Housekeeping in Lodging

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veral indepeng, nt ining Se\ a sy a el 9 i, regula ind offering iCes, toe ile ements basis i ned aP* long ter" ppartel i fu jess | nly, a house that offers lon is. wnt, comme heap price. It is like doy, ito mers for aC jender may sta establish hier 7 opposite 9 Y evel bet red. sgt ih MA room sh for backpa™."5 100 ly on hich guests cap me in wi be Nich may or on the He Privat, gue se or on o es aast rivate bearoor in the hous ean rae : rnight in PI anager li ind lounge ne mi house, SU st ‘emily to oe ait aie (a seg areas of PUES the ne akfast may be available by arrangemes! be run as a Seco" a ast). ‘Other meals a II the features and facilities either continental or Ful | - An establishment providing fa donee ct ; ri le. Shan teatre top dass servic and a small, feature top cla A growing €20 ) tel travelers and those who dont ~ This is ideal for business nose wo don ‘od er fo sve sone money. There is a variety fi ills : ders the county anda oe affordable rooms Camping Park ~ A park for camping only. Campus Accommodation - The accommodation provided by Colleges and universities for their students is individuals or groups at often made available — with meals ~ to at certain time of year, YYpically the summer, Easter and Christmas holiday periods, 2 of gut aco hich has been converted for iment are for the Ft Modation, Th Steet INES Offsite, or in an ener USE Use OF thy © Quests, © Public areas of rin an enti Guests, Offers a wider range of ser rebarate le Owner or manager are eae and uta the Property, Guesthouse Holiay pon ee ‘ally caters for all meals. camping pitches, as Poliday h il eS and most likely, touring Scot recent oa eta Moda is aurant a Sener mal i : ihe acon faiies are Ta Pen direcYPEs. There is typically mtn Wide Fac Ore 9 i nto a hallway. The Accommy dation ex, 7 ten us ro eu se faa f peangtnon erence My es oF large’S Services ih Public than the for tray 7 r . Societe syestaeh ‘set un sed anit avail te me i ; . * Smtertainmich often ae trae "ment, See lets 2% order Hostel -A lodging supervised by adults, planned for the use of young rikers oF bicyclist, also youth hostel. A student residence oF dormitory: Inn- This is a traditional type of accommodation within the pub; aha eal and restaurant Is open to non-residents, and provides food at lunchtime neh - is evening. This lodging establishment caters to transients which does not et the minimum requirements of an economy hotel. International Resort Hotel- A hotel with a 5-star quality award that has 3 range of leisure and sporting facilities. These include an 18-hole golf course, swimming pool and leisure centre, and country pursuits. Lodge- An accommodation facility which is located and designed . optimize the feeling of being closely in touch with nature. The building style shoul feature natural materials and coloring such as wood, stone, and thatch. An outdoor experience should be offered at the lodge. Motel- You might be confuse or sometimes you might mix the meaning of hotel and motel. Motel is also a place where you can lodge, they will serve you food and other services but motel as different from hotel. A motel _or midnight hotel is a hotel for short stay especially for tourist on long travel. Some motels especially in the Philippines, they offer a per hour stay. Some offers a 3-hour package more or less. Pension Home- A private or family-operated tourist boarding house, tourist guest house or tourist lodging house employing non-professional domestic helpers regularly catering to tourists and travelers, containing several independent lettable rooms, providing common facilities such as toilets, bath rooms/shower living and dining rooms and/or kitchen and where a combination of board and lodging may be provided. Private Home: This type of accommodation is not dedicated for full time occupation of guests, but is a private house or apartment which is temporarily available for rental, often during peak tourism seasons. Transient House- A house for rent where people having a vacation can rent for a short term. This is where they can use all the house's facilities. Resort- Any place or places with pleasant environment and atmosphere conducive to comfort, healthful relaxation and rest, offering food, sleeping accommodation and recreational facilities to the public for a fee or remuneration. Restaurant with Rooms- The restaurant is the most significant part of the business, and is usually open to non-residents as well as those staying there. Breakfast is usually provided. Self-catering- A house, cottage, apartment, chalet or similar accommodation, with self catering facilities, which is let normally on a weekly basis. to individuals, although shorter breaks may be available. Serviced Apartment- Essentially self -catering apartments where Services such as cleaning are available. Meals and drinks may be also available, tor in a restaurant and/or bar on site. nt as = Apark that offers touring pitches, and may offer Camp Touring Park: Ng pitches as well equirements Hotel Classifications and standard Req ents for the operation of a minimum require i ota ate er i purpose of accreditation and as hereby classified by in the Philippi the tourism in the following categories, nameh a) De Luxe Class b) First Class ) Standard Class d) Economy Class Hotel Poe ogec res MMU Cad Proc Dc aro iter* . t ‘« Function/ Conference Poute Rooms ae Cishca. |” Facies = + Farign Exchange © Swimming . «Meters throm with |» Tennis, Golf, Squash | + Long Distance / bathtub and shower ‘or Gym Facilities Overseas calls and 24-hour running | Live Entertainment Left Ingrate and Safety hot and cold water” | Barber Shop, Beauty | Deposit Boxes De Luxe Class |* Telephone Parlor and Sundry Telex and facsimile * Radio and television | _ Shor Laundry and Dry * Cold drinking water |» DOT-accredited Travel Cleaning ‘ Invtoom refrigerator |" Agency/Tour Counter | Parking / Valet services and well stocked mini * Medical Services* bar * Business Center + 24-hour room service + Limousine Service, Airport Transfers” available 24 hours jotel CoS) sf Brie Hotel Services * Rooms are at least oF twenty-five (25) sam. |" Factites omerence Facili * Pouter* + Private bathtoom ‘ied © Swimmin * Foreign exché wuth bathtub and) or | Tennis. Goirey uae * Maling "9 shower and 24-hour’ |” Gym Pacitiee seam ot running hot and cold a * Long Dista a tie- ince/ water ‘up with in the vicinity | , OVé"Seas calls * Telephone «bien enterin Safety Gage and + Radio, television or | 8: ment |, $2fety Deposit Boxes First Class piped!in music Parlor notel is not sticking to the budget, they will be responsible for introducing the gures to scale back expenditure. Hotels are extremely complex environment which require a lot of work to be performed behind the scenes in order to maintain a front of home appearance which guarantees that the quests enjoy a comfortable and relaxing stay. Different. weas of the hotel will need to work together at all times in order to maintain fhe high standards expected by members of the public who have paid with their hand-earned cash. Hotel managers are responsible for ensuring that all areas of the hotel are performing properly at all times and that the hotel enjoys a good reputation in the local area. Large hotels may have several a managers, who each take control of one specific department. For instance, there may be a manager of housekeeping, a marketing manager, and catering a manager. However, these includes will be expected to report to a general manager throughout the working day. Smaller hotels usually employ just one individual to perform the necessary managerial tasks. Managers working in a general role in large hotels will spend a lot of time working behind the scenes. They will often be expected to attend meetings and concentrate their efforts on marketing. Managers working in smaller hotels will have more contact with guests on a daily basis. Hotel Innovation of Principles of Management. 1. Division of Work Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that effort and attention are focused on special portions of the task. Henri Fayol presented work specialization as the best way to use the human resources of the organization. 2. Authority and Responsibility The concepts of authority and responsibility are closely related. Authority was defined by Fayol as the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Responsibility involves being accountable, and is therefore naturally associated with authority. Whoever assumes authority also assumes responsibility. Discipline A successful organization requires the common effort of workers. Penalties should be applied judiciously to encourage this common effort. 4. Unity of command Workers should receive orders from only one manager. ee agement function. Wo, ality Mt Sontrol and superyi rk, nes emer stance to the emplg i ality rend" Ae hospitality industry ee ble Is, which can be powereg\" el rection reer 08h d department leadership tality management, includ function © none to the hospitality induge: winich a2 2g of actual job_performan, and Fel management it is necessary t, ison leads to further correct eck if the tasks being 1S functiot Ae ‘standards set by the quality is contd ance stan jsting Pe iavol establ rail also it v2 tied by rudy oF compar to cl ani cin Tris StU wren tn pest thing controling og a ete 220 ie and acco arg are er" department. staffing nction of staffing as an important jude tn dustry can agement in? sources, no industry get off tel is fee. without human raft. Even the most labor efficient hotel an i 0 ne do busting ‘and counseling require expertise in the form ieee ik oie Ma Po identify ing Wis. do research and provide Ff knowledge individuals at ens as or soutinst0 problems ig an i it puts the right man in the Staffing is an important function because ! int right job. ‘t man ongoing activity as hotel employees to keep leaving and joining (so retire from time to time leaving empty places the hotel organization, they al ¢ in various positions. Efficiency is @ prime focus for, leaves, payments, benefits, medical allowances, social security accounting and much more. It is very important to maintain a productive working environmer i : n nt, build postive Heres relationships and engage in problem solving, This can only ely, with proper communication. Understanding the communication process and working on areas ti i oo hat need improvement, helps hotel managers The Role of a Hotel Manager A hotel ma within a Imager or hot vary by ate, *eler Isa person who holds a ma ition inagement posi company, Tn ¢ooacant referred '. In some tablish recom Ge rage Be Poet Management tiles and dts a : ; Foeatag fan ising at NOL. Sal hotels usceay hove oral sions, ent team ere fewer man; Is usually have a small nsisting oF manacare whi larger hotels may Of various departments f a hotel that all areas of Pe or ra ccpesully:"They also cusees Ho in smoothly and work together sels not going over budge it onment Tun SHOOT Oe uve thee the hotel Ene an oe introducing eiyertising campaig the budget, they wil adverts ng ot sticking to t tel is the ote to scale back expenditure. meas i if work to hich require a lot o lex environment wl tof work to nine aeie oe t maintain a front of home ap arance este sts enjoy a comforta ig stay Diferent Weel ll nes ther at all times in order wen te all ed fn ge ho have paid with their Sandor bers of the public who r fe rs oo by nebe ble for ensuring that all areas of the high sa tel managers are responsible fee Se avon properly at all times and that the hotel enjoy: an fain inthe local are, fone ho each take control ofc Is may have several a managers, wi conta of oe cfc depart. Py pone there may be anager of housekeeping, a ager, and catering a manager + these : rele report 103 general manager throughout the working day. ex Hotel Innovation of Principles of Manai . Division of Work Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that effort and attention are fi focused on special Portions of the task. Henri Fayol presented work Specialization as the best way to use the human gement Fesources of the organization. + Authority and Responsibility The x € Concepts of authority and responsibility are closely related, Authority was defined by Faye to exact obedience, (ol as the right to Give orders and the power Responsibility involves being accountable, and is therefore Naturally assox fied With authority. Whoever assumes authority 280 assumes responsibilty, 3. Discipline _A Successful Organization Fequires the common effort of wor Penalties should be applica Judiciously to encourage tre common eff 4. Unity of command Workers should receive orders from only one Manager. & [nna es = movin towards Cort, b : ould oa : General Interests, ection” to any over the intere: id?! ntere take priority Esty ndivio ould it «of 50" wna ualified personn of ving aN ie Should te aide such od ses pay i) Fons 29 ¢ rate of PAY vsti a workers a in ie ortance of the ation wwering tne I e conti" as ind te importance. The degree Fae pce alZat ‘sion should be adopted depends on i 1 ert hrs ton a ete manager S working- gnizal ost part of a chain like authority scale, yr to the resident, possesses scalar chain ses the most authority, hie anager in Mi -s first line SU gach manager, {Tr 0 ne resident posses Lower level managers should always keep ctivities. The existence of a cet Te superior the Su i trees informed of thelr work act » existent sary if the organization Is to be upper eve rt eee chan and adeence ( it are neces successful 10,0rder jon, all materials and people Forthe sake of efficiency and coordinatic related toa specific kind of work should be treated as equally as possible. 11.Equality ‘All employees should be : treated as equalh i 12.Stabilty of Tenure of Personnel qually as possible. Retaining producti management. Recut employees sh it ould Td a ein and Sekt Cot, aiays be a high priority of 1Buitatve cated with hiring ae Gy increased product- ers, Manac hich e anaaement INO Stent a nen Me SDS © encourage worker initiative, itiative, steps work a¢ ctivty undertaken through self OF addtional 14.Espirit de Corps Management should encourage harmony and general good feelings among employees. It is argued that the principal object of hotel management should be securing the maximum prosperity for the hotel employer, coupled with the vaximum prosperity for each hotel employee. The most important object of both fotel management and employee should be the training and development of each individual in the hotel establishment, so that he can do the highest class of work ing nich his natural abies fit him, Its demonstrated that maximum prosperity can exist only as a result of maximum productivity, both for the management and individual, and rebuked the idea that the fundamental interest of employees and employers are necessarily antagonistic. It is described how most all hotel workers deliberately work slowly, or soldier” to protect their interests. According to Taylor, there were three reasons for the ineffiency: First. The fallacy, which has from time memorial, been almost universal among women, that a material increase in the output of each machine in the trade world result in the end in flowing a large number of men out of work. Second. The defective system of management which are in common use, and which make it necessary for each workman to soldier. Third. The inefficient rule-of-thumb methods, which are still almost universal in all trades, and in practicing which our workmen waste a large part of their effort. Taylor argued that the cheapening of any article in common use almost immediately results in a largely increased demand for that article, creating additional work contradicting the first belief. As to the second cause, Taylor pointed to quotes form ‘Shop Management’ to help explain how current management styles caused workers to soldiers. He explained the natural tendency of men to take it easy as distinct from systematic soldering due to thought and reasoning, and how bringing men together at a standard rate of pay exacerbated this problem. He described how under standard day, piece, or contact work it was in the workers’ interest to work slowly and hide how fast work can actually be done, and the antagonism between workers and management must change. For the third cost, Taylor noted the enormous saving of time and increase in output that could be obtained by eliminating unnecessary movements and substituting faster movements, which can only be realized after, emotion and time study by a competent man. While there are perhaps “50,50 or a hundred ways of doing each act in each trade”, “there is always one method and one implement Which is quicker and better that any of the best”. 47 aem ent t. agen managemen tific MA tific M4! res of sae incites of scien pest system of manag prince ned PO dered the his system, manage, song wrath eCngincentNe pest effort. The form by gescridl of ers gies a entific management, cont ole I a : + consisted of four princiP emer entific manag nt of a men’s work, Which alors each elemel teach, and develop the in d en nd trained himself as beg oa ect and th 4, They sential eis own work an il ‘0 as to ensure all of the i rate with the men so aS re ll Tie reat cei the principles of the science whi been work being developed. a ion of the work and the responsibility most equal divisi tees genet ad Che workmen. The management take over all work foruhich they are beter fitted than the workmen, while in the past almost all of the work and the greater part of their responsibility where thrown upon the men. Under the management of “initiative and incentive’, the first three elements offend exist in some form, but their importance is minor. However upon scientific management, they “form the very essence of the whole system”. ae no omer, of the fourth point is under the management of “initiative Hamer cere se Neen whe we “works He lemis quot fer in this method, and keep individuals records for incertae

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