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Actually, I would say at first that I want to write not just about one mistakes in my

life. It will be so simple, small, but really important mistakes and then learnt lessons
which affected me.

1. Don’t think you know everything

Every time you don’t listen to people smarter than you when you want to sound
smart, or think you know it all—you’re being an idiot. It’s time to move your ego
to the side and understand that life is not about impressing others.

It’s about fulfillment, collaboration, and the common good. If you want to achieve
those things, you need to be humble. But there’s good news for people who get
annoyed by idiots: If they don’t decide to become humble, life will make them
humble at some point.

2. Never blame people for your unhappiness

As a child, you’re taken care of by others. That may be your parents, siblings,
family members, foster parents, or any other person who takes responsibility.
Hence, you assume that someone is responsible for you.

But that’s not true. When you grow up, you are responsible for you. So never look
at others when you’re unhappy—it’s not fair to the people in your life. Instead,
accept your unhappiness, and then do something about it.

3. You actually don’t have a lot of time

When you’re young, you think you have an endless sea of time. You can do
anything you want. And then you blink, and you’re celebrating your thirtieth

It’s a matter of simple math. Just ask yourself these questions:

 How much time am I wasting on things that give me zero fulfillment?

 Do I like my university?
 Do I like the people in my life?

The answers to these questions will give you clarity about how well you’re
spending your time.
4. Doing hard things gives you more pleasure

I always ran away from hard things. Improving yourself, working out, saving
money, helping others, investing time in your relationship—it’s all hard when you
do it right.

But doing those hard things will have more return on your life, time, energy, and
money. When you do something that requires a lot of effort, you feel good about it.
When you’re tired and still go to the gym for a hard work out, you feel a sense of
accomplishment and pride that’s unrivaled.

It’s the same with your career. If you’re not doing hard things, don’t be surprised if
you don’t feel alive.

5. Small decisions lead to big outcomes

Another drink wouldn’t hurt, right? Sleeping in today is not bad, right? No one
cares if I skip my workout today, right?

The answer is NO to every other small decision you think has no impact on your

life. The truth is that your life is the result of your small decisions.

You are what you do every day. Surprisingly, that’s actually really good news.

That means you can turn your life around today—simply by doing something small
that has a good impact on your life.

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