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Screenwriting Process Questions:

I’m interested in using “silence” as one of the contributing factors for building up the worl-
dview of my story idea. However, I’m worried that I may overuse it and it may look like my
story is empty with the frequent silence. How could I make it show that it is a comforting
silence instead of an empty and deafening silence?

I would like to ask What makes a script sufficient? How can you tell that the content is
enough to start filming?

Some movies have almost the same theme. It’s always about love, family, friendship, hard-
ships, injustice, etc. As a screenwriter/writer, how do you manage not to use certain words
repeatedly? How do you make a script that is totally different from another script but they
have the same theme?

Have you ever considered writing for a silent film? What are the technicalities of writing

Is it essential to incorporate a piece of your character (as a person) into your story?

What do you find in a story? What do you think is the factor that makes it stick to its prem-

How do you write the rising action of the film? Is it necessary to always have a confrontation

What’s the best way to write the ending?

What is the most challenging part in revising a screenplay?

Screenplays are written in 3rd person objective (POV) and the audiences (mostly) do not
have access inside the characters’ minds (unlike in some books written in 1st person POV),
and so, oftentimes it is hard for the audiences to empathize or connect with the characters.
What is/are the effective way/s (to consider) in working and showing character depth/works
(to ensure audiences are gripped, hooked, empathetic towards our characters) when writ-
ing a screenplay?

What are the things you look for when editing/revising a first draft screenplay?

What are your tips on creating a series of conflicts and solving them throughout the story?

Four Sisters and a Wedding”-related questions:

Is there a creative process that you followed in writing the film, “Four Sisters and a Wed-

In Four sisters and a wedding, how many revision did it take to finalize the script?
Can you recall any scene from the movie Four sisters and a wedding that weren’t in the
original screenplay? Or that were in original screenplay but was not included in the final

What is your inspiration on making Four Sisters and a Wedding? May I know if the An-
gel-Mocha rambulan is an improv or originally part of the script?

Questions about you as a screenwriter:

How did you know that writing is really for you?

Does sometimes writing exhaust you?

Why did you choose po to be a screenwriter?

What do you consider as your greatest strength po as a screenwriter?

What is your downfall as a writer?

Which part of writing process do you love the most?

Looking at your previous experiences over the years as a screenwriter, what is the most
significant lesson that you learned which greatly impacted your outlook on screenwriting?

How influential is your personal philosophy when it comes to your craft?

Do you have a writing routine?

Do you ever get discouraged in writing and why? What keeps you going?
CINESTHESIA: BU Film Society’s Filmmaking Webinars
October 23, 2021, Zoom (2:00 PM – 5:00 PM)

2nd episode: Screenwriting with Vanessa R. Valdez

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Final Technical Rehearsal

1:30 PM – 2:00 PM Registration and Welcome Participants
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM Reminders/Webinar House Rules
2:10 PM – 2:15 PM Ice Breaker
2:15 PM – 2:20 PM Introduction of Guest Speaker
2:20 PM – 3:20 PM Open Forum
3:20 PM – 3:30 PM Ice Breaker (10-minute break)
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Story Pitching
4:30 PM onwards Awarding of Certificate
Photo Opportunity
Closing Remarks

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