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My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement
“The purpose of education is to produce not just good learners, but also good people”

I always believe that being a teacher is a calling. It is not just a job, but a special
vocation, with the greatest purpose. For every life you touch, you make a difference,
either you influence them to do good or to become liabilities of the community. As a
steward, the best thing we can contribute is to provide them with a learning
environment where they are motivated to learn and grow. Remember, the kind of
classroom we create today, is the kind of future we are going to have.
I am a teacher who puts great importance on both academic performance and
values formation of my learners. I prepared lessons not just to enhance their academic
skills, but I also make sure that at the end of the lesson they learned values to help them
live in harmony with others and their environment. In a way, I am preparing them to be
globally competent and wise at the same time.

Rules and Procedures

“If the goal is to have children take responsibility for their behaviors, teachers must allow
students to make decisions about what is right and wrong”

Every school year, along with getting to know each other, I always include
setting the rules. As usual I will tell my class of the Golden Rule, and together we will
try to understand what it means. I will discuss with them, why rules and procedures
are important in the classroom. Then, I will ask them what other rules can we
implement for a harmonious classroom environment. Thus, giving everybody a chance
to make a decision about what is right and wrong. This will give them a sense of
accountability, for they themselves, craft the rules. For constant reminders, these rules
and procedures, shall be posted on the walls.
Pupils will also be prompted that assignments and projects should be passed,
as these are one of the indicators in assessing them. Since 21 st century learners are more
engage in group activities, everyone is encouraged to participate and be involved in all
learning task.
To help augment the learning difficulties and to enhance other pupils reading
ability, I will set partnership with parents by giving them reading materials and
tracking forms, so they to, will know the reading level of their child. When parents get
involve in their children’s education, pupils are most likely to excel in class.

Classroom Arrangement
I am assigned to a newly created Grade 1 section, my classroom used to be a
Home Economics Building, and I am to occupy only the living room area. The
classroom size is a challenge, but I want to make the best of it anyway.
Desks are to be arranged in a way that there will still be easy access for both pupils
and I. I love to walk around during discussion as one of my strategy of keeping
everyone attentive, so if the space permits, there should be space in the center aisle for
easy movement and for group activities.
Shelves will be placed at the back or at the sides and should not cover the
windows for proper ventilation. Portfolios and other instructional materials will be
organized in the shelf. Only the most essential posters will be hung on the walls.
As a 21st century teacher, I also plan on purchasing either a projector or a
television for a more comprehensible and fun-filled learning.
A few a potted plant will also have to accentuate my classroom for a livelier
learning environment.

Misbehavior and Absences Interventions

  “Students must know that they are cared about and valued regardless of their behavior”

Teachers are also important models for behavior. Our lives are our living
testimony for our learners. Our way of managing our problems will show the learners
the importance of being reasonable, consistent and firm.
Misbehaving pupils are inevitable characters in the classroom. Since children are
still differentiating right from wrong, everyday there will always be one, if not more
who will be in the bad light. So how should I plan to manage them? One of the things I
value most, is my pupil’s dignity, so scolding them in front of everybody is a big NO. If
they derailed, from doing the right thing, I will talk to the child after the class. I will
explain to him/ her why his/her behavior is disturbing the class. Or I will ask him/ her
what causes him/ her to do such thing, then perhaps we can come up with ways to help
him/her. If the misbehavior continues, parents should be notified and conference with
them is a must, so the child can be helped.
With regards to absences, I will let my pupils understand how essential is their
everyday attendance. Letting them realize that their presence matters will motivate
them to be in school every day. If the absences continue, I will do a home visitation to
understand his/her actions. An action plan with the parents can be done to help the
child cope with the class.

Classroom Safety
A child-friendly classroom is a teacher’s standard in setting the classroom
environment. It may be impossible to remove all the dangers but at least we can do
something to minimize accidents or any unwanted incidents.
First things first, I will model observation of safety procedures and attitudes. For
instance, washing my hands with soap and water or sanitizing with alcohol is now a
habit that we should all practice. With the threat of recent pandemic, there is now a
need to disinfect before and after the class.
In organizing my classroom, every object that will be place inside will be taken
into consideration. Hazardous objects should be kept out of reach or labeled properly.
Heavy posters should be hung or nailed tightly to keep them from falling. As we
already practice in the school, evacuation plan is posted near the door to remind the
learners of the safest place to run in case of emergency.
Classroom safety is more than the physical aspect, its scope also comprises the
emotional aspect of the child. So as a teacher, I will let them feel that my classroom is
also their class home where they are loved, respected, listened to and allowed to be
themselves. Name calling and bullying should never be tolerated as these things can
threaten children.
Learning is at its best when a child feels safe and respected.

Student/Pupil Celebration
Very Good! Great! Spectacular! I’m proud of You! These are just simple words,
yet, they produce the greatest impact. Young or old, when given these compliments,
put the biggest smile on the face and joy to the heart. Imagine, what praises and
rewards can do, when we give them to our learners.
I have always been generous to my pupils when it comes to rewards and praises.
Even with little improvements, I see to it that their efforts are recognized. I have boxes
of rubber stamps which motivates them to do their best all the time. It’s amazing how
kids can get so inspired with these stars and smileys.
It has also been my tradition to rewards learners with book marks when they
show improvement in reading or when they finish reading series of stories, I gave them.
Learners who complete the quarter without absences are also given simple token and
are recognized.
I also want to place a ‘Wall of Fame’ in the room, where the best output is to be
placed. Learners will be driven to continue doing better and others will emulate those
who are doing great job.
I believe that our kids are all talented and smart, the just need a little push and a
nudge to amaze us of what they are capable of.

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