well as those of the entire structural system, The safety and proper functioning of the structure can be censured only through a thorough structural analysis. The importance of acorrect. Structural analysis forthe proper functioning and safety of the structure cannot, therefore, be over-emphasized. A systematic analysis of structural systems ‘can be carried out by using matrices. The matrix approach for the solution of structural problems is also eminently suitable for a solution using modern digital computers. Hence, the advantage of using the matrix approach for large structural problems is evident. 1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF STRUCTURES ‘The history of development of stroctural forms is as old as the history of civilization itself tis, therefore, natural that 2 very large variety of structeral 2_Siruetral Analysis Matrix Approgch _ Forms and systems are in use today. Hence, it is not easy to classify these structures so as to include all of them. While several systems of classification hhave been suggested, the following system of classification appears to be helpful for developing basie concepts: () skeletal structures Gi) surface structures ii) solid structures ‘Skeletal structures are those which can be idealized'to a series of straight or curved lines. As the name suggests, the structure loaks like a skeleton. The common examples of skeletal structures are roof trusses, latice girders and building frames. Surface structures are those Which can be idealized to plane or curved surfaces. Slabs and shells belong to this category, Solid structures are those which can neither be idealized to a skeleton nor to @ plane or curved surface. In general, only the skeletal structures can be analysed by the elementary ‘methods of structural mechanics. The stress analysis of surface and solid structures usually involves higher mathematics and the theory of elasticity or plasticity. Fortunately, the majority of structural systems in common use can bbe considered as skeletal structures. A systematic analysis of skeletal structures can be carried out by using the matrix approach, ‘The skeletal structures can be further classified into the following two types: @) pin jointed frames Gi) rigié-jointed frames As the name suggests, the members of pin-jointed frames are connected by ‘means of pin-joints. These frames support the applied loads by developing ‘only axial forces in the constituent membérs if the external forces act at the joints and the members are straight. Unless otherwise stated, it will be assumed throughout that in the case of a pin-jointed frame, the external forces act at the joints and the members are straight, On the other hand, the joints of the rigid Jointed frames are assumed to be rigid so that the angles between the members ‘meeting at a joint remain unchanged. These frames resist external forces by developing bending moments, shear forces, axial forces and twisting moments, in the members of the frame. ‘Skeletal structures may also be classified as: (® plane frames Gil) space frames All members of the plane frame as well as the external loads are assumed to bbe in one plane. If these frames are pin-jointed, the members carry only axial forces. On the other hand, if the frames are rigid-jointed, the members are subjected to axial forces, shear forces and bending moments. In the case of space frames, all the members of the frame do not lie in one plane. Very often, space frames are formed by combining a series of plane frames. The members RE ST Of space frame are subjected to axial forces only, if the joints are pin: ‘connected. On the other hand, the members of a rigid jointed space frame ate subjected to axial forces, shear forces, bending moments and twisting moments 1.3. EQUATIONS OF STATIC EQUILIBRIUM Using the Cartesian system of coordinates as the reference frame, the equations of static equilibrium may be written as. EF, =23F,=2F,=0 an EM, = EM, = EM, aay where 2F, 2, and 2, are algebraic sums of the components ofall extemal forces, including reactive forces, along x- »- and z-axes respectively and Mj, EM, and EM, ae the algebraic sums of the moments of all extemal forces, including reactive forces, about x- y- and 2-axes respectively. ‘The external forces can be divided into the following two systems: applied loads Gi) reactive forces For static equilibrium, the resultantof all applied loads is equal in magnitide and opposite in sign to the resultant of the reactive forces. Thus the applied Joads and the reactive forces may be looked upon as constituting two systems of forces which oppose each other and keep the stricture in equilibrium. Tt ‘must be mentioned that if the eatie structure isin static equilibrium, every part of it, however small, must also be in equilibrium. Hence, the equations of Static equilibrium apply not only to the structure as a whole but also to every part oft In particular, they apply tol the members and joints of the stracture. In case of plane frames subjected to in-plane external forces, only three ‘equations are sufficient for static equilibrium. Assuming thatthe frame and all ‘extemal forces lie in the x-y plane, the equations of static equilibrium may be expressed as ER, =2K,=0 a3) EM,=0 aay In this case the remaining three equations, viz, EF, = EM, = EM, identically satisfied. If the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical Eqs (13) and (1.4) may be tewriten as ZH=EV=0 (3a) =M (4a) Where EH and EV ate the algebraic sums of the components of all external forces, including reactive forces, along horizontal and vertical directions respectively, and Es the algebraic sum ofthe moments ofall extemal forces, including reactive Forces, about any point in the plane of the structure. A Mais Approael These frames are free from torsion unlike those in which some of the members or the external forces do not lie in the x-y plane 1.4 INTERNAL FORCES The resultant internal force acting at any cross-section of a member of a skeletal structure is equivalent to a force P passing through the centroid of the orone section and a couple M as shown in Fig. 1.1, The force P can be resolved into @ component S, known as the axial force along the axis of the member and twe components Q, and Q, along the two principal axes of the cross-section. ‘The forces Q, and Q, acting along the principal axes x and y are known as the components ofthe total shear force Q acting on the cross-section, Similarly, the couple 4 can be resolved into three components. The component M. know as the twisting moment T acts about the axis of the member. The components ‘M, and M, acting about the principal axes x and y respectively are known as the biaxial bending moments, Hence, in general, at any cross-section of a member of skeletal space structure there are six internal force components, viz. the axial force, the biaxial shear force components Q, and Q,, the twisting ‘moment T and the biaxial bending moments M, and 47 1 Controidal Member ag, / ‘s, , ae ( | Engen In the case of aplane structure loaded in its own plane, the twisting moments are absent. Besides, the bending moments and shear forces act in the plane of the structure. Hence, at any cross-section of a member of a rigid-jointed plane skeletal structure loaded in its own plane, there are only three internal forces, viz., the axial force S, the shear force Q and the bending moment M, all of which actin the plane of the structure. Ifthe members ofthe structure are pin ‘connected, the shear force Q and the bending moment M7 are absent. Hence at 5 Basis Concer Gry tes-setion of a member of a pn-jinted skeletal stucture, there is only fie ternal force, viz. the axial force S. In Fig. 1.1 the forces ae represented Uy inelefeaded arrows andthe couples by double-headed amows For defining ihe sense ofthe couple, the vector notation and the right handed stew systers may be adopted. Accordingly, the couple M, represented by a double-headed uro¥ Pointing in the positive direction ofthe x-axis clockwise when looking {towards the positive direction of the x-axis, 1.5 FREE-BODY DIAGRAMS. As sated in See, 1.3, the equations of static equilibrium apply not only tothe Structural system as a whole but also to all its members or elements, The free body diagram of the entire structure or that of any part of it shows all forces acting on it which are reqited to maintain its equilibrium. The free-body diagrams of different parts of a structure clearly show the manner in which intemal forces must develop in order to maintain equilibrium with the external forces. Hence, free-body diagrams are extremely important for a clear understanding of the distribution of internal forces in any structure. The following examples iltustrate how the free-body diagrams are drawn, Example tt OO A simply supported beam AB, shown in Fig. 1.2(ah has aspan of ttm and supports ‘teonsverse load of 20 kNm. Draw the fre-body diagrams of portons AC, DI eed CD. ‘Solution “otal load is 20 1 100 kN @._Free-body diagram of AC ‘This orton sated upon by a downward fore of2 x 20 = 40 EN uniformly spread ‘ove this length and an upward force of 100 KN at A. Hence, in ordet to satis the equation of equilibrium EV = 0, a foree of 60 KN mus act at C inthe doweweed 201 and te ects tthe spprs Aa y= Ry Penne na epee tere mie Sooper for Pom am, am # Matrix Approach gomum 2010um wo Pine 20 100m APE PTR ST po 4° oy wow Ma Mol 00% ” o © Fig. 12 (ii) Free-body diogram of DB ‘The toual downward load on this portion is 140 KN and an upward foree of 100 kN, ‘Hence, inorder to satisfy the equations of equilibrium EY = O and 33M =O, an upward force of 40 EN and a clockwise couple of 210 kN-m must act at cross-section D. These are evidently the shear force and bending moment at cross-section D. The free-body diagram of DB is shown in Fig. 1.200), (Git) Free-body diagram of CD ‘As action and reaction are equal and opposite the internal forces acting at cross-sections C and D of the portion CD mast be equal to magnitude and opposite in direction ta the forces acting at cross-section Cof portion AC and cross-section D of portion DB. Hence, an upward force of 60 KN and a clockwise couple of 160 KN m must act at C. Similarly. a downward force of 40 KN and a counter-clockwise couple of 210 kN m must act at D, ‘Me tree-body diagram of CD is shown in Fig. 12(@) es evident thatthe axial forces and twisting moments are not present in this case Exaitipie 12 , The rectangular frame ABCD, shown in Fig. 1.3(a), is feed at A and free at D. The Joints B and C are rigid. Sketch the free-body diagrams of the entre fiame, the three ‘members ofthe frame and the joints B and C. oi soon ° e i i a) a } Feo —-le 0140-100 )—s00n sn - Aol a0 i aa asic Concepts 7 a @ some pee Pama eat ee OF aoisia 1004 —+| oma ALS — sow sows “sot ‘o salen 6 Fats Solution (@) Free-ody diagram of entive frame Considering the equilibrium of the entire frame, the reactive forces requied at A to satisfy the equations of stati equilibrium ar: —_— (a) vertical upward fore of 120 KN, () horizontal force of 60 KN. and (6) counterclockwise couple of 600 KN-m. ‘The free-body diagram ofthe ene frame is shown in Fig, 1.300) Gi) Free body diagram of AB As the reactive forces acting atthe cross-section A have already been computed, the internal reactive forces which mast acta cross-section B in order mainainequlitrivm of portion AB ae (@) vertical downward force of 120 KN, (©) horizontal fore of 40 KN tothe left, and (©) clockwise couple of $00 kN m. The froe-body diagram of pation AI is shown in Fig. 1.3(). Gi) Free-body diagram of BC ‘As action and reaction are equal and opposite, the intemal reactive forces acting at ‘ross-setion B of portion BC are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to those acting atthe sume cross-tetion ofthe portion AB, ie, (@) vertical epward force of 120 KN, () horizon force of 40 KN tothe right, and (6) counter-elockise couple of 500 EN. a 8_Serweruyal Analysis-A Maris Approweh Thos the intemal reactive forces required at cross-section C'to maintain equilibrium of portion BC are (@) vertical upward force of 80 KN (®) horizontal force of 40 kN to the let, and (6) clockwise couple of 300 kN-m ‘The free-body diagram of portion BC is shown in Fig. 1.3(4) Gv) Free-body diagram of CD Considering the interaction of portions BC and CD, the internal reactive forces at c1oss- section C for portion CD comprise (@) vertical downward force of 80 KN, (b) horizontal force of 40 KN to the right, and (©) counter-clockwise couple of 300 KN i It may be noted that these reactive forces maintain equilibrium of portion CD. The free-body diagram of portion CD is shown in Fig. 1.3). (0. Free-body diagrams of joins B and C The free-body diagrams of joints B and Care shown in Fig. 1.3(1) and (g). It should be noted that the forces acting on the joints are equal in magnitude and opposite in sense to those acting atthe ends ofthe members converging a the joint under consideration Example 1.3 A square frame ABCD, shown in Fig. (a), is suspended from joint A end supports a vertical load of 100 kN at C. The length ofeach member is 2 m.Joint A ls rigid and the ‘remaining joins are pin-connected. Draw the free-body diagrams of all the joints and members am am @ 707K ag 1414 iaLm ye Zo kN © Basic Consents 9 oz 40 I. nor train SAY teria ror “ 70.7 kN a orm oe wha 5 rari oan Neen "orm > robes © Pets Solution Consigerigrisé equilibrium of joint C, the tensile forGe in member DC as well 3s in (CB is equal 1970.7 kN. Considering the oquiltium of portion AB, the reactive forces ‘acting onit must be as showa in Fig. 4b). The free-body diagrams of ll the meres and joints are shown in Fig. 1.4(0). 1.6 DEGREE OF STATIC INDETERMINACY Statially indeterminate strctures are those structures which cannot be analysed ‘with the help of equations of static equilibrium alone. These structures are also known as hyperstatic structures. For the analysis of these structures it becomes necessary to consider the deformation of the structure because the {equations of statics alone are not sufficient for the solution of the problem. In the case of statically indeterminate structures, the number of unknowns is ‘sreater than the number of independent equations derived from the conditions Of static equilibrium. Additional equations, based on the compatibihty of ‘deformations, mast be written in order toobtain a sufficient number of equations for the determination of all the unknowns. The number of these additional 10 _Siruenural Analysis—A Mess Approach equations, necessary for the solution of the problem, is known as the degree of static indeterminacy or she degree of redundancy of the structure. The total degree of static indeterminacy of the structure D, may be considered as the sum of the following wo types of indeterminacies: ) degree of external indeterminacy, D,, Gi) degree of internal indeterminacy, D,, Thus, Dy = Dig + Dy as) ‘The external indeterminacy is related to the support-system of the structure, It has been pointed out in Sec. 1.3 that for static equilibrium there are six independent equations to be satisfied in the case of a space structure and three equations for @ plane structure. Hence, the reactions of a support-system are statically determinate if it gives rise to six independent reaction components in the case of a space structure and three for a plane structure. Ifthe number of dependent reaction components is more, the structure is externally determinate to that extent. If the number of independent external reaction ‘components is r, the degree of external indeterminacy D,, for space structures is given by the equation Dye = (r~6) a6 and for plane structures it is given by the equation Dye = (r=3) aa In developing a clear understanding of the degree of intemal indeterminacy of a skeletal structure, itis convenient to consider pin-jointed and rigid-jointed frames separately. A pin-jointed frame is statically determinate internally if it has just/the minimum si0mnBOF of members m’ required to preserve its geometry. If the number of members is more, the pin-jointed frame is internally indeterminate to that extent Considering that there are joints in pin-jointed plane frame, three members are required to connect the first three joints. Two more members are required for connecting each additional joint io the triangular frame already formed, ‘Thus, the number of members required to connect the remaining ( ~ 3) joints is 2(j~3). Hence, the total number of members in a pin-jointed plane frame with J joins is given by the equation m’= %{j-3)+3=@Qj-3) as) In the case of pin-jointed space frame, the most elementary frame is a tetrahedron having four joints and six members, Besides, three additional members are required to connect each of the remaining (j — 4) joints. Thus, ‘the (otal umber of members required in a pin-jointed space frame is given by the equation (J 4) +6 = j-6) as) In general, it may be stated that a pin-jointed frame is statically indeterminate internally if he number of members is more than (2 — 3) in the case of a plane frame and (37 ~ 6) in the case of a space frame. If the number fo members is less than the requirement as per Eq. (1.8) oF (1.9), the frame is internally unstable of deficient. On the other hand, if the actual number of members m is more than the requirement 2s pec Eq. (1.8) (or (1.9), the frame is over stiff and consequently itis statically indeterminate. ‘The degree of internal indeterminacy D,, for a plane frame is given by the equation Dy= m~Q~3) 1.10) and for a space frame itis givem by the equation D,=m-Gj-9) ay Jt may be pointed out that although the condition regarding the number of members represented by Eq. (1.8) or (1.9) is necessary, i is not sufficient for internal determinacy. In other words, the frame may not be statically determinate internally even when Fg. (1.8) or (1.9) is satisfied. For ‘example, the pin-jointed plane frame shown in Fig, 1.5 has sx joins and nine ‘members as required by Bq, (1.8) but the frame is not statically determinate ane Fig. 15 internally. In this pin-jointed frame the IéR panel has more than the required umber of members and is consequently over stiff. The right panel has one ‘ember less than the minimum required to preserve the geometry ofthe panel and is consequently unstable. Thus, the frame represents a combination of an foverstiff panel and an unstable panel. As @ whole, it cannot be considered statically determinate intermally. The above concepts have been summarized in Table 1.1 “A Maris Approach Table 1.1 m=Qi-3) > Qj-3) mw eG) 6) G8 Unstable Stable and Oversff and unstable Sable and oventf and internally —sateally statically in-iternally statically statieally in eterminate determinate determinate inemally* _iavemally * Not necessarily tue. A further check should be applied to see that Eq (18) or (1.9) applies not only to the structure as @ whole but also toa the panels separately A eigidjoine frame is statically determinate imterally if its members frm an open configuration resembling the strictre of ate as showin nFig. 16. Anopen configuration here means tha there are no loops or cloned cells. Any one ofthe following two checks may’ be applied to very that the structural configuration is open (Starting from any pornt_on the structure and proceeding slong ay route, itis impossible to ream tothe same point without retracing the path () Itisimposibl tomake acut anyother inthe structore without sping the structure inte two separate parts Ifa rige-joinedstactre does not have an open configuration itis statically indeterminate erally. statally indeterminate strwcture may be converted into stately determnate structure by making sufficient numiber of cuts 0 that the resulting configraton i open. At each eu thre reaction components (two forees and one couple) are seleased in the case of plane struct And six eacton components (thee forces an three couples) in te ease ofa space structure, Therefore, the depreeof intemal indeterminacy D, for aiid joie plane frame is given by the equation Dy =3e 2) and for a rigid-jointed space frame it is given by the equation Dy = 6 (13) where ¢ = number of cuts required for obtaining an open configuration. Consider the rigid-jointed plane frame shown in Fig. 1.7(a). An open configuration can be obtained in this ease by introducing five cuts as shown in Fig. 1.7(b). ‘Skeletal structures, having some of the joints as pin connected and others as rigid, are net very common, To determine the degree of internal indeterminacy of these /ybrid type of structures, the pin joints may in the first instance be replaced by rigid joints. Considering a plane frame, the number of. independent reaction components that must be added to convert a pin joint Basic Concepes 13 @ © . Far into a rigid joint is (m~ 1), where m isthe number of members meeting at that Joint, The is 90 because m bending couples must be applied, one to each of the 'm members converging at the joint under consideration. As the sum of al these bending couples must be zero, the number of independent reaction ‘components required to conver a pin joint into a rigid joins (m ~ 1). Similary, in the case of space structures, the number of independent reaction components Which must be added to convert a pin joint into a rigid joint is 3m — 1) because three couples (two bending couples and one twisting couple) must be applied {0 each member to obtain a rigid connection. As the sum of the couples about the three coordinate axes at the joint must be separately zer0, the number of independent reaction components required in this case is 3m 1). Hence, the imber of independent reaction components required to replace a plane structure with hybrid joints by a rigid-jointed structure is Hm — 1). where summation has to be carried out for al the pin joints in the hybrid structure. As the dogree of internal indeterminacy of a rigid-jointed plane frame is 3c, the degree of-interse! indeterminacy of a plane frame with hybrid joints is given by the equation D, = 30—-Hm-1) (1.14) Similarly, the degree of internal indeterminacy of a space frame with hybrid joimsis given bythe equation Dy = 66-Em-~ 1) (115) ‘Am alternative approach forthe determination of the degre of indeterminacy. ofa structure isto take «unified view withomt considering external and intemal indeterminaces separately. In the case ofa pin-jdnied plane frame, there are ‘m unknown member forces and r unknown reaction components. Ths, the {otal number of unknowns is (m+ r). The conditions of static equiibsum Provide two equations, Bq, (1.3), at each of the j joints giving a total of 2} independent equations. Hence, the degree of static indeterminacy of a pin Jointed plane frame may be written as Di= (m4 -¥ 16) In the case of a pin-jointed space frame, the conditions of static equilibrium Provide three equations, Bq. (1.1), at each of the joints giving a total of 3j 14_ Structural Anabsis—A Matis Approach independent equations. Hence, the degree of static indeterminacy of a pin- Jointed space frame may be written as Di= (me n-¥ aan Consider next the rigid-jointed structures. Every member of a rigid-jointed plane frame carries three unknown internal folces, viz., an axial force, a shear force and a bending moment. Thus, including the r reaction components, the {otal number of unknown forces is (3m +r). The conditions of static equilibrium provide three equations, Eqs (1.3) and (1.4), at each of j joints giving a total of 3j independent equations. Hence, the degree of static indeterminacy of a rigid- jointed plane frame may be written as, Dz = Gmsn-¥ cag) In the case of a rigid-jointed space frame, every member carries six unknown internal forees, viz, three forces and three couples. Thus including the rreaction components, the total number of unknown forces is (6m + r). The conditions Of static equilibrium provide six equations, Egs (1.1) and (1.2), at each of the joints giving a total of 6j independent equations. Hence, the degree of static indeterminacy of a rigid-jointed space frame may be written as Dz = (6m +7) 6] as Consider next, a hybrid structure having a combination of pin joints and rigid joints. The number of unknown internal forces in a member of a plane frame ‘ora space frame depends upon its end conditions as shown in Table 1.2. Hence, the (otal number of unknowns, which is equal to the sum of the unknown ‘member forces and the external reaction components, can be calculated. The ‘number of equations of static equilibrium at each joint of the frame are also shown in Table1.2. Hence, the total number of equations of statie equilibrivia of the entire frame may be calculated. The degree of static indeterminacy of the structure is equal to the difference between the total number of unknowns and the total number of equations of static equilibrium, Table 1.2 Bid conditions of the Number of unkonn — Nuonber of equations of No. member or pe ‘member forces Satie equilibria of joint Plane" Space Plane —‘Space frame fame frame frame 1 Rigi joints at both 3 6 ends 2. Rigid join at one end 2 and pin joint atthe other 3. Pin joints at both ends 1 : Rigid joint 3. Pin joint 2 3 _bacc Concepts 1S Example 1.4 Determine the degree of static indeterminacy of the pin jointed plane frame shown in Fig. 18 Fig. 18 Solution Total numberof independent extemal reation components, radeleled Using Eg (1.7), degiee of external indeterminacy, 4 Number of joins, ‘Actual numberof members, m= 35 Using #q. (1.8), minimum number of members required to preserve geometry of the frame, x16-3=29 {Using Bg. (1.10), dogree of internal indeterminacy, Dy =35-29=6 Hence, degree of static indeterminacy D,= D+ Dy 1+ te depres of static indeterminacy may be computed wsing Ea. (1.16) “Alternatively, Substitating 5 jat6 ito Eq, (1.16) D,=3544-2%16=7 Example 1.5 Determine the degree of static indeterminacy of the vig jointed plane frame shown in ig. 1.9. Solution Total number of independent extemal reaction components, x34241=9 Using Ba. (1.7), degree of extemal indeterminacy, Sirvaruyal Autesis—A Many Agy - i oe Example 1.7 4 Determine the degree of sate indeterminacy ofthe hybrid plane frame shown in Fig. 111 The number of cuts requited to obtain an open configuration, © = 12. For instance, cits muay be nate inal the bs pt in the topmost beans, Using: Eq. (12, degree of internal indeterminacy Dy = 312-36 : Solution Hence, deyree of static indetermis DD. de ‘Total number of independent external reaction 6436-42 component re 4x342=14 Degree of extemal indeterminacy, Altematively, the degree of static indeterminacy may bbe computed using Ea. (1.18), Substituting m= 35 Dy=14-3=11 ° ‘The numberof pin joints i¢7. The mumberof members Pow jam meeting teach ofthe pin joits& df hand ms 3 into Bq. (1.18), ‘The number of members meeting at cach of the pin joint i ant kis 4. Therefore, D,=3%35+9-3 x 24042 21) = 58-1) 444-1) = 16 ‘The number of cats required to obtain an open configuration, c= 6, Using Eg (114), Segre of interna indeterminacy, Example 1.6 Dy =3x6~16=2 Hence, degree of static indeterminacy Devon dei cfticndeminae ofthe owing ie sownin Pg 1 = “min , nee Assume all joints to be rigid Alternatively, the numberof embers with rig joi t both ends is 2. The number of members witha rigid joint st one end and pin joint atthe other end is II. The - i ‘umber of members with pin ois at bothendsis6. Hence the otal number of kang y tent feed) E has hel eae ena < _| an Stoves 2 ws cca ae oe en x ZB _ one at he caer ” ee ‘number of equations of static equilibrium is 7 x3.+7 «2=35. Therefore the degree of Solution Example 1.8 fotal number of independent external reaction components, r = 3. Degree of external Pan aie fe deere of static indeterminacy of the pin jointed space frame shown in nen inn ed etn campos 3, Pr aera tel The number of cuts required to obtain an open configuration, c = 8. For instance, a cut Solution bya 33a in (1 det en fn, man ras jee sg (9) sina te oan el ye pty ino 5.0, wee Using Eg. (1.11), degre of internal indeterminacy, 18 _Siructural Analysis—A Matrix Approach _ taic Concepes 19 D, y= 36-30=6 ‘Deze of extemal indeterminacy, D,, = 36-6=30 Hence, degree of static indeterminsey, [Number of cuts quired 10 obtain an open configuration, © = 16 (Fig. 1.1306) D, = Dag Dy= 646" 12 Using Bq, (113), degre of interna indeterminacy, Dy = 6x 16295 Alternatively, the depree of static indetermit Hence, deprce of static indeterminacy of the frame, may be computed using Eq, (1.19). Substituting m= 36 r=12 j=12 D, =D, + Dy= 30 +96 126 Atiernatvely, the degree of static indeterminacy may be computed using Ea. (1.19) nwo Ea. (x sobsiting 36412-3%12 ino Ea. (1.19, - BI porte) oe ee ert J 1.7 DEGREE OF KINEMATIC INDETERMINACY 1D cose O° A skeletal stmctreissaid to be kinematically indeterminate if the displacement Fig. 1.12 ‘components of itsjoints cannot be determined by compatibility equations alone. In order to evahate the displacement components atthe joints of these strictures, i is mecesary to consider the equations of static equilriam. In Example 1.9 the cave of kinematically indeterminate stricture, the number of unknown Determine the degree of static indeterminacy ofthe rigid. jointed building frame shown displacement components is greater than the number of compatibility equations inFig 1130) For these structures, additional equation basod on equilibrium mustbe written in order to obtain sufficient number of equations forthe determination of alt Solution the unksown displacement components. The number of these additional “otal numberof independent extemal eatin components, ‘equations necessary forthe determination of all he independent esplacement _ p= 6x6=36 components is known as the degree of kinematic indeterminacy or the degree of freedom of the structure. In accordance with the foregoing definitions, a fixed beam is kinematically determinate and a simply supported beam is kinematically indeterminate oT ‘Consider fis the pin-jinted frames. Each joint ofa pin jointed plane frame rar has two independent displacement components because it can move in any Piety ‘wo orthogonal dretions inthe plane ofthe frame. Similarly, each joint of a Leatea pin jointed space fame has three independent displacement components. Hence bel Le the degree of kinematic indeterminacy ofa pin jointed plane frame is given A by the equation we ROE et Dy =2%j-e (1.20a) Similarly, for a pin-jointed space frame the degree of kinematic indeterminacy oT w is given by the equation De = 3 ‘number of joints and ‘umber of equations of compatibility ‘The number of equations of compatibility is equal to the number of constraints imposed by the support conditions, As each independent external 4.200) where j ESSE ST 20 Sintra Anuysir—A Alaris Approae reaction component provides @ constraint against « linear movemer nits ‘own direction, the number of equations of compatibility is equal to the number of independent external reaction components. Consequently, the degree of Kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame may he expressed by the equation Dy = 2j-1 (1.206) Similarly, the degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed space frame may be expressed by the equation D.= 3-1 (1.204) where r= number of independent external reaction components Consider next the rigid-jointed frames. Each joint of a rigid-jointed plane frame has three independent displacement components because it has two linear movements and one rotation. Similarly, each joint of a rigid-jointed space frame has six independent displacement components. Hence, the degree of ‘kinematic indeterminacy ofa rigid jointed plane frame is piven by the equation Dayne (2a) Similarly, fora rigid-jointed sp: is given by the equation frame the degree of kinematic indeterminacy Dy= 6-6 (1.21b) ‘The number of equations of compatibility eis equal to the number of constraints imposed by the support conditions and other factors stich as the inextensibility of members. Consider, for example, the rigid-jointed plane frame of a doutle. storeyed building shown in Fig. 1.14(a). The frame has nine joints. There are three external reaction components at fixed support G, one at roller support HF and two at hinge support 1. Each external reaction component imposes ‘constraint on the structute because the displacement component in the direction ‘of a reaction component is zero, asic Concepts 21 Hence the nmber of compatibility equations due to the constraints at the ‘suppots is eal to the number of exteral reaction components, e =3-+ 1-42 = 6. Ths, usiog Eq. (I.21a), Dy = 3x9 ~ 6 = 21. The directions of the 21 independent displacement component A 104 are identified in Fig 1.1442). In the analysis of rigid-jointed frames it is commonly assumed that the ‘members are inextensible, This assumption regarding the inextensbility of ‘members imposes additional constraints onthe displacements of the structure. Referring to Fig. 1.14(a), itis evident that due to the inextensibility of the columns, joins A, B, C, D, E and F eanaot have any vertical displacement. These constraints provide six compability equations. The inextensbiity of the beams provides four equations af compatibility because the horizontal displacements of joints Band Care the same a5 that ofjoint A and the horizontal displacements of joints E and F are the same as that of joint D. Hence, the inextensibility of the memiscrs provides ten compatibility equations. Ifollows that if the members are assumed to be inextensibile, the degree of kinematic ‘indeterminacy of the structure shown in Fig. .14(a) is Dy = 3 x 9 (6 + 10) 11. The ditections of 11 independent displacement components A, to Ay) are identified in Fig. 1.14(), It may be noted that for the frame shown in Fig. 1.14(a), the number of Constraints or the number of compatiblity equations due tothe inextensibility Of the members is equal to the number of members m. Ths is true for typical tunbraced building frames. Hence, for rigid-jointed unbraced plane frames the degree of kinematic indeterminacy may be expressed as, Dy = 3j-(e+m) (2te) In the case of rigid-jointed unbraced space frames, Dy = 6)-(r+m) 2ziay Inthe case ofa rigid jointed plane frame with fixed column bases representing 2 typical building frame having B bays and S storeys, the total number of Joints excluding the column bases is S(B-+ 1). As each af these joints can have 2 alyis—A Motris Approach a rotation and each floor can sway independent of the other floors, the total umber of independent displacement components is given by the equation Dy = SB +1) + $= SB +2) (1.22) If some of the column bases have a certain degree of freedom, the degree of freedom of the frame is correspondingly increased Consider next, the rigid-jointed braced frame shown in Fig. 1.14(c) in which diagonal braces AE, EC, DH and HF have been added, If the members of the frame are taken to be extensible, the independent displacement components of the joints are the same as in Fig. 1.14(a), However, if the members are assumed to be inextensible, it is evident that none of the joints can have a linear displacement. Consequently, there are only eight independent displacement components whose directions have been identified in Fig. 1.14(c) In general, it may be stated that ifthe common assumption of the inextensibility of the members is adopted, the joints of triangulated rigid-jointed frames cannot have linear displacements, Example 1.10 Determine the degree of kinematic indeterminacy of Me te the pinsjolated plane frame shown in Fig. 1.15. Solution Number of joins, Number of independent extemal reaction components, —reteie Using Ba, (1.206), The directions of the nine independent displacement components A to Ay ate identified in the figure. Fig. 1.15 Example 1.11 Determine the degree of Kinematic indeterminacy of the tripod shown in Fig. 1.16 dentfy the independent displacement components Solution Number of joints, Number of independent extemal reaction components, r234241=6 Using Eg, (1.200), eto, 2 ‘The dretions fei inkeiendet placement compen’ to Gini inde Hur. : Example 1.12 Determine the dare of freedom ofthe continous beam shown in Fi. 1.17. Assume that he beam siesenile Solution amb fis) SY ‘Number of members, m =3 [Number of independent external reaction components, =4 Using Eq, (1.26), . Di = 3x4 44325 ‘The diretions ofthe five independent disptaiement components ar identified ia the figure. 1 Analysis. Example 1.13 Determine the degree ofkinematicinletorminacy of the space ame shown tn Big. 118 Joint O's rigid. Also catewate the degree of kincmaic indetrminocs i the nan ‘re assumed to be inestensble Fig. 1.18 Solution Number of joints, Number of constraints = Using Eq, (1.216), k The direevions of the eighteen independent displacement components 4, to Ajgare identified in the figu 1 the members are assumed to be inextensibl, the linear displacement components athe joint O are zero, Consequently, the degre of kinematic indeterminacy is eeeed to fifteen, Basie Conce 1.8 STABILITY ‘As structural stability is the prime concern of the structural engineer, he must ccasure that the structure is supported adequately so that it develops a strong, stability against all kinds of destabilising forces. I is convenient tp divide the ‘overall stability of the structure into: (external stabitity Gi) internal stability A structure is externally stable ifthe supports are capable of providing the required numberof independent reaction components for static equilibrium of the structure, The static equilibrium of a plane structure requires thatthe sum of the components of al forces along any two orthogonal axes in the plane of the structure be zero and the sum of the moments ofall forces about any axis perpendicular to the plane ofthe structure is also zero. Thus a support-system, is stable only if it can develop non-trivial reaction forces along any two ‘orthogonal axes in the plane ofthe structure and a non-trival couple about any axis perpendicular tothe plane ofthe structure. The support-systems shown it Fig. 1.19 are not stable. The support-system shown in Fig. 1.19(a) can provide only three parallel reaction components. It cannot, therefore, resist a force perpendicular tothe direction ofthe reactive forces. In Fig. 1.19(b), the three reactive forces are concurrent. Hence, the support-system is incapable of resisting a couple about the point O. It follows that for stability, the three reactive forces should be: (i) non-parallel and (ii) non-concurrent. The static equiltbrium of a space structure requires that Eqs (I.1) and (1.2) be satisfied. ‘Thus, a support-system is stable only if it can develop non-trivial reactive forces along ay three orthogoneiaxts and non-trivial couples about these axes. It follows that for stability, the six reactive forces of a space structure should be (i) non-parallel, (jj) non-coplanar and (ii) non-concurrent. Fig. 119 26 _Structwral Analysis—A Matric Approach A structural system is internally stable if it can preserve its geometry under the action of all kinds of forces tending to deform it. Significant internal forces are produced in the members of a structural system as a result of even small ‘changes in the geometry. On the other hand, the geometry of unstable systems, known as mechanisms, can change substantially without generating appreciable intemal forces. A pin-jointed frame is internally stable if the number of members is sufficient to preserve its geometry. The minimum number of members required in pin-jointed plane and space frames for this purpose is shown in Table 1-1. In general, if the number of members is less than the minimam. requirement, an unstable system, known as a mechanism, is obtained, On the other hand, an overstff statically indeterminate system is obtained if the number cof members is more than the minimum required for preserving the geometry of the system. A rigid-jointed frame is internally stable and statically determinate if it has an open configuration as defined in Sec. 1.6, On the other = ‘hand, rigid-jointed frames without open configuration are, in general, oversiiff and consequently statically indeterminate internally, In order to see whether a frame with hybrid joints is internally stable, a check must be applied to see if it can preserve its geometry under the action of all possible combinations of external loads. ‘An alternative approach to the problem of stability is to consider the structural system as a whole without distinguishing between extemal and internal stabilities. From the derivation of Eo (1.16) to (1.19), it follows that a pin-jointed plane frame is (a) unstable if (m +r) < 2j, (b) stable and statically determinate if (m +r) = 2f, and (e) stable and statically indeterminate if (m+n) >. Similarly, a pin-jointed space Tate is (a) unstable if (m +r) < 3, (b) stable and statically determinate if (m + r) = 3j, and (c) stable and statically indeterminate if (m + 7) > 3) A rigid-jointed plane frame is (a) unstable if (3m + r) < Jj, (b) stable and statically determinate if 3m-+ 7) =3), and (c) stable and statically indeterminate if m+) >3) Similarly, a rigid jointed space frame is (a) unstable if (Gm ++ r) < 6}, (b) stable and statically determinate if (6m + r) = 6}, and (c) stable and statically indeterminate if (6m +r) > 6j, It may be noted that a certain degree of exchange may take place between the required number of members and the reaction components in order to achieve overall stability. For instance, the deficiency in respect of the number cof members may be made good by introducing additional reaction components. Consider, for example, the pin-jointed plane frame shown in Fig. 1.20¢a). It hhas eight joints and consequently it neds (2j~3) = 13 members to be internally stable. Since the frame has only eight members, itis internally deficient to the fifth degree. Internal stability can be achieved by adding five members as tase Concepts 27 shown by the broken ines in Fig. 1.20(b). Alternatively, a stable system can ‘also be obtained by introducing five additional reaction components in addition to the three needed for static equilibrium, as shown in Fig. 1.20(c) pat « » @ Example 1.14 Consent on the ail ofthe pi joiued ‘lane frame shown in Fig 1.21 Solution Fist consider the extemal sabiliy, Toe reaction components required for sate equilibrium are supplied by the roller Supports at Ly, U, and U>. As the the reactive forces Ry, Ry and Ry ae neither tarallel nor concurrent, the frame is Extemaly stable, albough dhe stabily is very weak. This iss0 Because the thes rectve forces ae nearly concur eis Fig. 121 ‘vient that if the esa of extemal faces tas larger levcr-am abou the pont O, the eatin R, wil have tobe very age to Satsty the condition EM =O. point 0. “Consider nest he intra stb The frame has 8 joins and consequcnly requires 15 members as per Eq. (1.8). The frame does have 13 members bi even thea snot stable. Actually, the frame i a combination of stable panel Uj Ul, an overstt el UUs, and an stable panct UsUelely When He iteral stability of the fame a a whole considered the rae wil have te designated 3 watabl, 1.9 SETTLEMENT OF SUPPORTS. In actual practice all supports yield under the action of the forces exerted on them. However, if the setlements of the supports are very small, they may be 28 pores ignored without causing any appreciable ertor. In th be considered as unyielding, In the case of statically determinate structures, the settlements of the supports do not produce internal forces because these structures undergo only rigid body motion without any deformation, Ithas been scen in Sec. 1-8 that a theee. dimensional structure requires six independent external reaction components for stability and external determinacy, Hence, if the structure is statically determinate externally, the maximum number of displacement components due to the settlement of supports is six. In a rigid-body motion of a space structure there are six independent displacement components, viz., three linear movements and three rotations along and about three mutually orthogonal axes. Consequently, the setilement of supports in the ease of a determinate support-system can produce only a rigid-body motion of the structure. In the case of plane structures, only three independent external reaction components are necessary for stability and external determinacy. As the rigid-body motion in a plane also involves only three independent displacement components, viz., two orthogonal linear movements and a rotation, it is evident that the settlements of supports of an externally determinate plane structure cannot produce internal forces in the structure. In the case of externally indeterminate structures, the settlements of the supports generally induce internal forces. If the number of external reaction ‘components due to the supports is r, the degree of external indeterminacy is (r-6) Jn the case of a space structure and (r— 3) in the case of a plane structure. Ifthe number of displacement components is less than or equal to the degree of external indeterminacy, the rigid-body motion of the structure is generally not possible. On the other hand, if the number of displacement components due to the seitlements of supports is mote than the degree of external indeterminacy, @ rigid-body motion of the structure occurs. In this ease, the intemal forces in the structure are induced on account of only the net displacement components which may be computed by substracting the rigid-body displacement components fiom the gross displacement components. Consider, for example, the two span continuous beam shown in Fig, 1,22(a) Let the downward settlements of the supports A, & and C be 0.02 m, 0.06 m and 0.03 m respectively. As the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure is one and the number of support movements is three, a rigid-body motion of the structure is involved. Ifthe vertical movement of 0.02 m at A is taken as @ rigid-body motion, the net vertical downward displacements at B and C are 0.04 m and 0.01 m respectively. Next, the beam may be given a rigid-body rotation about the point A so that the net vertical displacement at C becomes cease, the supports may oor zero, Toachieve this, aclockwise rotation of 7 = 0.001 radian is necessit i this, ack pg =e. . As this rigid-body rotation produces a downward movement at B equal to » Fig. 122 40,001 = 0.004 m, the net vertical movement of the support B may be taken 1s (0.04 — 0.004) = 0.036 m. Iis this movement at B which produces internal forces in the beam. Hence for the analysis of the continaous beam shown in Fig. 1.22(a), only the net displacement of 0.036 m downwards at B without any displacement at A and C need be considered, Consider next, the portal frame shown in Fig. 1.22(b), Due to the settlement ‘of the support at A, the three displacement components are 0.01 m towards right, 0.02 m downwards and 0.001 radian clockwise. Similarly the settlement of the support at D gives rise to displacement components of 0.015 m towards right, 0.04 m downwards and 0.0015 radian clockwise. As the number of displacement components is more than the degree of external indeterminacy, a rigid-body motion occurs. ‘Treating the lear displacements at A a8 rigid body movements the net linear movements at D are (0,015 - 0.01) = 0.005 m towards right and (0.04 ~ 0.02) = 0.02 mdowzwvards. Next, the frame may be rotated clockwise asa rigid body about the point A through an angle equal to 0.01 radian. This rotation produces at D a vertical movement equal to 10 x 0.001 =0.01 m downwards, horizontal movement equal to 1 0.001 =0.001 m towards right and a clockwise rotation of 0,001 radian. Hence, treating the displacement components at as igid-body movements, the net displacements at D which are responsible for inducing internal forces in the structure comprise a horizontal movement of (0,005 - 0.001) = 0.004 m towards right, a vertical movement of (0.02 - 0.01) = 0.01 m downwards and a clockwise rotation of (0015 ~ 0.001) = 0.0005 radian From the foregoing examples it may be noted that the number of displacement components due to the settlement of supports in excess of the degree of extemal indeterminacy ofthe structure gives rise to only tigid-body displacements. Throughout this book, in the discussion of yielding supports, ‘only the net displacements of the structure which induce internal forces in the structure will be considered. It will be presumed that the rigid-body displacements have been eliminated as explained in the foregoing examples. Ik should also be seen that ifthe rigid body displacements are eliminated, the 30_Siructural Analysis—A Matrix Approach _ number of displacement components due to the settlements of supports cannot be greater than the degree of extemal indeterminacy of the structute. PROBLEMS : 1.1. Draw the free-body diagrams forthe members AB, BC and CD of the rigid- jointed frame shown in Fig. 123. Hence determine the exial force, the siear force and the bending moment at D. 1.2 Ifthe self-weight of the members of the frame shown in Fig, 1.23 is 2 KNim, ‘draw the free body diagrams for the members AB, BC and CD considering the Toadsin the figure as wel asthe sel- weight. Hence determine the axial fore, the shear force and the bending moment at D. 13° Ife frame of Fig 1.23 les inthe horizontal plan, draw the free-body diagnams forthe members AB, BC and CD. Consider only the self-weight ofthe meminers ‘hich is piven as 2kN/m. Hence determine the shear foree, the bending moment and the twisting moment at D. 42 iit a owt in an Fig. 1.20 14 Check the subiity of the beams shown in Fig. 1.24 and indicate which of thom are unstable. — : 1.5 Which of the beams shown in Fig. 1.24 are statically determinate? For these ‘beams, calculate the degrees of kinematic indeterminacies Bp Pee te ey © o © ° © ER SD RR © © Fig. 1.24 1.6 Whiciof the beams showa in Fig I-24 are statically indeterminate? Determine the degrees of static and kinematic indeterminacics of these beams 17 Check the stability of the pinjoited plane frames shown in Fig, 1.25 and Indicate which of them are unstable 1.8 Which of the pin-jointed plane frames shown in Fig. 1.25 are statically determinate? For these frames, calculate the degrees of kinematic indeterminaces @ @ o Co) 0 0 « 0 Fig. 1.25 (Contd) 1.9. Which ofthe pin jointed plane frames shown in Fig. 1.25 are statically indeterminate? Determine the degrees of static and kinematic indeterminacies of these frames 1.10 Check the sabiity of the plane frames shown fof hein are unstable, i. 126 and indicate which Fig. 1.25 1.11 Which of the plane feames shown in Fig. 1.26 are statically determinate? For these frames calculate the degrees of kinematic indeterminacies. 1.12 Which of the plane frames shown in Fig. 1.26 are statically indeterminste? Determine the degrees of static and kinematic indetiminacies of these frames 1 ~ 4 a fo ; 4 om b ® « ® Fig, 1.26 (Conta) Basie Concepy 33 Fig. 126 L413. Determine the degrees of static and kinematic indeterminacies ofthe pn jointed pace fmcs shown in Fig. 1.27 1L16 Calculate the dagrees of static and Kinematic indetcrminacies of the frames shown in Fig. 1.27 if all the pimjoimts are replaced by the rgidjoims, The ‘uppod conditions remain wachanged. cs cae AD Be wf Ny ELEVATION Fig. 4.27 (Contd) S4_Siructral Analsis—A Matrix Approach ae EF ELEVATION ° © Fig. 1.27 LAS A rigidjointed building frame has ten storeys. It has five bays in one direction and eight bays in the other direction. Determine the degrees of statie and ‘Kinematic indeterminacies ial the column bases ave (i) fixed and (i) hinged. BASIC METHODS OF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 2.1 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE Suretural systems subjected to static loading exhibit their response in the form of induced intemal stresses and consequent displacements In general, the members or elements of a structure are subjected to four types of internal forces, viz. an axial force, a shear force, a bending moment and a twisting moment. The resulting internal sresses give rise to linear displacements and rotations. Thus the structural system as a whole undergoes & set of displacements. The external forces acting on the structure undergo these displacements and consequently los ther potential energy. In accordance with the Law of conservation of energy, te loss of potential enerpyof the externa {ores is compensated by an equal amount of energy stoted in the stuctre in the form of strain energy: The main object of strvetral analysis isto evaluate the response ofthe suuctue exhibited by way of induced internal stresses and resulting displacements because these are diretly related to the safety and serviceability ofthe structural sytem. Consider a structure acted upon by a series of loads P, Pa,» Py producing displacements Ay, day wo» Aj 1 A along their lines of action respectively Figure 2.1 shows th loa-displacement characteristic for one of the loads P, acting on te structure as P; increases gradually from ze40 10 its fa vale ‘Te work done by the load Fin undergoing a small displacement iy, represented by the shaded stip A\AoB3B,, is given by thefequation 3, = P84, fi @ ‘The total Work done by the load Pin undergoing the total displacement A, is obtained by the integration of Ea. (a. U= Jou, = j18a, = acca ose ‘The work done by P, represented by area OAB, is stored in the form of strain ‘energy. Hence, area OAB represents the strain energy stored in thestracture as load P; increases monotonously from ze0 to its full value. ‘The increase in strain energy, as load P, undergoes a small displacement 8, is given by Eq, (a). ‘ 5A —s Strain eneray, Uy, 5u, a Be 8 fa Fig. 2.4 Hence, the increment in stain energy, when all the loads acting on the strucure undergo small displacements, is given by the equation OU = BAU, = EP, 6A, or 6U = P, 8A; + Py 5A, + + PSB, +. + P, OM, @ay The total strain energy of a structure, when all the loads undergo their total displacements, may be obtained by the integration of Eq, (2.1). The shaded strip C\CyA-A is represented by the equation 5U;" = ASP, = area of shaded strip C\CsAyA, © The quantity U;", commonly known as complementary energy, will be ‘obtained by the integration of Eq. (c). Evidently the complementary enespy U;", due to the load P, alone, is represented by area OAC. If all the loads ate given small incfemenis, the increase in complementary energy is given by the equation 6 = X8U," = Ea, or 8U* = AP, + A,5P, +o. 4 ASP, +. + A,6P, 22) ‘Total complementary energy U* of the structure may be obtained by the integration of Eq. (2.2). It may be noted that ifthe response is linear, curve OA of Fig. 2.1 becomes a straight ine and the strain energy and the complementary energy are equal usu 23) 2.2 FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS The fundamental assumption in the analysis of structures isthe linearity of the structural response. It follows that the internal stresses and the resulting displacements increase in proportion to the external forces. In Fig. 2.2 the external load P acting on the structure and the resulting displacement A at any Basic Methods of SirctualAvalysis_37 point of the stuctre are plotted along the ‘vertical ancl horizontal axes respectively “The structure is said to behave linearly if the load displacement relationship is represented by the straight fine OA. The Px | response of a stracture can be Finear, only», | if the principle of superposition is valid According to this principle, the total response of a stricture on account of the combined action of any two systems of external forces P; and Pi, is equal to the sum of the responses due to the two systems of forces ating separately. Thus, referring to Fig. 22, crs Fig. 22 Bren Ou e1= yt by 24) where A, = total displacement due to the combined action of P, and Py applied in sequence of P; and Py total displacement due to the combined action of P, and Py applied inthe sequence of Py and P, ‘A, = displacement due tothe action of P; alone ‘y= displacement dc tthe action of Py alone Equation (2.4) shows that the total displacement due to any two sytems of loads may be obtained by the summation ofthe dieplacements caused by the two systems acting separately and thatthe sequence in which the loads are applied is immaterial. The structural response js linear and the principle of superposition holds ifthe fliowing fundamental assutfKions are satisfied The stucture is ina condition of static equilibrium 3) The material ofthe structure behaves lincady. Is implied that the material is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic, and follows Hooke's lay A material homogeneous fit has identical properties at al points. The property of isotropy indicates identical behaviour in al directions The materials said tobe elastic ifthe strain disappears completely on the removal of suess. According to Hooke’s law, the stres-srain curve of the material is a straight line. A majority of engineering materials, particularly metals, behave lineay (i) The supports ate unyielding. In the case of yielding supports, the structural response is, generally, non-finear and the principle of superposition isnot valid Gv) The displacements are stall. Thus, large displacements, generally covered under the large displacement theory, are excluded from consideration here. In general, the principle of superposition i valid ‘only if the displacements are small because in the case of small displacements the forces and displacements in the ransverse direction Sus

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