Presented by Edward Paul O. Palomo Professor: Virgilio F. Manalang

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Presented by

Edward Paul O. Palomo

Virgilio F. Manalang
Intellectual Discussion
1. To be familiar about drugs and its impact to one's health.
2. To be open about concepts and trivias regarding Drug.
3. In the end of the presentation, the learners are expected to be able to
differentiate illegal to legal drugs, and how Drugs can be dangerous.
The discussion for today's topic will revolve around the following

What is Drug Abuse?

What is a Drug Abuser?

How can you tell when one is using Drugs?

What are the common signs of Drug Abuse?

What is Drug Abuse?

The use of substances to produce pleasurable effects on the

brain is referred to as drug misuse or substance abuse. Over
190 million people use drugs worldwide, and the epidemic is
growing at alarming rates, particularly among young adults


under 30.

The use of drugs is one of the newest global trends. Whereas

knowledge and life values should be instilled in every mind,
drugs are displacing them and rendering life itself meaningless.
Drugs have both beneficial and negative purposes, but human
nature tends to choose the negative aspects of drug use.

A drug abuser is someone who uses drugs on a

continuous basis. As a result, drug abuse and
addiction are now both referred to as substance or
drug use disorder, which is defined as a self-
destructive pattern of using a substance that
causes considerable issues and suffering, including
tolerance to or withdrawal from the substance.
How can you tell when
someone is using drugs?
There are indicators of regular drug use that are universal to all substances, as well as signs that
are specific to the substance consumed. Knowing these indications can assist in determining
whether a loved one is abusing drugs and putting their health, school, work, and family life at risk.

Difficulties at school, disinterest in school-related activities, and declining grades

Poor work performance, being chronically late to work, appearing tired and disinterested in
work duties, and receiving poor performance reviews
Changes in physical appearances, such as wearing inappropriate or dirty clothing and a lack of
interest in grooming
Altered behavior, such as an increased desire for privacy Drastic changes in relationships
A noticeable lack of energy when performing daily activities
Spending more money than usual or requesting to borrow money
Issues with financial management, such as not paying bills on time Changes in appetites, such
as a decreased appetite and associated weight loss
Bloodshot eyes, poor skin tone, and appearing tired or run down
Defensiveness when asked about substance use.
What are the common signs
of drug abuse?

Signs of drug addiction

SMALL PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Side effects may include minor physical changes
that become obvious over time. Many types of drug usage are indicated by bloodshot
or red eyes, as well as a pinpoint or dilated pupils. Also, consider the texture and
appearance of your skin. Abnormal puffiness and a flushed or washed-out appearance
on a regular basis might also signal drug or alcohol addiction.

Abuse of drugs and alcohol over a long period of time can cause significant
physical changes. Because many medicines have appetite suppressing or other
changing adverse effects, usage frequently leads to obvious weight changes.
I've discussed the negative consequences of drugs, as well as the problems
they cause in our communities and families. Instead of using drugs, I will
conclude that there is a better way. Instead of going down the wrong path of
thinking about using drugs, the best way is to seek an education and try to
stay busy. In today's society, drug addiction is a significant issue. Drug
addiction has devastated the lives of many people. Addicts are often
unaware that they have a problem with drugs.

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