004 Handout 11

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Parts of Qualitative Research

A. The Problem and its Background

Background of the Study

• Includes purpose and reason behind the conduct of the study
• It answers the question: “What made you conduct the study?”
• It also serves as the introduction
Statement of the Problem
• The main problem that the research is trying to solve
• It follows the formulation of the title and should be faithful to it
• It specifically points the important questions that the study needs to answer
• It also serves as the bases of the questionnaire
Significance of the Study
• “Why conduct the study?”
• You have to identify who will benefit from the research and how they will be benefitted.
• This should match with the recommendation
Assumptions of the Study
• The expected outcome of the research
Scope and Limitations of the Study
• Determines the coverage of the study and all the things that it will not cover in order to be
Definition of Terms
• Defines technical terms based on how they are used in the study, specifically in the title.
This aims to provide the readers or future researches with the basic terminologies that are
important to understand the paper.

B. Review of Related Literature

• This is where you will use your note cards and will serve as the foundation of your research.
• This is your own work and therefore should not directly be lifted works from other sources.
• This will require your command of language and writing skills such as summarizing,
paraphrasing, and quoting.

• Must be also organized to cover the specific problems
• Must take all evidences about the problem with the author’s experiences
• As much as possible, get the latest published materials. Avoid old published materials.
• It must be related to your topic. If not, then do not get it.
• On the last part of this part, you must have a statement on how this old published material
helps the researchers in their current study and relate it to your study.

C. Methods and Procedures

Method of research
• The kind of research used by your study
• This answers why the method used is appropriate for the study
Subjects of the study
• Describes your respondents: who they are, what their profile is, where they are from, etc.
Description of research instrument
• Describes your instrument which is the questionnaire

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Data gathering procedure

• Narrates the process undergone by the study that eventually leads to the findings
Other information and guidelines:
• Data may be analyzed qualitatively depending on the level of measurement and the number
of dimensions and variables of the study.
• Establish interconnection between and among data
• Check for indicators whether your hypotheses are supported or not by your findings.
• Link the present findings with the previous literature
• Use parallel observations with contemporary events to give credence presented in the

D. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of the Study

Results of the study
• Present all the data gathered from the questionnaire by tabulating all data gathered
• Aside from the tables, an interpretation of each presented data should follow. This will serve
as the bases of your Summary of Findings

E. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

Summary of Findings
• Summarizes the interpretation of data
• Should answer directly your statement of the problem
• It will be based from the summary of findings
• A part wherein your hypotheses and assumptions are being proven
• Should be based on the findings and conclusion of the study
• Also included action plans after the conduct of the study
• May be specific or general or both and may include suggestions for further studies
• Should be in a non-technical language
• Should be feasible, workable, doable, flexible and adaptable


Parts of a research paper. Retrieved on November 06, 2014, from


Purdue Online Writing Lab. (1995-2016). Retrieved on November 06, 2014, from

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