3.design of MIPS Processor Using FPGA

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Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017)

7 - 9 March 2017

Design Of SHA-1 & SHA-2 MIPS Processor Using

Safaa S. Omran Laith F. Jumma
Computer Engineering Techniques Computer Engineering Techniques
College of Electrical and Electronic Techniques College of Electrical and Electronic Techniques
Baghdad, Iraq Baghdad, Iraq
Omran_safaa@ymail.com Laith1993@gmail.com

Abstract² According to the wide developments in the area of be classified into two stages. The first stage is the Pre-
communications, there is a demand for secure system for data processing stage and the second is Hash Computation.
transmissions. In this paper, a Hash system SHA-1 and SHA-2
Processor is designed using Xilinx Spartan-3AN and interfaced A. Pre-processing
with keyboard and Video Graphics Array (VGA) Display. The SHA-1 and SHA-2 input block size varies depending on
implementation of the processor is done by using MIPS what algorithm is used. In this stage the message is padded
(Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelines) single cycle by into block size called chunk. The input blocks size of SHA-1,
choosing a certain number of instructions that was necessary to SHA-224, SHA-256 is equal to 512-bits divider into 16 words
invoke the SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256 algorithm. A keyboard
Y[0-15] of 32-bit. Then extending the 16 words Y[0-15]
in interfaced with the Xilinx Spartan-3AN kit, to enable the user
depending on a certain algorithm. Table 1 shows features of
to enter the data and the result is shown on a VGA Display.
the two hash functions.
Keywords²VHDL; SHA-1; SHA-2; MIPS Processor

A variation on the message authentication code is the one-
way hash function. A hash function accepts a variable-size
message M as input and produces a fixed-size output, referred
to as a hash code H(M).Hash functions are used in conjunction
with symmetric ciphers for digital signatures. In addition, hash
functions are used for message authentication [1].
VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware
Description Language) is a hardware description language. It B. Hash Computation
describe the behaviour of an electronic circuit or system, from
Hash Computation various depending on the algorithm
which the physical circuit or system can then be attained [2].
used if it is SHA-1, SHA-224 or SHA-256.
One of the earliest hardware designs of hash function in
reported by selimis in [3]. The authors in [4] propose a x SHA-1 Computation
processor for both SHA-1 and MD5 algorithms, and
implemented on an Altera Apex 20k. While in [5] a high- A message digest is 5 hash variables each of 32 bits are used.
performance SHA-1 design in presented and implemented on It take 80 rounds to completed SHA-1 calculation. SHA-1
a Xilinx Vertex-E FPGA. The authors in [6] implement a algorithm is done as follows:
SHA-1, HAS-160 and MD5 in one chip. In [7] a processor is Fig.1 shows SHA-1 computation
designed to support the algorithm of SHA-1 and SHA-256
hashing. However, in this research SHA-1 SHA-224 and SHA-
256, hash MIPS processor with keyboard and VGA display is
designed and implemented using Xilinx-Spartan-3AN.
The SHA-2 namely SHA-224, and SHA-256 have several
commonalities. SHA-1 and SHA-2 algorithms are one-way
hash functions that process a message to produce a message
This paper presents an implementation approach for SHA-1,
SHA-224 and SHA-256 hash algorithms. Each algorithm can

978-1-5386-2962-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 268

Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017)
7 - 9 March 2017
The message digest is 8 hash variables each of 32 bits are
used. It take 64 rounds to completed SHA-224 and SHA-
256 calculation. SHA-256 algorithm is done as follows:
In the first step hash variables shown in table and are


L0 L1 L2 L3
6A09E667 BB67AE85 3C6EF372 A54FF53A
L4 L5 L6 L7
510E527F 9B05688C 1F83D9AB 5BE0CD19

In the second massage word Y[0-15] extended into 64

word Y[16-63]

Where >>> is right rotate and >> is right shift

In the third 8 variable (a to h) is added which is equal to
(L0 to L7)
The fourth step is the main loop which is (a to h) will be
calculated in 80 Round as following:

where K[t] is round constants and (S0,S1,CH,MAJ)

Fig. 1 SHA-1 Computation equation are below
Fig.2 shows the SHA-1 Computation

The final step is add (a to h) with (L0 to L7) which

produce the massage digest of 256-bit.

Fig. 2 SHA-1 Computation

SHA-224 and SHA-256 is identical algorithm except that:

x SHA-224 & SHA-256 Computation

Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017)
7 - 9 March 2017
The massage digest is 256-bit which constructed by
omitting L7.
The initial hash values L0 through L7 are shown in table IV


L0 L1 L2 L3

C1059ED8 367CD507 3070DD17 F70E5939

L4 L5 L6 L7

FFC00B31 68581511 64F98FA7 BEFA4FA4

Fig. 4 Instruction Format
Fig. 3 shows a block diagram for SHA-2 computation. IV. PROCESSOR DESIGN
In this research a MIPS processor is chosen in our design,
because implementation of MIPS processor is easy.
The general MIPS processor contains 49 instructions, but we
don¶t need all them, so we design a MIPS processor with only
the instruction that requires invoking the algorithm of SHA-1,
SHA224 and SHA-256 using VHDL in Xilinx ISE software
Since SHA-1, SHA224 and SHA-256 hash variable is 32-bit
so in this paper it design MIPS single-cycle of 32-bit for SHA-
1, SHA224 and SHA-256
The simple design of a 32-bit, single cycle MIPS processor
consists of two parts:
x 32-bit Datapath
Fig. 3 SHA-2 Computations
x Control unit.
A 32-bit single cycle MIPS requires a 32-bit datapath. It
MIPS uses 32-bit for each instructions. MIPS defining three
contains element such as registers, memories, ALUs, sign,
instruction formats: J-type, I-type, and R-type. R-type
extenders and multiplexers.
instructions have 3 registers. I-type instructions have 2
A descriptor of each datapath is shown below:
registers and a 16-bit immediate. J-type (jump) instructions
a. PC: is a register represents the address of instruction to
have 1 register and a 26-bit immediate.
execute which has 32-bit size.
x R-type Instructions
R-type instructions have 3 operand registers: one as a b. Instruction memory: store instruction to execute hash
destination and two as sources. function and a 32-bit data as the output
It has six fields: rs, rt, op, rd, funct and shamt. Each field is c. Register file : consist of 32 register, each has 32-bit in size.
five or six bits, as indicated in fig. 4a. It has two read port and one write port.
x I-Type Instructions d. Data memory : has one input write port (WR) and output
I-type instructions have one immediate operand and two read port (RD).The input is written in memory which specified
register operands. It has four fields: rs, op, imm and rt, as by the address (A) if (WE) signal is 1 at the raising edge of
indicated in fig. 4b. (clk) signal, each memory location has 32-bit size.
x J-type Instructions e. Sign extension copies a most significant bit of a 16-bit input
J-type is used only with JMP instructions. J-type uses 26-bit size.
operand, addr, as indicated in fig. 4c. f. ALUs is used in order to execute the arithmetic and logical
instruction . ALUs take alucontrol(2:0) as input and generate
corresponding function . Note that there is modify in some
instruction. Table I illustrates function that ALUs can be
B. Control unit
The control unit received from the current instruction
funct(5:0) and Opcode(31-26) of the datapath which tell it
what to do to execute the instruction.

Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017)
7 - 9 March 2017

Fig.5 Implementation of MIPS Processor with Only Component That Hash Need
Fig .5 shows the complete design of the MIPS processor of
32-bit and table V shows all instructions required to invoke V. KEYBOARD INTERFACE & VGA DISPLAY
the SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256 algorithms. The keyboard has a collection of keys and sends scan code.
For example, when press the Z key, the keyboard transmits its
make code (1A) and then when release it send the break code
(F0 1A).
The information transmitted 11-bit ³packet´ that start with a
start bit, 8 data bits, an odd parity bit, and a stop bit, as shown
in Fig 6.

Fig. 6 PS/2 Bus Timing Waveforms

The FPGA application have eight colour corresponding to

VGA port with a three-bit interface as shown in table VI.

In this research take White Resulting black to show the

character and screen background. The patterns of the tiles is 8-
column-by-16-row for each character since the resolution
screen is 640-by-480, 80 tiles. Fig .7 shows the ROM content
of the letter ³E´.

Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017)
7 - 9 March 2017

Fig 7 Font pattern for the letter ³E´.

The word ³abc´ was entered from the keyboard to the Hash
MIPS processor and the result of SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-
256 is displayed on VGA display which use Xilinx Spartan-
3an on-board 50 MHz clock oscillator which equates to a 20
ns period as shown in Fig 7. The test simulation for the word
³abc´ is shown in Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 Fig. 11 and Fig 12.

Fig 9 the massage digest of SHA-1 and time require.

Fig .8 the Hash result of a word ³abc´. Fig 10 the massage digest of SHA-256 and time require.

Annual Conference on New Trends in Information & Communications Technology Applications-(NTICT'2017)
7 - 9 March 2017


[1] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security

Principles and Practices.: Prentice Hall, November 16,
[2] Volnei A. Pedroni, Circuit Design with VHDL. London,
England: MIT Press, 2004.
[3] N.Sklavos, and O.koufopavlou G.Selimis, "VLSI
implementation of the keyed-hash message authentication
code for the wireless ," in 10th IEEE international
Coference on Electronics, Circuit, and System (ICECS'03),
Dec. 2003, pp. 24-27.
[4] C.P.Su, C.T.Huamg, and C.W.Wu M.W.Wowg, "An
HMAC processor with integrated SHA-1 and MD5
algorithms," in In Proceeding of the 2004 Conference on
Asia South Pacific Design Automation, 2004, pp. 456-458.
[5] A.Kakarountas, A.Miliadonis, and C.Coutis H.Michail,
"Efficient implentation of the keyed-hash message
authentication code (HMAC) using the SHA-1 hash
Fig 11 the massage digest of SHA-224 and time require.
Function," in 11th IEEE International Conference on Asia
South Pacific Design Automation (ASP-DAC'04), 2004,
pp. 567-570.
VII. CONCLUSION [6] D.W.Kim, T.W.Kwon, and R.J.Choi Y.K.Kang, "An
A hash SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256 was implemented efficient implementation of Hash function processor for
using FPGA Spartan-3an. A MIPS processor was designed IPSEC," in Proceeding of IEEE Asia-Pacifie Conference,
using VHDL Xilinx ISE software language with only 2002, pp. 93-96.
instructions that Hash need. This study is a starting point for [7] M.Askar and T.S.Celebi, "Design and FPGA
future studies and can be extended to invoke the algorithm for implementation of Hash processor," in Information
SHA-1, SHA-224 and SHA-256 by using a superscalar MIPS Security and Cryptology Conference (ISC 2007), Ankara,
processor. Turkiya, Dec. 2007, pp. 85-89.

Fig. 12 Xilinx Spartan-3an Device Utilization Summary


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