Caberio Ab11 Reflection Papers (Purposive Communication)

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Flight from Conversation

We are in the current trend of technological universe wherein we are always

communicating but not conversing for mere connection. Even at home families sit together but
texting and reading emails, also at works, classes and dates the same situation is being practiced.
There is this new skill about maintaining eye contact with someone while texting, may be hard
but possible. This little devices is so powerful that it can chage lives not only what we do but
also who supposedly we are. The "alone together" has been the new way of expressing ourselves,
we are able to be with one another -- everyone and everywhere. We have gotten used to the idea
of being in a tribe of one, loyal to your own party. We are hiding from one another yet constantly
connected. Everyone is too busy that even businessman don't talk or to each one for the reason of
not to be interrupted and just do things in his Black Berry. The movement from conversation to
connection is a part of this, yet overtime seems like we stop caring. The face-to-face
conversation is starting to unfold slowly, "we are consum'd with that which we were nourish'd
by". We are talking to a machine shop that has no experience of the arc of human life. Have we
lost confidence that we will be there for one another?

The article is so relevant that the impact of globalization specifically in the flight for
conversation has been a thing. Where we are living virtually with each other. Ironically speaking,
so close yet so far. Being "alone together" is the new trend, living in a house of the same roof yet
in different countries influenced by the gadgets in hand. They are just small in size such as ths
smart phones but it makes us crazy and it can eat the whole world by the pleasure it is giving.
The attention is only given to what interests us personally and so it put division and end up
hiding from one another even we are beside each other. Conversation is now a hard thing to do
and not a natural talent of each one due to the less exposure to real individuals, these machines
are our new buddy in which it can't talk yet we are enjoying its company. We are in a
relationship of tiny keyboards and tiny touch screens.

A quietness is ruling but it isn't ask to be broken. We are slowly adopting to the silence of
connection giving up conversation. There is this story of a girl in which we need to be applied to
our daily living, her name was Goldilocks and she had three different bowl of porridge, one was
too hot, the other one was too cold and the third one was in the right temperature. As I had read
this story I realized that balance is need to be applied in our lives for it gives the right amount of
everything and so with the use of technology so that its essence is still there.

Face-to-face conversation unfolds slowly that patience was taught into conversation that
seeks answers, we dumb down communications no matter how important it is. The flight of this
conversation is less self-reflective, we are asked on what's on our mind but we have a little
motivation to say everything truly. With a lot of friends we have in the social media they just
read but they don't care. They react, they comment and even they share a post but after that there
is nothing more comfort you will getting. Some feels so special if they got thousands of likes
without knowing that people don't even care to what they had reacted. Some cases there are
many views in what you had posted on your story rather on what you had posted in your
timeline, so the lesson behind is there are a lot of people who are watching you but not getting
you notified to it. They are just getting information to be used for gossips bad to have content in
their social media.

Why would we want to talk about love and loss with a machine that has no experience of
the arc of human life? Have we so lost confidence that we will be there for one another? Human
nature can bring a better change in someone's life, a simple "how are you?" can mean a lot to a
suffering soul. By talking and giving time in face-to-face manner is a big help. We can't deny the
fact that the machines are indeed helpful in all ways especially communication from a far love
ones whom we can lean on despite the distance but let us not forget the essence of individuals
whom we can touch and see in person for they bring true color to our lives and the presence itself
is a huge thing to be thankful for. Human can understand co-human for they understand each
other in the life experiences they undergo, it may not be the same boat but similar energy to take.
The main thing here is don't totally entrust your life in the virtual people in the machines for they
are wearing masks for they are hiding their wicked parts and some are just impostor. The
pleasure and happiness it offers is incomparable to the reality of the world with real individuals
with you. Explore the true world and start having conversations and not just connections.

In defense of English in the Philippines


An article entitled "In defense of English in the Philippines" by Slyvia Estrada Claudio of
March 2016 where the point is not about the accent but whether you are saying substantial and
using the language elegantly. For convenience sake the accent are twisted when you are abroad
towards what you think sounds like the Philippines accent and intonation. The Spanish English is
nuanced by Castellano. Old wealth in the Philippines insist on speaking the language of the
groups that dominated Spain during the centuries bit European colonialism, and did not sound
like the downtrodden Latin Americans speaking Español. On the other hand, the American
accent is very much an elitist issue in the Philippines and so it is in other parts of the world. In
the theory it is said that being part of the Philippine elite is whether you come from one of the
top universities. The way people speak others can tell whether their accents drilled from
expensive private school teachers or poorly paid public school teachers. Media people are
speaking in an American accent for the foreign listeners and not for Filipino. Above all we
should stop the non-sense and let your accent be your accent.

English has always been one of the official languages of the Philippines and is spoken by
more than 14 million Filipinos. It is the language of commerce and law, as well as the primary
medium of instruction in education. English is really a part of the Philippines sole language for
there are subjects that are taught as language subjects in public schools like used in science,
mathematics and technology courses. The accent or how it is delivered is not a thing as long as it
can be understood and is a medium for learning.

The thing here is not on how you do it, but on what is it all about. Speaking is a great
communication skill that can help you a lot in digging your life. The way it is speak may matter
to the audience but it can't lessen the weight of the content. English is without a doubt the actual
universal language. It is the world's second largest native language, the official language in 70
countries, and English-speaking countries are responsible for about 40% of world's total GNP,
according to Omniglot Universal Language. Philippines English is for the Filipinos and so I
would similarly hate those natives in the Philippines that mispronounced our words to sound so
classy. Media influencers should focused on delivering for the country they are serving and not
for those foreign just to be accepted and to sound rich.
The language is not made for elegance it is made for communication and understanding,
and so it is not in the way you speak it but on what is the content of your speech. Personally I'm
not good at it in speaking and I envy those who have talent speaking for it is an advantage in
some ways, but may our purpose be at point. The language may serve the people a good
information specially instruction universally but specific. Example is the "paysow" seems like
another word where in fact it is just "peso" here. It is not that bad to practice it but know your
audience and be more specific. What people can hear would affect greatly to their decisions
specifically if there are crisis and calamities coming and you keep on speaking on the American
accent and so the Filipinos would not really understand you and it would impact their
understanding on the instructions you are giving for safety. May the English language be used
not just for status and classy thingy but on serving people correctly? May it not be a base of
status in life when you hear such speaking for they are trying their best to be understood by
everyone and that an effort to count because they adjusted on what they are used to be
understood by everyone. And so let us stop the nonsense, the accent is not for elegance but for
understanding and we have different accents in our countries and so this diversity may be bridge
by the standard way of saying it.
How will communication help human beings in the times of pandemic?

Good Communication is about understanding instructions, acquiring new skills and of

course relaying key information, But how about in this trying times of us? How will good
communication be apply in this times of pandemic?

When COVID -19 strikes the whole wide world suddenly changes. Our life changed in so
many ways. For almost nine months we have to deal with this so called “NEW NORMAL”.
New normal means new way of living and accepting the rules and protocols of the government.
For us the world has not found a cure or a vaccine we will still adopt and leave with this new
way of living. In the new normal, movement restrictions includes in the “school”. All schools
had to adopt this kind of set up of schooling because if we don’t adopt this situation we will face
a consequences. Blended learning and purely online courses are said to be the “new normal”. It is
a difficult for both learners and teachers even parents it is because we are different status in life.

During this pandemic, we should find variety of ways to communicate with each other’s,
maintaining good communication includes the use of emails, social medias and any social media
flat forms. Communication may also include verbal, written and electronics such as texts, emails,
cellphone calls, teleconferencing, and voicemails and even hand written notes.

Through this different medium of communication we can survive and still continue to do
things we should supposed to do for example as a student, face to face classes are not possible
this time, so in order to have a constant update with the teacher we will use gadgets and internet
to still facilitate the online teaching-learning process. And of course good communication will
be possible if both effort of the teachers, learners and even parents since have schooling is the
run way of learning.

Together, we will beat this crisis if everyone will take their part and take full
responsibility in following all minimum health standard in beating COVID-19.

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