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Architecture Research Methodology

Practices 5

Distinguishing of architectural objects in regard to their compositional

type that impacts
on the ethically significant psychological attitudes in the consciousness
of the perceiver

Stud: Zhou Zhang

Lect: doc.dr. Vytautas Petrušonis


1. Introduction to selected buildings

2. Perform an evaluation (fill the table)

3. Discuss the study data obtained and draw conclusions.

1.Introduction to selected buildings

Hall of Supreme Harmony, an ancient Chinese building

Within the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It is located at its central axis, behind
the Gate of Supreme Harmony. Built above three levels of marble stone base, and
surrounded by bronze incense burners, the Hall of Supreme Harmony is one of the
largest wooden structures within China. It was the location where the emperors of the
Ming and Qing dynasties hosted their enthronement and wedding ceremonies.
The Hall of Supreme Harmony rises some 30 meters (98 ft) above the level of the
surrounding square. It is the ceremonial center of imperial power, and the largest
surviving wooden structure in China. It is eleven bays wide - with the main room being
nine bays wide - and five bays deep, the numbers nine and five being symbolically
connected to the majesty of the Emperor.
The original hall was built in 1421 during the Ming dynasty, destroyed seven
times by fires during the Qing dynasty, and rebuilt for the last time in 1695–1697.

(Hall of Supreme Harmony)

2.Perform an evaluation (fill the table)

1. The presence of facade risalits (risalitas; protuberant parts) crowned by towers and cupolas? (O) 0
No towers and cupolas
2. Does the facade consist of several parts and do they demonstrate different height? (H) 1
The facade of the building is composed of roof, body and platform.
3. Are there bow-windows in the facade? (O) 0
4. Are the windows grouped in varying steps? (O) 1
The windows in the middle of the building are larger than those on both sides
5. Is the facade composition (including exposition of embrasures) symmetrical-pivotal? (H) 1
6. Do horizontally developing rhythms dominate? (O) 0.5
The width of the facade is larger than the height. But there are rhythmic changes in the
horizontal and vertical.
7. Is the grouping of volumes symmetrical if a building consists of separate volumes? (H) 1
8. Do ‘artistic’ elements prevail over ‘functional’ ones? (H) 1
YES. It looks like a two-story facade, but actually there is only one floor. This is just to highlight
the height of the building.
9. Is the hierarchical subordination of the building elements prominent? (H) 1
The middle door is wider than the two sides. People with different positions use different doors
when entering the building.
10. Can the building composition be ‘understood’ from a single point of observation? (H) 1
Symmetrical and simple volume
11. Does the rhythm possess a connotative meaning subordinated to symmetry? (H) 1
Both vertical and horizontal rhythms highlight the importance of the middle of the facade.
12. Is an active rhythm of different rhythmic lines articulated? (O) 0
NO. Only the theme of symmetry, including the decoration of the roof, is symmetrical.
13. Does the building embody the designing idea ‘from the exterior to the interior’? (O) 0
14. Is the meter subjected to the symmetrical-pivotal, yet not to rhythmic composition? (H) 1
15. Are parallel themes developed in the facade? (O) 1
The two-story eaves.
total 2.5 8

General layout

3.Discuss the study data obtained and draw conclusions.

Through the test, we can see that the building is a typical hierarchical. This
hierarchical nature is expressed by such intexts clearly recognizable in physical plane:
1. The building is located in the center axis of the building group.
2. There are large open squares before and after the building.
3. The facade of the building is arranged symmetrically.( Absolutely)
4. Architectural elements (steps, windows, doors, roofs and roof decorations)
are symmetrical
5. In order to emphasize the "artistry", the building is a space of one floor, but
the facade expresses the meaning of two floors.
6. Presence of a large open space in the background.
7. The size of doors and windows is increasing from both sides to the middle
8. The building is getting narrower and narrower in the vertical direction.
Combined with the background of the building, we can know that the ancient
Chinese architects were forced to improve the dignity of the building by the Emperor,
In other words, architecture became the language of politics.
When people enter the open square in front of the building, what stands in front
of them is tall and symmetrical single building. When people want to get close to the
door of the building, they need to go through very high steps. In this case, people can't
help feeling awe and worship. The emperor also wanted to express his majesty and
ruling power through this kind of architectural means.
Dominance topic is also actualized by other intexts:
1. Golden buildings indicate expensive building materials. Express the identity
and grade of Architecture.
2.The shapes of the decorative objects on the roof are giant animals in ancient
Chinese mythology, suggesting that the sacred animals guard the building and avoid
evil spirits. It shows the emperor's powerful power.
3. Open square, high steps and big buildings. Set off the great shore of the
4. Wooden buildings usually have one floor in ancient China, but the facade has
two floors. To highlight its height compared to other buildings

Moreover, in ancient China, the hierarchy of architecture was very strict.And the
emperor strictly controlled the use of building norms. For example: civilian buildings
are not allowed to use a variety of colors and noble materials, even if you are a rich
businessman. Civilians can't own large buildings, etc.
In the facade of the building, the number of doors and windows is odd. This kind
of symmetrical door also emphasizes the hierarchical attribute of architecture. In all
the ancient Chinese architecture, the door in the middle of the building is the largest in
size, and the person often used is the person with the highest identity. The doors on
both sides of the building are the smallest, and the users are the people with low
status. Women are not usually allowed to use the doors of the main facade of the
Through the analysis, we can conclude that the hierarchical architecture does not
rely on and echo the surrounding environment, but is often the ruler of the
surrounding environment. Therefore, it has a strongly regular geometry. Such
buildings often create a sense of dignity and solemnity. In this case, we can draw a
conclusion: architecture became one of the tools of ruling the people in ancient China.
The emperor controlled people's freedom to use architecture by strictly controlling
architectural norms. Through different types of architectures or architectural elements
to distinguish the user status. At the same time, it also highlights the solemnity and
greatness of the imperial architecture.

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