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Learning Episodes:

Week 1

Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________

Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

7 benefits of regular physical activity:

1. It helps in the improvement of mental health.

2. It helps in the improvement of our cardiovascular system
3. It helps to have stronger bones, muscles, and joints and a lower risk of developing

4. It helps us manage our weight better.

5. It helps in the improvement of body fitness.
6. Increase your chances of living longer
7. Improve our ability to perform daily tasks and keep us from becoming easily fatigued.
VI. Processing of Understanding: (validating knowledge and concept learned)
1.Learning Journal Entry
Week 1 (continuation)
Instruction: Read and answer the following essential questions. Submit your answers in a hard
copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your name,
course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts
and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________

Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

1.Which of the new information is most significant to you? Why?

The most important thing that is significant to me is that including exercise in our daily routine is
critical since it may bring several benefits to everyone. It, for example, improves both physical
and mental health, boosts calorie expenditure, and is a crucial regulator in managing body

2. Which part of the topic that is not clear to you?

All of the concepts are really clear and thoroughly described to me. There isn't a single aspect of
the subject that I don't understand. The topic's major points are properly defined, and examples
are provided so that we may understand what type of activity is covered for that specific
VII. Elaboration (Synthesizing by means of relating lesson significance and values being

integrated to real life undertaking and endeavour.

Week 2
Instruction: Read and answer substantially the essential question below. Submit your answers in
a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your
name, course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal
Arts and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________

Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

1. In your own words what does physical exercise mean?

Physical exercise, in my own words, is the performance of some activity in order to build or
maintain physical fitness and general health. It is frequently used to improve athletic ability or

2. In your own understanding what is the difference between physical activity and exercise?

The difference between physical activity and exercise, in my opinion, is that physical activity is
any action carried out by the muscles that requires energy. In other terms, it is any movement
made by a human. Exercise is defined as deliberate, planned, systematic, repeated, and
purposeful movement. Exercise can also help you develop or maintain your physical fitness.
VIII. Deepening: (moving forward and additional performance task)

Week 2 ( continuation)
Instruction: Read and answer substantially the essential questions below.Submit your answers in
a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your
name, course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal
Arts and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________

Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

1. Give the four types of exercise and describe each?

Endurance or aerobic exercise, strength, balance, and flexibility are the four forms of exercise.
This form of exercise is beneficial to our body, and practicing it can increase our capacity to do
others. Aerobic or endurance, we know it as cardio by definition, and aerobic implies breathing
with oxygen, in which doing this exercise increases our breathing and heart rate and mostly
improves our cardiovascular system. Strength training primarily focuses on increasing our
strength through the use of resistance to cause muscular contractions, which causes our muscles
to work harder than usual. Exercise assesses a joint's capacity to move across its whole range of
V. Learning Episodes:
week 3
Instruction: Read and answer the following essential questions. Submit your answers in a hard
copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your name,
course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts
and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________

Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

1. In your own ideas what does the term cardiovascular endurance mean?

In my opinion, the term "cardiovascular endurance" refers to the ability to maintain a higher
heart rate and breathing rate for a longer amount of time. Cardiovascular endurance may be
achieved by constant exercise over a lengthy period of time. Cardiovascular activity boosts your
body's capacity to absorb oxygen from the environment, transport it to the lungs, and distribute it
throughout the circulation. An increase in the supply of oxygen to cells in the body will allow
them to operate to their full potential. Furthermore, cardiovascular activity helps the heart (which
is a muscle) become bigger and stronger, allowing more blood to be pushed out with each beat.
The heart does not have to beat as rapidly or work as hard if more blood is pushed out with each

2. List down at least 10 cardiovascular exercise.

1. Jogging

2. Swimming

3. Cycling

4. Walking briskly

5. Hiking

6. Jumping rope
7. Stair climbing

8. Rowing

9. Dancing

10. Brisk walking

VI. Processing of Understanding: (validating knowledge and concept learned)
1.Learning Journal Entry
Week 4
Instruction: Read and answer the following essential questions. Submit your answers in a hard
copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your name,
course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts
and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________

Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

1. How does cardiovascular endurance benefit you?

Cardiovascular endurance can benefit us by tracking how well our hearts, lungs, and muscles
perform throughout moderate to high-intensity activity. Increasing cardio respiratory endurance
boosts oxygen absorption in the lungs and heart, allowing a person to engage in physical activity
for longer periods of time.

2. Does flexibility exercise considered an exercise?

Exercises that increase flexibility are classified as exercises, because they are sometimes known
as range-of-motion exercises or simply stretching. They keep your muscles pliable and your
joints mobile. Exercises in flexibility should feel like "comfortable tension." You simply sense
stretching, never agony.
VII. Elaboration (Synthesizing by means of relating lesson significance and values being
integrated to real life undertaking and endeavour.

Week 5
Instruction: Read and answer substantially the essential question below. Submit your answers in
a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your
name, course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal
Arts and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points
Name: Aini Mahari A. Mahari Date: ____________
Crs./Yr./Sec. BSPH 1-A
Teacher’sName: Rhazzel Alan M. Asda

1. What is the best way to improve flexibility?

Stretching, both static and dynamic, is the most effective approach to increasing flexibility.
Reaching forward to a point of tension and retaining the stretch is what static stretching entails.
Holding the stretch for 15 to 60 seconds is recommended. Dynamic stretching is a type of
functional stretching that uses sport-specific motions to prepare the body for action. If practiced
too strongly, dynamic stretching might be slightly harmful. To avoid damage, do not perform
workouts too quickly before your body has had time to adjust. Another approach to keeping your
flexibility is to complete a good cool-down. Allowing your body to cool down helps lactic acid
to gradually exit muscular tissues.

2. Why do you need flexibility exercises?

We need flexibility exercises since they are an important component of physical fitness and have
several health benefits. For example, it increases mobility, posture, and muscular coordination,
as well as lowering the chance of injury and muscle pain. It even results in a better overall
"shape." It mostly enhances your range of motion and makes specific workouts simpler to do.
Flexibility may be achieved through a variety of methods, including stretching, foam rolling, and
regular workouts. Stretching before working out, in essence, improves blood flow to the muscles.
The hip flexor is the finest illustration of this, since it shortens over time as a result of our
excessive sitting. Limited flexibility causes "stiffness" and limits you in your daily life and when
you exercise.

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