Use The Scenario To Identifying Populations and Samplings

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Use the scenario to identifying populations and samplings.

1) A beverage company wanted to see if 2) A musician wanted to see what people
people in the United States liked their who bought his last album thought 1. B
new logo. about the songs.
Which choice best represents Which choice best represents sample? D
a population? A. Every person who bought the
A. A selection of logo artists. album.
3. B
B. Every person in the United States. B. A selection of people who didn't
C. A selection of shoppers from want to buy the album.
different states. C. 250 girls who bought the album.
D. 3,800 children age 5 - 15 D. A selection of 3,294 people who
bought the album. 5. A

6. D

3) A gaming website wanted to find out 4) Before nation wide election, polling
which console its visitors owned. place was trying to see who would win.
Which choice best represents a Which choice best represents sample?
population? A. A selection of voters over age 50.
A. Visitors to the 3DS section. B. A selection of male voters.
B. All of the website visitors. C. A selection of voters of different
C. Visitors to the PS4 section. ages.
D. Visitors who are on the website for D. All voters.
more than 5 minutes.

5) A toy store owner tracking how much 6) A mayor wanted to see if the people in
kids spend each month on toys. his town thought he was doing good
Which choice best represents a job.
population? Which choice best represents sample?
A. All of the kids who buy toys. A. unemployed voters.
B. 227 rich kids. B. The mayor's family.
C. 228 boys age 7 - 15 C. The residents of the town.
D. 235 kids from age 10 to 15. D. 242 voters.

Use the scenario to identifying populations and samplings. Answers
7) Before a nation wide election, a polling 2) A restaurant chain wanted to find out
place was trying to see who would win. how the customer experience was in 7. D
Which choice best represents a sample? store.
A. A selection of voters over age 50. Which choice best represents sample? A
B. A selection of male voters. A. out of every 35 customers
C. All voters. B. All of the people who ate at the A
D. A selection of voters of different store.
ages. C. 240 customers who spent more than
$10. 10. A
D. 299 customers who filled out
complaint cards. 11. D

12. A

9) A mayor wanted to see if the people in 4) A survey company was trying to see if
his town thought he was doing a good people in state thought the pollution
job. was too high.
Which choice best represents a sample? Which choice best represents
A. 124 voters. population?
B. The residents of the town. A. Every person in the state.
C. 271 voters age 21 to 30. B. A selection of people from each
D. Local business owners. neighborhood in the state.
C. A selection of people who live in
dirty neighborhoods.
D. A selection of people who live in
small towns.

10) A school principal wants to see 6) A musician wanted to see what people
which subject the 845 students in his who bought his last album thought
school liked best. about the songs.
Which choice best represents Which choice best represents
a population? population?
A. The students in 3rd grade. A. Every person who bought the
B. The first 77 students who come into album.
the school. B. A selection of 7,285 people who
C. The students making a B in math. bought the album.
D. All the students in the school. C. A selection of people who didn't
want to buy the album.
D. Every person from age who
bought the album.

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