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Direction(1-5): Given below is a paragraph consisting of blanks against each number. Identify the
correct option among the five alternative pairs that perfectly fits into the given blank against the
respective number to make the paragraph contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.

Stalking the efforts of the government and the private sector to __(11)__ the economy in the time of
COVID-19 are two dangers to people’s health — air pollution and greenhouse gases — and a weak public
health system. The __(12)__ from the air pollution that blankets Indian cities is transitory. India must
heed scientists’ warnings __(13)__ health disasters to air pollution as well as greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions causing global warming.

__(14)__, the avoided number of early deaths from dirty air quality in recent months in China is estimated
to have exceeded the number of those who have died from COVID-19. In Europe, 11,000 air-pollution
related deaths were estimated to have been ___(15)__ since the start of lockdowns. There is a/an
____(16)__ between pollution levels in cities (despite the improvements during the pandemic) and
COVID-19 infections and death rates, a link observed in New York City and the northern provinces of
Italy. Delhi, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu, in the top tier of pollution concentration, have also
seen high deaths and infections per thousand people.

Of course, other factors too decide morbidity and mortality. COVID-19’s toll has

___(17)_____ considerably across States — Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for example, have a lower
COVID-19 mortality rate. These States stand out with good healthcare systems.

Globally some 9 million premature deaths a year are associated with air pollutants, such as fine particulate
matter, known as PM 2.5. _____(18)__, 14 of the world’s 20 most polluted cities are in India. The air in
Ghaziabad, Delhi, and Noida is __(19)___ hazardous. Last year, a public health emergency was declared
as post-Diwali New Delhi’s air quality index approached 500, the “severe plus emergency” category.

Despite the __(20)__ during the lockdown, atmospheric carbon emissions are a record high because of
past accumulation.


(A) Fluster

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(B) Revive

(C) Diminish

(D) Thriving

(E) Choke


(A) Distress

(B) Leverage

(C) Frugality

(D) Resonance

(E) Respite


(A) Severing

(B) Tying

(C) About

(D) Regarding

(E) Lamenting

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(A) Strikingly

(B) Elegantly

(C) Reluctantly

(D) Remarkable

(E) Consequently


(A) Proliferating

(B) Intensifying

(C) Averted

(D) Precluding

(E) Impede


1. B

Solution: Option (b) is the correct choice for the given question. It is correct both grammatically and

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Revive means restore to life or consciousness. Thus suggests restoring the economy and hence is
contextually correct.

Fluster means make (someone) agitated or confused.

Diminish means make or become less.

Thriving means prosperous and growing; flourishing. (Incorrect grammatically)

Choke means fill (a space) so as to make movement difficult or impossible.

2. E

Solution: Option (e) is the correct choice for the given question. Respite means a short period of rest or
relief from something difficult or unpleasant. Here it is relevant as due to lockdown the pollution level has
reduced greatly and thus there has been a “respite”.

Resonance means the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating.

Leverage means use (something) to maximum advantage.

Frugality means the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness.

Distress means extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

3. B

Solution: “Tying” means attaching. In the context by using “tying” we are conveying that scientists are
trying to warn the government that health disasters and air pollution are attached.

Severing means divide by cutting or slicing, especially suddenly and forcibly.

Lamenting means express passionate grief about.

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4. A

Solution: Option (a) is the correct choice. Strikingly means in a way that is very unusual or easily
noticed, and therefore attracts a lot of attention. The reason for drawing such attention is the figures which
show that deaths related to COVID-19 infections are lesser than the people who have avoided death due
to deaths from dirty air quality

Consequently means as a result.

Elegantly means in a graceful manner

Reluctantly means in an unwilling and hesitant way.

5. C

Solution: Option (c) is the correct choice. Averted means to turn away. If we look at the previous few
lines they are also following the same trend which is the avoiding of deaths from air pollution due to
lockdown. Hence, “averted” is correct both grammatically and contextually.

Proliferating means increase rapidly in number; multiply.

Intensifying means become or make more intense.

Impede means delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.(grammatically


Precluding means prevent from happening; make impossible. (grammatically incorrect)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800 

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