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SUBJECT: Guidelines in the Conduct of Page I of 22 page/s

Philippine National Skills Competition Number DO series of
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes/Amends:

16 July 2021 Immediately

Pursuant to Sec. 30, Republic Act 7796, otherwise known as the TESDA Act of
1994, the Authority shall organize and conduct annual National Skills Olympics to
promote quality skills development in the country and with the view of participating in
international skills competitions, thus, following guidelines are hereby prescribed in the
conduct of Philippine National Skills Competition (PNSC):

1. Introduction

1.1 The Philippine National Skills Competition History

Vocational skills competition in the Philippines started in 1968 when the

Philippine College of Arts and Trades (PCAT), now Technological University of
the Philippines (TUP), conducted a skills competition among its students. The
coverage of the National Level in 1970 was successfully completed and gained
prominence prompting the organizers to expand.

Inspired by the results of these contests, the Delta Motors Corporation

conducted in 1978 the TOYOTA Dealers National Service Skills Competition
among its service mechanics and technicians. Later, the skills contest became
an annual activity of the corporation.

In the same year, the government sent an observer team from the former
National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC), now the Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), to the 24th International Vocational
Training Competition (IVTC), now WorldSkills Competition, in Busan, South
Korea. The team later recommended that NMYC lead the conduct of skills
competitions in the country to promote skills testing and certification programs.

Three years later, the NMYC, in collaboration with Delta Motors Corporation,
conducted the first National Youth Skills Olympics (NYSO) among its trainees.
The NYSO was conducted annually from 1980 to 1984. No skills Competitions
were held from 1985 to 1991. The contest was restaged in 1992, and since
then, it has become a yearly event.
In 1999, the Philippines National Skills Competition (PNSC) was born from
NYSO and was held every two years to synchronize with the ASEAN Skills
Competition and WorldSkills Competition. The 12th PNSC in 2005 was the last
PNSC held for the decade.
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The conduct of the competition was further strengthened by Section 30 of the

Republic Act 7796, which states, "TESDA with the active participation of private
industries shall organize annual skills Olympics to promote quality skills
development in the country and with the view of participating in International
Skills Competitions."

The PNSC is a competition that serves as a venue to recognize the skills

excellence of young industry-skilled workers and graduates of technical-
vocational schools and training centers. The PNSC hopes to develop
competitive Filipino workers who possess world-class skills and work values,
and attitudes.

The competition culminates in a series of local, provincial, sectoral, and regional

contests held nationwide. Winners of the regional contests vie for gold in the
PNSC. Winners in the PNSC undergo further training to prepare them for
international skills competitions like the ASEAN Skills competition and the
WorldSkills Competition.

1.2 PNSC under the New Normal

"COVID-19 pandemic has caused the cancellation of the International Skills

Competitions. The local quarantine and mobility restrictions have led to the
cancellation of face-to-face competitions. But the challenges brought about by
this pandemic did not stop us from continuing our mandate. Instead, we have
used this time as an opportunity to develop and innovate" — Sec. Isidro S.
Lapena, during the closing ceremony of the 1st Inter-Regional Virtual Skills
Competition last 14 January 2021.

Indeed, 2021 is "the year of innovation." In response to the ongoing global

pandemic, WSPH has decided to hold the competition in three (3) different
competition formats. Aside from the traditional in-person or face-to-face
competition, WSPH shall incorporate virtual and hybrid formats to test the
participants' skills from different areas of expertise. Each test project will be
designed to be performed and completed in these formats while maintaining
the level of difficulty and comprehensiveness of the in-person competition.
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1.3 PNSC Objectives

1.3.1 To promote the development of quality technical education, and work

values among youths and skilled professionals;

1.3.2 To provide recognition for technical excellence and develop a new

generation of highly skilled professionals;

1.3.3 To select the best and the brightest skilled individual to represent the
country in the international competition; and

1.3.4 To encourage close cooperation between governments and private


2. Abbreviations and Definitions

ASC ASEAN Skills Competition

CIS Competition Information System
CRC Conflict Resolution Committee
MO Member Organization
NOC National Organizing Committee
NSEC NTC Secretariat
NTC National Technical Committee
PNSC Philippine National Skills Competition
PO/DO TESDA Provincial Offices and District Offices
RO/PO TESDA Regional Offices and Provincial/District Offices
SCEO Sub-Committee on Events Organization
SCSM Sub-Committee on Skills Management
SCWM Sub-Committee on Ways and Means
SIS Skills Information Sheet
SMT Skills Management Team
TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Association
WSI WorldSkills International
WSPH WorldSkills Philippines
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3. The Competition

3.1 List of Skill Areas

3.1.1 Official List of Skill Areas for the PNSC

a. The list of skill areas for the Provincial, Regional, and National
competitions shall be adopted from the skill areas to be competed in
the upcoming international competition. The NOC shall provide the
PO/DO of this list immediately upon release from the WSI or ASC.

b. The PO/DO shall inform the NOC through the SIS, the skill areas where
they plan to have a contest. The SIS must be submitted to the NOC 10
days before the Registration starts. See the attached sample SIS
(Annex A)

c. The NOC may intercede on the PO/DO on their list of skill areas
depending on priority skills, and the capacity and preparedness of the
PO/DO to host the skills competition.

d. The NOC shall determine the dates of the Provincial competition and
commence the Registration of participants.

e. A skill area is considered official if there are at least three (3)

competitors/teams in the National competition. The NOC shall
determine the official list five (5) days after the Registration deadline.

f. If there are 1-2 competitors in a skill area, the PO/DO may conduct skills
demonstration in their local competition. The inclusion of this skill area
in the national and international competition is still subject to the
approval of the NOC.

g. If anyone backs out from the competition after the skill area has been
declared official, which made the skill below three participation, it could
still be held.

h. Competitors interested in competing in a skill area, not on the official

list in their Province/Region, may register to another Province/Region
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that offers that skill area.

3.1.2 Additional Skills

a. Additional skills, which are not included in the list of skill areas identified
by WSI and ASC, may be added to the official skill areas through the
recommendation of RO/PO.

b. The RO/PO must justify to the NOC why the particular skill/s must be
added to the official list.

c. The NOC shall determine the addition of the proposed skills through the
recommendation of the SCSM.

d. Disapproved skills may still be allowed for demonstration during the

local competitions.

3.2 Contest Duration

Contest duration per skill area shall be determined by the SCSM. It may range
from 10-18 hours spread over 2-3 days of the competition depending on the
Test Project developed by the SMT. A detailed competition schedule will form
part of the Technical Description to be shared with all the participants before
the start of the competition.

3.3 Eligibility

To take part at the PNSC, registered competitors must be eligible. It is the

responsibility of the MOs and the PO/DOs to ensure that registered
competitors meet the following eligibility criteria.

3.3.1 Age Limit

Competitors must not be older than 22 years in the calendar year of the
upcoming international competition for most skill competitions. Current
exceptions to this rule are:

• Information Network Cabling

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• Mechatronics
• Manufacturing Team Challenge
• Aircraft Maintenance
• Cyber Security
• Cloud Computing
• Water Technology

Where Competitors must be 25 years old or younger in the year of the

forthcoming tournament.

Competitors below 18 years of age must provide a letter of consent from

their guardians.

3.3.2 Citizenship

Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen.

3.3.3 Compete once only

Competitors must not have participated in the same skill area in the
same international competition as with the forthcoming tournament.

3.4 Proof of Eligibility

If an appellant questioned the eligibility of a PNSC competitor, he/she must

provide proof of his/her claim before the CRC to review the appeal.
Proof can include:
• Proof of age: original government-issued identification that includes the
date of birth and photo
• Proof of citizenship, which includes a birth certificate or passport
If the competitor or his/her MO could not refute the appellant's claim to the
CRC, the competitor may be disqualified from the competition.

3.5 Number of Competitors in Each Skill Area

3.5.1 Each MO can enter one competitor/team per contest area.

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3.5.2 After the deadline of registration, a request to add a competitor will be

on a waitlist. Only if the NSEC receives a cancellation in the same skill with
the competitor on a waitlist be added.
3.6 Competition Format

The following competition formats may be allowed for different skills

competitions. The RO/PO shall determine their preferred format for their skills
competition based on the recommendation of their Experts. But, for the PNSC,
the NOC shall determine the official skills competition format based on the
recommendation of its SCSM and the SMT.

3.6.1 Virtual Format

a. The contest will be hosted online. Competitors will be connected via a

teleconferencing platform where officials and judges may view the
b. Competitors will be allowed to complete their Test Projects at remote
venues compliant with the requirements of the skills competition. A
Proctor shall be assigned to the venue to monitor and assist the skills
officials during the match.
c. The SMT shall prepare a Submission Information Checklist for the
compliance of the Proctors during and at the end of the competition.
The checklist may include the video recordings of the competitors while
doing the test project and the photo of their final output for judging.
d. The participating MOs must provide at least two (2) video cameras and
a computer capable of accessing video calls for each competitor. If it is
a team contest, all competitors from the team can be on the same
device for the teleconference.
e. Below are the mandatory requirements for the teleconference:
• Stable internet connection (at least 50Mbps) with backup ISP
• Desktop or laptop with any video production software like OBS
Studio or vMix
• At least two (2) high-definition video cameras or webcam; with
one (1) hand-held camera
• Microphone
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• Speakers

f. There will be an opportunity ahead of the contest date for the

competitors to test their devices, camera, and mics. The dates and
times of the technical run-through will be communicated to the
participants. This is highly recommended to make sure that the
competitor is ready for the competition day.

g. It is likely that the camera may need to be adjusted throughout the day
for different competition modules or moved in for close-ups of the output
during judging. A single moveable or hand-held camera should be
included in the setup.
h. For the PNSC, WSPH will arrange the video calls and communicate the
links and details with the participants before the contest date. These are
"closed" video calls. Only participants determined by the SCSM shall be
allowed to enter the teleconference (i.e., Competitors and Proctors,
Judges, and NSEC).

3.6.2 Traditional In-Person Format

a. The traditional in-person or face-to-face format will be held in a physical

venue capable of accommodating the number of participants in the skill
area. The SCSM shall prepare an official list of participants for the skills
competition to be forwarded to the SCEO. This list will also be made
available as a reference for the RO/PO local skills competition.
b. The SCSM shall also provide for the venue requirements per skill area.
It is the responsibility of the SCEO to source out possible locations for
the PNSC. The SCSM shall review and concur with the venue to be
approved by the NOC.
c. The panel of judges is present in the competition venue.
d. The SCEO shall prepare the health and safety protocol to be
implemented in the PNSC venues. This protocol must correspond with
the IATF's most recent guidelines on local quarantine and restrictions.
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3.6.3 Hybrid Format

a. In this format, the host may allow multiple venues for a single skill area.
These venues will be connected online. The provisions of the Virtual
and the In-Person formats will also be observed in the hybrid format.
b. The judges may be in-person or via teleconference.

3.7 Venue Partners

Schools, training centers, industry partners, and organizations may apply as

venue partners for the Provincial, Regional, and National skills competition. A
separate document on the guidelines for application as venue partners will be
posted on the WSPH website upon approval of the NOC.

4. Competition Organization

4.1 Technical Description

Technical description documents are brief descriptions of each contest. It is
the responsibility of SCSM to prepare and distribute the technical
descriptions. The NOC approves technical descriptions on
recommendations of the SCSM and SMT.

4.2 Test Projects

The SCSM prepares test Project documents through their SMT. The projects
must be designed to be completed using the materials and equipment listed
in the technical description.
The content of a project must be different every year. SCSM can adopt Test
Projects from WSI, ASC, or any international entity conducting the same
competition format. Modifications on the Test Projects are recommended to
adopt certain portions of the project to the local setting. Changes must be
done carefully, not to remove the required tasks, which are vital in
demonstrating the essential skills of the competitors.

4.3 Other Competition Documents

In some skills, the project requires supporting documents. SCSM and SMT
are responsible for the preparation of all supporting documents. It is the
• M

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responsibility of SCSM to ensure that supporting documents are available to

all competitors.

4.4 Circulation

Technical descriptions, sample test projects, and marking schemes for each
skill area will be available to all participating MOs within C-30 days.
Projects and supporting documents may be posted on the WSPH website as
soon as they become available.
Ail competition documents are kept confidential until they are posted on the
WSPH website. Any violation of this rule may cause the dismissal of the MO
subject to due process to be established by the NOC.

4.5 Modification of the Project

The SCSM through its SMT may change the project content to a minimum
of 30% within the limits of the equipment and materials in the Technical
Description. Evidence of the changes in the work content must be
documented and approved by the SCSM. Competitors will be informed of the
change in the project during orientation.

4.6 Skill-specific rules

The SCSM creates skill-specific rules which are then incorporated into the
Technical Description. This Competition Rules cannot be superseded by
skill-specific rules. The Competition Rules take precedence.
Skill-specific rules intend to provide specific details and clarity in areas
specific to the skill competition. It includes but is not limited to personal IT
equipment, data storage devices, Internet access, procedures and workflow,
and document management and distribution.


SCSM is responsible for coordinating contest evaluation. SCSM will ensure

there is a sufficient number of judges for each contest. Judges may be
pooled from the group of TESDA experts nationwide formed by the SCSM.
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4.7.1 Provincial, Regional, and National Judges

SCSM Experts from different skill areas nationwide may provide judges
for the provincial, regional, and national skills competitions. RO/PO must
coordinate with the NOC, through the SCSM, their request for judges in
their skills competition.
4.7.2 Compatriot Judges
Experts with competitors of the same skill area may be allowed to judge
except that the compatriot judge, in any circumstances, must not assess
and mark his/her own competitor.
4.7.3 External Judges
NOC and SCSM have the right to source external expert judges should
they prefer to. External judges may come from Industry Partners, SUC,
HEI, training centers, and other known institutions conducting training of
the skill area that he/she is invited to judge.

4.8 Competitor Communication and Use of Mobile Phones

No communication is allowed to the competitors while the competition is

underway. The only participant that has direct access to the competitor will
be the Proctor. On each competition day, the competitor's only time to talk to
anyone would be before the official start time, lunch break, and after the
official end time.
The use of mobile phones is prohibited unless the SCSM clearly states in the
Technical Description that a music device is allowed or if a mobile phone
could be used for communication purposes.

4.9 Illness or accident

The NOC, SCSM, and SCEO must be informed immediately if competitors

become ill during the competition. The competitor must be brought directly
to an isolation facility while being diagnosed by a stand-by physician. If the
competitor is remotely situated, his condition must be communicated to the
stand-by physician via the Proctor. Depending on the condition of the
competitor, he/she may be allowed to continue the contest and be granted
extra time upon the approval of the SCSM, SCEO, and NOC.
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4.10 Discussion Forum

Before the competition, all SCSM discussion, communication, collaboration,

and decision-making regarding the contest must occur on the skill-specific
Discussion Forum created by WSPH. Skill-related decisions and
communication are only valid if they take place on the Forum. The NSEC will
be the moderator for this Forum.

4.11 Bring Your Own Device

4.11.1 Competitors may be allowed to bring their own tools, materials,

equipment, and computers to compete in certain areas. Specification on
the type of computer to use will be stated in the Technical Description.
The use of these devices is subject to the approval of the SCSM and

4.11.2 NOC is not responsible for any stolen or damaged devices.

4.11.3 During the competitors' orientation, these devices must be

inspected by an official expert for testing and to ensure they will work
properly for the competition day. A detailed description, including brand,
serial number, color, etc., should be submitted to the SCSM for filing.

4.11.4 All software must already be installed on the computer. NOC and
SCSM will not supply any software for the BYOD during the contest.

4.11.5 Suppose a competitor computer malfunction (hardware or

software), the Proctor, the SCSM, and SCEO will make every effort to
resolve the issue. It will be the competitor's responsibility to have a
backup device at his/her disposal if he/she wishes to. If a computer
malfunctions and time is lost, the NOC will allow extra time at the end of
the competition to a maximum of 1 hour.

4.12 Orientation

4.12.1 Competitor Orientation

The orientation held before day 1 of the competition is mandatory. The
purpose of this meeting is to prepare competitors for the contest.
The Proctor or designate will review the following:
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1) Verify attendance
2) Competition rules
3) Skill specific rules established by the SCSM
4) Schedule of events, especially start and finish times and lunch
5) Conflict resolution procedure
6) Evaluation criteria
7) Safety rules-signature required
8) Competitor communication and contact
9) Verify the list of tools and materials
10)Verify that items in the competitor kit are complete
11)Special announcements
12)Answer competitors' questions
13)Confirm that ALL contest documents were provided to the
14)Explain the illness or accident process
Once the orientation is concluded, the Proctor and Competitor must use
the online sign-off form to check off each item for discussion. Each
competitor and Proctor must sign the online form to acknowledge that
they are aware of the information provided during the orientation.

4.12.2 External judges Orientation Meeting and CIS judges

workshop External judges orientation

If applicable for their skill, before starting the competition, the SCSM
must hold an external judges orientation meeting. All external judges
must be present.
The SCSM must discuss the following points:
1) Test Project
2) Competition rules
3) Skill specific rules established by the SCSM
4) Material, equipment, and facilities
5) Safety rules
6) Conflict Resolution procedure
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7) Evaluation criteria/CIS
8) Marking forms
9) Schedule of events, particularly start and finish times and lunch
10)Clarification on all points allowing an equitable and a transparent
contest CIS Judges Workshop

The SCSM must conduct a CIS workshop with all the judges and
external judges. The process for measurement and judgment must be
clearly explained verbally and with scenario-based training. Proctor orientation

A Proctor orientation must be done before the competition day. The

following topics will be discussed:
1) Competitor orientation
2) Competition schedule
3) Proctor role and expectations
4) Skill specific discussions
5) Q&A RD/PO Secretariat or WSPH Focal orientation

The NSEC shall conduct a WSPH Focal orientation immediately

before the start of Registration. The following topics will be discussed:
1) WSPH Portal
2) Competition schedule
3) Competition rules
4) Q&A

4.13 Contest Administration

The NOC shall provide instructions to participants (competitors, trainers,

proctors, external judges, NOC officials, guests, media, etc.) through a
Competition Package and an Event Program Package. SCSM shall prepare
the Competition Package, and the SCEO will prepare the Event Program
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Package before the competition. These packages shall include all important
information on their participation in the PNSC.
Competitors who require clarification on instructions during the contest must
address their questions to the SCSM using the online communication tool.
During the competition. competitors are not allowed to talk to anyone except
the Proctor. Competitors are allowed to go to the restrooms upon approval
from the Proctor.
Other participants not directly involved in the competition like guests,
observers, and media shall be organized by the SCEO.
NOC, SCSM, SCEO, and other members are not permitted to convey any
information about the competition documents until they are posted on the
WSPH website. All documents not posted on the WSPH website are

4.14 Proctor

A proctor is required for a competitor to be able to compete at the 2021 PNSC

Virtual Format. A Proctor is used to guarantee the safety of competitors,
assist the NTC and SCSM in assessment, and many more responsibilities.
NTC requires the presence of at least one Proctor per skill competition

5. Registration

5.1 Pre-Registration

5.1.1 Institutions

Institutions, organizations, training centers, SUCs, HEI, and industries,

whether private or public, may submit their applications online. Instructions
on how to proceed, including required documents for their application, shall
be provided via email. See the attached format of the Application Form for
Institutions (Annex B).
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5.1.2 Individuals

Individuals may also submit their applications online if they want to join the
competition. Instructions on how to proceed, including required documents
for their application, shall be provided via email. See the attached format of
the Application Form for Institutions (Annex C).

5.1.3 Screening and Evaluation

PO/DO screens and evaluates each applicant. The procedures on how to

screen and evaluate the applicants shall be established by the PO/DO.

5.2 Registration

WSPH manages registration activities for provincial, regional, and national

skills competitions using the WSPH Registration Portal. Only competitors and
Member Organizations who passed the screening and evaluation processes at
the provincial level should be encoded in the portal. To gain access to the portal,
the WSPH focal of all RO/PO must submit their email addresses through the
SIS provided by the ;NEC.

6. Conflict Resolution Process

The process of a grievance or appeal will be posted on the WSPH website as a

separate document.

7. Assessment Procedures

7.1 Assessment Methods

There are two assessment methods: measurement and judgment. Each has
distinct purposes and procedures.
Measurement is used to assess accuracy, precision, and other performance,
which can and should be measured robustly. It is used where there should be
no ambiguity.
Judgment is used to assess the quality of performance, about which there may
be slight differences of view when applying the external benchmarks.
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Both measurement and judgment are required to reference their assessment

and marking to clear external benchmarks drawn from best practices in
industry and business. The baseline for the award of any marks is the
attainment of an acceptable industry standard.

7.2 Assessment and Marking Procedures

7.2.1 Competition Commencement

Before the contest begins, each SCSM member must approve and sign the
marking scheme acceptance form. This signed form must be submitted to the
NSEC. Only until this is received may the contest begin.

7.2.2 Marking by Measurement

The assessment decisions available to a marking team for measurement are
either 'yes' or 'no' or against a predetermined scale of conformity to a given
benchmark. The design and use of either of these methods must relate to
best practices in industry and business.
Data entry will be done remotely on the online version of CIS.

If a Competitor has not attempted a particular aspect, the score awarded by

each judge shall be zero.

7.2.3 Marking by Judgment

The judges shall assess each aspect. Each judge shall award a score
between zero (0) and three (3) based on the given benchmarks using
flashcards. To do this correctly, judges shall first select their score privately
by comparing the competitor's performance with these benchmarks. They
then display their scores simultaneously as directed by the NTC member
coordinating the recording of scores.
The scores from zero (0) to three (3) shall relate to industry and business

0: performance below industry standard to any extent, including a non-

1: performance meets industry standard;
2: performance meets industry standard and surpasses that standard to
some extent;
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3: excellent or outstanding performance relative to industry's expectations.

The benchmarks shall be agreed upon when finalizing the marking scheme
and shall not be changed during assessment and scoring.
Data entry will be done remotely on the online version of CIS.
Where the range of scores for an aspect is greater than one (1), judges must
remark that aspect. A brief discussion regarding the benchmarks is permitted
to reduce the range to one (1) or less.
If a competitor has not attempted a particular aspect, the score awarded by
the judge shall be zero (0).

7.3 Order of Assessment and Marking

For fair marking practice, judgment marking must come first before
measurement marking.

7.4 Finalization of Marks

If any person (SCSM, SMT, judge, Proctor) is found to have fully or partially
aided a competitor or team in the completion of a specified contest task, which
is deemed to be contrary to the rules of the contest as specified in this
document, the competitor or team who received this assistance may face
disciplinary measures as determined by the CRC which may result in
immediate disqualification. The involved person(s), who aided a competitor or
team, may be removed from PNSC participation automatically as determined
by the CRC and the NTC.
There is zero tolerance for cheating.

7.5 Cheating

Once the marks for all marking forms for a specified marking day have been
entered, CIS will be locked for those Criteria. Signatures of all SMT and
outside judges are required to change a mark already in the CIS.
SMT and external judges shall not be released from their competition duties
until all the necessary paperwork has been electronically signed.
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8. Medals and Certificates of Participation

NTC will distribute one (1) gold medal, one (1) silver medal, and one (1) bronze
medal for each level in each skill area. In the case of team events, each team
member will receive a medal. The person or team achieving the highest score is
awarded the gold medal. The person or team achieving the second-highest score
is awarded the silver, and the third-highest scoring person or team is awarded the
bronze. All competitors will receive a certificate of participation from NTC.

9. Results

NTC announces the name, the level, the province/territory, and the medal awarded
during the closing ceremony.
Once the closing ceremony has ended, the NSEC will send each MO the
standings, marks, and group average for all competitors. The name of the
individual, province/territory, and standings for the top three competitors for each
contest will be compiled by the NSEC, and be made available for public distribution.
The complete list of ranking, scores, averages, etc., is only for MOs' internal use.
Once the results are announced at the closing ceremony, the final results cannot
be contested.

This Circular shall take effect as indicated.

SUBJECT: Guidelines in the Conduct of Page 20 of 22 page/s
Philippine National Skills Competition Number 065
— series of
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes/Amends:

16 July 2021 Immediately





Provincial Director!

Office Address

Landline No. Mobile No. Email


WSPH Focal Position Office

Landline No. Mobile No- 1 Email!
(Please provide additional information per skill area using the Skills Information Template attached)
Skill Area Lead Expert Position Office


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SUBJECT: Guidelines in the Conduct of Page 21 of it page/s
Philippine National Skills Competition Number 065 series of
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes/Amends:

16 July 2021 Immediately





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SUBJECT: Guidelines in the Conduct of Page 22 of 2Z page/s
Philippine National Skills Competition Number (45
— series of
Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes/Amends:

16 July 2021 Immediately



PRovINci 1 , REGION,
Name i I Skill Are
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Birthday' Borth Kozel
I aflame No I Mobile No 1 Email
School:Institubon Contact Person
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Landline No.; Mobile No 1 Email
C_.,.. -4, -
Yrs. I lAirlingi Yrs Graduated! AWMIS

NarnetTiliir D4ei Place Organizer/Speaker Awards

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