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are expected to: ​1.

Evaluate his/her
ownthoughts,feelings, and
feelings, andbehaviorsin actual 4 life
Childhood Adolescent Plansto 
Aspect   Spiritual Aspect 
Aspect(Emotion a​ l &Social)  
Let us see howwell youcanrelate to the
situations given. Discuss howyou
behaveswhenyou encounter
You have a classmatewholeadsinmaking
your classmates laughatyou. He also
makes youfeel thatyou do not belong
totheirgroup.You always choose
toignorebutthis time you cannot standit.
The end of the semester is near, andmost
teachers require youtosubmitallthe outputs
in their subjects. Butyouarestill working on
themandyoufinditdifficult to handle the
situation. They particularly
remindyoutocomplybecause you failed
inthepreviousgrading period. You must
passtimebecause this is your last chance.
You experience a pimplebreakoutinyour
face because of hormonal imbalance that
changedyourappearance. You arenot
comfortablewith it because your
crushmightnot like you.
You always have argumentswithyour
parents becauseof stayinglessat home.
You spendmoretimewithyour friends
becauseyousharethe same interests
You and your circle of friendssharethe
same interests. Oneof yourfriends asks
you totrye_x0002_cigarette but
youknowfrom the start that your
parentshave negative
opinionaboutitandthey constantly remind
you not to try it.
aboutyourself? 2. Which aspect of
personalitydoyougive more priority
in developing your well-being?3. How
will you improvetheweakestaspect of
your personality?
❖​Every ​individual​ ​undergoes ​different phases of
development​that form his/her individuality.
❖​Our personality​ is a product of ​genetic response​that we​inherit​ ​from
our ​parents​ ​and​ fromthe​ ​influenceof ourenvironment.
❖​This environment​ shaped by the​ ​people aroundus​,​ ​culture​,​and
practices​ ​that​ we are being​ ​raised​ ​in continuouslycreates​social
interactions​ ​and ​relationships.
❖​This ​interaction​ ​contributes​ to who​ ​we are
today​andhow​wechoose​ ​and ​decide for ourselves​.
❖​Personality development is complex administrationof thoughts,
feelings, emotion,and behavior that influencepersonal judgement.
stage of Psychosocialdevelopment,
“identity vs. role confusion”​is the stage
whereinteensneedto develop the senseof
self andpersonal identity.
At this point, teenagers starttohave circle
of friends inwhichtheybuild their trust.
❖ ​Teenagers also experience​ adolescence
cognitiveempathy,​known as ​“theory of mind,
” ​which is describedas having
high regards toward the perspective of others
andfeelingconcern for others.

❖ ​Being adolescents, they tend to foster social cooperationthat

prevents problems and leads to avoidanceof conflictswith

❖ ​Teenagers are very careful in understanding theemotionsof their

friends as they start to create deep trust withthem.Sometimes, this
leads to misunderstanding withtheirfamily,abuse of prohibited
drugs, pre-marital sex, cigarettesmoking and alcohol intake.
to incomplete development of frontal lobe duringadolescence.The ​frontal lobe
is responsible for judgement, impulsecontrol,and planning.

That is why they search for their self-identify and

independencewhichrequires guidance from their parents, relatives, and
other peopleliketeachers with whom they can share their struggles.

These experiences and challenges are part of a process of personalitydevelopment

that adolescents need to understand. It is necessaryforthemto examine all the
circumstances and opportunities so that they candeal with them calmly.

They must be open-minded to the opinion and advise of other peopleinorder to

shape their future with broader perspective and self- determination.
challengessoyoushould​ know howyour
thoughts, feelings​,​and​actions​ ​in managing
personal agencyshouldbe handled.
❖ ​Being an adolescent, you shouldbe​accountable
for all your actions becausethesepower triads can
either makeor breakyourmotivation to take charge
of life. It isuptoyou on how you will handle it.
❖ ​Remember, your judgement is basedonyour
views in life and it is rootedonyourupbringing.

Thoughts​ ​are impression activatedbyastimulusinyour
mind that is evident fromthe environmentthatyou are in.
❖ ​This conscious thought​ occupies
emotions​thatgivelife to thoughts and ;
❖ ​it expressed​ through​ ​feelings​.

Sometimes when you are too emotional, youcouldnot think

properly because your emotions occupyyour thoughts, this
means there is lesser spacetoanalyze the situation because
feelings occupyit. Behaviors are bodily reaction made
basedonourfeelings that result to actions.
There are instances when feelings are faster
thanemotionandthought. This would result to fast reaction
andrealizingtheemotion and thought afterwards.
Either positive or negative, feelings result to actions. Emotionscan
direct and control thoughts that sometimes affect yourconsciousness.
This can also lead to loss of focus. As ateenager, it is very important to
be focused onyour goals. A focused thought will lead to high
intelligence. That iswhyifyou are disturbed with your emotion, try to
figureout wherethe emotion is coming from and it will bring you back
to reality.
The following are changes
experiencedduring adolescence stage, ​❖
Change of interests that leadtohave
a circle of friends ​❖ ​Change in physical
characteristicsand being more
consciousabouttheir appearance.
❖ ​Change in mood whichresultstothem
being risk-takers.

Teenagers experience enjoyment anddauntingtimes
but it is very important tostayfocusedso that they will
lead you to the routeof yourgoal. It is not easy to
achieve the goal butifyou​ have self-regulation​ that will
control your​emotions, thoughts, and behavior​ it will
helpyou to be successful in life.
Learningfrom​mistakes and facing challenges
withconfidence​and​ faith in God​ will give you thepower
to be successful in life.
Watch :

There are a lot of challenges that wouldhelpus understand
ourselves better.

Try answering the activities belowto findout therelationship of

thoughts, feelings,and actions tobetterunderstand yourself
and howto manage conflictsbetween you and your family,
friends andothers.
Using the following situation, complete theconflict
management diagram.
Write the negative response in letter Aand positive
response in letter B.

Activity Title #1: Conflict Management Diagram

Try answering the activities below to find out the
relationship of thoughts, feelings,and actions to
better understand yourself and how to manage
conflicts between you and your family, friends and ​A.
others. Using the following situation, complete the
conflict management diagram. Action
Write the negative response in letter A and
positive response in letter B.
(​Note: Submit on your google classroom​) A.

Situation 1: You are walking alone on the roadthat issodark and
you heard a whimper nearby.
​Situation 2: You are working on your researchpaperandyou
need to concentrate on it, but your brother playshiselectric
guitar despite you calling his attentionmanytimes.
​Situation 3: You are about to enter the door of yourhousethen
you hear your father who is drunk shoutingsarcastically at
you because it is already past 8:00pmwhenyou class ends at
3:00 pm.
​Situation 4: Your teacher tells you that you that youhavebeen
selected as the representative of the school tocompete for a
division contest and this is your first timetoparticipate in a
​Situation 5: You are the leader of your groupbut whilepresenting
the concept that you worked onthewholenight, but your ideas
fail to impress one of your classmateswhich upset you.
1. growth through social interaction * Ans: S. D. 2. a high regard to
perceptions of others Ans. C. S 3. it gives life to our thought Ans: E 4. it
is a transition between childhood to adulthood. Ans: A5. anything that
we do* Ans: A 6. uncertainty or lack of understanding* Ans: C 7. ability
to control thought, emotion and behavior Ans: S. R
8. the 5th ego of psychosocial development by Erik EriksonAns: I VS. C
9. strange and difficult experiences by adolescents that ispart * Ans: C
of developing self-identity.
10. it is an impression to stimulus Ans: T_ _ _ _ _ __

Activity Title #2: “MySelf Reflection”

PERFORMANCE TASK: Materials: My Self Reflection
• ​Poster paint (different colors) ​• ​Brush
• ​Bond Paper then paste it into your 1/8 Illustration board
1. Find a place where you can work. Prepare the
2. Close your eyes and contemplate for 30 seconds.
3. While your eyes are closed, try to capture the colors, shades,
textures or shapes of your feelings.
4. Now, it’s your time to paint your feelings. Write a short
description and title for your output.
Multiple Choice:
To fully understandthelesson,
choose the best answer. Write the chosen
letter ona separate sheet of paper.
to consider focusingontobedeveloped as a
strong andhealthyindividual.
A. Cognitive empathy B. Personality C. Life
motivation D. None
2. The following are changes
experiencedduringadolescence stage, EXCEPT A.
Change of interests that lead tohaveacircleoffriends
B. Change in physical characteristics
andbeingmore conscious about their appearance.
C. Change in mood which results
D. Change in their belief and interest for
3. According to Erik Erikson’s theoryof
Psychosocial development,
adolescents should able to resolve theconflictsthey
experience at their age.
What conflict experience of adolescents
basedonPsychosocial theory needs to be
successfully developed? A. Trust and Mistrust
B. Initiative vs. Shame B. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Identity vs. Role Confusion
characterizesthePsychosocial theory of Erik
Eriksonduring Identity vs. Role

A. to develop a sense of directioninlifeB. to form

a strong identity C. to develop a personal
explorationD. to remain insecure
andconfusedaboutthe future
childhood andadulthood.What are the
characteristics of adolescence?

A. social cooperation
B. avoidance of conflict C. high risk
D. all of the above
understanding on your thoughtsandhowyou
behaved in the past, recall aninstancewherein
you became sounfair toyourparents, siblings or
friends becauseyouwere experiencing
adolescencedevelopmental change
whichwasbroadening and refining your
characteristicsthat would help in realizingyour
perspective in life.
most, but very much deserves to hear your story. Explain to him/her thedifficulties you were
undergoing during those days. Make this person remember howyou behaved and tell him/her
the reason why. Also, make him/her understandthatyou also needed his/her understanding so
you would be able to surpass thestageofdevelopment. ​( DO ON YOUR JOURNAL NOTEBOOK)
Dear __________,


Yours truly,

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