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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 1 By Engr.

Ben David – Green Book Edition -

1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 2 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

The author finished his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in the

University Of Cordilleras year 1969 and passed the Civil Engineering Board same year 1969
take 1
Year 1969 to Year 1970 he was
employed by Monark
International as Instrument
man/Surveyor the work includes
the construction of a 6 kilometers
highway with a 1 kilometer
airport construction in Sison,
Pangasinan. Late 1971

He worked in the Pantabangan Dam

Multipurpose project, a special project
of the National Irrigation
Administration first as Assistant
Construction Engineer and later
promoted to Construction Engineer
year 1972 to 1977. In this project he
held positions such as Field Inspector,
Field Reporting Engineer and Cost
He ventured into Civil Engineering practice in his hometown Baguio City year Engineer. In 1977 when the project
1980 to 1987. During his early years of practice the conventional method of was finished he worked as a Feasibility
Designing Reinforced Concrete Structures is inadequate enough to meet the study Engineer under the office of his
schedules of his projectThis prompted him to write his book “Systematic Design of
uncle then the city administrator of
Reinforced Concrete Structures by Micro computer” In 1988 He migrated to
Australia and worked in the Work Cover Authority of New South Wales from 1988
Baguio City where he designed the
to 2000 and worked in both state government and private companies such as SIM Civil Infrastructure component of the
PLUS, RSL, VIRGIN MOBILE AND OPTUS from year 2001 to 2012. He proposed project in 1980
gained extensive experience in computer hardware and software in
his two previous jobs in Australia. He retired in year 2012 at age 66.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 3 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

4 years ago year 2014 before the Grand Re union of the UC BCF – 50 years Civil Grand Reunion 2015. It’s been our custom
to solved Engineering problems within the UC BCF Engineers Face book group. When I joined the CEBEP face book group
around two years ago. Based from the comments of members how to solved an engineering problem then I got the idea
how about to include the analysis and logic and step by step solution further more with today’s marvelous gadgets such
as mobile phones , lap tops and programmable calculators and windows capabilities I finally decided to have my book in
a slide picture presentation. The book is primarily designed for the busy Civil Engineering graduate who have no time to
attend review class never less the step by step solution , analysis in every problem makes it a useful reference for the
Undergraduate Civil Engineering student.80% of the problems in the book are past Civil Engineering board exams and
the remaining g 20% are problems taken from different sources as well as problems posted by members of the CEBEP
face book group. It’s been my plan to publish the book in the future then I realized the quality of paper , use of color
printer and other indirect cost if ever the book would be published the selling price would be around more or less than
1000.00 pesos unaffordable for the average Civil Engineering graduate. This means the book is no longer justified for
publication. For those who would like to have a copy of my book a pdf copy is always uploaded into CEBEP group and
other face book groups. The book is only a supplementary review material . Among the new features of the 2018
yearbook edition includes a table of contents in table form.. I really spent time and energy to make the book into
completion but at this time If you have a quick glance the first pages are Front cover –How My Book Looks Like , The
second page is about a short description of the author and the third page preface to the 2018 edition, the fourth page
the special features of the book and the fifth page inspirational poems dedicated for the Civil Engineering graduates
taking the incoming Board exam., six page is about how my book can help you pass the Board Exam, page seven is the
title page My close association with members in the CEBEP group and other groups for the last year or more were truly
exciting and gratifying their comments and suggestions have been greatly acknowledge, in return this book is dedicated
to you guys free compassionate and charity work. I would also like to thanks my daughter Erikka David – a medical
science , Electrical Engineering graduate of University Of Sydney for her assistance in checking the output of my
calculations when the author was fully occupied in the text preparation.

May this book serve an inspiration for the “Civil Engineering graduates that someday they
become top guns, board topnotchers , legends and authors in the “Civil Engineers Pass The
Board Exam Group”

Bienvenido C. David April 15, 2018 Sydney, Australia

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 4 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

1. Free for Civil Engineering graduates taking the incoming C.E Board Exam. Charity &
Compassionate work.

*** You can never find the book in the book store. The book is not for publication. Book
Upgrade is uploaded every six months into the face book groups – All you have to do is
download and share , under FACEBOOK GROUPS go to FILES & search “pre Board
Exams Problems, Questions, Solutions & Answers By Engineer Ben David

2. Analysis and Step by Step solution is a major part of each problem.

*** Very helpful to students reviewing for the C.E Exam & students as
3. Spirally, cloth, paper bound and photo album format
The photo album format- Memorabilia and souvenirs – One day when
you become a Grand Pa & grand Ma- You can show your children how
you became an Engineer

4. Color and slide picture presentation.

5. Book in PDF format and hard print copy

*** Pdf copy can be uploaded into U.S.B., mobile phones, laptop
computers & other gadgets

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 5 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Encouragement – For
those taking the
Incoming Board Exam.
Message waiting for the board results

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 6 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

How can Ben David’s book help you? While waiting for
the bus,train or jeepney. Browse my book from time to
time . While waiting for your GF or BF browse my book.
After lunch time browse my book. Before going to bed
browse my book. Sparing 30 minutes of your time
browsing my book would help you pass the board exam.

How my Book helped

my alma mater
increase the percentage
of the Civil Engineering
first takers in the
November 2017 Board
Exam to 75% passing
Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 7 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Bienvenido C. David
B.S.C E. Class 1969 – University Of Civil Engineer
P.R.C. NO: 10170
Formerly Construction Engineer (Dam Aspect) Pantabangan Dam, National Irrigation
Administration – 1971 to 1977
Formerly feasibility Study Engineer - Low Cost Housing Development Project
Baguio City, Philippines – 1979 to 1980
Formerly Civil Engineering Practitioner – Baguio City, Philippines 1980 – 1987
Formerly held various positions Work cover Authority of New South Wales,
Australia 1988 – 2000.
Formerly held various positions RSL/SIM PLUS /Virgin Mobile COMMUNICATION COMPANY
Australia 2001 – 2010

Formerly Customer Support Consultant OPTUS COMMUNICATION PTY LTD

Australia 2010 – 2012

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
free pdf copy Under the group go to files and search Green Book Pre board exams by Engr. Ben David
Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 8 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 9 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition -
1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 10 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 11 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 12 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 13 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 14 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 15 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 16 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 17 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 18 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 19 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 20 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 21 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 22 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 23 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 24 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 25 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 26 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 27 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 28 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 29 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 30 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 31 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 32 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 34 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 35 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 36 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 37 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 38 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 39 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 40 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 41 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 42 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 50 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 54 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 55 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 56 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 57 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
- 1- Month 30 days quick C.E review for the coming C.E Licensure Exam.

Solved By Ben David – Civil Engineer – Helping Civil Engineering graduates pass the C.E Licensure Exam- For
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 58 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 59 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 60 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 61 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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Mini C.E. Pre board exams in slide picture presentation/ slide no 62 By Engr. Ben David – Green Book Edition
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