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Hecture Notes evnags! + oy doo Unom INTROS “LO Definition: Sorat. + <3 reywsitive, perivtlic and oscillatory responses of a mechanical system. The undersssading « ons is important Zor humans, particularly engineers, as there are desirable + oP asian silt as those genevared by musical instruments. and by sibrators sedge oa, ectaste tal part cdl ‘and undesirable and harmful types of i vibration sui as 0 ove generated by machinery tnd construction equipment, rond irregularities, 7; and duc 09.6.1 yy ke Definition. se Ssqsssney ot 4 vibvation is the, sunnber of vibration cycles completed in one | second, 1essred iu ert (Hl). | Detinitinss Vee fs vibration is the time taken to complete one vibration cycle, measure \ Types of Vi 28 1 Nee Jive mecheuical vibration, this a manifestation of the oscillatory bot ‘hanieal aystem, in the absence of an external force, as a result of | repel change so kinetic andl potential energies among, inertial (masses) and thiets apesues elortetis of the system, The frequency of free vibrations is called free or wns 8 ut isan Important property ofa vibrating system. 2 bv (his kind of vibration iy due to external forces that excite a system. ste as Tnees ave sejetitve oF periodic disturbing forees ereated by unbalance Tile ionatl os have the same frequency With the periodic excitation forces ' Vine. the eveitation frequency of fhe system équals its natural frequency, resonance © weellies of this that the system vibrates with a higher amplitude. a vidonch 1s te «nergy of the vibrating system is dissipated with every whe tha wibration is said co ee damped. The loss of energy is usually as a reaule i sana 1-tvsen the aysiem components and the air or medium in which the vibration 4 ve nose, the elleet of damping is that the amplitude of the vibration cycles keep r ann the vibration Stops. . j 1 di «i Vinvutiour When the particles ofthe oscillating body move parallel to the 4 2, ‘Tronaveese Vibvation: ‘When he particles of the oscillating body move approximately i Gye ani of the shut ‘Seanne wih CamScanet NATURAL - RE! Consider th 1 8 + k(x +8) Epes pL w=ma wang a Fig.d Figc “The spring, of nevtiyible mass, intially at an ansteained position (Fig. a) is deflected by an amount. 8, tue ty clas mass, wm (Fig. b). ‘The mass spring system is further displaced by an amount, «Lyn intial external force From Fig. b by Ho ae’ law, y= KS ae > In Where, clerstion due to 8 = static u. tection ofspring due to mass, a Sew os eyed! spot rae -ayat hoe 6 ait rina dO 7 ibe +020 ‘canna wih CamScanet c= sjvimg constant that reflects the stifiness of the spring. It is the force required fora sic dis, aceament in the direction ofthe vibration ofthe spring, m= saass.i the body suspended from the spring. In Fig. ¢, su the ns is displaced fom its equibrium postion by a distance, % and released, the restoriy:orce uc is equal tothe displacement force is given by, a nF =mg-k(6+x) mg =k a SS = kb - KS — hee ae dx ng = ke nS + fox fy hye to: fon. Simple Harmonie Motion, ve kno that Styx =0 ———_——— (9) sane (1), we bia i ‘Since the sysvem i i fee vibration, 9 becomes ty, which isthe natural or fe vibration frequen \ She oto denen he ato the ibraion yes in rad/s \\ ‘ i xh 2} bees I} ——— (5) This is the second | 7 . vibrational uiotion. aun anee i i ‘| | i {gga the oton to (ay be wen as il se Cyettnt + Gere iy ia = Cy(cosugt + ism og) + C(608 gt — fin gt) vai) paloneioed weceth ipa) ~ G@at al ae Gegten we aE Grae | ‘canna wih CamScanet Where A= O40 | B=i(G-C) 1s \ and B are determined by the initial conditions of the motion, i A teen sea — ld depot Ton = indeh bedye @ 4e> sw le=) =A Gsd+ bho = 4 Ditlerens (6) with respect to we have ren : _ pogsinagt +Boycosmt Fy o + 8-0[ez5l a Suistitus ng dand , we have [ema aud psT= athe moron of he as sping sem is RARSHIETE ete Equation (> illustiate AL the motion is repes olin time ¢= 7, such that ce BK “Pb smut sgueney a vibration i given by f= 4/9 fot ——_ f= ee hi Tabingg = 98Lms"2, ‘Seanne wih CamScanet (10) The value vi + ine 10, may Le found from the given conditions of the problem. For longit, aly ious, it may be obtained from L jos@ |_—_____ ay beng: Sen: joe Go detection (extension oF contraction of a constraint) = wl \. oad attached to the free end of the constraint EA Young's Modulus of the constraint Fon cth of the constraint os-seotional area of constraint NATURAL (REC UENCY OF FREE UNDAMPED TRANS VERSE VIBRATIONS Consider a sft ot Dole mms fixed! at one end carrying a mass, m,at the other end. Jean Position ~~ Following » lar tations as with longitudinal vibrations, the natural frequency of vibration is given by Whe = Bi ‘Scanne wih CamScanet 1» periodie time yaanfi : Th He stillness of the shaft j static deflection of the shaft ‘The shape oil the cave into which the vibrating shaft deflects is identical with the state deflection © vee vautilever beam loaded at one end (Recall your Strength of Materials . Jectures) “Vie stati collection of the vibrating sha is therefore given by, | we 3ET Whore A hal a Free end of satin N length of the shaft or bear, in Young's Moclalus for the material of the shaft or beam, in N/m! Moment of inertia for the shaft or beam, in For a cantilever sl ut) wish a uniformly distributed load, x, per unit length, the static deflection at the free ord ofthe sliult is, - wt geL Example: \ swil ver shat 80mm diameter and 00mm long has a disc of mass 1OOkg at its free fend, The Yoouna’s .alulus for the shaft material is 200GN/ ne, Determine the frequency of the Tongitudinna wid tu. nsverse vibrations of the shalt Solu ‘The frequencies of silt longitudinal and transverse vibrations are given by pow Sts For lonsitud ut vibration, 00kg x 9.81m/s? = 981N wl? _ 10 (0.05)? 4 0.002m? ‘Scanne wih CamScanet Fe cram FREE VIKA TIC We already now tion is re red vibration + thus the nes it could bx canbe sc constraint vc? ‘sgustrain Spring syste Damping, ys ides which is; purtic the vibrotios ale neti Consider 8. sss mass ig susy.cuded between the sass the equi no Let mo oss Ae spring » d= tie j= 8x0 es _ 73 7 Biariarxoues = 736 10-7m 1.985 10 S812 sorse vibration, _we x (0.05)* tnt Ba 7 3.068 x 10-7 e710) Sepetiresceni? ~ 1439 x 10m aaa \= OF DAMPED SYSTEMS: «cs samping, Damping d ping 1 1b ofalsplacement, velocity, gue uporating a arbitrary cad to the amneant of damping, hail resistance is called viseaus damping. The viscous damping model is commonly used in engineering to model hie first power of veloc Le sestem with viseous lists one end of aut the eco be derived as illustrated below Tin som fe spring con Hivient (damping forve per unit velocity) elo tna ofthe spring due to the mass sed by frictional forces. In vibrating systems, the effect of scribes the scenario where energy is lost and the removed. All real systems exhibit da lls. he act description of damping systems is difficule; stress or some other factors. In general, damping unction, which decreases with time and_a to the equation of motion for a mass~ nping as shown ‘spring and the other end is fixed. A damper is provided rigid support. When the system is given an initial pull and released, sping, the figure below; in which a ‘Scanne wih CamScanet ro tspla Fi ‘Accelerati. .vce Spring for — cx From the fy beh Equation systemwit) wot This equutio sav Note that“! = 4% evaluating, «+ ay ‘The two rvs ure; Equation. it whose ili. tee 0 Fa in 1 of the miass fiom the equilib al or vamp nn fare um position after time, ¢ a ex bo antsy = mS «ial equation ofa second order describing the motion of a mass spring Lt BO= hou see) = Heke S10 = Aa eoegict- As%e*, Substituting these values in ee (18) and, mie t Herre (4) z ction for the aystent and it has to roots, By Almighty formula, we 1) Aol eit + Chet Leg He = 4mk Ne =0 am S ty = ae _«uous second order differential equation with a solution of the form: | wit test k=O en Veen slution to equation (13). Ci and C, ire arbitrary constants } ial eonditions of the motion of the mass. ‘carne wih CamScanet Irmay be Case 1: i, When the said to be « not oscills system m. position, i ‘overdam). shown be Case 2 M1 Whea the » the mass. overdamp. position, i ‘The genera! solutiw su° this motion becomes, ‘The critic critical di Sth © cul semay cither be real, complex conjugate (imaginary) or equal eo 4 md distinct -ANK7o | (He): and distinc a One Sar istiuct (they are both negative) ie. when c? > 4m, the system is endan pot ‘ass moves slowly to the equilibrium position, the system does J =O. 44 Huet, depending on the initial conditions, the mass of an overdamped oF ivi not eross over its equilibrium position. If it crosses the equilibrium dc isi only once. This motion is known as aperiodic. In actual situations, ra’ sa. avoided. ‘The graph of the displacement of an overdamped system is ate | () and equal chamk=o; C*= Anis. hae sual equal iv. c? = 4mk, the system is said to be eritically damped and 1 |uis to the equilibrium position in the shortest possible time. Just like the se, 1 system docy not oseillate (ff=0). And if at all it crosses the equilibrium 1) = (6 +6.) es" = (C +6) ett ——____ (16) j ap iivient, «, may be gotten by substituting ¢ for cin the condition for \ Si a ‘Scanne wih CamScanet ee This is u. ot Mathemat 1 Cases: Mio ne ‘When the a to have si. mo case of dia ‘The routs ut few ' The most. cial spring syst. itl Fe MA When initss cordi wor ¢ Lissyping Ratio .ctual damping coefficient, ¢ to the critical damping coefficient, ¢. factor c Chemie

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