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Jessica Nguyen – z5312207 LAB: Shinjiro Ushiama Tuesday AM

Arid and coastal environments

The Darwinian demon plant is especially adapted to arid and coastal environments. The
demon’s long and strongly anchored roots covered in root hairs increasing surface area to
volume ration; allowing the plant to reach deep into the soil accessing and absorbing water
as well as nutrients. Its fleshy leaf base covered in spines providing significant water
storage for the rest of the plant. Water stored the fleshy leaf base can be utilise during
times of drought, or when bush fires occur the leaves shrink driving water storage into the
roots allowing the plant to survive. The demon possesses similar traits to cactus plants
that would survive in drought conditions in arid environments. For example, Opuntioid
Cacti or prickly pears is a pest species found in Western Australia and South Australia in
desert or coastal areas. The prickly pear has distinctive thorns covering the fleshy leaves
of the cacti; this adaptation allows the cacti to reduce the surface area as a means of
protection against dehydrated animals (Torrey Pines Docent Society , 2019). To conserve
water the stomata close during the day and will only open at night. However, without
sunlight the prickly pear cannot utilise carbon dioxide immediately, instead it is stored as
malic acid and converted into carbon dioxide during the day for photosynthesis
(Torrey Pines Docent Society , 2019). Interestingly, the prickly pear can also secrete Opuntioid Cacti (Department of
a sugar solution to attract ants to drive away herbivore insect, allowing protection Primary Industries and Regional
through mutualism. However, the demon’s fleshy base is mainly responsible for water Development, 2020)
storage rather than photosynthesis.

As the length of the demon extends the stem remains fleshy whilst covered with silica fibres
for structural support as well as to protect the plant from water loss. These silica fibres also
act as protect against predators causing splitters and even lung damage, also acting as a barrier
against pathogens. Leaf size is long and narrow as well as thick and waxy, facing away from
the sun reducing transpiration loss whilst still maximising carbon gains when photosynthesis
occurs. Leaves most exposed to light intensity will increase biochemical pathways for
anthocyanins (red pigmentation), acting as a UV protector to avoid oxidation of cells. In
addition to its waxy cuticles the demon forms an extra layer of silica under the leaf’s epidermis,
reducing any water loss through cuticular transpiration as well as making the cell wall’s
strength and enhancing UV tolerance. The high silica composition on leaves alleviates salt
stress as it inhibits Na+ and Cl- uptake, in costal environments. To dominate an area the leaves,
dry out and drop during long periods of droughts secreting allelochemicals to inhibit
germination of surrounding plant life to exploit surrounding resources such as soil nutrients
and water. This intense leaf structure is like leaves in the eucalyptus family located all over
Australia growing in sunny, dry climates. The leaf anatomy of many eucalyptus genus are Eucalyptus leaves
responsive to climatic conditions especially heat. Eucalyptus are located in arid areas their leaves are adapted to
be thick and a high oil gland density to reduce water loss (Ali, Abbas, Hameed, Naz, & Zafar, 2009). These leaves
have a thick epidermis, larger cortical cells, and increased sclerification, again for reducing water loss when
moisture is limited and for better storage of moister to combat harsh environmental conditions such as drought
and high salinity (Ali, Abbas, Hameed, Naz, & Zafar, 2009). Many plants and trees such as the genus Melaleuca
trees, Asian rice, oats, sugar cane etc. grown in dry climates have a high silica presence to reduce abiotic and
biotic stresses such as drought, metal-pollution, diseases, salinity and even protecting these plants from predators
(Luyckx, Hausman, Lutts, & Guerriero, 2017).

The demon possesses seed heads, they are protected

by a hairy, fibrous silica shell for bush fire resistance,
this is released when optimal conditions arise for the
seed to germinate. These seed heads attached closely
to the stem however are light and can carried over
long distances by wind or animals. The seeds also
possess allopathic chemicals to reduce the presence
of competition when placed into the environment.
Many Australian grasses such as the Kangaroo grass
have seed heads adapted for natural processes such
as seed dispersal by wind, water and animals
(Department of Primary Industries, 2020).. The seed
heads ripen early to ensure a viable seed is available
for germination whilst increasing chances of Kangaroo grass (Victorian Native Seed, 2011)
seedling’s survival in varied climates. The light and
fluffy structure of native grass seeds are also vital in helping the seed to position itself in a suitable microclimate
for germination and seedling establishment (Department of Primary Industries, 2020).

The demon has an aggressively protective structure, strong drought and salt resilience, against coastal and arid
elements. This allows it to dominate the two environments particularly in Australia compared to plants with similar

Ali, I., Abbas, S. Q., Hameed, M., Naz, N., & Zafar, S. (2009). Leaf anatomical adapation in some exotic species of
eucalyptus L'Her. (Myrtaceae) . Pak. J. Bot., 41(6), 2717-2727.

Department of Primary Industries. (2020). Department of Primary Industries. Retrieved Jul 13, 2020, from

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. (2020). Department of Primary Industries and
Regional Development'. Retrieved Jul 5, 2020, from

Luyckx, M., Hausman, J.-F., Lutts, S., & Guerriero, G. (2017). Silicon and Plants: Current Knowledge and
Technological Perspectives. Front. Plant Sci, 411, 8.

Torrey Pines Docent Society . (2019). Cactus Adaptation and Conservation. Torrey Pines Docent Society.

Victorian Native Seed. (2011). Victorian Native Seed. Retrieved 5 July, 2020, from

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