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1. In picture a. we can se that the cause

of stress is a car accident. Then, in
picture b. the stressful situation may be
taking care of a sick kid by a parrent.
Next, in picture c. we can infer that work
is making him feel stressed. Finally, in
picture d. we see that having a lot of trash
to clean may be stressful to do.
2. Some other causes of stress are
not being told clearly what to do in
a task, or feeling pressured to do
something, or not consider yourself
skillful enough to do something.

3. I think that life nowadays is more stressful than before because of the changes made in the past years. It may seem the
joke of the moment, but around our age, our parents were ready to work, build a home finish a career, and being economically
stable. Nowadays, we experienced more pressure to pay bills, study hard, concentrate on the future, in housing that if we
began to pay yesterday we would've been able to pay in full in 30 years. And that's really stressful.

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