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swreono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering © Coteer Opportunities at OGI © About Us (HOME DESIGN OF DEWATERING SYSTEMS ‘CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING The purpose of a dewatering system is to control groundwater levels and to reduce pore water pressure in the ground. Gis able to analyse available geological data and the geometry of a construction site excavation to develop a conceptual model Using OGI's experience and knowledge, combined with mathematical modeling techniques, OGlis able to establish the geological layers of significance and fo design a suitable dewatering system to remove groundwater at the necessary flow rates fo reduce pore water pressure down to the required levels so ass fo achieve the dewatering objectives of the project. Reducing water table beneath excavation by dewatering seanestrocoraoe oo inspection |, To ntgt ramoo. “nigel 280m 0 ‘tank Discharge imbat--2m00 evs, amvat + smoo ‘ambgt }-0mo0 amvtat am ae -ernl dowsing walls. smo} amoo (erenete |_| Reduced Excavation embat + 2moo " Water Level a amvg t+ smoo omtgt + 6mo0 Borehole Pump Borehole Pump sorta + 7m 00 tietgt Lam 00 Following mathematical modeling, various practical design issues need to be considered to achieve an appropriate and efficient dewatering system as follows: + Wel Installation Techniques + Pumping Techniques + Pipework + Groundwater Disposal Well Installation Techniques Dewatering wells ond drainage can be installed by a variety of methods, the appropriate choice of which is influenced by parameters such as existing artesian pressure, required drawdown, geology, stabilty of ground conditions! a swreono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering encountered, space available and location of sensitive structures and features such as potentially vulnerable buildings The well installation methods typically available include: + Excavator An excavator con be used fo install sumps, large volume shallow dewatering wells or land drainage systems in shallow depth dewatering applications, typically 0.5 to 2m deep. Itisimportant that such installations have an appropriate fitration medium installed in order to avoid sity discharge water problems + Jetting Jetting can be used in finer grained soils to install a large number of "well points" where the required drawdown in each well does not exceed 7m. Jetted well points are connected to @ suction pumping system, + Cable percussion (also known as shell and auger) dling rig Cable percussion can be used to dill hrough soils and small boulders forthe installation of shallow to deep wells. A great advantage of this technique is that good qualty ste investigation data can be obtained:! aint sweono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering + Rotary Driling (air flush, water flush, mud flush) Rotary Driling can be used to dill through soils and through rock for the installation of shallow or deep wells. This ‘echnique fs usually quicker than the cable percussion altemative but mobilsation cosis are usually greater than cable percussion, the flush system con pressurise Ihe ground ond the qually of site investigation data is inferior unless expensive ring is undertaken (poor core resulls are produced in the weathered zon hitpillwww og co.ukidesign-of-dewatering-systems! ann sweono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering Pumping Technique Appropiiate selection, installa a dewatering system. mmissioning and maintenance of the pumping system are crilical to the success of The pumps need to have the appropriate water flow capacity and lft capabilly to remove water from the boreholes whilst having the ability to cope with low flow conditions that might occur as the ground dries out (at a later stage in a dewatering programme or during dry weather conditions}. Typical Pump types include: + Borehole Pumps For deep well applications drawdown in each well typically exceeds 7m, with flows typically up to S litres/second per well hitpillwww og co.ukidesign-of-dewatering-systems! sit sweono18 Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering + Suction Pumps For shallow wells {installed with well casing and appropriate fiter medium} and tracitional well points, drawdown in each well typically <7m.! ans sweono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering + Eductor Pumps For very low permeatilty, low flow, deep well applications. + Sump pumps For shallow surface drainage, offen used where waler clariy is not an issue. Sump pumps should not be used without adequate lilration as there is the potential for loss of fines and therefore ground loss. Sump pumps can be used fo pump. from fitered land drain systems Pipework Properly designed pipe runs allow the Construction Contractor to proceed with the construction works with the minimum ofinconvenience, avoiding unnecessary time and special restrictions. Tidy pioework maximises space within a congested excavation and increases safety.! a sweono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering Properly designed pipework allows individual pumps to be isolated, checked, maintained and replaced if necessary and for productive and unproductive wells to be identified Connection of discharge pipework to an inspection tank enables demonstration of water quality to regulatory authonities.! ant Groundwater Disposal n ! swreono1e Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering There ore real benefits in designing a dewatering system fo produce clean discharge water, not least of whi ‘elationships with the Environment Agency are improved, increasing the ikelhood of obtaining consent to di he natural environment. GI rigorously designs dewatering systems with abstraction fitration medio to produce silt free discharge water, tailored specifically fo the geology encountered. A good filtration design shoule: + Produce clear, environmentally acceptable sill ree discharge water. + Avoid the pumping of nes which can result in ground loss. + Avoid the pumping of nes which can result in settlement. + Avoid the clogging of wells which st well yield, + Avoid the logging of pioework reducing water yield, hitpillwww og co.ukidesign-of-dewatering-systems! sont ‘swrono1e Tel: 0191 3787010 Fax: 0191 3787011 ‘Contact Us: Enouiry Form Email: ‘Company Details OGI Groundwater Specialists Lid One S! John's Court St John’s Road Meadowfield Dutham DH? 81 ‘Company Reg. No. 2448675 OGI Services + Construction Dewatering + Geotechnical Design Services + Computer Modeling + Ground Source Energy, © OGI Groundwater Specialists Lid 2018 fete! Design of Dewatering Systems, Construction Dewatering aw

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