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At the beginning of the project, stakeholders have an impact throughout the project, but
they must be identified and involved at the beginning of the project in order to determine
their requirements and expectations. This means that even stakeholders who play a
smaller role or whose requirements are addresses later in the project are included early. If
this effort is not done early, the results may be expensive changes and/or dissatisfaction
later in the project.

2. A
Initiating, planning, executing, and monitoring & controlling, stakeholder can be
identified throughout the project. However, the earlier stakeholders are identified, the
better for the project, if all the stakeholder’s needs and requirements are taken into
account before plans are finalized and project work is begun, fewer changes will be
needed later in the project, when they will be more costly.

3. B
Variances from anticipated stakeholders involvement, the stakeholder engagement
assessment matrix can be used to compare the actual engagement levels (involvement) of
individual stakeholders versus the desired levels of engagement needed to optimize the
plan. Any discrepancies can be analyzed, and efforts to adjust the engagement levels can
be implemented.

4. C
Stakeholder engagement plan, stakeholder’s individual communication requirements are
documented in the stakeholder engagement plan.

5. A
Stakeholder register and stakeholder engagement assessment matrix, the stakeholder
register contains information including the stakeholder’s requirements and expectations,
as well as their levels of interest and influence. The stakeholder engagement assessment
matrix graphically illustrates the current and desired levels of stakeholder engagement.
This information can be used to determine actions required to close gaps between those

6. C
Satisfaction, while communication , coordination, and development of relationships are
parts of stakeholder management, collectively they contribute to the main objective of this
process stakeholder satisfactions.

7. D
Level of influence, this question is referring to levels of influence. Each stakeholder’s
level of influence may be based on status within the organization, seniority, or other
factors. The level of influence of each stakeholder should be identified and manage
throughout the project.
8. A
Plan risk management and Collect requirements, of the choices listed, the stakeholder
register is an input to collect requirements, plan quality management, plan
communications management, plan risk management, and identify risks. Be sure you
understand why it is important in each of these processes.

9. D
Explanation Insurance premiums are not factors in assessing project risk. They come into
play when you determine which risk response strategy you will use.

10. C
Explanation Expected monetary value is calculated by EMV -::. probability x impact We
need to calculate both positive and negative values and then add them:
0.6 x SI 00,000 = $60,000
0.4 x ($100,000) = ($40,000)
Expected monetary value = $60,000 - $40,000 ~ $20,000 profit

11. D
Explanation Project status reports can be an input to risk management. However, when
completing risk management for the first time, you would not haw project status reports.
Therefore project status reports are not always an input to risk management.

12. A
Explanation This project has deviated so far from the baseline that updated risk
identification and risk analysis should be performed.

13. B
Explanation No calculation is needed. lf there is a 20 percent chance in any one month,
the chance in the fourth month is 20 percent.

14. D
Explanations this question is asking which of the following is the highest. Self-
actualizations is not listed, so the next best choice is esteem

15. D
Explanations problem-solving (also referred to as collaborating) normally takes more
times, but it gets buy-in form everyone, generating a more lasting solution.

16. B
Explanations know the top four source of conflict on project (schedule, project priorities,
resource, and technical opinions) so you can be prepared to answer questions that relate to
source of conflict and how to deal with them. Don’t be fooled because “personality” is on
the list. It is not a major cause of conflict.
17. A
Explanations the responsibility assignment matrix maps specific resources to the work
packages from the WBS. On a resource histogram, the use of resources is shown
individually or by groups over time.

18. B
Explanations in matrix organization, power is shared between the functional manager and
the project manager, so the project manager needs to negotiate with the functional
manager for the resources

19. A.
Once signed, a contract is binding to both sides. Contracts typically state that either side
can choose to terminate the agreement by negotiating a settlement based on work already

20. C.
If the seller completes the work specified in the procurement statement of work. The
contract is considered complete. 1hat does not mean the s. un c thing as the procurement
being closed. Procurement closure must still occur. However, in this situation, the contract
work is completed.

21. C.
They are always good ideas (changes) that can add benefit to the project, regardless of the
contract type. Although detailed specifications may reduce the need for changes, they
don't eliminate all the causes. Contracts should include procedures to accommodate

22. D.
Selecting a contract occurs in the plan procurement management, market research is in the
plan procurement management. During, the conduct process, Project manager should
answer questions submitted by prospective sellers.

23. C.
source selection criteria.
24. C
Control Communication

25. C
Correct grammar and spelling

26. A
At the start of each new project phase
27. B
Good network condition

28. B
Flexible Communication

29. D

30. B
An understanding of differences between individuals, groups, and organizations and
adapting the project’s communication strategy in the context of these differences.

31. D
Electronic Network Communications

32. B
Interacting with others to exchange information and develop contacts.

33. C
Work Performance Information
34. C
There can be a cost impact (as well as an impact on other project constraints) of exceeding
expections or adding extras. Quality is the degree to which the project meets the
35. B
Inspection, histograms, and cause-and-effect diagrams are all tools that can be used in
Control Quality. Cost of quality is part of Plan Quality Management, making sure the
project is not spending too much to achieve a particular level of quality.
36. D
Focusing on the most critical issues to improve quality relates to histograms. Stimulating
thinking and analyzing the cause of quality problems relate to cause-and-effect diagrams.
Only determining if a process is functioning within established me mes relates to control
37. C
Quality metrics are an output of the Plan Quality Management process. They are an input
to the Manage Quality process, the process in which quality audits take place.
38. B
Standard deviation is the measurement of a range around the mean.
39. Procurement
40. Crashing
41. Resource Allocation
42. Resource Allocation


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