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1. Based on Nolte’s poem, which plays a very important role in the socio-emotional
development of children.

ANSWER: The environment in the home played the important role in the social-
emotional development of children because the children what they say in the home in
their eyes is right to do it outside.

2. From what kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most
probably come? What about maladjusted children?

ANSWER: The child who lives in friendliness because they can easily adjust because
they can live with different people which he came friend. The mal-adjusted is child who
live with pity because he always feel himself being sorry. He cannot express himself
strongly always with the guild in herself.

3. State in a sentence what the poem is saying about a child’s socio-emotional


ANSWER: The child’s socio-emotional development it is depend how the parents or

home influence the child socio-development because the children what they see is the
right to do.

1. Observe one 1) 0-6 months infant; 2) 7-12 months infant; 3) 1318 months infant
and 4) 19-24 month. old infant. Refer to “What Infants and Toddlers Can Do Socio-
emotionally” from Childhood Care and Development (ECCD). Put a check (/ ) on those
items that you observed the infants/toddler demonstrated.
2. Share your observations in class. a) What can the infants and toddlers do?

Baby and Adult Caregiver
 Baby attachment is the deep emotional connection that a baby forms with his or
her primary caregiver, often the mother. It is a tie that binds them together, endures
over time, and leads the infant to experience pleasure, joy, safety, and comfort in the
caregiver's company.
Toddler and Adult Caregiver
 Times for eating and sleeping should be flexible: feed infants on demand and put
them down to sleep when they need it; have snacks on hand for toddlers and suggest
rest if they are tired. As much as possible, allow them to play alone or interact with
caregivers and other children when they choose.
My interpretation in the context of Erikson’s Theory
 This theory focus on the importance of early experiences. This allows us to
emphasize the social nature of human beings and the important influence that social
relationships have on development. Erikson was more concerned with how
responsive caretakers are to a child's needs


1. What does the social phenomenon of attachment mean in an infant’s and toddler’s
healthy socio-emotional development? - Understanding

The infant/toddler

a. wants to interact with people and the world

b. understands that mother continues to exist even if she is not seen
c. needs to establish an enduring emotional bond manifested in a tendency to maintain
closeness to a specific figure.
d. thrives on social interaction

2. Which is/are TRUE of the infant and toddler socio-emotionally? –Analysis

I. Can self-regulate feelings/emotions

II. Capable of empathy
III. Develops healthy attachments to significant adults
A. l and II C. l and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III

3. Which does an infant learn when caregivers are neglectful or even abusive?

I. Learns mistrust
II. Learns trust
III. Learns that the world is hostile

A. I and III C. I and II

B. II and III D. I, II and III

1. Based on stories you heard from your parents and grandparents about your first
three years in the world, reflect on the kind of home environment you have had as an
infant and as a child? How has it affected you?

ANSWER: According to my parents in first 3 year in this world I am very shy and jealous
to my cousin. I had very happy home but not ridicule. It is not affect myself because I
grow friendly and I shared my things to my friends .

2. One theme of Erikson’s basic philosophy is that failure is cumulative.

ANSWER: We will learn a lot from our failure, because in failure we remember our
mistake and we try not to make failure by accessing or remembering our mistake.

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