ACCCOB1 Ethics Reflection Paper 2T AY2020-2021

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ACCCOB1 Ethics Reflection Paper Outline

This ethics reflection paper allows the business student to think how important ethical business and
morally sound personal practices in the formation and operation of partnership business most specially
in in this time of COVID -19 pandemic.

Answer the following questions to write your ethics reflection paper:

I. Paragraph One
How do I understand the concept “ethical business and morally sound personal practices”?

II. Paragraph Two

How important is ethics and good moral values to me in forming and operating a partnership

III. Paragraph Three

What important lessons did I learn in ACCCOB1 that will help me remember that good ethical
practices are good business?

IV. Concluding Paragraph

How important is honesty, integrity, and ethical values in the life of a business students
studying accounting courses?

What action plan can I integrate in my day-to-day living as a business student that will help
me develop a strong and morally upright character as a business professional in the future?

V. References (if any)

Format Instructions

Write up of the ethics reflection paper following the required format below.

• First line of first page should have SURNAME, GIVEN NAME, M.I. Section Date submitted
• Short bond paper
• 1.15 spacing
• One inch margin in all sides
• Maximum of 2 pages
• Font: Calibri 12

Deadline: May 27, 2021 via Assignment portal of CANVAS. The portal for submission will open on May
24, 2021 for students who would wish to submit early.
The student will be graded according to the following:
Partnership business simulation group project
. Group written report of the business case simulation project (15%)
. Oral group reporting of business simulation project (15%)
. Peer evaluation for the group projects (5%) 35%
Online examination (3 long quizzes) 25%
Online class session activities
. Recitations during synchronous class meetings (10%)
. Attendance during synchronous classes (5%)
. Netiquette (Grades in Recitation + Attendance divided by 2) (5%) 20%
Learning module exercises assignment 10%
Ethical reflection paper on the partnership business simulation project 5%
Group chat and threaded discussions 5%
TOTAL 100%

Individual Reflection Paper

4 3 2 1 RATING
Content The student The student clearly The student applies The student fails
[60%] extensively and applies some of the few of the relevant to apply the
insightfully applies all relevant theories theories learned in relevant theories
the relevant theories learned ACCCOB1 ACCCOB1. learned in
learned in ACCCOB1 ACCCOB1.
Format and The student correctly The student follows The student follows The student does
Use of English follows the format and the format and uses the format and uses not follow format
Language has no spelling/ the English language the English and committed a
[20%] grammatical error in in the paper which is language in the lot of spelling and
the paper. at an acceptable paper which is at an or grammatical
level. acceptable level but errors.
committed some
errors in spelling
and/or grammar.
Completeness The student complied The student The student The student fails
(20%) with all the complied with complied with some to comply with all
requirements of the majority of the of the requirement the requirement
written reflection requirements of the of the reflection of the reflection
journal. reflection journal. journal. journal.


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