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Bob Perrin from Zeneca Agrochemicals at Jealotts Hill International Research Station discusses the controlled
delivery of insecticides achieved using capsule suspension formulations

Introduction by researching and developing a range of formulations

It has traditionally been herbicides rather than insecticides which reduce both operator hazards and risks to natural
whose intrinsic biological activity or selectivity has been habitats. Table 1 lists the range of insecticide formulations
optimised through formulation. The use of adjuvants to currently available.
increase the spread of foliar deposits or cuticular uptake are
two typical examples that have met with commercial
success. Most insecticides are produced as emulsifiable Encapsulation technology
concentrates, suspension concentrates, wettable granules or Many novel ideas are generated at the formulater’s
wettable powders, depending on the properties of the active laboratory bench (Woods, 1999), some of which are very
ingredient (a.i.) and the target market, and provide cost- exciting biologically, but only those which meet the strict
effective pest control along with convenience of handling criteria of official registration agencies and promise
and compatibility with spray equipment. Past attempts to commercial viability appear in the market place. Of recent
improve insecticide formulations have usually centred developments, capsule suspensions (CS) have particularly
around greater rainfastness or photostability, rather than appealing prospects for the future (Scher et al., 1998).
reduced environmental risk or the complex issues related to
uptake of dried deposits of a contact-acting compound from What are microcapsules?
a plant surface, systemic movement of a stomach-acting A microcapsule is a 10–3 m to 10–9 m diameter particle,
compound or differential exposure to pests and natural composed of a core material and an outer wall (Tsuji, 1993).
enemies. Several methods of producing these are available, but the
In the 1990s, there has been an increasing demand for use of a process known as interfacial polymerisation based
insecticide products which are not only more active gram for on the condensation of isocyanate or aminoplast monomers
gram, but safer to both operators and the environment, or pre-polymers allows the highest pesticide loading and the
especially aquatic habitats. Registration schemes favour most cost-effective manufacture. The outer wall isolates the
safer and more selective crop protection products, which can core material and protects it from environmental
be achieved either through the intrinsic properties of the degradation and interaction with other materials; it should
chemical itself, or through ways in which the effect is have the following features:
delivered. The common use of aromatic solvents is under
scrutiny for several reasons, including the so-called estrogen ● not react with pesticides
mimic effect, and the agrochemical industry has responded ● not be harmful to the environment

Table 1. Features of the major types of insecticide formulations


WETTABLE POWDER (WP) bulky, dusty, inconvenient,

more hazardous to manufacture than liquids.
WETTABLE GRANULE (WG) low dust, low solvent, suitable for soluble packs and unit dosing, some dispersion problems. Less
easy to measure than liquids.
EMULSIFIABLE CONCENTRATE (EC) simple, robust, versatile, proven, flammable, high solvent content seen as a pollutant.
SUSPENSION CONCENTRATE (SC) simple, robust, generally water-based, not suited to many a.i.’s, some sedimentation problems.
EMULSION IN WATER(EW) water-based, low solvent, some colloidal instability problems, less toxic than EC’s.
MICROEMULSION expensive, chemical stability problems.
CAPSULE SUSPENSION (CS) water-based, low solvent, robust, cost-effective, less toxic than EC’s.
DRY MICROCAPSULE advantages of a CS, less bulky to store than CS or EC.
TABLET convenient, unit dosing, easy to package, good image, some dispersion problems.
GEL good image, suitable for soluble packs and unit dosing, intermediate properties of liquids and

68 Pe s t i c i d e O u t l o o k – A p r i l 2 0 0 0
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
Figure 1. DEMAND CS capsules on
cement 10 weeks after application.
Magnification x 1400.

bait, dust or wettable powder

finished products. The rest of this
article refers to the water-based CS

Microcapsule release
Release rates are governed by the
capsule particle size, the thickness of
the wall and the permeability of the
wall. Small particles with thin walls
and low cross-linking density allow
the fastest possible release, while
large particles with thick walls and
high cross-linking have the slowest
release. The most practical way to
change release rates over orders of
magnitude is to vary wall perme-
ability through its cross-linking
density and chemical composition.
● be stable in storage One product concept is to have variations on these
● be manufactured and processed easily parameters in the same container, for example, a proportion
● be economical that release very rapidly for quick knockdown of pests, and
● have suitable physicochemical properties to provide the a proportion that release slowly to provide residual activity.
required release behaviour of the core materials An active ingredient and a synergist can also be made
compatible through different release rates.
The core materials, e.g. an insecticide, are thus designed to
be released in a controlled fashion. Depending on their
particular design, microcapsule formulations can provide Use of encapsulation technology
combinations of the following characteristics : With their controlled release of active ingredient to a greater
or lesser degree, microcapsules have potential use in public
● improved residual activity health and animal health applications, such as control of
● longer application intervals disease vectors through treatment of building surfaces. The
● reduction in application dosage extended residual activity achieved through encapsulation,
● stabilisation of core ingredients against environmental however, can also find application in agricultural products.
degradation (light, air, humidity, microorganisms etc.) Modern capsules essentially bring the added potential to
● masking of odour “dial up” the properties of the product which are required
● reduction in spray drift for any particular outlet, all the way from very rapid release
● less impact on non-target organisms once spray droplets reach their target, through release which
● better rainfastness is triggered by a specific environmental cue, such as pH,
● improved uptake and systemic movement in plants temperature or light, to delays of weeks or months governed
● less phytotoxicity by slow biological degradation of the capsule material. Not
● constant or delayed biological effect only release rate can be engineered to fit the purpose at
● reduced absorption on porous surfaces hand, but the polymer wall can be used to incorporate other
● improved mammalian toxicological profile features into the product, such as ultra-violet protection,
● reduced environmental pollution substrate affinity, compatibility of several a.i.’s, colour
● reduced volatilisation and leaching coding etc.
● improved compatibility with packaging materials
● safer storage due to reduced flammability Microcapsules in public health
● seed coating with liquid insecticide without using an DEMAND CS capsules (Figure 1) have a volume median
absorbent carrier diameter (VMD) of approximately 12 microns and consist
of a polyurea wall formed by an in situ interfacial condensa-
Microcapsules are usually formulated as a slurry in which tion process (Scher et al., 1998). The capsule wall is strongly
microcapsules are suspended in water (CS formulations). cross-linked with a high ratio of polymethylene-polyphenol-
Various surfactants and suspending agents are added to isocyanate (PMMPI): toluene di-isocyanate (TDI), which
maintain the stability of the formulation. Microcapsules can confers a relatively low permeability to the capsule contents,
also be formulated as dry powders, which can be used for namely the active ingredient, lambda-cyhalothrin, dissolved

Pe s t i c i d e O u t l o o k – A p r i l 2 0 0 0 69
Figure 2. Demand CS capsule on a
cockroach leg. Magnification x 1500.

monomers reside only in the oil phase

and produce a very efficient
asymmetric polyurea wall membrane
(Perrin et al., 1998). Capsules have a
mean diameter (VMD) of 2.5 microns
and an ultra-violet absorber is incor-
porated within the core. Active
ingredient remains within the capsules
in the container, the spray tank and
the spray droplets during atomisation,
offering greater protection to users.
Once capsules lose their water barrier
on a plant surface or insect cuticle,
diffusion begins immediately and is
thought to be complete within a few
hours (Figure 3). Insects pick up the
released contents from the sprayed
surface rather than from intact
capsules. This results in a very similar
biological effect, whether on target or
non-target organisms, to an emulsifiable
in a small amount of aromatic oil. Release of a.i. is very concentrate, whilst significantly improving the toxicological
limited after spray deposits have dried on a substrate such as profile with respect to eye and skin irritation.
cement or wood, diffusion through the capsule wall being Zeon Technology has been widely evaluated for pest
initiated by pick up of capsules on to the lipophilic legs or control in major crops around the world, and provides the
bodies of insects. Intact capsules have been observed by same, and in some cases better, control than seen previously
microscopy on the bodies of cockroaches, flies and ants that with emulsifiable concentrates. It is registered for sale in
make contact with deposits during walking or resting several countries, including the UK, and is the first
(Figure 2) – the so-called ‘trampling effect’. Adult male pyrethroid product to be endorsed by the British Beekeepers
Blattella germanica cockroaches exposed for one minute to Association. There is potential to produce a wide range of
an unglazed tile treated with DEMAND CS at a rate of 30 active ingredient strengths and mean capsule sizes, mixtures
mg a.i. m–2 picked up a mean of 700 capsules, many times of different active ingredients, and to co-formulate with
the lethal dose, which may contribute to the observed synergists or other agents to improve knockdown or residual
improvement in efficacy against resistant strains of activity. Water-based microcapsules also lend themselves to
cockroaches using microencapsulated formulations rather incorporation in solid carriers for ease of handling or
than emulsifiable concentrates (Wege et al., 1999). packaging.
In public health markets, there are other advantages to
inhibiting the initial availability of the active ingredient. For
example, the early symptoms of toxicity of pyrethroids can The future for encapsulation
result in flushing, that is the expulsion of cockroaches from One promising encapsulation technology is triggered (or
their harborages before a lethal dose is acquired. CS formu- stimuli-sensitive) release of capsule contents, where the
lations generally reduce flushing compared to EC and WP trigger to rupture the wall can be something that achieves
formulations. Similarly, a CS formulation of lambda- high specificity of insecticidal effect, such as the alkaline gut
cyhalothrin allows fire ants to be killed before any repellent of lepidopteran larvae like cotton bollworm. This has the
effect occurs. beauty of preventing exposure of chemical to predators and
parasites, important components of IPM programmes, but
Microcapsules in agriculture limiting the application to pests which eat treated plant
In contrast to the requirements for months of persistence on tissue and thus take capsules into their gut. Risks to aquatic
inert surfaces when controlling flies, mosquitoes and habitats could also be minimised through thick-walled
cockroaches, agricultural formulations must provide a rapid triggered capsules. The ultimate trigger to release a toxin is
knockdown effect, especially if the pest is a transmitter of conceivably the presence of the insect or its damage to the
plant viruses, as well as residual activity for several days or crop. Insect saliva or plant defence chemicals, such as
weeks depending on crop growth rates and the pest in salicylic and jasmonic acids, released in response to feeding
question. Fast-release capsules of lambda-cyhalothrin, by pests would be a highly specific trigger that confined
marketed under the trade name “Zeon Technology”, are exposure to those times when, and those locations where
made by an in-situ interfacial polymerisation where the crop protection is needed. Another situation that would

70 Pe s t i c i d e O u t l o o k – A p r i l 2 0 0 0
Figure 3. Dried deposit of Zeon
Technology capsules on an inert
surface, showing broken and partially
emptied capsules. Magnification x 4500.

benefit from trigger technology is the use of baits for ants and Adjuvant Technology, edited by C. L. Foy and D. W.
and cockroaches. These insects are usually repelled by trace Pritchard, pp 43–68, CRC Press, London.
Perrin, R. M. (1997) Crop Protection: taking stock for the new
amounts of chemicals like pyrethroids, so a system which millennium. Crop Protection 16, 449–456.
locks up the insecticide tightly until bait is ingested, would Perrin, R. M.; Wege, P. J.; Foster, D. G.; Bartley, M. R.; Browde, J.;
improve the administration of lethal doses. Stimuli-sensitive Rehmke, A.; Scher, H. (1998). Fast release capsules : a new
polymers to achieve on-demand delivery of active formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin. Proceedings British Crop
ingredients have already found considerable use in non-agri- Protection Conference – Pests and Diseases 1998 1, 43–48.
Scher, H.; Rodson, M.; Lee, K. S. (1998) Microencapsulation of
cultural industries, and should play a valuable part in crop pesticides by interfacial polymerisation utilising isocyanate or
protection in the future (Beestman, 1996). aminoplast chemistry. Pesticide Science 54, 394–400.
Insecticidal action is usually required only at certain Tsuji, K. (1993) Microcapsules of insecticides for household use.
vulnerable periods, when a crop is at risk of yield loss or Pesticide Outlook 4(3), 36.
when disease vectors are active, and beyond this period the Wege, P. J.; Hoppe, M. A.; Bywater, A. F.; Weeks, S. D.; Gallo, T.
S. (1999) A microencapsulated formulation of lambda-
chemical should degrade rapidly before constituting a food cyhalothrin. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
residue or soil leaching hazard. Enzymes or micro-organisms on Urban Pests 1999, 301–310.
could conceivably be incorporated in a separate Woods, T. S. (1999) The formulator’s toolbox - product forms for
compartment alongside the active ingredient, and timed to modern agriculture. In : Pesticide Chemistry and Bioscience :
release when required to eliminate any remaining, unwanted The Food–Environment Challenge, edited by G. T. Brooks and
T. R. Roberts, pp 120–133, Royal Society of Chemistry,
a.i. (Beestman, 1996; Perrin, 1997). Cambridge.
Delivering some of these more sophisticated effects in a
cost-effective and reliable manner is a considerable
challenge, but the controlled release characteristics of micro-
capsule formulations, coupled with their improved toxico-
logical, ecotoxicological and environmental profiles, should Bob Perrin has been a senior entomologist with Zeneca Agrochemi-
cals for 22 years and is responsible for the laboratory and field
ensure for them a bright future. evaluation of all novel insecticide formulations. In recent years, he
has co-ordinated extensive testing of Zeon Technology and is
References currently researching the application of triggered release capsules of
Beestman, G. W. (1996) Emerging Technology: The Bases For New lambda-cyhalothrin.
Generations of Pesticide Formulation. In: Pesticide Formulation

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