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Universitas Indonesia. Kampus Baru UI Depok Jawa Barat – 16424. Indonesia. Phone: +62 1500 002.
Whatsapp: +62 815 15000 002. Email:




Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

All praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty because with His grace we are
in good health and always receive protection from Him.

Approaching independence day, we invite the entire committee to attend the meeting ahead of
the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which will be held on:

Date : 10 august 2021

Time : 20.00 pm until finished

the place : in the hall of the university of indonesia

meeting : 1. type of game competed

2. opening ceremony

3. steering Committee

4. person in charge

Thus, we convey this invitation, considering the importance of this event, we hope that the
entire committee, to be able to attend on time.

Thank you for your attention, we apologize if there are errors in writing your name, address,
etc., please forgive me.

Wasalammu’alaikum wr.wb

Best regards

head of RT 09 chairman of the committee

mr.Rafi fahlevi rozha purnama

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