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STAND OUT PERFORMER - For constantly giving your best at work.

Your dedication and performance

above and beyond your capabilities are well noticed!

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE AWARD - For always being under control.

PITCH PERFECT AWARD – For most likely to make a break because you got the voice and the moves.
Your talent is an asset to the team just so you know! ‘Na sayo na ang lahat girl!’

TEQUILA SUNRISE AWARD – For Making Everything Easy and Suave like a Tequila

BANKER’S PRINCESS - for patiently waiting in lines while transacting in banks and suffering without
complaints on urgent encashments, deposits, and the like.

SMALL BUT TERRIBLE AWARD – for being a highly diligent, punctual and honest employee. Your work
and ability to bring goodwill to the organization with your professionalism deserved a tremendous

LIFE SAVER AWARD - for always coming to the rescue.

RED WINE AWARD – for Aging Together with the Company Gracefully like a Wine

TELEBABAD STAR - for keeping your line always open to answer calls from clients and heads especially
way back during the heat of the pandemic.

BEST TEAM PLAYER - For extraordinarily displaying integrity and generosity towards the team members.
Your efforts of keeping the team afloat and your will to serve better deserved a blast!

INVINCIBLE VOLUNTEER - for always helping out no matter what!

CHAMPAGNE AWARD – For the Most Sparkling Personality.

ROOKIE OF THE TEAM – For quick catching not only on your workloads but also on the team’s quirky
and sometimes weird personalities!

ATTENDANCE AVENGER – It has been a pleasure to see you EVERY SINGLE WORKING DAY since you
joined the team!

STAND OUT PERFORMER - For always being under control and making everything easy. You constantly
give your best at work and help out no matter what. Your dedication and performance above and
beyond your capacity and capability together with your sparkling personality and indisputable talent is
an asset and deserved an appreciation!

SMALL BUT TERRIBLE OFFICER – for being a diligent, punctual and honest employee and for patiently
waiting in lines while transacting in banks and suffering without complaints on urgent encashment,
deposits, and the like. Your work and ability to bring goodwill to the organization with your
professionalism deserved a recognition!

BEST TEAM PLAYER - For extraordinarily displaying integrity and generosity towards the team members.
For keeping your line always open to answer calls from clients and heads especially way back during the
heat of the pandemic. Your efforts of keeping the team afloat and your will to serve better deserved a

ROOKIE OF THE TEAM – For quick catching not only on your workloads but also on the team’s quirky
personalities! Also, it has been a pleasure to see you EVERY SINGLE WORKING DAY since you joined the

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