Quiz 3 - Methodology in TESOL - Ahla Aini Sarmada - 481

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Name : Ahla Aini Sarmada

NIM : 191320000481

Class : 5 PBI A2

1. Give your opinion about the definition of communicative language teaching,

contextual teaching and learning, and genre based approach!
CLT is an approach in language teaching that emphasizes interaction as the means
and ultimate goal of learning.
Teaching that enables learning in which student apply their academic understanding
and abilities in a variety of in-and out of school context to solve simulated or real
world problems, both alone and with others.
Genre based approach is a learning oriented to students’ ability to compose texts. This
learning method is based on text modeling and analysis of its features explicitly and
focuses on the relationship between the text and the context of its use.
2. What are the differences of communicative language teaching, contextual teaching
and learning, and genre based approach?
a. Communicative language teaching
 The primary function of language is for interaction and
 Language is a system for the expression of meaning.
 The activities that truly communicative have features of information
gap, choice, and feedback; they must be guided by the teacher for
unrehearsed situations.
 Authentic materials should be used.
 True communication is purposeful.
 Activities are better carried out in small groups in which interaction
among students are maximized.
b. Contextual teaching and learning
 Making meaningfull connection
 Doing significant work
 Self-regulated learning
 Collaborating
 Critical and creative thinking
 Nurturing the individual
 Reaching high standard
 Using autentic assessment
c. Genre based approach
 Learning language is a social activity
 Students learn language
 Students learn through language
 Language students learn about language
 The Characters are Explicit, Systematic, Needs-based, Supportive,
Empowering, Critical, Consciousness raising.
3. Do you have an experience in teaching English by using communicative language
teaching, contextual teaching and learning, or genre based approach? If yes, please
tell it!
No, but my teacher teaches using communicative language teaching, contextual
teaching and learning, or genre based approach.

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