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Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (Read the

instructions at the
(Infancy and Childhood) end before putting
scores here)
___6. When people try to persuade me to do something I don’t
want to, I refuse
___7. After I have made a decision, I feel I have made a mistake.
___8. I am unnecessarily apologetic.
___9. I worry that my friends will find fault with me.
___10. When I disagree with someone, I tell them.
Total Score Stage 2

Stage 3: Initiative vs Guilt (Read the
instructions at the
(Infancy and Childhood) end before putting
scores here)
___11. I am prepared to take a risk to get what I want.
___12. I feel hesitant to try out a new way of doing something.
___13. I am confident in carrying out my plans to a successful
___14. I feel what happens to me is the result of what have done
___15. When I have difficulty in getting something right, I give up.
Total Score Stage 3

Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority (Read the
instructions at the
(Infancy and Childhood) end before putting
scores here)
___16. When people look at something I have done, I feel
. ___17. I get a great deal of pleasure from working
. ___18. I feel too incompetent to do what I would really like to do in
___19. I avoid doing something difficult because I feel I would fail.
___20. I feel competent.
Total Score Stage 4

Stage 5: Identity vs Identity Diffusion (Read the
instructions at the
(Adolescence) end before putting
scores here)
___21. I wonder what sort of person I really am.
___22. I feel certain about what I should do with my life.
. ___23. My worth is recognized by others.
___24. I feel proud to be the sort of person I am.
___25. I am unsure as to how people feel about me.
Total Score Stage 5

Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation (Read the
instructions at the
(Early Adulthood) end before putting
scores here)
___26. I feel that no one has ever known the real me
___27. I have a feeling of complete “togetherness” with someone
. ___28. I feel it is better to remain free than to become committed to
marriage for life
. ___29. I share my private thoughts with someone.
___30. I feel as though I am alone in the world.
Total Score Stage 6
1. If you were Nic, what would you do?

ANSWER: I will tell our parents that Ryan will go to a concert.

2. Why would you choose to do that? What were the things you considered in deciding what
to do?

ANSWER: I will do it because it is the right thing to do and to have no regrets at the end. In
deciding, I consider the safety of Ryan and also the feelings of our parents afterwards
In what level of moral development did your response to the dilemma fall? Reflect about
what this indicates about your moral reasoning in this moral dilemma.

Stage 5 – “Yes I will tell because Ryan might be hurt or get in trouble and his welfare is our

Stage 6 – “Yes I will tell because lying is always wrong and I want to be true to what I believe

ANSWER: Because of so much negativity around us, we may begin to believe and accept that
we are less caring. When I am young, I am just concerned about the material things or the
reward that I would get from telling or not telling the truth but as I grow older, I realized that
the life of the person you love is the most important thing to consider and no material things
can replace it. We must learn to love and care for each other without limits.

1. Identify the stage of moral development shown in the following:

Social Approval. 1. Joy allows her classmates to copy her homework so that they will think she
is kind and will like her to be their friend

Punishment/obedience. 2. Ricky does everything to get passing grades because his Mom will
take his play station away if he gets bad grades.

Social Contract. 3. A civic action group protests the use of pills for family planning, saying that
although the government allows this, it is actually murder because the pills are abortifacient
(causes abortion).

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