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Product Name (For

employment/Business -
Sum Insured ACCidont Care Poiicy World Wide Coverage to5
Based on the
Monthly Income derved from gain full Lakh
3 years
Options in Lakhs) Jyrs l-Retums, Along wilh audiled Profit and Loss Stalemeniy
Policy Tem(Options) 1 year
2 years ,en
One pa

Lire lth at least

Age of Entry & Individual-Aged een
Children betveen
behween 18 yrs. To 70 yrs. Renewal up to covered
Renewals 5 months to 25yrs. Can be covereu
Family cover (non-
Renewed till age 25 years 15Lac
eaming & dependent SLumit for spouse-50%
SI of Prime Earning
member-Proposer (MaxbLd
spouse &Children) e n - 25% Si of Prime Earning 1s COVereu
from the same familyrequired
Family discount 10% discount on premum f more thanone individual for above

Documents required u y fuled Proposal form, photo and Age proof

proof (optional) proof is
(optional) Income pro
Lakhs above sum insured
Risk Group Classification Coverage Classification
Risk Group-1 Persons
engaged primarily able A-45 times ofthe
n Administrative functions What is covered
Accidental Dealh only as
additional S
B - 80 times monthly income
Risk Group-2: Persons engaged in What is covered
Disablement (PTD-
manual work ACcIdental Death + Accidental
when totally and irrevers ibly
S.I. & PPD -% of S.1.) 150%
disabledbut TcA to Rs. 15 Lakhs
(or) Up
Table C 100 times of the monthly

Risk Group 3 Working in What is covered

explosives Accidental Death + Accidental Permanernt Disablement
industry, mine and/ or magazine workers,
(PTD 100%* S.I &PPD % of S.1.) *150% when totally and
high tension supply, horse racing
including jockeys, athletes and irreversibly disabled but TcA
ocCupations of similar hazard. Accidental Temporary Total Disablement (Min. 5 days of
Hospilalizalion) - 1% of S.I. subject to max Rs. 15K per
completed week and for max 100 weeks or Max. -15 lakhs
Note: Overa Sum Insured under all the Tableslogether shouldnot exceed 225 times of monthly Income.
Additional and optional Benefits are Payable only on admissible Claim under the PA Section
Additional Benefits Benefit Description
On Death/ Pemanent Total
Disability of earning Parent / Insured, The Child
Educational Grant student Less than 18 yrs, is eligible for a lump sum For One -

Child Rs. 10 K
&Max -Two Children Rs.20K
Ambulance/Mortal Remains Ambulance for Hospitalisation Or transportation expenses of Mortal Remains up
Transportation toRs.5K
Travel Expenses of orne relative On death of the insured -Travel Exps. 1% of total S.I subject to Max. Rs. 50K.
Vehcie and/ or Residence
10% of Table B and Table C sum insured
Modification(on PTD Claim) subject to a max. of Rs.50K on PTD
Purchase of Blood 5% of Total sum
insured under Table A, Subject to a maximum of Rs.10K
Transportation ofImpoted Medicines 5% of Total sum insured - maximum of Rs.20K for
medical/surgical treatrment
For every claim free year, the S.I under Death & P.T.D
Cumudlative Bonus alone will be increased
by 5% Sub. Max 50%
Optional Benefits Benefit Description
Coverage fr winter sports & This extension can be granted for the period the insured Premium
Ralles person proposes to participate in such sports. (i.e Can be
100% of the final
avaled, Any time during the Policy Penod) premium per person
Medical 25% of the valid claim or 10% of SI or actual
Epenses Extonsionis less, subjoct fo maximum Rs.5 Lakhs whichever 10% of the final
Rs.1000 per day subject to maximum of 15 days premium
per year per person
p Cach per
OcCurrence and 60 days per Rs.40/- per year per
Rs.500/- for each completed policy period
day maximum person
of 15 days
e Conansconce per occurence and 60 days per
engaging one aftendant at osidence after period
Rs.15/- per year per
hospital on Ihe recommendation of discharge from person
Pramls Perlakh One Year Premiumn altending doctor
Two Year Premium
/wlh 199, service ta RG T RG 2 RO 3 RG1 RG2 RG3 Three Year Premium
fabiAA 0 9 8131 182 JH2 198 6h

g96 39923 ha8 511
6. Aidg bes PI inanil
Tolal loabity|391hss412 51 6Lo
571 6Lo
PPDFomanent Partal Disabiiry

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