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IB Mathematics SL

linear regression – 1 (v2)

3 questions ̶ progressing from ‘accessible’ to ‘discriminating’ [answers included]

1. A survey is conducted with eight marathon runners. For each runner, x is the number
of marathons the runner has completed, and y is the runner’s personal best time for
the marathon distance. Let r be the correlation coefficient. [ no calculator ]

(a) Write down the possible minimum and maximum values of r.

(b) Given that r   0.85 , which one of the diagrams below best represents the data.

(c) For the data in diagram C, which two of the following phrases describe the
correlation between x and y.
perfect, zero, linear, strong positive, strong negative, weak positive, weak negative

2. A group of ten Mathematics SL students did an investigation to determine if there was a

relationship between the number of hours each student spent studying for a calculus test
and the test score earned by each student. Below are the results. [ calculator allowed ]

hours studied (x) 2 3 1 5 2 6 1 4 2 3

test score (y) 85 89 75 92 70 90 80 100 80 87

(a) Write down the equation of the regression line of y on x.

Use your regression line as a model to answer the following:

(b) Interpret the meaning of
(i) the gradient; (ii) the y-intercept.

(c) Estimate the test score a student would earn if they had studied for 3.5 hours.
Give your answer to an accuracy of two significant figures.

© InThinking – IB Maths HL & SL 1

IB Mathematics SL

linear regression – 1 (v2)

3. Students in a science class conduct an experiment where they suspend different

weights (in grams) from an elastic band and then measure (in mm) the length of
the band for each weight. Below are the experiment’s results. [calculator allowed]

mass in grams (x) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

length of band in mm (y) 37 48 60 71 80 90 102 109

(a) Write down the equation of the regression line of y on x.

Use your regression line as a model to answer the following:
(b) Give the units of the gradient of the regression line, and give an interpretation
of the gradient.
(c) Estimate the length of the band for a weight of 375 grams.
(d) Comment on the appropriateness of using your model to
(i) estimate the length of the band for a weight of 1 kg.
(ii) estimate the weight suspended if the band has a length of 75 mm.

© InThinking – IB Maths HL & SL 2

IB Mathematics SL

linear regression – 1 (v2)

1. (a) minimum value of r is 1 ; maximum value of r is 1
(b) D
(c) linear, strong positive

2. (a) y  3.77 x  73.9 (3 significant figures)

(b) (i) additional marks on test earned for each additional hour of study
(ii) predicted test score earned if student does not study (i.e. zero hours)
(c) 87

3. (a) y  0.208 x  27.9 (3 significant figures)

(b) units of gradient are mm grams ; gradient indicates how much longer the band
will be stretched for each additional gram suspended from it
(c) 106 mm (3 significant figures)
(d) (i) this is extrapolation which is inappropriate for linear regression (in this case,
it is certainly possible that the band may break under a weight of 1 kg)
(ii) inappropriate because cannot use regression line to predict x from y

© InThinking – IB Maths HL & SL 3

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